Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2074: force

The rule Xiaocheng has the qualification to impact the **** king. Which rule is not present?

No wonder!

But the rule of Xiao Cheng is Fang Bai, which is worthy of attention and deserves everyone's attention.

In recent years, what happened to the blue starfish has spread, and even Fang Bai's investigation has been carried out in the same way.

How could he be Xiao Cheng?

Can't understand!

They all come step by step from the bottom, and the hardest part is to experience the hardships, even the proud King of God, remembering the past and going through all kinds of hardships.

But some people do it easily. How can they not be shocked?

The most embarrassing non-Fu Xinghai is, at this time can not care about Fang Bai shock, but consider how to answer Fang Bai's question.

Fu Xinghai didn't think of becoming a god, but he knew his strength, how could he fail.

Fu Xinghai didn't want to do the wedding dress for others, but had to do it because someone asked him to do it.

So, how should he answer Fang Bai's question?

If you agree, wouldn't it stop the people behind killing the path of deity, of course not!

If it refuses, wouldn't it admit that he deliberately embarrassed him for the sake of the deity, it is also inappropriate!

There is a dilemma in a moment, standing in place, neither is progress, neither is retreat.

It was his hesitation, and it became clear!


Fang Bai laughed loudly, "It's rare that you still have some shame, don't roll back yet and stand here as a shame."


Fu Xinghai was furious, and his intention of killing rose, and then a cold breath came from behind. His body was shocked. He didn't need to look back to know that it was from King Yu God.

"My husband sees how you quibble." As he said, he retreated.


There was a smirk in the hall, Zuo Danqing laughed and said, "The voice is for the sake of humanity, is it not for the satisfaction of one's selfishness, does this matter need to be discussed? Shameless enough?

After being interrupted in this way, someone will talk about it again, and he will definitely be put on the hat of God.

The moment of silence in the hall was not to avoid jealousy, but to think about whether you had a chance.

If you have the chance, it's worth a try. If you don't have the chance, isn't it shameless?

Fang Bai's strength is there. It is almost a matter of nailing it to break through the **** king. It is not a wise thing to offend a **** king.

Besides, there is also the God King Pavilion!

King Yu Shen is not a weak person. Anyone who wants to offend must weigh carefully.

Earlier, he still wanted to be guilty of guilty.

After all, strength!

Fang Bailiang glanced over, everyone's performance was seen in the eyes, secretly fortunately, it seems that this level has passed.

But he still underestimated the determination of the King of God to impact the deity!

"What about the law Xiaocheng?" Someone said lightly: "Can we break through the King of God or two? The law Dacheng is even more distant. We cannot bet on the future of the human race."

Someone came forward, and someone immediately followed, aggressive and aggressive, and Fang Bai was regarded as a sinner, and it was not enough to dispel the anger of the civilians, nor to comfort the heroes who died of the war.

Fang Bai cold eyes swept away, these people have been painstakingly in need of floods, and their faces are gone.

The problem is that there is only one flood, who will fall into it?

From beginning to end, Captain Beiming said nothing and did not know what he thought.

God King also has strength and weakness. The key is to look at the attitude of the strong. These people will break through the day of God King and trample on it!

"shut up!"

King Yu Shen finally couldn't help but drink coldly, "Ask your own conscience, if you still know the word shame, close your mouth!"

If someone changed these words, they would definitely provoke blame. The King of Yu Yu spoke, and the hall was quiet for an instant.

This also made Fang Bai understand that King Yu Shen's strength was strong enough to deter many people.

"All right!"

Captain Beiming finally spoke. "Fair and human heart, Fang Bai is still good for the human race, we can not do something chilling, this matter has been exposed, and no one is allowed to mention it."

Fang Bai heard the words, secretly relieved, if it can be stopped, it may be a good thing.

"And slow!"

The ancestor of Jiuyang got up again and said loudly: "This matter is about the survival of the people. It should be decided by everyone, and no one has the right to say it. We all have the right to express our opinions at the scene. It is better for us to make a fair decision. If we support him There are many people who have become gods, and the old man has no complaints; if there are many people who think he has withdrawn, the old man will not shrink back. "

With that said, his eyes swept the hall, and he did not give Captain Bei Ming the opportunity to speak. Shen said, "Everyone please express your opinion!"

"Give up the famine." Fu Xinghai said impatiently.

"Give it up!"

"Give it up!"

There was a rush of noise in the hall. Of the more than 1,500 people, almost thousands asked Fang Bai to surrender the flood and the situation seemed to be unable to reverse.

The ancestor of Jiuyang smiled, "For the sake of the human race, the old man still feels good at it!"

King Yu Shen's brows are tightly locked. The hand of Jiuyang's ancestors can be described as extremely spicy. Once everyone expresses his position, it will be difficult to reclaim it. It is the same for anyone who has changed. Since he offends, then he will directly step on the dead and will not give the other party Opportunity to stand up for revenge.

What's more, after Fang Bai turned around, he was the deity. Who can not worry?

At this moment, King Yu Shen cannot stop, nor can Captain Beiming stop it. No matter who stops, it will certainly be the target of public criticism, pushing these people to the ancestors of Jiuyang.

At that time, the human race will probably be torn apart!

"Jiuyang, do you really want to do this?" King Shen Shen cried.

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"It's not the husband who wants to do this, but it's hard to disagree with everyone!" Jiuyang ancestor said with a smile.

"You know, my husband doesn't agree!"

"so what?"

"it is good!"

King Yu Shen said coldly, "Who wants him to surrender the flood, is the enemy of the old man, the enemy of life and death, endlessly!"

The cold voice echoed for a long time!

I have to say that King Yu Shen was very deterrent, and many people retreated.

The old ancestor of Jiuyang sank and said indifferently: "Others are afraid of you, and the old man will be afraid of you not succeeding. Do you think you can hide the old things you did in Honghuang? You really think you have a compassionate heart. Also worth it? "

"Today, unless he surrenders the famine, the crime of helping the Protoss break the battle will not run away!"

"Sin, **** it!"

Speaking of this, the ancestors of Jiuyang completely tore up their faces, and they must see the difference.

It is not difficult to understand, no matter who becomes the deity, Jiuyang ancestors can accept it, only Fangbai can't!

In other words, people who have a close relationship with King Yu Shen cannot!

Thinking of the words of the ancestors of Jiuyang, Fang Bai could not help thinking of the Emperor Jian, now Mu Zijian!

At the time, King Yu God killed the Emperor Sword with tactics, and the method was very disgraceful. When casting other tripods, I am afraid that he also used some methods.

As the first person in Honghuang, the ancestor of Jiuyang was able to fight against him in the Chamber. Needless to say, his strength can attract more powerful people from Honghuang to fight against King Yu Shen. There must be something in it.

But no matter how you say, King Yu Shen can support him so resolutely. Fang Bai is very moved. Facing the former King God, he needs great courage and courage!

"it is good!"

King Yu Shen indifferently said, "The old man puts the words here, it depends on who dares!" Then, with a cold eye, someone lowered his head involuntarily.

The ancestor of Jiuyang looked directly at Captain Beiming and said lightly: "I am waiting for the prosperity of the human race. If anyone insists on betting on the lives of all people, we will not agree!"

"If life is not guaranteed, we will find another way and ask the King of the North Hades to make a decision!"

The meaning of threat can be understood, but if Captain Beiming does not agree, the human race will fall apart immediately.

If the situation is worse, it will be a big fight right away!

With the civil war, the human race's strength is damaged. What else will they take against the protoss?

The atmosphere was extremely dignified, Fang Bai swept through the crowd, and finally realized that the strength he showed showed shocked everyone, but it also made many people wary.

It turns out that they don't care if they have the power to become a god, all excuses!

There is only one purpose to stop him from becoming a god!

Some are for the sake of the deity, and some are due to the fierce fighting in the famine, and he does not want him to become stronger!

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