Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 78 The frenzy of contribution

Steamed Bun’s video and Singo’s strategy caused an uproar among the player community. The [Mysterious Invitation], which is temporarily limited to 10 copies, is out of stock on the exchange.

The big guilds all said that I stopped pretending and began to monopolize the camp contribution tasks that were previously ignored, while the monetary tasks were ignored.

So the players started a frenzy to chase the camp's contribution, and began to work for Cassius for free day and night, and the task board was even looted.

"Let me be a Dragon Vein Warlock!"

"I want to be a dragon knight!"

"Ahhh! Give me the magic outfit!"

"The sky is a man's romance!"

Excited players shouting such slogans appear in mines, beside city walls, on rooftops, and even beside dunghills.

Even Metrorash was shocked by the players' enthusiasm for work, and rushed out many new tasks at short notice.

And at this critical juncture, Cassius pursued and launched a powerful medicine, launching the fully automatic leek harvester he had been preparing for a long time - the camp position system.

Treat players with players and drive management costs to negative numbers.

Currently, only three low-level positions are open: tax collector, scrivener, and security officer.

They are respectively responsible for assisting in collecting taxes, recording and processing documents, and maintaining urban security. Bato City officials will issue them corresponding suits and provide accommodation. Their only salary is their daily camp contribution, and their camp contribution rewards will be determined based on their performance.

Even for these low-level positions, the standard requirement for application is 3,000 camp contributions, and most players now do not even reach one-tenth of this number.

In this regard, they can only sigh in despair and continue to work hard, dreaming of a better future.

But at this time, the famous "Four Black Slaves" were very excited about this. After eighteen days of inhumane torture, their contribution had already reached the standard.

[Faction position system is activated! ]

[Your contribution value is 6457, you can choose the position [Tax Collector] [Warlock] [Security Officer]]

[Note: The daily guaranteed salary for low-level positions is: 100 camp contributions]

[You can get camp contribution commission through work. ]

Mantou pointed to the prompt on the panel and said: "This system is a bit cool. 100 camp contributions are credited to the guaranteed salary every day. It seems that we don't have to work everywhere in the future!"

"Well, it's finally over."

Xia Ye Qiuyu nodded with lingering fear. If it weren't for her extremely high professionalism, she might not want to stay in the dirty and dark mine for a moment.

The natural-born warrior touched his bald head: "It's indeed pretty good."

Singo browsed through the detailed descriptions of the positions at a glance, and concluded eloquently: "Let me tell you my opinion. I mainly recommend the two positions of security officer and tax collector."

"Security officers will receive an additional commission of 150 for each illegal crime they capture. Haha, given the urinary nature of the player base, you also know how high their crime rate is."

"There is also a taxman who calculates the contribution commission based on the taxes collected. Maybe we can get some gold coins. There is a lot of room for manipulation here."

"As for the scrivener? He processes four thousand words of documents every day, and his monthly contribution is guaranteed to be fifteen hundred."

"It's not appropriate for a dog."

He once again made that classic assertion.

Tiansheng Zhanju, Mantou, and Xia Ye Qiuyu all suggested: "Then choose a security officer."

Otherwise, the tax collector is a bit too hateful.

Singo smiled strangely: "Haha, then I will choose the tax collector. I will let the players know that paying taxes is as inevitable as death."

Steamed Bun felt a little numb when he saw it, and once again lamented that this guy was just a pure pervert.

I wonder how this tax collector will torture other players in the future.

[You choose the camp position - [Sheriff]]

[You can live in [Bato City Security Officers’ Dormitory]]

[You need to go to the [Bator City Administrative Hall] to get the corresponding suits and weapons. ]

Mantou and his party first went to check out the new dormitory, which had a pretty good environment, and then went to the hall to collect armor and weapons.

"Holy shit, is he so handsome?"

"This benefit is also great."

Steamed Bun stared at the brand new [Sheriff Armor] and [Long Sword of Order] in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh.

This was much better than the equipment he had been sold by Singo before. It was a qualitative leap.

"Although Xin Gou is a bit bad, he is really capable." Mantou sighed.

The armor is high-quality iron armor that is difficult for players to purchase. The weapon is a standard iron long sword. There is also a delicate heraldry carved on the chest of the armor and the hilt of the long sword. The pattern is a golden vertical pupil surrounded by flames—— It was a symbol unique to the Burning Nest.

They were even given the use of horses.

Put on brand new equipment, pick up the sword in your hand, and ride on the tall horse.

"The spring breeze is so proud that the horse's hooves are so fast that I can see all the Bato flowers in one day."

he intoned triumphantly.

Steamed Bun felt proud of the spring breeze, and after all the hardships, the previous depression disappeared, and even the eyes he looked at the players who were working hard became arrogant.

Players in the square also noticed the steamed buns. They thought it was some NPC, but they barely recognized it when they saw the "I'm going to eat steamed buns" sign above their heads.

"What the hell is this steamed bun?"

"Where did they get a suit that looks so good?"

"Did he rob the bank?"

"Where did you get the mount? I want to ride a horse too."

"Seeing Mantou doing so well is more uncomfortable than seeing myself doing poorly."

A disgraced player who had just returned from the mine exclaimed: "Holy crap, aren't those four black slaves?"

When Steamed Bun heard this, his eyes widened immediately, he raised his sword and pointed it at the player, and shouted according to the instructions in the security officer's manual:

"Citizens, I am responsible for maintaining law and order here. Please be careful with your words!"

"No provoking the security officers!"


Cassius, who was lying in the cave watching the image, suddenly burst into laughter, almost spitting out flames from his mouth, thinking that Mantou was pretty good at pretending.

The red dragon breathed out a breath of hot sulfurous breath.

But this is fine, let them become positive examples of working for the Burning Nest, let all players understand the importance of working hard to earn contributions to the camp, so that Cassius can enjoy his success.


Cassius laughed sinisterly.

After most players reach the camp contribution standard, he will perform a "consumption upgrade."

He would put things that were at the level of the original [Adamantine Store] into the new [Simulite Store], and then increase the camp's contribution standards several times, and continue to let them work for him in vain.

"It's okay, everyone."

"The days to come are still long."

It has only been more than a month of internal testing, but Cassius is already self-taught and fully understands the essence of how to cut leeks in his previous life.

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