Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 207 - Detonate all hatred (67)

Chapter 207 – : Detonate all hatred (6/7)

The seemingly empty universe is full of laws of coldness as cold as a vacuum.

“The battle of races! This is the origin of the battle of races.” Jiang Yuan’s voice murmured

Muttering to himself, he has understood everything and knows everything-

A race who wants to rise, want to grow, is destined to be a long road of aggression, wants

Survival is even more so.

There is no right or wrong, everyone wants to live, either you perish, we ban, or we

Perish, you inherit.

At this time, the fifteen human emperors of the human race flew to Jiang Yuan’s side, looking at him with fiery eyes.

They are not stupid either. Those who can become the emperor are the wise men who are determined to be the real elite of the race.

Just take a look, you can already understand the situation of this world.

Also know the situation of their human race.

This is a war of genocide, endless endlessly, either you die or I die, neither side has a retreat

Whoever retreats will die.

Jiang Yuan looked around at 15 of them, opened his mouth, and said every word: “Sweeping everything.”

There is no nonsense, the words are cold and ruthless, and there is no cherishment, and become a king-cause the enemy.

Become a race and live, ruin and genocide.

The eyes of the fifteen people became more blazing, their chests bulged, and blood was boiling.




Voices burst out from their mouths, rumbling and resounding resounding in this area is about to fall apart

In the world-

The grand masters and even the grand masters have come to the surface of this world, forming a group

A large army began to attack the ferocity of the four-sided approach.

On the ground, countless fierce beasts roared.

In the far horizon. Among the peculiar earthen buildings, there are many golden lights.

Rising up and flying over crazy-

In an instant, the whole world is full of howling and leaping through the air.

At the same time, Terran’s Three Hundred Towns lifted up Renwang and others into the sky in an instant.

Brilliant golden light clusters illuminate the earth.

“Human race, you still dare_”-

The horrible roar of Tao suddenly rose up in the east, and then,-Tao brilliant

The colorful streamer illuminates half of the sky at once.

In the second stage of the manifestation of the saint among the fierce Lu aliens, the overlord of the ages finally made a move.

The force of horror passed through all of a sudden, and it hit frantically. It was just a colorful, extremely

The gorgeous beam of light ran rampant, and was about to fall into the human army in an instant.

This blow contained crazy resentment.

As if the fig leaf was torn off, revealing their true colors, let him(Read more @

Our faces are scandalized and crazy, this is what they cannot tolerate as intruders.


“Looking for death.”

Jiang Yuan’s black blood and golden body moved all at once, and the terrifying black energy burst out all at once.

A huge circular black light curtain is formed, blocking the front.


In an instant, the beam of light hits up and directly turns into starlight, dissipating little by little, but

The light curtain was intact, and Jiang Yuan’s body began to grow bigger while breathing.

One hundred meters

Two hundred meters

300 meters

400 meters

800 meters__

In a blink of an eye, it surpasses dry rice, and it’s still getting bigger, increasing crazily, and a breath of horror for a moment

There was a shock in between. Surging frantically.

It even caused the distortion of the magnetic field and space around the body, and countless factors were out of balance.

He burst out, the terrifying overlord breath swept everything, and the terrifying consciousness of invincibility, also

In Sijing, let the world be filled with a self-respecting aura.

“Ten Thousand Ancient Overlord” said the voice in the distance with a hint of astonishment, as well as a kind of shock:

“I have already touched the existence of the third stage, how is it possible?

“Your human race actually still has a powerful existence like you, aren’t you all in the ancestral land? Block

The breakthrough of my clan emperor?”

He was so shocked, so surprised, as if he had seen a ghost.

But then he thought of something, running wildly, carrying the mighty spirit of blood

The force and the sound are transmitted wildly, and the breathing effort can be transmitted thousands of kilometers,

“Speed ​​support, the fourth overlord of the human race is coming, and he must be stopped! Otherwise, our emperor’s

The breakthrough will really be interrupted. ●

He screamed frantically, and suddenly attracted the attention of countless sages and powerful men.

In an instant, horrible golden lights continued to rise.

There are beast generals, good kings, and beasts, even the fear of the mysterious realm in the first stage of manifestation.

Terrible existence also rose up, and was shocked by the news.

Ask for flowers

“Human race actually appeared a fourth overlord

“How dare you come to our world to find death_seeking death_”

“Killing him can’t justify the tribe’s conspiracy.”

The roar of anger continued to resound, full of endless resentment, mixed with one

The strength of the boiling energy and blood turned into golden light, which came in a rapid impact.

The three overlords of the human race. Eight generals, like a nail, are fixed in their lives.

Realm, the emperor who prevented them from breaking through, otherwise they would have already existed with a terrifying and invincible presence.

Can lead them out of this dying world.

But now Jiang Yuan has appeared again. If he enters the land and strengthens his suppression, he

Our emperor will really not be able to break through. At that time, the disaster of their fierce beast and alien race will really come.

There is no hope in the front, and there is darkness.

Everyone who has been a fierce and strong person knows this truth. They attacked in groups, completely crazy, and must be stopped.

Jiang Yuan, or kill him on the spot, to avoid future troubles.

But everyone didn’t know that all this was what Jiang Yuan wanted.

He just wants to make a big fanfare and use his strongest posture to come to this world and become the most

The bright torch ignites itself and becomes the target.

Attract countless powerful people to attack yourself.

In the national offensive of these powerful men, he will truly embark on detachment and complete the last step of the great leap.

Step, the achievement of the human race for thousands of years, the first emperor of calamity.

To break through this step, you need unimaginable energy and blood, and you need to gather hundreds of Yingqi.

The blood golden pill burst out all at once, impacting the invincible will, turning the invisible into tangible.


Fifteen human emperors, and all kings, and more than three hundred town generals, all flew to Jiang Yuan

Looking around the earth steadily, the look in the eyes gradually changed from anxious to


Their voices are firm, and the determination in their hearts is made.

“Everyone quit

Jiang Yuan’s mighty voice suddenly resounded. Undoubtedly, he directly ordered all the people who were shaking.

The strong clan was stunned.

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