Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 394 - The three little dragons running away

Chapter 394 – : The three little dragons running away

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, his expression a little embarrassed and said, “No, go back first!”

Everyone nodded.

Jiang Yuan’s energy and blood shook suddenly, and there was a burst of violent steel collisions,-the next one spread out, extremely fierce.


Covering the three of them, they disappeared instantly.

Jiang Yuan felt a slight shock in his heart.

He didn’t expect that after the cells were strengthened, although his combat power did not increase, he used his power more.

Kind of fierce feeling.

With a trace of blazing heat.

Soon, a few people came out of the atmosphere of Aqua Blue Star.

As soon as Jiang Yuan took shape, the powerful man in the realm of human manifestation with nervous expression around him looked at him in amazement.

“Yes, it is the ancestor of Jiangyuan

“Mine is really Jiang Yuan

“Jiangyuan ancestors actually came back.

“This is the first time I have seen Jiang Yuan so close to my heaven

In an instant, everyone was excited, looking at Jiang Yuan in shock, all expressions on his face were moved.

There are more than half of the people who have never seen Jiang Yuan with their own eyes. They can only know from some videos and documentaries.

Some news.

Or in the cities of the human race, watching the huge statue.

For many people, Jiang Yuan is an existence like an idol, a symbol of invincibility, a human epic, and a living

Of myths and legends.

The entire human race does not need to know the three human ancestors of the human race, but there is no ignorance of Jiang Yuan.

Go up to the ** ten-year-old, go down to kindergarten students.

The first lesson of their life is to spend it in a documentary.

Watching Jiangyuan’s battles, big and small, introduced Jiangyuan’s great achievements.

Whenever this time, countless kindergarten teachers are most excited, countless words of praise, all kinds of exciting fighting sounds

Music resounded through the schools.

And people also know a spirit.

It is called Jiangyuan Spirit, which means unyielding and unforgiving, the backbone of the human race.

“Ren Zu…

The clattering sound resounded all of a sudden, and everyone knelt on one knee, looking at Jiang Yuan with piercing eyes.

As if seeing the faith in my mind.

Looking at this, the first person to lead the rise of the human race.

Everyone’s eyes were filled with excitement.(Read more @

Watching the greatest hero in their hearts so close, it made them excited, and even trembling all over.

Jiang Yuan smiled slightly, feeling the fiery mood of the human race, and waved his big hand-

A turbulent but gentle force of energy and blood burst out instantly, sweeping over the people on the left and right, pulling everyone up.

The voice passed through his mouth with majesty: “Our human race, kneel down to heaven, kneel down to your parents, but you can’t kneel to me.”

Everyone suddenly burst into strong shouts, their eyes still hot and turbulent.

Jiang Yuan glanced vaguely at the ancestor of Shocking Dragon, his eyes flashed with blame.

It seems to be saying, don’t engage in these falsehoods.

Shocked Dragon Ancestor also projected an innocent look, and hooked the Xingyue Ancestor next to him with the corner of his mouth.

It seems to be saying that this silly girl did it all. If you want to blame it, blame him. It has nothing to do with me.

The Xingyue human race suddenly lowered his head a little embarrassedly, his face flushed to the root of his neck.

Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head in front of so many people, his voice said with majesty: “It’s all gone!”

Everyone was in unison, as if they had been rehearsed, they responded directly and instantly turned into golden rainbows, rushing

The clouds below disappeared.

Jiang Yuan looked at the ancestor of Jinglong and said, “How about it, are all the personnel ready?”

Jinglong Renzu nodded and said: “All are ready, now we are waiting for our three apprentices to return.”

As he spoke, his brows couldn’t help but frowned and said, “I don’t know if there is a problem with their equipment or what happened.

The message sent has not been returned yet. ”

Jiang Yuan thought for a while and said: “Don’t worry, in the territory of the Honglian Empire, there should be no race that dares to provoke us.


The Jinglong human race laughed and said: “I know this. Now in the entire Red Lotus Empire, who doesn’t know that our human race is extremely strong, the most

To protect our shortcomings, even the empire is not willing to offend us. ”

Jiang Yuan smiled, with some pride in his eyes: “Okay, get ready! When your apprentice comes back, I

Let’s leave first and go to Tianjie. We can’t delay too much time in Aquastar. ”

As they spoke, several people turned into golden streamers and disappeared in place.

At the same time, in an empty galaxy, an eight-story dark golden pagoda, in the speed of light space, fast


Behind the pagoda, four turbulent breaths

Crazy shock came.

Is catching up.

At the top of the pagoda, there are three golden figures floating in it, and the brilliance of the body appears a little dim.

Individuals gritted their teeth and their eyes were bloodshot.

Peng Wanli, how many blood stones are still in the Pagoda?”

Ren Xiang’s voice sat in the center of the three people, his face was extremely pale, a lot of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his heart was beating wildly.


“Not much, there are only more than a thousand blood stones.”

Another voice came from a wild-looking man beside him.

As you can hear, his voice is also full of anxiety.

“Continue to throw in the blood stone.

Ren Xiang gritted his teeth and said to the other person beside him: “Sun Yongsheng, are you sure we can rush back to Shui Lanxing?”


Sun Yongsheng next to him is an extremely handsome man, as handsome as a woman, but he speaks like a man.


His (money-bearing) voice is extremely certain.

“But even if we return to Aqua Blue Star, our three human ancestors cannot compete with the four Broken Star Realm ancestors! Among them are

An invincible ancestor.

“That, that, that is the existence of Ten Thousand Stars’ combat power!”

Peng Wanli couldn’t help talking in a bit of horror. “I am worried that I am worried that introducing them to Aquastar will lead wolves into the room.

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Sun Yongsheng: “Don’t worry, trust me, our Aquastar is not watching

It’s that simple to go up.

“Don’t forget, we still have a more terrifying existence, Jiang Yuan ancestor.”

When Sun Yongsheng mentioned Jiang Yuan, his voice couldn’t help but a little high, with huge fluctuations.

“But, is the Jiangyuan ancestor their opponent? They have been missing for two years, and there is no news at all. If he

What should I do if I’m not in Aquastar?”

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