Reiki Recovery: Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 123 - Smashed upside down (17)

Chapter 123 – : Smashed upside down (1/7)

A sense of horror rises between the hearts of the two, the hair is horrified, and the hair is erect.

Zhang Dong even trembled in horror, his face was pale, and Wang Shui kept flowing from his temples.

Jiang Tingting wasn’t much better, and she was also pale and terrified.

Jiang Yuan’s huge body, hundreds of meters high, is like a skyscraper, towering into the clouds. What’s more terrifying is that his whole body is covered in

Condensed by blood.

What a huge amount of energy and blood is needed, it is unimaginable and extremely shocking.

Jiang Yuan just glanced at him, but he was not paying attention. He controlled the huge body, and walked past them directly, in Taidi.

Strike above.

The whole Taidi was roaring and trembling constantly. Some small catties were crushed by his foot, and countless stones flew randomly and smashed.

Where, where is a big pit.

Nearly 2 “Nine-Nine Outs”.

Getting closer

Jiang Yuan could even see the threads on the opponent’s claws.

In the next second, he suddenly stretched out his hand.


The strange beast Kunpeng bird, frightened, his eyes widened and panicked too loudly, his eyes were shrinking, almost scared to death, 2 crazy

Shake the wings. Want to escape for life.

But Jiang Yuan’s eyes were fierce and his knees were slightly bent.


A few hundred meters around the place under his feet collapsed in an instant, Jiang Yuan’s huge body jumped up in an instant, two-grab the opponent = only

Bird catch.

“Get off” Kun Pengniao roared, even Lianye seemed to be caught by a steel thug-down, and the frantic struggle was of no avail. He also

A melon seed cut directly towards Jiang Yuan’s arm.

I want to cut off my arm. Every day I escape.

But Ligua collided with arm 1 but made a sound of Jin Ge, and the fire was radiating, only cutting the skin, exposing the colorful glass inside.

Light, flowing constantly. Brilliant and colorful a

The two Jiang Tingting, who had just returned to their senses in the distance, just looked over and gasped again, their facial muscles trembled and stiffened.

Opened his eyes too amazed. Incredible.

“Oh my god 1 my god ah ah ah”

Zhang Duo roared in surprise. Almost all of them stomped their feet, scared their souls to be high in their bodies, and exclaimed in exclamation, “Big flesh,

Dacheng Flesh: Actually it is Dacheng Flesh”

“The manifestation of the saint can only reach the physical body 1 colored glaze blood, colored glaze bone: he, he, how could he reach this kind of bandit?

Is he still a human in the situation that Yi thinks?”

Jiang Tingting was also frightened with cold hands and feet. Too incarnate! Both the human king and the orc king dream of

realm. The real body is invincible.

What is physical invincibility?(Read more @

Exceeding the density and hardness of any material known in the world, steel drills cannot be cut. The high-pressure water column cannot be broken, even if it is a saint.

It’s hard to beat.

Once Haoran City Lord had already tempered his body in the Eight Desolate Extreme Realm, and the entire human race high-level was shocked, which angered the orc emperor.

The manifestation of the saint Tai Neng, one blow from the air, and the fragmentation of the Thousand Miles Tailu Plate, could not kill him and was escaped by him.

This can be seen. How horrible the big body is 2

Nowadays, regardless of the fierce beast and alien race. It’s still a human race, and there is no such talent and horrible existence. The second time it appears, it is the eye

In the nail in the flesh, in the thorn, you must pull out the danger, or you will be the next-Zun Haoran City Lord.

Just between the horror of the two.

Even more horrifying things happened in front of the two of them.

Jiang Yuan grabbed the two Kunpeng birds, frantically, and his blood pushed the violent to the extreme, rumbling and exploding in his body.

The golden light is more brilliant.

“Come down”

There is no nonsense, the cold and ruthless voice is like the sound of heaven and earth, passing from the mouth of Jiang Yuan. Diffuse out, majestic


In the face of unmatched power, the huge Kunpeng bird, Qiandi’s body with two brakes, was abruptly dragged.

There was a crackling sound from Jiang Yuan’s arm, almost torn apart.

“You, you, you can’t kill me”

Endless panic and horror, instantly filled Kun Pengniao’s face, and the horror in his heart surged in two waves. The cell that frightened him

All trembling.

“My father is too powerful. You can’t kill me.”

Kunpeng Bird was terrified again and again, really scared, terribly scared, this human being is more ferocious than the beast, it is simply a humanoid in ancient times.

Kind. Not a person, not a person at all, on 1!

Jiang Yuan didn’t seem to hear it, grabbed his Pang Tai’s claws, and slammed into the ground.


At the moment of the collision, the entire enterprise was trembling, the sound of rumbling was endless, and the ground was smashed out of a 100-meter pit. no

A few fine cracks in the ground, continue to spread

But Jiang Yuan has not stopped a

He picked up his body again, and slammed it towards a sharp mountain nearby.

Mountain peak

Collide with his head sometimes

The rumbling sound suddenly resounded through the world. The entire mountain top was directly smashed to pieces, countless two-person-high stones. Smashed flying everywhere

The entire mountain collapsed.

But Jiangyuan is still not satisfied with a

Carrying his huge body, he smashed into the ground crazily, faster and faster, more and more fierce, more violent, venting

With the madness in my heart a

Rumble:.: The continuous rumble of karma reverberates between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Jiang Tingting and Zhang Dong both opened their mouths in amazement, staring blankly at the huge gold in front of them. Giant, like grabbing rags,

Crazy smashing left and right

The Kunpeng bird in his hand roared constantly, cursing the roarer frantically, flapping its wings, trying to escape, hanging up layers of terror

The qi, the wave of blood.

But Jiang Yuan didn’t move,-smashed down again and again,-time was more violent than the second time.

Both of them were sluggish and empty-the corners of their eyes were shaking.

Ruthless 2

Too cruel

Make them 3. 0 panic: trembling and horrifying, at the same time, the cells are boiling, = the strength of the qi and blood, uncontrollable

The secretion of the system e

The soul was shocked unimaginably.

However, Jiang Yuan didn’t give up yet, and smashed the Kunpeng bird on the ground, as if he was not too addicted, the golden fist, just yang,

The power of blood exuding horror flashed with bright golden light.

The two breathed at this moment. It freezes again, the pupils of the eyes shrink, what comes to mind.

Next second.


Jiang Yuan smashed down suddenly, a fist containing 1.6 billion combat power, slammed on Kun Pengniao’s head vigorously, almost instantaneously.

In time, he smashed his head deep into the ground.

At the same time, a wave of terror has also risen violently and ferociously from above the land, spreading everywhere. _

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