Chapter 104

Guan Shan is the Wu Sheng who is in charge of here.

When he received the news, he was also very surprised, and rushed over quickly.

Can something happen here, otherwise even if he is a martial sage, he will be punished by the sage master.

Standing in front of the gate, he looked inside.

There is a powerful magic circle in Wanyuan Sacred Territory, even these Martial Emperors can’t check the true situation inside.

On Guan Shan’s body, the Dhamma appeared, and quickly watched the situation inside.

This look shocked him.

I saw that the remnant spirit inside almost recovered, waiting for people to accept the inheritance.

He has never seen this situation.

At this moment, he could see a person carrying him on his back, constantly walking towards the depths of the Ten Thousand Origins Sacred Realm.

The place where the strong of Wanyuan Holy Realm is buried is also different.

The stronger the person, the deeper the burial location and the larger the tomb.

For example, the outermost tomb is the tomb of the junior Wu Zong, about 20 meters high.

And some of them are the tombs of Intermediate Wu Zong, which may be thirty meters high.

Similarly, the outer tombs are the most, and the farther inside, the fewer tombs.

Guan Shan saw at this time that many remnant spirits seemed to riot.

The reason for this situation is that Lin Mo’s talent is too strong.

All the remnants believe that Lin Mo is the best inheritor.

But Lin Mo only walked in the middle position, which caused other remnants to be unable to show themselves in front of Lin Mo.

Can Ling is an obsession. In this case, he naturally wants to rush to Lin Mo, let Lin Mo accept their inheritance and help them accomplish things.

Guan Shan’s expression was solemn, and he quickly squeezed the law decision, urging the inner law circle to stabilize all the remnant spirits in the tombs.

You know, because of the broken spirit, it has the instinct to devour other remnants.

Once these remnants rushed out, it would definitely be a disaster.

Even if it can be resolved at that time, it will cause a large number of remnants to disappear.

Even once the remnant spirit becomes strong enough, he will take the initiative to escape from this Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm and find someone to seize the house by himself.

This kind of thing happened once before.

At that time, there was a super genius in Xuanguang Holy Land, and this genius also came to this Ten Thousand Origin Holy Land.

Then the entire Wanyuan Holy Land rioted.

All the remnants broke free from the shackles of the tomb, rushed out and swallowed each other, and at the same time their thoughts changed.

Before, these remnants wanted to find someone to pass on and complete their tasks.

But later, these remnant spirit fusion bodies forcibly occupied the body of the genius, seized the house, and wanted to escape from the Xuanguang Holy Land.

Finally, he was killed by the Holy Lord who rushed over, and a generation of Tianjiao died like this.

And then, Wu Huang and Wu Zong who were in charge of guarding at that time were all executed because of ineffective guards. Wu Sheng was sent to the battlefield to fight for life, and finally died on the battlefield.

Guan Shan didn’t want to repeat the situation of Wu Sheng.

As the circle was urged, the remnant spirits were trapped in their tombs to death by prisoners, unable to come out, and the entire Ten Thousand Origins Holy Territory returned to calm once again.

Lin Mo walked in the Holy Land. He felt a little danger just now, but now the danger has disappeared again.

He continued to move forward, and he couldn’t even look down on the inheritance of the junior Wuzong.

You know, once you come in, there is only one chance of inheritance.

According to reason, Lin Mo can come in three times and inherit three times.

But the inheritance may also be mutually exclusive.

And every time you accept the inheritance, it is a cause and effect. If it can’t be completed, you will have to pay a price in the future.

Lin Mo owns the realm of cause and effect, so naturally he knows the situation better.

Soon, he walked through the area where the junior Wuzong was located.

There are probably more than two thousand graves in the entire elementary Wuzong area.

In the middle of the two areas, there is a large open space, and a clear boundary can be seen.

It took about one kilometer to enter the intermediate Wuzong area.

As Lin Mo walked into the area of ​​the final intermediate Wuzong, the remnant spirits in the tombs also boiled instantly, one by one wanting Lin Mo to accept their inheritance.

A remnant spirit near Lin Mo quickly showed his heritage.

In the next moment, Lin Mo saw a full 18 kinds of profound meanings.

As long as you accept the inheritance, you can get eighteen kinds of profound meanings.

What needs to be done is to find a descendant of the opponent and assist the opponent to cultivate to the Martial Emperor level.

Although these profound meanings are very common, there are only two realms of profound meaning that can be formed.

But the eighteen kinds of profound meanings are also very scary. At least Lin Mo himself has not had the eighteen kinds of profound meanings.

Although there are many eighteen kinds of profound meanings, Lin Mo has no interest at all.

He continued to walk forward, the remnant spirit wanted to continue to show himself, but was trapped by the magic circle and couldn’t break free.

At the gate, Guan Shan’s expression turned gloomy again.

He felt the entire magic circle violently fluctuate again, and quickly cast the magic decision again, urging the magic circle to control the remnant spirits.

The strength of these remnants is also very terrifying.

One or two may not be good, but hundreds or thousands are more serious.

After controlling the situation again, Guan Shan thought for a while and reported the matter.

For this kind of thing, you have to find someone to hold back, or if something goes wrong, you will be dispatched to the battlefield just like the previous Martial Saint, fighting for a lifetime, and dying miserably.

The object of Guanshan’s report is naturally the head of the Holy Master Wan Guangming.

Wan Guangming was practicing in retreat at this time.

As a powerhouse at the peak martial sage level, Wan Guangming naturally wanted to go one step further.

He was cultivating, suddenly frowned, and picked up the communicator.

Wan Guangming is a little unhappy. There have been a lot of things recently, and it’s hard to calm down and cultivate.

In fact, he usually asked Wu Sheng below to do some things, but these things have been relatively important recently.

He picked up the communicator and asked, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

He quickly left his mansion and flew towards the Wanyuan Holy Land.

Ten Thousand Origins Holy Land is very important to Xuanguang Holy Land, and I don’t think there can be a problem.

As soon as Wan Guangming flew out, he ran into Mu Tianqin who had come back from outside.

In Xuanguang Holy Land, the residences of the Holy Lord and Wu Sheng are in the Holy Land of Cultivation.

Of course, their mansion is still much larger and more advanced than Lin Mo.

“Head, what happened~ “?”

Seeing Wan Guangming rushing out, Mu Tianqin couldn’t help asking.

Wan Guangming said: “The remnant spirits of the Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm have begun to riot, I will go there to make sure it is safe.”

“Ten Thousand Origins Holy Land, I will go with you too.” Mu Tianqin said.

Profound meaning occupies a large part of the inheritance, so a large part of the inheritance is the flow of artistic conception, and Mu Tianqin is naturally very concerned.

“Also, let’s go together.” Wan Guangming said.

The two hurried to the Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm, and they were relieved seeing everything here as usual.

“What’s the matter?” Wan Guangming asked.

Guan Shan said: “Master, enter a ground, the talent is too strong, it caused the restlessness of the remnant spirit inside, I was afraid that it would cause the previous situation, so I reported it.”

Too talented?

Wan Guangming and Mu Tianqin glanced at each other, and both of them released their own thoughts and sensed them.

Sure enough, they found Lin Mo inside.

Wan Guangming smiled and said, “Sure enough, it is this kid. He was given two opportunities to enter the Ten Thousand Origins Sacred Realm during the assessment. Now he has finally come.”

Mu Tianqin also smiled and said: “. 々You are afraid that you still don’t know, you disciple, you just went to the battle tower before, won the first place, and won a place in the Ten Thousand Origins Holy Realm.”

Wan Guangming was slightly stunned, and then smiled. With the strength and talent of his own disciple, it is quite normal to win the first place.

Wan Guangming took over the control of the magic circle from Guan Shan. With him here, even if all the remnants rioted, nothing would happen.

Guan Shan couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief.

After listening to the conversation between Wan Guangming and Mu Tianqin, he knew that the young people inside were disciples of the Sovereign Lord, no wonder they were so strong.

Guan Shan has been retreating in Wanyuan Holy Land for a long time. He doesn’t know the situation outside. Otherwise, he will know something about Lin Mo.

At this time, Lin Mo continued to move forward in the territory of Wanyuansheng.

He naturally didn’t take a fancy to the inheritance of Intermediate Wu Zong.

The number of the entire intermediate Wuzong is about a thousand people, which is half less than that of the junior Wuzong.

Those buried here are all people who have died in the Xuanguang Holy Realm for countless years, and there are still remnants. If there are no remnants, they will be moved to other places to be truly quiet and not let people Excuse me.

Lin Mo walked through the intermediate Wuzong, to the area where the high-level Wuzong and the pinnacle Wuzong were located.

The total number of Wu Zong of these two levels is less than 500, which is a lot less than the previous ones.

At this time, as Lin Mo entered, the remnant spirits here also began to riot (Zhao De Zhao).

Although the number here is not as much as the previous ones, the remnant spirit is much stronger.

The inheritance that can be given is also much stronger.

The riots just started and were quickly suppressed, which gave Lin Mo a lot of peace of mind.

This time Lin Mo didn’t walk directly to the front.

The inheritance of Wuzong’s pinnacle powerhouse is still worth seeing.

But soon Lin Mo was a little disappointed.

Although the inheritance here is much better than the previous ones, in his opinion, it is still a bit bad.

After Lin Mo strolled around, none of them were selected.

He continued to walk forward, this time entering the Martial Saint area.

The entire Wusheng area is just one place, and there is no elementary or advanced level.

The reason for this is that the number of Wu Sheng is too small.

The tomb of each Wu Sheng is huge, with a height of 100 meters, Lin Mo can sense that the remnant spirit here is extremely powerful.

He walked over, and soon a remnant spirit of Martial Saint emerged.

Compared with the madness of the previous Can Ling, the Can Ling here is obviously much calmer, and even has to look at Lin Mo again.

But think about it and know that what they want people to do is afraid that it needs the cultivation of Wu Sheng.

Soon, the first inspection was over, and he said: “Getting my inheritance, I need to kill someone for me.”

Lin Mo looked at the other party’s inheritance and was slightly taken aback. He didn’t expect it to be this thing. idle.

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