Red Moon Returns

Chapter 14 Grand Cross District Station Square (Please read later)

The moment he opened his eyes, Lynch was a little dazed.

It was already bright outside the window, and there was a lot of noise from people and horses at the street corner.

He pinched his arms and kicked his legs to confirm that he was not dreaming.

I really had traveled through time and was in a mysterious world similar to the Victorian era.

Looking at the pocket watch, it was already twelve o'clock. I had slept until noon.

It seems that the last use of the passion of the fiery lady still brought a huge burden to the body.

Get up, you must hurry up, I have an appointment with Officer Natalie, and I have to find a house later.

After washing up quickly, I searched the cupboard and found a piece of dry bread. Although it was hard enough to be used as a weapon, it was at least white bread at five pence a pound, not black bread at three pence a pound but at least half of the ingredients were unknown.

I shouldn't die if I eat it.

I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, and stuffed the hard-to-swallow dry bread into my stomach with water.

Except for the teeth, there was no feeling of eating.

Forget it, in difficult times, I will just experience the life of medieval nobles.

We must live a normal life as soon as possible.

Lynch put on his only formal suit in front of the mirror and picked up his cheap old cane. Very good, travel companion, let's go and continue to take you to experience this new world.

[Okay, awakener. ]

The gentle voice was as usual, and it fell into silence after it sounded, but Lynch felt instantly energized, pulled out a chair and strode out of the apartment.

He almost bumped into the person standing at the door.


It was a middle-aged man in a formal suit with a rat's beard, thin and dry. Lynch looked a little familiar, and compared it with his memory, his face became quite weird.

Mr. Wilson Nach, another identity, landlord.

Lynch looked at the window behind him at the first time.

At the height of the second floor, jumping out of the window to escape should not break his legs.

"Lynch Leviev, what's wrong with you? I heard that you have offended the police. And this door, are you going to tear down the house? Fix it quickly."

"It's okay, it's just that good citizens assisted the Hall of Order in the investigation. The problem has been solved." Lynch smiled and nodded, and asked nervously, "Mr. Wilson, are you here today to..."

"Collect the rent? Do you still have to wait for me to urge you?" Wilson's tone was quite high.

"Today? Isn't it tomorrow?" Lynch looked at the window again.

"Humph, every month is so shabby, will you starve to death if you pay the rent one day earlier? You have to drag it until the last day. No wonder no one comes to your shabby office. I tell you, tomorrow you can't even pay a penny, otherwise don't blame me for throwing all your luggage out."

The harsh words almost materialized from the rat-whiskered man's mouth, making Lynch's mouth tremble, and the blood vessels on his forehead jumped, and he wanted to kick him out.

Forget it, anyway, I have made up my mind to move.

"By the way, I came here today because I have a letter for you. I don't know who put it in my mailbox last night."

It was an ordinary envelope with Lynch's name on it. There was no stamp on it. It was obvious that he put it in the mailbox by himself instead of mailing it.

Could it be that some client sent me the reward before?

Without caring about being angry, Lynch took the envelope, waved his fist at Wilson's departing back, and quickly opened the envelope.

No money.

Lynch sighed painfully, took out the letter inside, read it once, and his face darkened.

Mr. Lynch Leviev:

Thank you for your wonderful performance last night.

As a reward, please enjoy your last month of life.

One month later, I look forward to meeting you again in the Hall of the Flasher.

There was no signature, only a weird smile.

Lynch frowned and looked at the letter against the light. After all, he was not a real professional detective, and there was no clue on the letter.

He folded the letter and put it in his pocket with his lips pursed. His good mood was already covered with a layer of haze.


Is he idle?

If he is not idle, it means that there must be a purpose for doing such a stupid thing, but I don't know it yet.

It doesn't matter. There is still a month, I can think about it slowly.

Lynch smiled coldly, put the envelope away, took a deep breath, and left the apartment with renewed interest.

This place is not close to the beer street on the address. It takes at least an hour to walk there, and it consumes a lot of physical strength. After hesitating again and again, Lynch made a painful decision.

Just walk there.

After all, even the cheapest public carriage, which can carry 20 passengers, costs three pence for a five-kilometer journey.

As for the other two types of rented carriages, they are even more expensive.

The rented carriage with a closed compartment can carry four passengers, and the starting price for three kilometers is twelve pence, which is one shilling, and two pence per kilometer thereafter. The open-top rented carriage can carry two passengers, and the starting price is only eight pence, and one penny per kilometer.

Even the public carriages were reluctant to be abandoned, let alone the rental carriages.

Lynch gritted his teeth and decided to go, just as if he was taking his travel companions to visit Rhine City.

In fact, this was the first time that Lynch had used the daytime perspective to appreciate this new and strange world.

Breathing the air mixed with a faint smell of coal smoke, walking among the gentlemen and ladies in formal clothes, Lynch felt that he was gradually integrating into this strange new world.

This place was at most at the level of the 18th century, and steam engines had just entered people's lives not long ago.

There were fewer and fewer farmlands, and more and more factories emitting black smoke. Carriages loaded with coal and whale oil often passed by on the streets, and steam trains loaded with goods kept passing through the city.

As the second largest city in the Kingdom of Land, Rhine City, with a population of one million, covers nearly 1,000 square kilometers, including the suburbs. According to the custom left over from the lord era three hundred years ago, the city is divided into twelve districts.

The river valley area where Lynch's apartment is located belongs to a relatively developed commercial area, with all kinds of shops everywhere, showing the freedom and unrestrainedness of this era.

As the pace became faster and faster, the noise and prosperity of the commercial district gradually faded away. Lynch passed through the crown area in the center of the city and entered the Grand Cross area where railroad tracks could be seen everywhere.

The train station was built in this area, and trains from all directions would meet here, making the Grand Cross area particularly lively.

Wiping the sweat mixed with smoke and dust on his forehead, Lynch stopped in a large square not far from the train station.

My feet hurt.

With a whistle, the steam locomotive dragging black smoke and white mist rushed out of the station like a hideous steel monster, roaring into the distance.

Strong laborers carried boxes of goods through the crowd, passengers dragged suitcases through the streets, hawkers pushing carts shouted from time to time, and thin newsboys ran along the street waving rolls of newspapers.

"Newspapers for sale, newspapers for sale, last night the police raided a group of cultists' lair, nine cultists died on the spot."

"Newspapers for sale, newspapers for sale, the Best Mountain Tunnel is about to start construction, and the mountain people secretly planned a parade to stop the construction of the tunnel."

"Extra, Extra, the kingdom has introduced the first airship, and Princess Sophia of the Rose Family will visit various cities on the airship..."

Lin Qi was a little stunned for a moment. The extraordinary power of the new world may be quite far away, but the breath of life has quietly come to him.

Especially the sneaky lady in men's clothing on the street.

On a sunny afternoon, holding a cup of warm coffee, queuing up to buy a few fragrant honey biscuits, squeezing through the crowd, secretly looking around on the way, quickly taking a bite of biscuits when no one is paying attention, and then taking a sip of hot coffee, this kind of life is simply...

"It turns out that Officer Natalie also takes a break from work to buy snacks." Lynch chased after her.

A paper bag of biscuits fell from his hand, fortunately Lynch was quick and caught it in time. The sweet smell of honey made people's appetite whetted. No wonder this woman would come out to queue up to buy them even when she was slacking off at work.

As soon as Lynch looked up and was about to hand over the paper bag, he found that the lady in front of him had flushed, and her head was almost emitting white smoke like a steam locomotive. She explained helplessly: "I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I don't have it."


"Well, well, that's right, I have a friend, I brought it for him, no, no, I didn't eat it myself."

"Oh, I understand, I understand, I have a friend, understand, I have it too... oh."

The blushing policewoman stopped Lynch's teasing in the most effective way. She stepped on his foot, snatched back the biscuits and stuffed them into her windbreaker pocket, coughed dryly, tried to cool her cheeks, and pretended to be He said seriously, "You came earlier than I thought. I thought you would wait until the evening to make a decision."

"I wanted to ask you to help me sell the ring and buy a cheaper house earlier, but before I left, the landlord sent a letter to me, which was intentionally sent to his mailbox to avoid being tracked." For the sake of his life safety, Lynch tried to get rid of the image of a little mouse stealing cookies in his mind, "It seems to be a provocative letter written by Randall's owner."

"Huh? You want to move?" Officer Natalie nodded, "Forget it, come with me first, let's go in, the club is just across the street."

In an inconspicuous corner opposite the square, there is a three-story building.

It is a very ordinary Victorian-style building with intricate pipes climbing on the outer wall. At first glance, this is an old building from fifty years ago. At that time, it had not yet entered the era of gas lamps and steam power, so there were these exposed pipes.

There is an ugly scarecrow pattern sign hanging at the door of the building. The door is closed, but there are often mysterious people wearing windbreakers and top hats, with their collars raised to cover their faces.

There is a corridor extending to the left and right after entering the door, and there is an open hall in front.

The hall is arranged as a bar, which is quite spacious, with at least thirty or forty sets of tables and chairs scattered around, and a circular bar in the middle.

Although it is still afternoon, there are already forty or fifty guests sitting in the bar, most of them are gentlemen in formal clothes. After all, the world has not yet developed to the era where women fill the bar.

However, what surprised Lynch was that the atmosphere of these gentlemen was quite intense at this time. Most of them gathered at the bar, excited, shouting, and had a tense attitude, as if a bloody battle could break out at any time.

Lynch looked at Officer Natalie beside him, but the policewoman looked calm and took Lynch to the bar.

The bar layout is very 18th-century style, but the difference is that there is a hemispherical glass cover in the middle of the bar, which is brightly lit and can be seen clearly. It is a layout like a rockery.

There is also a large blackboard hanging above the head, with detailed tables drawn on it and various numbers written on it. It looks quite professional, making Lynch think he has entered the most primitive stock exchange.

When I got closer and took a closer look, I found that the people at the bar were not arguing. They were waving bills in their hands and desperately handing them to the bar. The two bartenders at the bar were dressed as beautiful women in men's clothing. One of them took the bills skillfully, and the other wrote a string of numbers on the blackboard even more skillfully.

Is it really an early stock exchange? But it doesn't look like it.

Lin Qi was thinking about it, and he noticed something in the glass cover seemed to move.

What is it?

It is too important to read it. Thank you very much for reading it.

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