Chapter 11

“Have you heard? The guy from Dongfanghai squeezed a full two million yuan from Lin Mo.”

In the martial arts hall, the two martial artists stood together, speaking in a low voice.

When it comes to one million, this warrior’s eyes are full of envy.

He is just a junior warrior, even if it is a mission, it is good to have 100,000 at a time.

As for the warrior, he goes out three or four times a year at most.

After all, you have to cultivate, and if you are injured, you still need to cultivate, and the most important thing is that not every time you go out, you can gain.

Of course, compared to the average person earning tens of thousands of yuan a year, the income of the warrior is still very large.

As long as you work a little harder, Mind will have at least hundreds of thousands of income.

“Envy, I really didn’t see that Lin Mo is so rich, I always thought he was very poor?” Another exclaimed.

“Poor? How could it be possible, think about it, his talent is so low that he can’t even practice the exercises, so how can he have such a strong power? It must be supported by huge resources.”

The other nodded, agreeing.

“It’s just that Dongfanghai is kind of kind. If I want money and villas, I have a villa, so I will practice quickly.”

Such chats are happening everywhere in the martial arts hall. Nowadays, Lin Mo has received the most attention.

At this time, many people envy Lin Mo and hate themselves for not doing it. Otherwise, the money is theirs.

Soon, another intermediate warrior came to Lin Mo’s villa.

Seeing this man enter Lin Mo’s villa, the people around sighed.

“It’s Qin Long. He has just entered the Intermediate Martial Artist. I heard that he has been competing with Dongfang Hai. Now Dongfang Hai has received so much money and can purchase a lot of resources. Maybe he will be able to open Qin Long soon. He is in a hurry, right.”

“Hey, Lin Mo is really unlucky. He took the initiative to give up the villa, and it will be fine if he handed over the treatment. He has to insist on it, it is really pitiful.”

Some people couldn’t help shaking their heads, but this was the case inside the Baiju Wushu Hall, and the competition was fierce.

In particular, the competition for some resources is about strength, and the martial arts seniors did not care about it.

What they want is this kind of struggle, warriors, only by constant struggle can they move forward.

As for being bullied, it’s okay, the warrior doesn’t hold a breath in his heart, how can he move forward.

Soon after Qin Long entered, there was an explosion, the sound of fighting.

“Then Lin Mo was beaten again, I don’t know what happened.”

“Sure, he hasn’t come out in these two days. It is estimated that the whole body was injured by Dongfang Hai last time.”

“If I were Lin Mo, I would have given up the villa long ago.”

“You don’t understand, now this villa is his face, if he discards it, his face will be lost.”

People outside talked a lot, but they couldn’t see the situation inside.

The door of the villa is still very stable. Last time Dongfanghai came, it just broke open forcefully and was not damaged. He kicked the wooden door inside Lin Mo.

At this time, inside the villa, the battle is indeed over.

It’s just different from what others imagined. It was not Lin Mo, but Qin Long who fell on the ground and hurt all over his body.

Qin Long looked at Lin Mo in horror at this time, unable to believe it.

Dongfanghai defeated Lin Mo and forced Lin Mo to pay two million?

Thinking of the news he had heard before, Qin Long couldn’t wait to hack the person who told him the news now.

If Dongfanghai wins, he will eat the entire villa.

Seeing Lin Mo’s tender face, Qin Long only had two words in his mind!



Such people, even if they can’t cultivate, are not comparable to ordinary people.

Unable to cultivate, maybe it just made him become stronger slowly, he is still a super genius.

At this time, he saw Lin Mo pick up a bead fragment and said angrily: “Qin Long, you broke my orb. This is the core of a king-level alien beast. It was broken by you. The energy inside It’s all gone, it’s worth two million.”

Listening to Lin Mo’s words, Qin Long almost spit out blood.

Two million your sister!

That is how ordinary beads are good!

There is also the core of a king-level alien beast, even if I smash it hard with a hammer, I can’t break it!

At this time, Lin Mo took out a broken bottle again and said: “This is a precious bottle of Naling, which has been broken by you now. It is worth a full 1.5 million yuan. Don’t say I bully you. , I won’t let you forget about the other things. If you lose these two things, I won’t care about your business this time.”

Qin Long almost cried, this is not bullying me.

If you add up these two things, it’s estimated that you don’t need 30 yuan. You blackmailed me 3.5 million, and your heart is dark enough.

“Why, you refused to give it, that’s all, if that’s the case, don’t blame me for being rude, but someone will not be able to continue fighting in the future. For the rest of his life, he will only be able to sit in a wheelchair.” Lin Mo said lightly, his tone full of chills.

“Wait, Lin Mo, this money is too much, I really can’t get it out, so how about two million, two million?” Qin Long hurriedly shouted.

“Dongfanghai gave 2.5 million. I heard that you two have been against each other, let alone you are not as rich as him?” Lin Mo sneered.

Qin Long cursed Dongfang Hai wildly in his heart, and this time he was killed by Dongfang Haikeng.

Don’t think about it, he also knows that those news must be from Dongfanghai.

But when he thought of Dongfanghai being blackmailed 2.5 million yuan by Lin Mo, he felt happy in his heart.

Qin Long gritted his teeth and said, “2.5 million is 2.5 million, but you can’t spread the news.”

“Okay, no problem.” Lin Mo said with a smile.

He knew from a glance that Qin Long was also planning to cheat others.

There are many enemies among martial artists. After all, martial arts practitioners are generally not very good-tempered, and they may fight with each other in two sentences.

Or say that the literati scolded each other a thousand words and didn’t do anything, and the warriors would fight if they didn’t agree with each other.

Soon, Qin Long opened the door of the villa and walked out, with his head held high, as if he had benefited greatly.

Not long after, another news spread, Qin Long got a battle king kernel worth two million from it.

Two million more!

Many people heard that their eyes were red, and at the same time they secretly sighed that Lin Mo was rich and had lost four million yuan, and he still didn’t give up the villa.

Seeing Dongfanghai and Qin Long couldn’t sit still, they could get it, why we can’t.

Many intermediate martial artists are excited, in addition, some junior martial artists are also very excited.

When Dongfanghai heard the news of Qin Long, he burst into laughter and shouted, “You also have today.”

Before that, he was worried that because of losing too much money and unable to purchase resources, Qin Long’s strength would quickly surpass him.

It’s all right now, Qin Long is just like him.

Hearing this news, Dongfang Hai can be sure that Qin Long must have been blackmailed by Lin Mo.

This loss is estimated to be no less than my own.

Thinking of Lin Mo, Dongfang Hai’s eyes flashed with fear.

“Don’t offend, don’t offend.”

On the top floor of the martial arts hall, Han Shuo once again came to the office of deputy curator Zhou Xingqing.

“The curator, things are getting a bit messy, I think we should take back Lin Mo’s resources.” Han Shuo said anxiously.

Although the martial arts hall supports the struggle, it is also controlled within certain circumstances.

Otherwise, the martial arts hall would be dead on its own.

“Oh, what happened?” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

After Han Shuo talked about the matter for a while, he persuaded: “Even if Lin Mo is rich and forced to hand over 4 million, I think it is enough, and there is also a king-level alien beast in it.”

Zhou Xingqing didn’t expect things to be like this, but he always felt that things were not quite right.

Lin Mo really likes villas so much?

And that kid doesn’t look like someone who is willing to suffer.

Now I have paid 4 million, just stay in the villa like this, silently licking the wound?

As for what others said that Lin Mo was hit too much, Zhou Xingqing didn’t believe it.

“You go find Dongfanghai and Qin Long, just say I found them.” Zhou Xingqing said.

If you want to clarify the situation, just find these two participants directly.

He is the pinnacle of the martial artist, or the deputy curator, so he can ask directly, without guessing like others.

Soon, Dongfanghai and Qin Long arrived.

Qin Long looked at Dongfanghai with anger in his eyes, and shouted, “Dongfanghai, you are cruel.”

Dongfang Hai smiled and said, “Don’t say that you are like a good person, but you are not the same.”

“Humph!” Qin Long snorted coldly.

“Well, you two will stop me. If you see each other upset, just wait for a fight outside. Now tell me, Lin Mo really gave you two million each?”

Zhou Xingqing sat on the chair and looked at the two of them. After just looking at them, he judged that both of them had injuries, and they were not mild.

Sure enough, are things as you guessed it?

Faced with the inquiry of the deputy curator, the two did not conceal, and quickly told the matter.

Hearing what the two said, Han Shuo almost fell off his eyes.

He was still a little worried about Lin Mo before.

The result was fundamentally different from what he thought. Lin Mo was not only okay, but blackmailed the two of 5 million.

This reversal really made him somewhat unimaginable.

He couldn’t believe it if it hadn’t been said by the two of them themselves.

A waste material that had just been deemed unable to practice, suddenly its strength skyrocketed again, slinging two intermediate martial artists.

Zhou Xingqing smiled and said, “It’s really interesting. It seems that what I envisioned may really be realized.”

“The curator is wise.” Han Shuo sighed.

Before Zhou Xingqing said that Lin Mo might be the same as Zhang Kun, Han Shuo didn’t believe it. Now it seems that Lin Mo may be stronger than Zhang Kun.

“The curator, do you want to intervene now?” Han Shuo asked.

“No, that’s it. I want to see how far this kid can do it, haha, it’s been a long time since such an interesting thing happened.” Zhou Xingqing said with a smile.

Lin Mo is the trump card in his hand. There are contrasts within the Beast Martial Arts Hall. In addition, there are also between different martial arts gyms, even companies, and legions.

At that time, let Lin Mo take the shot, let these people know how powerful their Lanfeng City branch is.

He had regrets before. Lin Mo was abolished. Now, not only is it not abolished, but it is stronger. Naturally, he is extremely happy.

“Okay, go back, remember if you are allowed to say it, do you know?” Zhou Xingqing said.

“Yes, curator.”

Dongfanghai and Qin Long glanced at each other, then both turned and left.

Even the deputy curator helped Lin Mo, this time it is estimated that many people will suffer a big loss.

At this time, in the villa, Lin Mo smiled as he looked at the numbers in front of him.

Two hundred and three thousand six hundred and thirteen catties.

Since the last time he broke through the Intermediate Martial Artist, he has finally increased his strength by 100,000 catties.

However, all his alien beast meat was finally exhausted.

If you want to eat, you must go out and buy it!

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