Chapter 250 – : Crazy

They have recognized from the clothing worn by each other, this person is a disaster emperor of Rising, and his strength

Powerful, every time it appears, there are important things to announce.

It is a window for public announcements.

The woman slowly opened her mouth and said: “Just now, a 30th-level potential race passed by our Rising Stars and officially confronted one by one.

Fifteenth-level clans, issued a declaration of war

Hearing the woman’s words, everyone in the ancient clan was taken aback for a while, and then the hall burst into laughter.

“I’m not mistaken! The 30th-level potential race, and the 65th-level clans, issued a war declaration, and caused trouble to this race.

The top executives are flooded with water, or are they burnt?”

“There is a difference of more than 30 levels of racial potential. Where does the self-confidence come from, and who gives them the self-confidence? Is this a typical death-seeking?

Do you want to be annihilated?”

“Haha. It’s really interesting. It’s probably the funniest joke I’ve heard in the past 100 years. These weak races

Which one is not afraid to be frightened, and lives carefully on his home planet, for fear of going out to cause trouble, and find a loan for the big clan

Mouth, come directly to the extermination.

“As soon as I heard that the clan was offended, I was so scared that I immediately apologized and ceded the territory, wishing the clan to kneel down.

Before the big clan, ask for forgiveness. ”

“Yes! This race has really come to an end. Those who don’t know are fearless, a young and energetic race! Offend one-a big race

I don’t want to resolve the grievances, apologize, ceding territory, and want to resist. It’s really interesting. ”

“The race declares war on the big clan, and the big clan randomly sends some powerful people across the universe, and they pass by at once, and it is directly annihilating the clan.

The empire will not say anything. “” Take the blame, they deserve it if they are annihilated. Who will die if they don’t die? They won’t be miserable by other races.

Everyone from the ancient people of Dayan laughed wildly, looking at the jokes the same, it felt very interesting, with a high-ranking posture,

Listen to the announcement of the woman in the video.

But then the voice of the woman suddenly made everyone unable to say a word.

“The race declared war is a race that has just entered the universe. It has just completed the evaluation of its potential and reached level 30.

His name is Human Race, and the target of the declaration of war is a tribe who has just been promoted to the Northern Xinjiang tribe, Dayan Ancient Clan”

When her words fell, everyone in the ancient people of Dayan widened their eyes in astonishment. The person sitting there,

He stood up suddenly.

In an instant, their fists were clenched, and the blood in their bodies was boiling wildly, a crazy atmosphere, in everyone

The heart is boiling and roaring.(Read more @

“The damn man” Mu Ze roared directly, his voice was very angry, as if he was being ashamed.

In general, the angry face was distorted.

“This ant-like race who gave him the courage and the confidence to declare war on us is bold.

audacious in the extreme.

“I want them to annihilate the race

Mu Ze roared frantically, his face flushed, as if a bowl of delicate food fell into a kind of fly, letting

He was sick, and his appetite was gone all at once.

In their eyes, the human race that has just completed the race potential evaluation is this fly that actually declared war on them.

This is totally disgusting them. :

“One-it must be the Swiss, it is the Swiss! We deliberately use this method to shame us, damn it, damn it” Mu Zezi

Overturned the table.

All the things above, all the wine fell on the ground.

At almost the same time, a message resounded on the ends of their wrists.

As soon as it was opened, the phantom of the Tao was projected out at once.

A man with a tall stature and full of disaster, looked around with stern eyes, and finally fell on Mu Ze’s body.

, The voice said with a chill: “What’s the matter with Muze? Why is a race like an aboriginal inexplicable?

Don’t tell me about our declaration of war, you don’t know anything.

Mu Ze’s complexion changed, she became a little pale, and everyone gathered together in a clatter, bending down respectfully.

Li, I heard Mu Ze’s voice trembling: “Yes, it’s from the Rui clan.

The man frowned and took a deep breath and said: “The Swiss have long had opinions on us.

Such a civilization disgusts us, and only they can do it. ”

After finishing speaking, his tone was slightly relaxed and said: “This is a temptation of the Rui clan, you don’t need to stay at Rising anymore.

Hurry back as soon as possible! Find the home planet of that indigenous planet, send someone directly over and destroy the race directly. ”

As he spoke, his tone was extremely proud, as if he was saying that a mosquito was pinched to death, and he didn’t care at all.

“” “Mu Ze didn’t dare to say anything, bowed his head respectfully, and watched the other party disappear completely, which was relieved.


But the expression on his face was even more angry, gritted his teeth, and made a hideous voice between his teeth: Back

go with.

Everyone nodded angrily.

At this moment, in a huge palace, Ruiluo was politely chatting with many people, and the terminal on Ruikang’s wrist

But there was a sudden tremor, and he knew what had happened.

Ruikang looked at Jiang Yuandao: “Di Zun, according to your request, the war declaration has been issued, and as a big clan

They have no right to reject a race’s declaration of war. ”

“And we also found that the people of the Dayan Ancient Clan have left their temporary residence (Wang Wanghao) and started to open up Ruixing.

It should be prepared to return to the mother star of the big clan. ”

Having said that, Ruikang glanced at his elder brother, and then said in a deep voice: “Should I send someone to take them all?


Jiang Yuan looked at him with a faint smile on Meow Corner, shook his head slightly and said, “No need.”

If he agrees with the other party’s opinion, he has inherited the other party’s favor, and asks the human race what the other party wants in the future.

Terran is not easy to refuse, it is very troublesome.

Immediately Jiang Yuan changed the subject and said: “But there is one thing. I need a little help from the nobles. I don’t know if I can send a ship.

Battleship, now send us to the home planet of the Dayan Ancients. ”

“Now?” Ruikang was stunned, staring at Jiang Yuan, and couldn’t help saying: “Don’t you need to mobilize the army from the Hui clan?

?Just go by like this?”.

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