Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2034: crisis

The war broke out suddenly and ended quickly, less than half an hour before and after.

Slayed nearly 4,000 people and captured more than 1,200 people.

According to Lan Qingshang, there were 50,000 or 60,000 strong men who entered the floodland. Leaving three gates behind, there were at least more than 40,000 people.

The flood crisis has not been lifted yet!

Dong Yong and Chu Zizhen stepped out of nothingness and stopped behind Fang Bai, waiting quietly!

After pondering for a long time, Fang Bai said lightly: "Are you ready to withdraw, or continue fighting?"

It is so great to have such a record in this battle. It is almost impossible to destroy Luo Xingmen.

Dong Yong and Chu Zizhen looked at each other and nodded slowly.

"We are going to leave." Dongyong Dandan said.

The battle of the gods is like a fight between children in the eyes of the **** king. Appropriate conflicts are possible, but they cannot be killed.

Luo Xingmen has lost a lot of money now. He really wants to continue hunting it down. I am afraid it will break completely. It is not good to draw the God King.

Besides, the scramble for floods has completely cut off hope, so why continue to struggle?


Fang Bai nodded faintly, the protoss was about to appear, and he did not want to cause too many casualties. These are the backbone of the anti-protoss.

"Wait for your people to gather, and leave now! As for the soul, I will return it to you when the flood and disaster happen."

Dong Yong and Chu Zizhen smiled helplessly. Now, what else can they say, they only choose to believe in Fang Bai.

At this moment, it is reasonable for Fang Bai not to return the spirits to them. After all, there are still many strong forces in the three parties. In case of a defeat, it is also fatal.

Speaking of which did not force them to continue fighting, it is already very good.

"Thank you!"

After Dong Yong said, returning to the flood plain, there are still many strong people scattered in the void, and these people must be retrieved.

Not long after, Dao Dao's figure dispersed towards the void.

At this moment, Fang Bai's stay in the floodland has no meaning. He must find everyone in the Temple of War as soon as possible to avoid accidents.

No news came from Yupan. In just a few days, Wu Xiaoqiu had gone.

Shennian swept back, and more than 1,200 decadent figures appeared one after another, and they were all powerful late Luoxingmen gods.


Fang Bai said indifferently, the divine thoughts passed by, and all these people were sent to Gan Jinding. The speed unfolded, and he flew towards the depths of nothingness.

Flying at nothing, and galloping, Fang Bai frowned, after all, he couldn't match the battleship.

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A battleship appeared out of thin air, Fang Bai stepped on, God's thoughts swept, lightning flashed into the depths of nothingness, and he blinked.

Standing quietly, playing with a purple jade plate in my hand, I couldn't find everyone in the Temple of War for a moment.

Occasionally encountered some people galloping in nothingness, swept quickly, as long as those who are not the three major gates, do not hesitate to kill.

Unconsciously, more than half a month has passed. Instead of no news of the Temple of War, even Luo Xingmen did not know where to go.

Days passed in this way. Until a month later, the purple jade plate finally heard the news, and the news of Mu Tuo found the people in the God King Pavilion and the War God Temple.

Fang Bai was overjoyed, asked for directions, and flew away like lightning.

At the same time, somewhere in nothingness, Luo Xingmen's team continued to grow. More than one thousand people who fled from the beginning quickly rose to more than three thousand people, and almost every day, people continued to come.

In less than a month, more than 8,000 people have gathered.

As they grew stronger, more and more people received the news, and they gathered towards the location of Luo Xingmen.

The defeat of the famine, Fang Bai returned, all the forces pinned their hopes on Luo Xingmen, and grew like a snowball.

At this time, a battleship galloped into nothingness, and the people on the battleship were beaming, and finally waited for Fang Bai's return!

People from God's Court, such as Thor, Qingfengzi, Mengbiluo, and Huanyu, were present, as were those from the Temple of War, such as Jian Jingtian, Tang Yimu, Zhong Buli, Ying Muyu, Tianxing, Tianyue.

Qing Fengzi, Jian Jingtian, Ning Wuqian, Zhong Zhongli mixed feelings, who can think of relying on their descendants to solve the problem.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, Thor's face sank, looking coldly into the depths of nothingness.

The crowd looked confused, and found that his face was not good-looking, and suddenly there was a bad feeling.

"Notify Fang Bai, we retreat to the land of Thor," Thor said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Realizing that the situation was serious, Mu Tuo hurriedly relayed the news and the battleship turned around sharply.

At this moment, the majestic thoughts came from the depths of nothingness, and the existence of the battleship was discovered. The cold voice blew, "Who is the person coming?"


The battleship rushed by, and then the thoughts swept over, and said loudly, "Stop!"


Millions of miles away, several warships slammed and chased quickly.

It turned out that where Luo Xingmen gathered, countless strong people were sprinkled within ten thousand miles, and every move could not escape their surveillance.

Suddenly found the change, must not be theirs, quickly chasing after.

Fang Bai received the news and knew that something had happened. The speed of the warship was extremely extreme. He moved closer to the direction of Thor's continent and hurriedly asked for news.

I heard that someone was chasing and Fang Bai was gloomy, but he could only wait!

Thor is silent, the atmosphere on the battleship is unprecedentedly solemn, and the impulse of the battleship depends on the formation method.

God's thoughts swept backwards, and several warships appeared to know the sea, and Thunder God's face became more dignified.

"All the gods are below ninefold, all enter the treasures of space." Thor said coldly.

Together with the war, the minimum is also the seven deities of the gods. Under the premise that the number of people is at an absolute disadvantage, the nine deities of the gods are difficult to protect themselves, let alone the seven deities of the eight deities.

Everyone realized that the situation was serious and didn't say much that they should choose to hide.

Not long after, more than two hundred figures gathered on the battleship, including the God King Pavilion, the War God Temple, and the Goddess Nine Strong. There were only so many people.

To be precise, almost all of the Kings of the Gods are strong, and they belong to the reluctant three of the Temple of War.

Needless to say, Lan Qingshang and Mu Tuo, Fang Pengyuan barely counted one.

The battleship was flying. After five hours, there was a gleam of light behind him, and Thor's face became more dignified. If he could retreat to Thor's continent first, there might still be a chance to resist, otherwise he would be defeated!

The old man in the blue robe stood in front of the battleship, and the gods' thoughts spread out, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It was them!"

Defeating Fang Bai is difficult, especially when the three forces join forces with Fang Bai!

When hesitating to exit the flood, the opportunity came!

As long as he can seize people such as the God King Pavilion and the War God Temple, Fang Bai is not allowed to let it go?

Looking at the battleships approaching, the old man in the Qingpao smiled at the corners of his mouth. No one could escape the Luo Xingmen's pursuit, and no one could chase the Luo Xingmen. This is the power of formation.

Fang Bai received the news, his expression was getting colder, his mind was quickly calculated, and the thoughts passed by, leaving hundreds of figures on the battleship.

"Ask the person at Luo Xingmen, where is it?" Fang Bai coldly said.

The Luo Xingmen crowded for a moment, not knowing what happened. Looking at Fang Bai's cold face, he did not dare to ask more, and hurriedly sent a message.

Not long after, someone said in a deep voice: "It seems that the person who found the God King Pavilion and the Temple of War is pursuing."

Fang Bai Shen said: "Tell them that I will come soon, and I will also be accompanied by people from Xuantianmen, the Seven Gods, and Ruyi Sect."

Luo Xingmen looked confused, but did not dare to hesitate and spread the news.

With such a countermeasure, Fang Bai was also compelled to delay it. Now that he can delay it for a moment, it is tantamount to giving everyone a chance.

In the eyes of the old man in Qingpao, the intention was cold, and suddenly someone hurried behind him, "The elder, Fang Bai and the three major gates came after him."


The old man in Qingpao changed his face slightly, and Shen said, "Is the news accurate?"

The man whispered, "There should be nothing wrong, it's ours."

The old man in the Qingpao frowned, looking at the fast approaching battleship, his eyes were full of unwillingness, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, did he just miss it in vain?

"Ask him where the news came from." The old man in the green robe said in a deep voice.

After a moment of silence, a strange look appeared on the man's face, and said lightly, "He said that Fang Bai was captured, now it is a secret message."


The old man in Qingpao frowned slightly. "How does Fang Bai know where we are? Is it?"

Thinking of this, the old man of Qingpao suddenly blinked his eyes, and said loudly, "It must be that these people have contacted Fang Bai, this is his trick to stop soldiers!"

The man smiled bitterly: "Elder, Wan Fangbai really chased after, our current strength and morale, I'm afraid I can't stop it!"

Not to mention, there are more than 6,000 people in the three major gates alone. Luo Xingmen has gathered more than 11,000 people at this moment. It looks like it is powerful. At this new defeat, it is difficult to say how much combat power it can have!

If this battle is defeated again, as soon as people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to make a comeback again!

On the contrary, if you can gather the army and kill the flood again, even if Fang Bai has three heads and six arms, it will be difficult to resist!

At this moment, the old man in Qingpao hesitated!

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