Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1184: Netherworld Decay Demon Master Appears

The death of the Huangquan Ghost Emperor seems to have opened the curtain!

Not only did it make the Netherworld feel the way of heaven, but also triggered the vision of sympathy between the heavens and the earth, but also made hundreds of millions of ghosts in the Netherworld realm know that there is a good-fortune ghost emperor on their side!

This immediately let countless ghosts vent their anger.

Originally because of the remarks of the ghost emperor, the spirits of the ghosts were aroused, and they all wanted to drive Biluo out of the world. As a result, the ghost emperor fell not long ago. How can we not let these ghosts Shocked!

At the same time, it also cast a shadow on their hearts, and they had an ominous premonition deep in their hearts, and vaguely felt that they might not be able to drive away these powerful enemies with their strength!

Losing the mentality of winning, the momentum is naturally not as good as before, and the power of the wheel-turning ghost king who is using the belief of hundreds of millions of ghosts to bless his body is directly weaker by three points, and he is immediately seized by Taixuan ancestors. , almost exploded the huge ghost body of this supreme ghost emperor!

In the other directions, the rest of the ghost emperors who were besieged and killed by the powerhouses of the Biluo camp also changed their faces greatly, and their hearts were at a loss!

Could it be that this time they are really doomed in the ghost world?

At this time, they are also very difficult, although they are not as unlucky as Huangquan Ghost Emperor, the ghost world is still there, their realm of strength has not declined in the slightest, but because of the blessing of the will of the world, they have the spirit of ghost ghosts With the protection of luck, the strength has been further improved, but in the face of the siege of the strong who surpassed him in terms of Taoism and cultivation, it is not an opponent!

Even if the powerhouses of the Biluo camp were suppressed by the will of heaven after entering the world, they could not hold back their profound background, especially Ao Jiu and Xihuang, who eliminated Zulong and Yuanfeng within their respective groups. Except for the ancestors, they are all among the best.

Therefore, even in the opponent's world, there is no right time and place, but it has the upper hand.

This has already made several ghost emperors feel a lot of difficulties, but when Amitabha Buddha and Qingfeng ancestors killed Huangquan ghost emperors, they did not follow the origin of the ghost to find Qin Feng and the ghost ancestors to share a piece of the soup. Instead, he directly threw down the battlefield on the side of the two ancestors of the Phoenix family, joined forces with Xihuang and Suzaku, and joined forces with the four ancestors of good fortune to join forces to surround and kill a ghost emperor!

Facing the siege of four powerful men of the same level, and two of them surpassed themselves in Taoism, this immediately caused the ghost emperor to complain!

Previously under the bewitchment of the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor, and in his unwillingness in the depths of his heart, he did not hesitate to consume his source to improve his strength. Although he was unable to defeat Xihuang and Suzaku, he was attacked and attacked again, so that he would not be powerless to fight back!

But at this moment, with the addition of Amitabha Buddha and the others, he immediately fell into an absolute disadvantage, and he could no longer compete with his opponents, and he was beaten by the four ancestors in a very short time!

This is also in the realm, otherwise if you leave the ghost realm, without the blessing of the will of heaven and the protection of ghosts, I am afraid that this ghost emperor will be killed on the spot by Amitabha Buddha and the others.

Just like when these ancestors attacked and killed several ghost emperors in the expedition army when they were in the chaotic Xinghai!

The reason why they are not beheaded quickly now is mainly because the powerhouse Biluo has the absolute upper hand, and at this time, unlike a dozen fortune-telling powerhouses from the Three Realms of Demons and Gods, they are not so eager to kill. The enemy is naturally reluctant to take risks to fight, otherwise, being too aggressive is likely to put himself in danger!

But when Amitabha Buddha Qingfeng ancestor came to help, and immediately suppressed the ghost emperor with tyrannical strength, there is no possibility of turning over!

Not long after, this good-fortune ghost emperor also followed in the footsteps of the Huangquan ghost emperor and was killed by the four ancestors of the fortune!

Afterwards, they were left and right. Amitabha Buddha and Qingfeng Patriarch went to the Dragon Clan to help Ao Jiu and the others to surround and kill their opponents. Xihuang and Zhuque went to the Shenshui Palace Lord and their side, and jointly suppressed the three new good fortunes of Biluo. The last ghost emperor!

If these two ghost emperors are beheaded again, even if the only remaining ghost emperor can escape from the hands of Taixuan ancestors, he will be alone and unable to stop the decline of the ghost world!

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

If the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor also died in this battle, then even if Bi Luo plundered the origin of the Netherworld's heart and stopped targeting other ghostly clans in the Netherworld Ghost Realm, the Netherworld Ghost Realm would definitely decline in the end.

Because without the protection of the powerhouses in the realm of creation, a top-level high world that has just fallen from the big world level will definitely become a sweet pastry in the eyes of many worlds, it will be plundered by the powerful world, and eventually the ghost world will completely decay go down.

With the siege of the ancestors of the Biluo and Longfeng clans, not only did the few good-fortune ghost emperors feel despair in their hearts, but the hearts of hundreds of millions of ghosts in the world also breed despair.

They were born of ghosts. They turned into all kinds of ghost zombies after death because of their paranoia and various desires and unwillingness. At this moment, in despair, they suddenly became crazy, and there are many ghosts who are extremely paranoid. Desperately, he started to attack and kill the powerful Bi and even started to devour other ghosts!

For a while, the ghost world was in chaos, and many guys who were pregnant with ghosts felt that the ghost world was not safe, so they secretly paid attention to other things, sneaked into the ghost king and even the ghost emperor palace they were loyal to, stealing treasures and preparing to escape Netherworld!

Just when the hearts of the few ghost emperors were dying, and the hundreds of millions of ghosts were panicked and at a loss, they suddenly heard a loud shout from outside the world: "Don't panic, we have been ordered by the demon emperor. Come to support!"


Hearing the words of the two sides in the world who were fighting, all of them were shocked. When they looked up, they saw seven or eight demon saints with monstrous auras coming from outside the world wall.

However, these demon clan great saints, who have always been arrogant, are now all standing behind a middle-aged man whose cultivation base cannot be clearly seen.

This person is tall, sturdy, and has sharp eyes. He can see the scene of the ghost world at the moment directly through the boundary wall.

Seeing that the huge ghost realm was beaten so miserably, there were only three ghost emperors left, and the aftermath of the battle could be seen everywhere in the rest of the ghost realm, so I could not help frowning slightly.

But then he set his eyes on Taixuan's ancestor and smiled slightly: "I haven't seen you for many years, Taixuan Taoist friends have become more and more diligent in Taoism, which is really gratifying!

Although the Wheel-turning Ghost Emperor's cultivation is not bad, he was finally promoted to the strongest, and his strength is still weaker. Where is the opponent of the Daoist friend? Why don't the Daoist friend leave the world and come out and discuss the Dao with me? "

Ancestor Taixuan looked at the figure, his eyes narrowed slightly: "The Demon Master Kunpeng!"

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