Red Moon Returns

Chapter 533 Surprise

It was quite chaotic.

When the church bells rang, countless people rushed to the door of the Suffering Church.

The injured who were originally blocking the door of the church were first startled by the bells above their heads, and then by the bells that kept ringing around them. Then they were startled by hundreds of fully armed soldiers who came out from all directions within a minute.

Then they were driven into a corner by violence. If they ran a little slower, they would be kicked in the butt by leather boots. For a while, there were constant wailing at the door of the church. The troublemakers who had made the nuns helpless before were extremely well-behaved in the face of violence. They were honestly driven aside and the door of the church was completely cleared.

Then, countless reporters who had been ambushing in other churches around them swarmed into the church, scaring the busy nuns inside.

Just as someone was about to step forward to dissuade them, the church's top leaders sent people to stop the dissuading people, and then sent people to take the reporter representatives to the laboratory on the third floor.

The audience on the third floor were lying on the glass without any image, carefully observing the infected people inside.

Even without the explanation of professionals, the eyes of laymen could see the clues.

Sample No. 4 inside... no, it should be called Patient No. 4, he has indeed left the crazy state. His attack reaction has disappeared, and his eyes have become blank and terrified. If his body had not been fixed, he might have hidden.

This is a typical sign of leaving the crazy state. Although he has not recovered and has not been able to say a complete word, the success of the experiment can still be confirmed from the excited performance of the nuns.

But why did Ms. Nightingale start to show worry? Is there any other problem?

Lynch felt a little uneasy, but before he could think about it, he was startled by a group of reporters rushing in.

No, these people are too fast, faster than anything else, should they be called reporters? Damn, how come they are ambushed long ago?

While he was muttering in his heart, the reporters, led by the church staff, had already set up their cameras and took a lot of photos of patient No. 4. For a moment, the flashing spotlights and the constant sound of photos scared the patient who had just recovered and made him scream.

This instead attracted cheers from inside and outside the laboratory. This kind of performance that ordinary infected people had never had was enough to explain everything. Although the nuns in the experiment couldn't stand it and drove the reporters out, the most precious first-hand photos had been obtained. This was a treasure that was enough to shock the entire Rhine, no, the whole world.

So, a group of reporters excitedly ran out of the Church of Suffering with cameras and sent the surprise they had harvested to the newspaper office as soon as possible. Soon, the photos were circulated in the square together with the already printed extra editions, while another group of reporters still stubbornly stayed in the church, trying to catch every big shot watching the experiment for an interview.

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to them. The big shots had already gotten rid of the surprise stage just now and regained their sanity. They immediately said goodbye to Ms. Nightingale and the Princess Duke. They couldn't wait to bring this good news back to other representatives of the Medea Hotel.

Yes, the whole world is waiting for the good news they bring back.

Now that the results are out, the representatives who were invited to visit can no longer hold back and hurriedly say goodbye and leave. When they walked out, their expressions were calm and their movements were steady. Their steps became faster and faster. When they left, some people fell directly on the steps and knocked off their heels, but they still got up and left.

Then a large number of celebrities from Rhine City, led by Speaker Grant and several nobles who had met at the Duke's Mansion, squeezed in impatiently. At this time, representatives from various countries had already left, leaving only the stunned Lynch and the stunned Natalie, as well as the calm Diana, the Princess Royal, and the Duke of Wayne in the observation room.

The visitors almost couldn't control their joy, but they still greeted the Princess and the Duke rationally first, and then rushed into the laboratory. The excitement on everyone's face could not be concealed with their self-restraint, and their smiles were harder to suppress than AK.

Lynch understood that these people were actually the most afraid of death.

Although everyone is equal in the face of death, those in power are often more equal, with better medical care, better guards, and their rights can ensure that they avoid most deaths.

However, this plague is unsolvable, and it is truly equal to everyone. They are actually the happiest group if the plague can be controlled.

"I can understand, but why do I always feel that these batches are arranged."

"Because it was originally arranged." Her Royal Highness whispered on the side, "Rhine needs a surprise, and the whole world needs a surprise."


"For more than a month, the disease has been spreading quietly, and patients have appeared all over the world. Although the number is not as many as in the Rhine, the initial outbreak site, the number has increased significantly over time. All countries can't sit still, so they sent representatives directly without even waiting for the drug to be developed. This mentality must be appeased with good news, otherwise even if the drug is developed, it will be difficult to avoid panic worldwide. Sir, didn't you say to try to avoid panic?"

Lynch nodded in approval, listening to Her Royal Highness continue to explain:

"This is especially true in the Rhine. This place has suffered the most serious disease attack. During this period, the emotional pressure of the people has accumulated to an extremely dangerous level. If there is not a sufficiently exciting surprise impact, I am afraid that before the plague comes, the people's hearts will The fear will completely erupt, and many man-made disasters will be difficult to avoid. "

Lynch breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, maybe this is what the League of Shadows wants. Plague may not bring about the end, but fear and madness certainly can."

"So we not only disclosed the test information to celebrities from all walks of life and asked them to gather spontaneously, but we also notified all reporters in advance and asked them to wait in a nearby church early. Once the results came out, they immediately rushed in for interviews and reported the first The news will be reported to the public as a surprise, and the pressure on savings should be relieved a lot.”

"We are victorious~~~"

The cheers of the people floated in from the window. Through the window, you could see countless people waving newspapers and shouting loudly. However, this made Lynch stunned: "Can newspapers be printed so fast? Even if it is off-line, it is impossible. Bar."

"Okay, all the major newspapers printed several sets of extra numbers last night. You can just choose one set and send it out based on the results."

Lin Qi's mouth twitched, and he was speechless at the behavior of these politicians seizing opportunities. He could only sigh: "You are doing this because you are not afraid that if you fail, they will also expose the results of the failure. On the contrary, it only increases the panic.”

"Haha, Your Excellency Sir." Duke Wayne patted Lynch on the shoulder, "Are you underestimating Your Excellency the Saint? How could she have agreed to us making such a big fuss if she wasn't sure?"

"Yes." Ms. Nightingale, who was being talked about, finally dealt with the waves of congratulators, returned to the observation room, and said tiredly, "I said, all the damn ones have died, and the second stage is guaranteed. , so even if the third phase fails, it will still give the public enough surprises, but the effect will not be as good as it is now.”

"But there is still a problem in the third stage, right." Lynch asked, "I just saw that your reaction was wrong. The problem must be serious, which is why you behaved like that."

The old woman hesitated for a while and nodded slightly: "Well, the problem is very serious."

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