Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2011: Escape

In the same hall, not long ago, Tang Qingshan was overcast, but at this moment, he was in danger!

After all, there is no other reason, strength!

If the strength is sufficient, it can be rolled uprightly without any conspiracy.

For example, at this moment, Qin Feng's strength is inadequate, but he puts himself at risk!

Too late to think, rushing out of the hall crazy, Jiuding revolved, raging, protecting the internal organs.

There were constant clicking sounds in the body, and the blood had already stained the body, but Fang Bai couldn't care much.


The blood sprayed, and finally rushed to the door of the hall, and saw Qin Feng entangled with the nag, staring coldly at the hall.

As soon as Fang Bai walks out of the hall, Qin Feng will kill immediately.

But where Fang Bai manages so much, there is still a vitality to rush out, there is no doubt that he will die in the hall!

Footsteps stepped out of the hall, too late to breathe a sigh of relief, facing the mountains and mountains, the waves roar, Qin Feng was killed.


With a roar, the painful Fang Bai took a breath of air, his eyes were red, his face twisted, and he swept away violently to one side.

"Can you go?"

Qin Feng said coldly, his eyes were full of shock. It seemed like a short moment in the temple, but he was very aware of the pressure.

Even if he was not sure that he could come out alive in that situation, Fang Bai did it.

So, put it to death anyway!

The killing force came from behind, Fang Bai had to turn around, and the spirits and sword rules in Aoki Ding whistled out at the same time, and the torn pain came from the shuttle body, and the pain almost fainted.

Da Luo Tianyan tactics worked, keeping his mind clear, one sword severely cut out.

Fortunately, at that moment, the water dragon roared from behind Qin Feng, and Qin Feng had to distract and resist.


Fang Bai only felt mountains and rivers, rivers and lakes fell at the same time, blood spurted, his body retreated, rushed out of Baizhang, and hurriedly turned away.


Qin Feng's body shook, a little blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, her eyes were cold, and then came!

In order to kill Fang Bai, he suffered a blow, and Qin Feng was also injured, which shows his opponent's fear.

"You can't escape!"

Qin Feng said coldly, the icy thoughts locked, like a shadow.

Fang Bai resisted the pain, Yufeng Ding turned, the speed was increased to the extreme, and he fled madly into the depths, struck through the void like lightning, and dripped blood drops. Once Qin Feng caught up, there would be no doubt!

At this moment, Fang Bai suddenly remembered that there was still a crystal of the wind attribute law, and he hurriedly sent it to Qingmu Ding Refining.


Qin Feng's complexion changed so much that he could maintain such speed with such a serious injury. How did he do it?

Seeing that the distance keeps widening, Fang Bai urges the law of the wind, and howls, the distance gets farther and farther.

After half an hour, Qin Feng was not seen in the range of Shennian. Fang Bai finally breathed a sigh of relief, but still dared not take it lightly and turned to the left.

After a quarter of an hour, Fang Bai couldn't hold on anymore, and slammed a spit of blood out of the air, planted in the air, and sat cross-legged.

Under the medicine, the warmth turned away, and the severe pain made him tremble. This time, the injury was very serious, and he almost planted in the hall.

"Qin Feng!"

Fang Bai flashed a cold mang in his eyes and deeply remembered the name.

At this time, Qin Feng was standing in the void, and the divine thoughts suddenly dispersed. Fang Bai's trace was not seen, and his brows frowned.

Did he run away?

Qin Feng's eyes flashed reluctantly, thinking that the winning ticket was in his grasp, so he didn't hesitate to leave Fang Bai at the expense of it. When I see you next time, it may be more difficult to leave him!

"What kind of person are you?" Qin Feng's face was full of doubts, and he sighed, looking around, muttering, "Where is this place?"

At the moment, Qin Feng frowned slightly, and took out the purple jade plate, sinking into her thoughts, her complexion changed slightly, and she hurried forward.

The statues are soaring into the sky, and the grand hall is imposing, both of which are more than three thousand feet tall, which is many times more than the previous ones.

Several figures stood in the distance, glanced at the statue, turned his head and glanced at the hall again, his eyes glowed with hot light.

Qi Haocang and Dian Shui Liu looked at each other, and looked at the few people in Yangshuo, not far away.

Lie Yangshuo noticed, looked coldly, and said indifferently, "The two are still not wasteful."

During the time of speaking, there were majestic thoughts swept across, the smile of Lie Yangshuo's mouth grew stronger, Qi Haocang, the broken water flowing around the body disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

Qin Fengfei dropped and looked up at the statue and the hall, his face became dignified.

Glancing around, all except Tang Qingshan and Fang Bai were present.

"Have you tried it?" Qin Feng said.

Lie Yangshuo shook his head and glanced towards Qi Haocang and others, Qin Feng instantly understood.

At this time, no one dares to act rashly, fearing that the other side will attack from behind, and it will be worth the trouble.

Qin Feng lowered his head and groaned, looking up at the hall in front of him, his eyes glowing, and he sank: "Brother Qi, can you talk?"

Qi Haocang smiled and said, "What does Brother Qin want to talk about?"

Qin Feng frowned: "The situation in front of you knows clearly, why should Brother Qi ask it knowingly? It's up to Brother Qi's attitude to join hands to win or win together.

Qi Hao smiled, "Since Brother Qin said so, of course there is no opinion. But, can I trust you?"

Qin Feng Shen said: "But Brother Qi believes that I can, as long as I believe that I must enter the hall, will it be soon?"


Qi Haocang laughed: "Brother Qin spoke well."

No one has tried it now, but I can probably guess it. The main hall in front of them is not one person to deal with. Even if they concentrate all their strengths, they may not be able to enter.

Therefore, if you want to enter the hall, you must release your suspicions and join hands.

At this time, Lutheran has no interest to believe.

"What about Tang Qingshan?" Qin Feng looked back at Lie Yangshuo, who shook his head and said, "No news."

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Qin Feng's face sank. At this time, one more person and one strength. Tang Qingshan's strength was not weak, and it was of great use. Suddenly thought of Fang Bai who had fled, Qin Feng regretted it, and it would have been nice if she started to do it for a while.

Looking back at the hall, Qin Feng said, "To show my sincerity, I'll go exploring the road first. If anyone dares to play tricks at this time, Qin will make him pay the price!"

Qi Haocang smiled and said, "Brother Qin, don't worry, let's protect the law for you!"

"Thank you!"

Qin Feng said indifferently, walking towards the main hall slowly, when approaching the distance of ten thousand feet, the surrounding mountains and mountains were cascading with shadows, and the waves were horrifying.

Qi Haocang and Duan Shui Liu looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. Qin Feng's strength really had to be stronger than them.


The Tongtian Great Sword ripped open the void, slashed down, and then a white figure appeared. The powerful momentum suddenly dispersed, and it was the breath of the strong who entered the room.


The mountains fell, the water waves rolled down, Qin Feng snorted, and shot back, his eyes flashed.

Facts have proved that the guess is correct. If there is a **** king in the temple, it will definitely be stronger!

If the rule breaks through, it means that there is a crystal of top-quality rule, that is the treasure, and one is enough to cause a sensation.

Qi Haocang's eyes brightened. He was Jian Xiu who could feel the power of this sword. His eyes were roughly equal to those who had to break through the room. He was stronger than the last one in the main hall, but it was also limited.

The problem is that there are still two crickets behind. They will definitely be stronger. With their strength, can they break through?

"Brother Qin, how?" Lieyang Shuo said lightly.

Qin Feng Shen said: "It is not a problem to kill this cricket. It is not a problem to pass the next level. The key is the last one."

"What does Brother Qin mean?" Lie Yangshuo wondered.

Qin Feng didn't answer, but turned to Qi Haocang, "Two, it's your turn!"

Qi Haocang and Duan Shui Liu stared at each other, and nodded at the same time. No one wants to miss this opportunity!

There are no eternal enemies, but only eternal benefits. The seven forces will fight to death when they are in martial arts. Are they not together to control the blue star?


Benefits only!

With such an intriguing interest, those grievances are thrown out of the clouds.


Qi Hao said indifferently that at this time, it is unnecessary to say anything, and only by taking an oath can he lessen his anxiety.

"it is good!"

Qin Feng nodded and immediately made an oath. Lieyang Shuo, Qi Haocang, and Duanshuiliu respectively swore and reached consensus for the time being!

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