Chapter 1

Lin Mo sat at the end of the classroom, staring at the sky outside.

It has been three days since he had traveled into this world, and he was a little uncomfortable.

This is a world of spiritual energy recovery, with powerful monsters, various ghosts, humans can also practice, and the strong can display powerful magical powers, move mountains and fill the sea, and are omnipotent.

In such a world, Lin Mo naturally hopes that he can become a peerless powerhouse.

It’s just that in the past three days, he has recognized the situation clearly, and his talent is indeed a bit bad.

In this world, the ranks are divided into martial artists, martial masters, martial kings, martial emperors, etc. It is easy to remember, but even the lowest rank martial artists requires tens of thousands of pounds of strength.

And Lin Mo, at this time, has a thousand catties of power.

Compared to his previous life, his power is naturally terrifying, but in this class, it is extremely bad.

The best student in the class has reached the martial artist level impressively.

“Everyone, tomorrow is the day when the major martial arts halls, companies, and corps will pick people and perform well,” the teacher said.

Many people walked out of the classroom with backpacks, looking excited.

The school only teaches basic training, and there are no very good medicines, exercises, and training equipment. Only by joining these large martial arts gyms, legions, companies, etc., can you truly enjoy those good things.

“Lin Mo, go, don’t think too much, even if you are not recruited, with your strength, it is still possible to find a wife and live a life.” said the best friend Zhao Kuo.

Lin Mo gave a wry smile, was born again, and came to such a world, let him be an ordinary person, how willing he is.

Perhaps after hearing Lin Mo’s heartfelt voice, a voice quickly sounded in his mind: the super training system is activated, as long as the host completes the task, you can…get…fast…fast…become stronger… ….Dididi…”

Lin Mo is overjoyed, thinking that his system has finally arrived.

I know, I have passed through, how could it be such a waste.

It’s just that the sound of the system behind it was intermittent, and then it made a dribble sound, which made him feel very bad.

Isn’t this a problem?

Lin Mo shouted loudly in his head: “System, system?”

There is no response.

Lin Mo is completely confused!

Own system, gone?

Zhao Kuo saw Lin Mo’s sluggish appearance, thinking he could not accept his ordinary life in the future, sighed and turned to leave.

He doesn’t need to worry about it. Although his power can’t reach the 10,000 catties of the martial artist, but it is more than 8,000 catties, he is not afraid of not being recruited.

When he came back to his senses, Lin Mo found that Zhao Kuo had left.

Lin Mo felt a little regretful. He packed his things and walked outside.

As he walked a few steps, he felt that his strength seemed to increase a bit.

Lin Mo shook his hand, and the feeling became clearer.

He looked at his hand, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

“Is there a problem with the system, but it still makes myself stronger quickly, I only took a few steps, and it feels like I have gained a few kilograms of strength. Go to the playground and try it out.”

Lin Mo quickly ran towards the playground. The more he ran, the more he felt his strength was increasing, and his speed increased faster than before.

The increased strength of running seems to increase more than walking.

If one step increases the strength of one catty, then one step increases the strength of five or six catties.

“It’s cool, what a warrior is, as long as I run two kilometers to be a warrior, not only that, I will continue to grow stronger.”

Lin Mo was overjoyed and ran quickly on the playground.

Some students looked at Lin Mo running and smiled disdainfully.

“I’m still running at this time. I really think that running at this time can quickly become stronger, and tomorrow’s assessment will be able to have good results?” a girl who passed by sneered.

Lin Mo glanced at her, too lazy to care about her.

At this time, training can of course become stronger, and it is not normal. Wait for it, tomorrow’s assessment, I will let you drop your eyes in shock.

Lin Mo continued to run and ran. He suddenly thought: Since running can increase strength, can I become stronger if I do other training?

Lin Mo stopped, resting his hands on the ground, and suddenly felt his strength start to skyrocket.

He tried to do push-ups. Usually his arms would bend down easily, making hundreds of them easily.

But now, he can’t bend, even if he uses a lot of strength, he just slows down.

What followed was a surge in power, a power increase that was more terrifying than running.

Almost every second, the strength of a few catties is soaring.

“Is the push-ups the training method specified by the system?” Lin Mo thought to himself.

At this rate, he estimated that it would take half an hour to complete a push-up.

But in exchange for it, I am afraid that it can increase the strength of tens of thousands of catties.


On the playground, Lin Mo almost kept a movement, moving slowly.

Some people walked over and smiled again.

“It’s so difficult to do a push-up, and the strength is really bad.”

“If you want me to do it, I have done a lot for such a long time.”

The students who passed by were all disdainful.

Especially some people who knew Lin Mo sneered and walked away.

In their opinion, after tomorrow, they and Lin Mo will not have any intersection.

One is destined to be the strong, and the other is destined to be an ordinary life.

Half an hour passed.

Lin Mo finally stopped.

At this moment, he felt sore all over, and power seemed to burst out everywhere.

This power is terrifying.

Lin Mo stood up and took two steps. Because he couldn’t control it, several footprints quickly appeared on the concrete floor, and Lin Mo’s shoes were directly damaged.

“The sudden increase in power is really a big problem.”

Lin Mo took a look at his clothes, walked carefully toward the sand, and then walked silently on the sand.

After an hour, he completely wanted to cry.

His strength has increased by tens of thousands of catties, and his clothes are in tatters.

Fortunately, it was getting dark, he looked around and rushed quickly.


He quickly rushed out of the campus, leaving only a shadow, and no one could be seen at all.

Soon, Lin Mo returned to where he lived.

Before going upstairs, a pang of hunger suddenly broke out.

“Not good, the strength has skyrocketed too much, and the body does not have enough energy to replenish.”

For this, Lin Mo has long known.

If you want to practice fast, you must add enough energy.

People who exercise in the gym in the previous life will eat all kinds of nutrients.

This world is the same, he knew that those strong in the class would basically eat all kinds of exotic animal meat to supplement their nutrition.

The worst alien beasts all have a martial artist level, and their bodies contain powerful energy.

Just like Lin Mo’s body at this time, it actually contains powerful energy.

His current strength is more than 20,000 jin, at the level of a junior warrior.

Achieving 10,000 jin of strength is a junior martial artist, and to reach an intermediate martial artist, it requires a full 100,000 jin of strength, and the gap between the two is huge.

Lin Mo took out his money and prepared to go out for a meal.

The original owner was an orphan before, but he moved to a relief house later, and he was impoverished.

However, Lin Mo is already a martial artist now. As long as he goes to the martial arts guild for testing, he can receive a sum of money, about 100,000.

With this money, you can eat a good meal.

After changing his clothes and taking a shower, Lin Mo walked out of his house.

Walking in the alley, he suddenly heard the call vaguely. .

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