Chapter 392

Actually, Lin Mo didn’t really do anything to Wang Dalong, it’s just that he didn’t separate with Yu Xian’er and the others.

This Wang Dalong was really immoral. Apart from sneaking away, he came up with a lot of bad ideas. That’s why Lin Mo punished him at that time.

Later, he generously let go of him and asked him to follow Yu Xian’er and the others. However, he did not expect that Wang Dalong not only did not leave, but followed Lin Mo’s back.

At this time, Lin Mo was fighting the two rock beasts fiercely. He never thought that Wang Dalong was so worried at this time that he was killed by the rock beast.

Lin Mo was looking at the rock beast in front of face 13 at this time, thinking about where it would be better to start and kill the rock beast.

Because he feels that he has already practiced his hands well now, this rock beast doesn’t have much effect on him at all.

When he confronted the rock beast again just now, he again fiercely performed all his moves on the rock beast back and forth.

Now that the weakness of this rock beast has been explored, it seems that there should be no need to consume it at this time, you can kill it directly and you can leave here.

So Lin Mo decided to start a furious state when he thought of this. At the rock beast, he attacked again, intending to kill it with one move, anyway, he had already found his weakness.

It was enough to attack directly at his weakness, so Lin Mo quickly rushed towards the rock beast when he thought about it.

At this moment, the rock beast had no idea that the human in front of him had just used all his strength to deal with him, but he didn’t hurt him seriously.

Not to mention that there is no serious injury or even a minor injury. This human being is particularly flexible and jumps up and down, just avoiding his own attacks, making two moves on his body from time to time.

I was particularly annoyed. Now that the rock beast saw it again, Lin Mo started to attack him again, and the rock beast thought of it in his heart.

Since he rushed towards him again, he would launch the strongest blow, and he had to beat this Damn it human to injury, so that he could feel better in his heart.

So when this rock beast thought of this, he didn’t even know that Lin Mo had already mastered his weakness at this time.

Lin Mo could kill it immediately, so he rushed towards Lin Mo without knowing it.

900  At this time, Wang Dalong, who was standing not far away, watched Lin Mo fought the rock beast for no less than two hundred rounds.

At this time, Wang Dalong was particularly anxious and prayed in his heart that Lin Mo was not hurt, and at the same time, he was thinking that this rock beast was really useless.

It was really shameful for a tall body to deal with this Lin Mo, this little human, who hadn’t beaten and injured him yet.

Just when Wang Dalong thought of this in his heart, he saw Lin Mo and the rock beasts banging together again. .

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