The two were like children, playing in the Internet café for hours before leaving with a satisfied face.

Li Shicheng drives a big blue bull, young and beautiful color, it is estimated that many girls will be moved when they see it!

Ahem, as for whether it is a heart for the car or a heartbeat for the person, let’s guess for yourself …

Walking out of the Internet café, Li Shicheng lazily stretched his waist and said: “I haven’t played so much for a long time, and the Mozi brothers will take you to eat something good!” ”

Yu Mo also had a smile on his face at this time, and said a little happily: “It’s really been a long time since I was so happy, well, today I will slaughter you well and pick an expensive family to eat!” ”

The brotherhood between the two can no longer be bound and restrained by ordinary money.

Even if the identities of the two have changed drastically from the past, there is no discount in their relationship.

“Good, good, you can pick at will, as long as I blink, I will lose!”

Li Shicheng waved his hand a little arrogantly, and his face couldn’t wait to write “Come and slaughter me, come and slaughter me!”

In the end, the two chose one, neon country cuisine, neon country cuisine has always been extremely expensive in the dragon country, but both of them are not poor money masters, naturally do not care!

The two were busy meeting without having time to change clothes, hand-customized noble suits, coupled with a decent figure and handsome face!

As soon as they entered the store, the two turned back and exploded, causing many people to look sideways, and many male compatriots saw the excitement in their girlfriend’s eyes, and silently added a piece of green vegetables to themselves…

As for the two themselves, they don’t care at all, to their level, what kind of Yingying Yanyan has never seen, if they are casually moved, it will be too spicy chicken!

Yu Mo whispered in Li Shicheng’s ear: “How?” You see that there are many girls watching you around, don’t you have a heartbeat! ”

Yu Mo’s words were ridiculous, but he didn’t expect Li Shicheng to take it seriously, and said a little unconcernedly: “I’m busy living now, where is the kung fu to fall in love?” Our company is engaged in games, and recently there has been a breakthrough! ”

As soon as he heard this, Yu Mo even forgot his previous ridicule, men are really big pig’s trotters, and the only thing that can interest them is the game!

“How? What other good game can you kid make? ”

Although Yu Mo’s tone was full of doubts, there was also a trace of expectation in his eyes.

“You are a layman when you say this, look less at me, this time the game I made is a foreign triple A masterpiece, if you don’t look at it today, you will definitely regret it in the future!”

Saying that, Li Shicheng mysteriously took out his mobile phone and carefully called up a video!

Originally, Yu Mo still looked calm and relaxed, but when the picture flashed, the expression on his face was suddenly replaced by a thick shock!

The video screen shows, after the opening promotional screen, there are various practical plots!

Just the bosses of various levels, the hair on the body is visible, in addition, the operation skills also look very interesting, at least Yu Mo has a feeling of brightness!

After watching the entire ten-minute video, Yu Mo’s face has been replaced by shock, and Li Shicheng’s handsome face is also full of pride.

“How? Now you kid believe it, hurry up and call daddy! This game is called Black Myth, Great Saint, and Proper Domestic Light! Li Shicheng said proudly.

Obviously, he has been running for this game for a while, especially the rendering of this game, even if he finds the top team and the top game engine, it will take at least a year and a half!

After being silent for a long time, Yu Mo said with some surprise: “You kid really did a big thing this time!” ”

At this time, both of them forgot to eat, and even the dishes were already on the table, and they didn’t move a moment on the table!

“Hahaha, do you remember, when we were in school, I said that I wanted to make a single-player game comparable to foreign countries! What do you think? Dude, don’t you still make it now! ”

Listening to Li Shicheng’s words, Yu Mo was silent for a while, and his eyes were full of memories.

It is true that Li Shicheng relies on his family lineage, but without his own efforts, it would be the greatest unfairness to rely on a family lineage alone to erase his achievements!

Just like he didn’t achieve anything at the beginning, if it weren’t for stepping on luck and obtaining the blessing of the system, he is still estimated to be a 9-to-5 moonshine family now!

Li Shicheng looked at Yu Mo out of his mind, and immediately stretched out his hand in front of him and waved his hand and ridiculed: “Hey, what kind of god is your kid?” Buddy has achieved so much now, shouldn’t you praise me! ”

“Don’t say anything, buddy honors you!” The two pushed the cups and changed the cups, and after a long time, they were a little drunk, and the food that was originally used with knives and forks, they actually ate it directly without regard for the image.

“Mozi… Stay and with me! According to your ability, our brothers can definitely shake the world! ”

Li Shicheng was carrying a goblet, his face was slightly red, although his tongue was a little indistinct, but the sincerity in his tone, Yu Mo could hear it.

“Good!” Yu Mo said almost without thinking.

His company does not need him to work in a short period of time, with the support of his team, he only needs to make decisions on the general direction.

Next in Kyoto, it is destined to make a huge wave!

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