Red Moon Returns

Chapter 458 I have a friend

Pies may fall from the sky, but it’s not my turn. If I want to eat the pie, I’d better do it myself.

If you gain something, you will lose something. If you give something, you will gain something. Lynch has always believed in this belief.

Even if there are hundreds of millions of radiant lords pulling strings, such a key secret cannot be easily revealed to yourself, not to mention that in addition to the skills and small gifts, you will inevitably pay an equal or even higher price.

This is only reasonable and Lin Qi can rest assured, otherwise he will wonder whether he will be silenced afterwards.

There is indeed a price, but the price is a bit unexpected.

After entering the river of time, Lynch will not go to the Silver Gate to meet Tawer Yat Umr, an avatar of the Lord of Billions of Glory, but will go around the corner of time to visit Tinda. The Lord of Tindaros, the leader of the Ross Hounds, handed a small box to the other party.

It sounds a bit scary, but it's logical and doesn't sound like a scam. And the more scary it sounds, the higher the credibility.

So Lin Qi still agreed. After all, it was the Lord of Billions of Glory who pulled the strings. Although it is an evil god, judging from its current performances, it is still credible.

This is not to say that it has no malicious intent. In fact, one of Lynch's biggest experiences in the past few months is that it is difficult to distinguish evil gods from good intentions and malicious intentions. They simply do something for a certain purpose. It does not matter whether it is good or evil, let alone evil. Will care about the consequences of doing so on the world.

However, Lynch judged from the current situation that there was no conflict between Yog-Sothoth and his own purpose, and there was no need to trick him, so he was willing to temporarily trust the other party until he realized something was wrong.

What's more, the neighbor didn't remind him that he must not have died.

Correspondingly, the Yithians will teach him how to avoid the hound mark before he enters the river of time, and they will take the goods first and pay later. It seems that like Yog-Sothoth, they are not worried at all about him cheating and denying his credit. Maybe these Guys who play with time must be so mysterious.

"Wait, I have another question." After everything was finalized, Lynch finally asked the question he was most concerned about, "Can the past be changed?"

"Huh?" The Yi people looked at Lin Qi curiously, as if studying his mental process, and after looking at him for a long time, he said, "Okay."

"But why doesn't anyone do it?"

"How do you know no one is doing this?"

Lin Qi opened his mouth, but was speechless.

"Actually, not many people do this." Ignoring Lynch's expression, the Yisi man continued to explain, "The cost is too high, and it's meaningless."

"Can you explain it?"

"Time has inertia and will develop along a trajectory. If this trajectory is changed, the inertia of time will continue to automatically correct itself until it returns to the right track."

Lynch nodded, this is the end of the world line.

"And this inertia not only affects the people and things that are changed, but also acts on the source of the change, that is, the executor. When he tries to perform the behavior of changing the past, this inertia will have a huge impact on his existence. If the impact cannot be withstood, the change usually manifests as failure due to interference. If there is no failure, the executor will be knocked away by inertia, and all existence in the past, present, and future will be erased. "

Hiss, this is the three shortcomings and five disadvantages in the hometown legend, but this one is more thorough. Lin Qi's mouth trembled, and he could already feel his body getting cold.

"In fact, the executor has to bear not only the impact of the direct change, but also the impact of the change in the future. For example, if you want to change the past and kill a person, then that person will be affected in the future. All actions in your life, including the impact on your descendants, require you to bear a part of the inertia. The same is true for saving a person. It is difficult to calculate the impact. It is possible that you have killed hundreds or thousands of people, but still suffered a lot. Small inertia, because those people have no influence from generation to generation, or will die soon due to various reasons. In short, their life and death will have little impact on history, but it is also possible that you just want to smash one. The flowerpot will be directly erased, because that flowerpot will kill a person in the future, and that person will become a tyrant before he dies, thus changing the fate of countless people.”

The three of them were already fascinated by it. It was a wonderful knowledge. Lin Qi could still understand part of it based on the knowledge accumulated in his previous life, but the other two ladies found it a little difficult to understand.

"So everyone who has the ability to step into the river of time will be very cautious and avoid any active changes to the past. We travel to key nodes in history only for research, and the purpose is definitely not to change. This is why we try our best to avoid the world Note that the reason for clearing the exchanger’s memory is at the end.”

"Wait a minute..." Although she didn't fully understand, Officer Natalie immediately realized the problem behind her words, "Doesn't it count as a change if you tell us this? We didn't swear to keep it secret, how can you still erase our memories? ?”

"That's not possible, but..." The Yisi man said calmly, "How do you know this is not the trajectory of time?"


"What if all this was supposed to happen? I am just restoring history. No, should I say that I am also a part of history?"

Officer Natalie's head was pounding. Her thoughts were getting more and more confusing, and her mind was confused and almost crazy. It wasn't until Lynch's pipe was put into her mouth and lit that her chaotic mind gradually calmed down.

Lin Qi sighed. Sure enough, you can't be careless for a moment in the mysterious world. Just hearing some taboo knowledge almost made the professionals go crazy. No, he almost went crazy just sitting there and thinking about the taboo knowledge. It seems that he will need it in the future. Be more careful and don't try to understand everything.

But Lynch still sighed and continued to ask: "You are talking about the executor, what about the changed individuals? For example, if I save a person, what will happen to this person?"

"He will encounter life dangers repeatedly in the second half of his life until he dies. This is how time inertia corrects him. And if he leaves descendants who should not exist before his death, then the entire lineage of these descendants will encounter frequent dangers, and soon Everyone will die and let time return to the right path." The Yi people showed curiosity again and asked, "What do you want to do by asking these questions?"

"Well, I have a friend who encountered something and asked me to ask him." Lynch smiled awkwardly, "He was in a strange object that was out of control... so he made a promise that is not easy to fulfill. , This is not asking me to find a solution."

"Is this friend of yours actually yourself?" The Yisi man didn't delve into it. "It doesn't matter whether it is the same or not. There is no point in doing so. Even if it succeeds, it will be a kind of torture for the person being changed, and what is changed is only that person." This timeline has no impact on the present. If you really want to help the other party, you should start with the Dreamland. There may be a way to solve it, but I can't give you a specific method. We are not familiar with the Dreamland. , I have said everything that needs to be said, so I wish us a happy cooperation. By the way, this is a little gift from us. I hope you like it, oh, you will like it. "

As he spoke, a heavy and thick rectangular metal box was pushed over. It was about the size of a computer bag. It was finely made and full of a sense of technology. It was obviously beyond the technology of this era.

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