Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 216 - Affect the four seasons and change the climate

Chapter 216 – : Affect the four seasons and change the climate

This is the biggest source of fear of the human race, and the creator of all disasters, the emperor of the disaster who used to be a fierce beast and an alien race,

The horror of Broken Star Realm now exists.

Almost at the moment when the opponent appeared, the whole world was filled with a fiery torrent, and even the whole star

The temperature of the ball is constantly rising.

The terrifying existence of Broken Star Realm already possesses the power to break the world.

Their appearance is equivalent to a natural disaster, a disaster that exterminates everything, affects the weather, changes the season, and can even be strong

Make a planet and change its ecological environment to cater to them.

This is Broken Star Realm, the master of planets.

When the earth appeared in him, it was constantly broken and cracked, and the entire continental plate was shaking, and the coastal land was turbulent.

Agitated the waves of hundreds of meters, and constantly slapped the reef.

The surrounding oceans within thousands of miles are rolling.

The temperature is constantly rising, above the earth, countless rivers and streams are evaporating, countless tiny water vapor particles,

Constantly pouring into the clouds.

The magma has also become more active, flowing faster, and erupting more turbulent.

Above the earth, some trees ignited spontaneously, and the air was distorted by the burning.

When the broken star realm fierce beast-eyes appeared between heaven and earth 077, the temperature of the entire world rose to one.

This terrible situation instantly surpassed fifty degrees Celsius.

A strong person, who has reached this level, does not need to do anything. The power that he carries alone can change a star.

The ball, the real horror is like this.

Jiang Yuan would be unbelievable if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.

Individual power is really powerful enough to affect the natural order of operation of heaven and earth.

In Jiang Yuan’s eyes, the opponent’s aura has reached its apex, reaching the power of a hundred stars, equivalent to the power of a tens of billions of dragons.

The combat power value is even more immeasurable.

We must know that the power of a giant dragon is equivalent to tens of millions of combat power, comparable to the power of a square town general and a tens of billions of giant dragons.

It is equivalent to the sum of tens of billions of town generals.

The gap between the realms, the combat power is almost incalculable.

Jiang Yuan’s achievement of the Disaster Evil Emperor only had the power of one star, and the opponent was more than a hundred times stronger than him, and could not be shaken at all.

It is as if a baby is facing a boxing champion and is killed with one punch, with no chance of surviving.

Jiang Yuan is not stupid either. He stayed, not to desperately, but to find a way (cibh) to cut the connection between the two worlds and give himself

Your home planet creates time and is further enhanced.

At the same time, I also want to get some genes or substances from the opponent’s body, which has been deduced as part of the third stage of manifestation.

What is the broken star realm after?

In the next second, the huge black hole that Jiang Yuan transformed into moved.

Directly on top of the opponent’s head, the huge suppression force burst out suddenly, and it came all of a sudden, suppressing the opponent stubbornly.(Read more @

The advent.

After all, he is not a real black hole celestial body, and it can naturally change the power structure in it.

Swallow and suppress, switch at will.

At the same time, Zhentianzhong whizzed out from the pitch-black black hole, and at a speed visible to the naked eye,

It’s getting bigger quickly, getting bigger and bigger.

It reached the size of a hundred miles in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Yuan is now countless times stronger than his previous self. He is able to push Zhentian Bell to the limit, and he can even smash a continent.

The support is high and broken.

Controlling the Zhentian Bell of the size of a hundred miles is even easier. On the contrary, because of the high concentration of power, it can exert great power.

A bit of supernatural power from the Japanese town. “Smash

Without hesitation, Jiang Yuan’s magnificent voice came from the black hole, cold and ruthless, like a killing machine.

Under his control, Zhentianzhong smashed down frantically.


It smashed on the two neighboring corners at once.

At the moment of collision, the aura of destruction carried in Zhentian Bell turned into circles of purple cut light patterns, which were cut all at once.

Above the two adjacent corners.

Kaka’s voice kept resounding, and the neighboring corner remained motionless.

But Jiang Yuan still didn’t give up. He raised the Zhentian Clock again, and smashed it crazily again, time after time.

Fierce and domineering, crazy.

“You mosquito”

At this time, a roar suddenly resounded, and the entire continental plate shook more violently.

The terrifying existence under the earth, frantically struggling.

A hundred times the strength of Jiang Yuan burst out at once, creating a terrible sense of brokenness, and the Zhoutian space was like a mirror, constantly

A crack appeared, and it rushed to the black hole that Jiang Yuan had transformed into.

Jiang Yuan had long expected that the black hole’s power form would suddenly be changed into swallowing power, and the opponent’s power would be swallowed directly.

The size of the black hole, unexpectedly, at a speed visible to the naked eye, went crazy in a circle, increasing from 10,000 meters in diameter.

One hundred meters

, The devouring power has also increased in followers.

However, what this increased was the power of the black hole domain, and did not increase Jiang Yuan’s qi and blood power.

Even so, the increase in the black hole domain has also increased the power of the black hole, and the amount of suppression pressure has become more stable.

The rate of increase of the opponent who was suppressed at once slowed down a bit.


Under Jiang Yuan’s control, Zhen Tianzhong’s speed is getting faster and faster, and it keeps smashing down, aiming at an adjacent corner, every time

Smash a position.

Under the constant smashing, the neighboring corner made a click, and there was a trace of cracks.

The black hole that Jiang Yuan transformed into suddenly fell, and the force of suppression was directly transformed into the force of devouring, actually turning into the crack

Countless broken materials were absorbed.


With joy in Jiang Yuan’s heart, the entire black hole field suddenly shrank, and the continuous transformation turned into Jiang Yuan’s body.

“you wanna die

The fierce beast in Broken Star Realm instantly became furious, and immediately noticed Jiang Yuan’s thoughts, extremely crazy, with a big hand.

Crazy breaking open the earth, and coming towards Jiangyuan overwhelmingly arrested.

With a smile on Jiang Yuan’s face, his body spread out directly, turning into dense black particles in the sky, like a strong wind,

Rushed towards the big crack in the distance.

Now that I have got some information about the opponent’s body, the next step is to return to my home planet, retreat well, and fight for

Decipher the mystery.

In the future, strive to break through the broken star realm.

This is a great opportunity for Jiang Yuan.

“Damn it” the broken star realm fierce beast screamed frantically, its body kept crawling out of the ground, arms kept constantly

Waving, carrying a broken breath.

Sweeping past, countless black particles were wiped out of the spirituality, and they broke apart and turned into dust.

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