Myka’s death did not affect everyone’s life, but just in case, Ducky ordered everyone to stay in the camp for a few days and not go out for the time being.

This day Abigail came over to find Dom, “Hey Dom, did you see Arthur?” ”

Dom, “He should have gone to Mary, you know his, as soon as Mary summoned, he went to the fart.” ”

Abigail, “Haha, Dom, what you’re saying is funny, but it is.” Then he looked like he wanted to speak, “Well, Dom, can I ask you for a favor?” ”

Dom, “Of course, the camp is idle anyway, has something happened?” ”

Abigail, “It’s Jack, can you do something for him?” Recently, I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t let him out, and his mood is a little low. ”

Dom, “Oh, little Jack, I said how he was listless these two days, so what can I do for him?” ”

Abigail, “I don’t know, John and I are not very good parents, neither we know how to comfort him, that’s why I came to trouble you, Jack has always liked you, I think you should do something.” ”

Dom thought for a moment and replied, “Okay, I’ll take him out for a walk.” ”

Abigail was very happy to see Dom agree, “Great, Dom, thank you very much, you helped us so much, I’m really sorry that I still bothered you so much.” ”

Dom, “You’re too outrageous, Abigail. Okay, I’m going to find Little Jack. ”

With that, Dom went to Jack, and Abigail kept thanking him behind him.

“Hey, little Jack, what are you doing here?” Soon, Dom found Jack sitting in the clearing in front of the stake, a man poking in the ground with a branch.

“Oh, it’s Brother Dom.” Jack looked up and saw that it was Dom, jumped up excitedly, and rushed over to hug Dom’s thigh.

Dom ruffled Jack’s hair dotingly, “Do you want to go fishing with me?” ”

Jack looked delighted, “Is that okay?” Uncle Darch said not to let him out of the camp. ”

Dom, “It’s okay, let’s just go to town.” Do you have a fishing rod? Go and get it, I’m waiting for you here. ”

Jack, “Okay, Uncle Hosea made me one, I’ll come right over.” With that, he trotted all the way back to the tent to get the fishing rod.

Soon Jack came with his own small fishing rod, and Dom reported him to the White Dragon and left the camp.

“Where are we going fishing?” Jack asked with a curious look.

“We’re just under the camp, not far away, there’s a big river, there should be a lot of fish.” ”

Jack was a little disappointed, “Well, I thought I could run far?” ”

Dom, “Do you want to run farther?” ”

Jack, “Yes, I always stay at camp, and my mother won’t let me run far.” ”

“That’s because we’ve had some trouble lately, a lot of people are looking for us, and we’re going to hide from them.” Did your mother say that you have not been happy lately because you can’t go out? ”

Jack, “A little. Dad went out for days and didn’t come back, and I missed him a little. ”

Dom, “Be brave, Jack, your dad is out looking for work so that you can live a good life.” ”

Jack, “Okay, when are we going back to another camp?” ”

Dom, “Another camp? Coulter Village? Do you like snow? ”

Jack, “I love snow, but I’m not talking about Coulter Village, it’s the one we have near Blackwater.” ”

Dom, “Oh oh, I don’t think I can go back anytime soon, there are a lot of bad uncles looking for us over there, and we’re now making a home here.” ”

Jack, “Well, I forgot my comic book there, we were in too much of a hurry.” ”

Dom, “Didn’t I bring you some comic books earlier, have you already read them?” Then I’ll bring you two more copies another day. ”

Jack, “Well, thank you brother Dom. ”

After talking, the two have come to the river and found a calm water surface, the underwater water is rich in water and grass, and there should be a lot of fish.

“Okay, this place looks good, let’s fish here.” Dom put his horse and the two walked to the river together.

Jack looked excited, “I can’t wait to start.” ”

Dom laughed, “You can’t wait to start begging yourself for a living?” Okay, first we’re going to prepare some bait. In rivers, lakes and swamps, there will be different fish, so choose the right bait according to the situation. Now we are by the river, bluegill sunfish and rock blunt bass are more abundant, and we can use cheese. ”

Jack, “Cheese? ”

“Yes, fish also have a sense of smell, can smell the cheese, and come to eat.” The next step is to release the line, first pull the rod to the back, then flung it to the front in one breath, and then wait for the fish to bite the hook. ”

Jack, “How can I tell if a fish bites?” ”

Dom, “When you see the float trembling, don’t jerk the rod yet, it’s the fish probing.” When you see the float sinking violently, it’s a fish bite and you need to pull the rod hard to pull the fish up. ”

As he spoke, Dom’s float sank sharply to the surface, and Jack shouted excitedly from the side, “Brother Dom, a fish is hooked.” ”

Dom hurriedly jerked the fishing rod, and then slowly closed the line, “Jack, you see, the fish will struggle violently in the closing line, at this time you must be patient, don’t close the line first, otherwise you will tear the fishing line, and then quickly close the line when the fish is exhausted and does not struggle.” ”

After a while, Dom caught a bluegill sunfish of about 2 pounds.

“Ding, congratulations on the upgrade of skill fishing intermediate to advanced…”

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