Thunderclouds were surging in the sky, and the occasional flash of white lightning made Ying Chongyun's face paler.

At this moment, his mind was a mess, and he could not understand why the zombie in front of him could perform the most powerful and masculine thunder method.


The sound of thunder brought him back to his senses. His expression suddenly became fierce, and he pinched his fingers to directly summon the thunder.

The blazing lightning tore through the long night, obscured the starlight in the sky, and fell with a bang, attacking Chu Zheng's head, trying to turn him into ashes.

Chu Zheng did not retreat a step, and suddenly opened his mouth and sucked lightly. The thunder that surged in from the air was swallowed into his stomach without a single drop.

In an instant, his limbs and bones were glowing, revealing his crystal-like muscles and bones, and his green hair was crystal-clear, and the power of thunder was overflowing from the ends of his hair.

"I've said it before, your thunder method is still a little lacking."

The next moment, Chu Zheng suddenly raised his hand, and layers of electric arcs leaped out of his palm. Lightning suddenly rose, sweeping across the void, like a heavy hammer, hitting the glass mirror in the air.


The mirror body trembled violently, and cracks appeared everywhere. The spiritual light was greatly reduced, and the overflowing thunder swept towards Ying Chongyun.

Ying Chongyun's face was solemn, and he didn't dare to take it head-on. He withdrew and pinched his fingers at the same time, summoning a red flying sword again. The heat wave steamed, and instantly pulled the surroundings into the hot summer, and the fire clouds filled the sky.

Chu Zheng's eyes were light, and he opened his mouth again to inhale lightly, running the method of subduing Qi, and drew out the essence of the flames in the sky.


The fire clouds covering the sky seemed to have their backbones pulled out, and they shattered into pieces, turning into meteors and fire rain and falling.

The flame essence swallowed by Chu Zheng was instantly refined into Yang Qi, which blended with the Yin evil in his body, making his cultivation a little better.


A sharp whistle that pierced gold and split stones suddenly sounded in the rain of fire. The sharp flying sword was hidden in the rain of fire and pierced Chu Zheng's chest with the force of thunder.

The red sword energy danced wildly, tearing a hole the size of a human head in Chu Zheng's chest. The edge of the wound was pitch black, with fire poison remaining, and most of his internal organs were crushed and turned into powder.

Ying Chongyun stood in the air with a cold face. Seeing that the attack was successful, his expression relaxed a little.

This corpse demon is not invincible. When it is captured later, it can naturally be forced to ask how it learned the thunder method.

Thunder represents the power of heaven, the most rigid and yang, and it is the purest magic power.

Ordinary cultivators may not be able to master such advanced means, but this evil creature can perform it. There must be a big secret in it.

Chu Zheng didn't care about the injury on his chest. The body of a zombie would not be affected by such skin injuries at all. Even if his head was cut off, it would only be a minor injury. What's more, he still had a repair panel on his body.

The next moment, the hideous wound on his chest healed instantly. This time, Chu Zheng no longer waited for Ying Chongyun to move. He chose to take the initiative and stepped suddenly. The ground with a radius of thousands of feet rolled up layers of earth waves, and smoke and dust rushed into the sky.

Amidst the dust and smoke, a light green stream of light crossed the sky and went straight to Ying Chongyun.

Seeing Chu Zheng's injury recover instantly, Ying Chongyun's eyes flashed with horror. Such a fast recovery speed, he had only heard of the legendary immortal body, which could have such a strange phenomenon.

But the immortal body is a real great supernatural power. Many powerful people in the seventh or even eighth realms cannot cultivate it. How can this small corpse demon in the fourth realm do it? !

Thinking of the previous thunder method, Ying Chongyun hesitated. Too many strange things have happened to this corpse demon, and it cannot be explained by common sense.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Zheng had approached him less than a hundred feet away, his hands had already clenched into fists, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Since the start of this battle, Chu Zheng has no intention of letting Ying Chongyun go. The Taoist school behind this person is too threatening to him at present, and he must kill him here.

Including those cultivators of the Bai family, no one must be left alive. For now, the news cannot be leaked.

The Yin Sha in Chu Zheng's body moved slightly, and his muscles and bones stretched out, exploding with thunder, and punched through the air.


The air was compressed and condensed into colorless fists, which rolled through the void and pressed directly towards Ying Chongyun.

In a hurry, Ying Chongyun had no time to dodge and relied on the flying sword he had just recalled to protect himself.

In an instant, the first fist had already pressed down.


The fist hit the sword, and the red flying sword trembled violently, buzzing, and was knocked thousands of feet away.

The remaining fists followed closely, buzzing in the sky. Before the fists arrived, the violent wind had distorted Ying Chongyun's face.

Under the pressure of the wind, the void was as sticky as mud and difficult to break free. He could only forcibly operate his magic power and barely retreated several feet away.

But this tiny distance was impossible to avoid the fists. Half of Ying Chongyun's body was hit, and a huge force almost tore his body apart.

Even though he was only scratched, most of his upper body bones had been broken, blood was flowing all over his body, staining his Taoist robe red, and his body rolled thousands of feet away in the void in a mess.

This kind of divine power is extremely terrifying.

Chu Zheng did not have wings, so it was difficult for him to stay in the void for a long time, and his body fell back uncontrollably.

Ying Chongyun stabilized his body and saw Chu Zheng fall back to the ground. He felt relieved and his fear dissipated a lot.

Without entering the realm of flying corpses, this corpse demon could only move on the ground. At most, it could jump thousands or tens of thousands of feet in one step. As long as he was careful, he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

From the beginning, he was already invincible.

Now it seems that it is too difficult for him to subdue this monster by himself, and he must go back to the mountain gate for help.

Looking at Ying Chongyun's figure flying away quickly, Chu Zheng's eyes were slightly cold, and he stretched out his hand and grasped it, forcibly taking several magic tools and magic treasures from the hands of the cultivators beside him, and then flew into the air and chased after him.

Seeing this scene, Song Zhao, who was standing among the Gu family's cultivators, had a numb expression.

Not only did he know thunder magic and was not afraid of the power of thunder and fire, but now he even learned to control magic tools without a teacher.

These unusual things have made it impossible for him to regard this corpse demon from his hands as a zombie that has awakened its spiritual intelligence.

No matter how smart it is, it is absolutely impossible to make such a great progress in such a short period of time. It can only be said that these methods are what this zombie knows.

Thinking of this, Song Zhao's face was a little ugly. He had some guesses in his mind about why this zombie was so special.

All the steps were fine, so the problem could only be with the remnant soul he summoned!

In order to give birth to the zombie's intelligence as soon as possible, this remnant soul summoned must have a great origin. Perhaps it was the remaining soul of a big man, which he summoned and locked in the body of this zombie.

When he thought of this possibility, Song Zhao was suddenly a little terrified.

This matter, to put it in a big way, is to interfere with the reincarnation of a big man, and also trap him in such a corpse demon body. This is a great revenge.

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