Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1152: The hidden dangers of Taixuan's strategy

Qin Feng sat next to him and listened quietly.

Originally, he didn't mean to speak at will. The presence of Taixuan ancestors and Amitabha Buddhas were all great powers who migrated from the ancestral realm to Biluo.

They are not only the first batch of creatures in Bi Luo, but even before they came, they were already famous in the world of the ancestral realm.

Even if Ghost Ancestors and the others have experienced the great calamity of the ancient times, their grasp of Bi Luo's current situation and their understanding of the four worlds of demons, demons and gods are much stronger than Qin Feng's!

In addition, he knew that Taixuan Patriarch and the others could not begin to prepare how to deal with those great enemies until the end, but they have been planning since the ancient catastrophe!

This can be seen from the tens of thousands of years that these ancestors have continuously instilled thoughts against demons and gods in the monks from generation to generation, so that the monks always keep the desire for revenge and the desire for revival in their hearts.

With Qin Feng's current Taoism and status, it is enough to participate in these plans. In fact, Taixuan ancestors will not hide anything from the first genius of his junior monks.

It's just that Qin Feng's curse injuries in the wizarding world have not healed, so after returning from hell, he focused his energy on repairing his injuries. After the hidden dangers left by the curse were completely expelled, he began to retreat and practice. , Enlightenment Road!

After all, he has just been promoted to good fortune, and his cultivation base is at a time when he is advancing by leaps and bounds. Of course, it is impossible to be too distracted at this stage.

Otherwise, if he devotes all his mind to the layout and planning, it will not be of much benefit to his path, but will miss the good opportunity for progress now!

It was precisely because they knew that the ancestors of Taixuan had been secretly planning for tens of thousands of years and had a variety of emergency plans, so Qin Feng did not take part in it rashly.

And the ancestors of Taixuan also know Qin Feng's state, so they haven't disturbed his cleaning in all these years!

But at this moment, when he heard the words of the ancestor Taixuan, Qin Feng suddenly moved in his heart and asked: "The ancestor's meaning is that when the four worlds of the demon, the devil and the gods send a large army to expedition to this star field, we will Bi Luo moved back to the original star field and caught them off guard?"


When all the immortals in the hall heard the words, their eyes lit up: "This plan seems feasible!"

"That's right, the Four Realms of the Demons, Demons, Gods and Gods may have already detected the fact that the Daoists from the Dragon and Phoenix clans came to help, so the expedition troops sent are definitely strong in the clouds, which will definitely lead to the comparison of their real strengths in the realm. The heyday has weakened a lot.

Furthermore, our sudden return to the original star field will definitely be beyond their expectations, and they will be caught off guard! "

"We only need to attack one of the four worlds first, and we don't need to fight the four worlds at the same time. If we concentrate our forces on one side, we may be able to directly break through the realm just like the wizarding world and hell.

Even if they can't take away their origins, they will still be beaten and their mountains and rivers will collapse, the laws will be disordered, and their world will be unstable. "

The discussion of the immortals suddenly became more and more excited. After sweeping away the previous slump, they were gearing up, wishing to return to the original star field and start attacking a certain world now!

The ancestors of Taixuan did not stop the discussion of the immortals, but looked at this lively scene with a smile.

After a while, the immortals gradually quieted down, and when they looked at Taixuan ancestors with expectant eyes, Taixuan ancestors said: "Old Dao does have plans to move the world away from this star field, but, But it doesn't necessarily have to be moved directly back to the original star field!"

"What does the ancestor mean by this?"

Li Miaozhen, who was sitting in the front position next to Qin Feng, couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard the words: "If you don't go back to the original star field, does the ancestor still want to go to other star fields to go around and continue to rob... Cough, conquer all worlds, Continue to enhance the power of my Bi with the resources of other star worlds?"

She has always been outspoken. Although Bi Luo's expeditions over the years have indeed been plundering the resources of Myriad Realms to support herself, her words can't be so direct sometimes, so she immediately slapped Qin Feng with her elbow. Change your mouth.

"Hehe, that's not true!"

Ancestor Taixuan shook his head: "It's not easy to move the world between the stars, not to mention that Biluo is still a big world, it is too huge and heavy, not only I need to consume a lot of mana, the world itself has to consume A lot of sources can help me do this.

In addition, it will make Biluo Tiandao's law turbulent, and it will cause all kinds of hidden dangers to the world, so this method cannot be used arbitrarily.

Otherwise, if the Great World can really leave the original Star Territory at will, the Great Thousand Universe will be in chaos long ago. Why should the four worlds of the Demons, Demons and Gods send a large army to work on an expedition and move the world directly here? "

He sighed softly: "There are some hidden dangers that you can't see, but it's not that they don't exist, otherwise you think that the reason why Spring and Autumn Patriarch and Tianhe Dao are really just to block the boundary wall and cut off those invading powerhouses. Can't do it?

In fact, the big reason is to reduce Bi Luo's wear and tear. At least Bi Luo Tiandao can quickly make up for those hidden dangers under his control, so that the creatures in the world will not be affected too much.

However, every time he made up for it, the Spring and Autumn Ancestor would pay a great price, and it would also make his integration with the Tao of Heaven deeper.

Lao Dao doesn't want to see the Spring and Autumn Ancestor lose his identity and become a part of Heaven's Dao, so if it's not necessary, we can return to the original star field from here at most, and we can't easily move to other star fields! "

As soon as this statement comes out,

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still another page ^0^ The immortals are suddenly awe-inspiring!

It turned out that in places they didn't know, these ancestors who guarded the blue sky also paid a price they didn't know.

In the past, many ancestors of various factions had the same thoughts as Li Miaozhen. They felt that since the ancestors of Taixuan could move the world, it was also possible to go to other star regions to continue to fight against the mighty Biluo of Ten Thousand Realms. There were even some sects. Da Neng has discussed these matters, and is ready to give this kind of advice during this meeting.

It's a pity that after listening to the words of Taixuan ancestors, they realized that moving Biluo was not such a simple matter.

If Bi Luo is just an ordinary world, or even a higher world, it doesn't matter, it would be much easier to move the strength of Taixuan ancestors, but this is a big world, and the difficulty is more than ten times higher than that of a higher world!

Qin Feng was even more silent in his heart.

Originally, he had some doubts that it would not be so easy to be with Tianhe Dao, but he had seen the Spring and Autumn Patriarch a few times before and still retained his sense of independence, so he didn't think much about it. Now it seems that the road to Tianhe Dao is really not easy. can go.

Even with the existence of the Spring and Autumn Ancestor who cultivates Confucianism and Taoism and knows the truth of heaven and earth, there is a possibility of being merged with the self by the Taoist Taoism. !

Otherwise, if it is really easy to keep the self, I am afraid that a large number of strong people will immediately appear in the cultivation world to seek world integration and become the master of the world's heaven!

After all, many of these cultivators who pursue the Dao as their highest purpose do not care whether their bodies remain.

There are even a lot of people who simply cultivate only the Primordial Spirit. As long as the Primordial Spirit is immortal, they can live forever.

For such existences, the physical body is just a dispensable carrier. As long as they are willing, they can condense the physical body at any time with the power of heaven.

Although Qin Feng figured out these things in an instant, he still asked: "Since Bi Luo can't be moved to another star field, it seems that he doesn't mean to return directly to the original star field after listening to the words of the old ancestors, so what are you doing? What are your plans?"

In fact, he has roughly guessed the thoughts of Taixuan ancestors, but sometimes someone still needs to lead the topic, so he took the initiative to take on this role!

Taixuan Patriarch nodded at him, then looked at the immortals: "Old Dao has discussed with a few Taoist friends before, and intends to attack the four-world expedition army of demons, demons and gods!"


The immortals looked at each other in dismay: "Does the ancestor want to send an army to ambush where they must pass? It's just... Is this feasible?"

"Yeah, there must be many masters of creation in the army of demons. With such existences in charge, how can they succeed in sneak attack?"

"And their four worlds join forces to expedition, regardless of the number of the army or the strong, I am afraid that it is only a lot more than us. We can't use the power of the world to meet the enemy. It is better to stick to this star field and rely on the power of the boundary wall. Defensive counterattack!

"And they will definitely send strong men to explore the way ahead, I'm afraid they have already discovered our traces before entering our ambush!"

"It's really hard to sneak attack!"

Taixuan Patriarch said: "But we don't need to send an army to fight!"

"What does the ancestor mean?"

"Old Daoist wants to move the world away before they arrive!"

Ancestor Taixuan smiled slightly: "You said, when they came to this star field and saw the scene of our departure, what would they think in their hearts and how would they react?

Do you stay in this star field to fight other worlds, or immediately turn around and return to the original star field? "

"It must be returning to the original star field!"

Immediately, an immortal golden immortal said: "Those guys definitely thought that we would take advantage of their labor expedition to return to the original star field to sneak attack on their will definitely retreat without leaving a moment.

The demon clan itself has already learned a lot of our situation from the wizarding world, and when the great sage Feishu fled back, he would certainly describe the strength of our Bi Luo to the big li, so their alliance army must occupy a large part of their respective worlds. part of the power.

Although it will not lead to the emptiness in the rear realm, in terms of the power of one realm alone, it is definitely not comparable to the blue sky in its heyday!

So they must be worried that we will concentrate our forces on a sneak attack on a certain world and will definitely return at full speed.

Compared to plundering some resources in this star field, where is their world safety more important! "


Taixuan ancestor nodded slightly: "But they are so hurriedly withdrawing to the original star field, and they will definitely not send many strong people to explore ahead. You said that my Biluo strong people are ambushing in the middle, will they cause damage to them?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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