Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 96: Night Attack

To the west of the Triangle Plain, in the forest at the junction of the prairie and the Jogol Mountains, an army of ten thousand people hid in the dense forest, or hid in the bushes, or leaned against boulders, keeping quiet and not daring to make any noise.

A black shadow passed over the forest, and soon disappeared.

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a commander came out of the bushes where he was hiding. While brushing off the caterpillars stuck to his body, he looked solemnly at the direction where the harpies were going away.

The closer they got to the triangular plain, the stronger the enemy's detection was. Fortunately, there were spellcasters in the team who kept Eagle Eye at all times, which allowed the team to detect the enemy in time and hide in advance.

I hope to successfully complete the task and lead the team to rendezvous with the Grand Commander.

So thought Longfellow David, Baron of Dana Kingdom.

Go ahead.

As soon as the commander beckoned, the veterans walked out of their hiding place in silence, and set foot on the marching road again.

All the things prepared by the empire were packed in the dimension bag. All the soldiers carried with them were spears, long swords, wooden shields, military armor with leather and iron sheets, several days of rations, and a military water bag. The above is to travel light.

The deputy passed through the crowd and came to the temporary commander of the team: My lord, the soldier's water bag is almost exhausted, and the drinking water needs to be replenished in time.

Looking at the soldier beside him, Longfellow frowned when he saw the dry and chapped lips.

The amount of water stored in the water bladder is limited, and after two days of exhausting long-distance marches in the underground world, the soldiers' drinking water can last until now is the result of his order to save water.

He took out the map, found the nearest river on the map, and looked up at the sun that was about to set.

Keep going, there is a source of water ahead.

Longfellow was very cautious. After marching to the water source, he deliberately waited for half an hour. After the sky was completely dark, he allowed the soldiers to set foot on the grassland with an open view and come to the small river on the grassland to replenish drinking water.

The small rivers and rainwater scattered on these grasslands are the guarantee for the survival of the grassland natives. People and livestock drink these waters.

There is no need to worry about poisoning. Some thirsty soldiers looked at the shallow river water and thought that there was nothing to hide, so they buried their heads in the river and drank to their fullness.

Huh?! There's a murloc over there! It's looking at us! A soldier pointed into the distance.

In the distance, the pool under the moonlight was sparkling, and a murloc poked its head above the water, watching from a distance.

Longfellow frowned slightly, and then relaxed. Murlocs are very common. Rivers, lakes, and seas, as long as there is water, there are more or less these guys.


In the middle of the night, Jose received a message from Cassie through contacting his family members, and found traces of the Dana people 30 kilometers west of the Triangular Plain.


Regardless of the fact that there are as many as 70,000 natives in the grassland, and they continue to advance towards the Triangle Plain, Jose has never paid attention to them because he knows these natives thoroughly and knows that they are not a big threat to him.

But the army of the Dana people was different. It was a force that had experienced war and was well-equipped, and it was very likely that the Dana people had the hole cards that the Dana people were going to use against themselves.

With such an army hiding in the dark, José couldn't sleep peacefully.

But after finding the enemy's position and making corresponding preparations, the Dana people's threat will not be that great.

On Jinshan, he closed his eyes and thought about whether he should go to say hello to the Dana people in person.

After thinking about it, Jose dismissed the idea. He didn't know what cards the Dana people had prepared, and he was betting his life if he went rashly.

The army, let the army solve it.

He calculated the location of the Dana men, and found that at the speed of the wolf cavalry, they could arrive in four hours, rest for half an hour after arriving, and had about an hour to attack before dawn.

In the dark forest, the blind Dana people faced the fierce gnolls and wolf cavalry.

This is simply a massacre!

Hogg! A new prey has appeared!

In the Gnoll barracks, Hogg Riverpaw, the leader of the Gnoll, heard his master's call and woke up from his sleep. His opened eyes shone with green light of excitement, and he was full of energy.

No need to blow the whistle, he held his head up.


A wolf howl with a long tail sounded, and the surrounding gnolls woke up from their dreams, and they also howled together, and the wolf in the animal pen woke up together, and the howling of wolves echoed in the underground space.

A moment later, a wave of wolves ran wildly from the multiple expanded exits of the Moduo Peak Forest Underground Kingdom.

Gnoll wolf cavalry ran forward in the jungle, keeping quiet the whole time, so quiet that only the panting of the wolves and the click of breaking branches could be heard.

If someone here sees this scene, they will feel very cold, not the cold that stimulates the skin to make goose bumps, but the cold that takes away the warmth in the heart. Those green eyes move silently and quickly in the forest, just like the night ghost in.

It was not easy to train the chaotic gnoll to this level, but Jose did it.

In the division of labor among monsters in Modo Peak Forest, the wolf man's racial orientation is warriors, and most male wolf men will be selected as soldiers. They don't need to engage in production, but only need combat training.

These well-trained jackal warriors, after being selected one out of ten, become a jackal wolf cavalry reserve, and the reserve has to pass a series of strict assessments. Only when they are qualified in terms of force and psychological quality can they officially become a wolf man. Glorious Gnoll Wolf Rider.

Among the many monster armies, the resource obtained by the wolf man wolf cavalry is second only to the caster and the ogre.

All of them wore standard hard leather armor made of yak leather, a large steel sword suitable for chopping was hung on the waist belt, and a longbow and a quiver full of arrows were carried on their backs. Carry a small bag of jerky with you to replenish your strength.


In the middle of the night, in the forest, the Dana people are resting.

For fear of being discovered, they didn't even dare to start a fire, and they didn't take off their clothes. Several people huddled together and lay on the grass in the forest. The forest was very humid, and some dew had condensed on the leather armor.

Fortunately, these people are veterans who have experienced many battles, and after a day of marching, they can still fall asleep.

But there was also a small group of people who did not rest. They were soldiers in charge of the night watch.

Ah ~ Qiu! On the edge, a soldier sneezed, shook his head and continued to stare at the darkness.

As an elite scout, even after a day of marching, he only slept in the first half of the night and was called up to perform the second night's vigil. Also taller.

In fact, in the dark night, people's eyes are not very effective, and night watchmen rely more on hearing to alert their surroundings.

It's just that the jackal's hearing is more acute.

In the distance, the leader of the gnolls—Hogg Riverpaw moved his ears and recognized that it was the sound of a human sneezing, knowing that he was not far from his target.

Closer slowly! Don't make any noise! He ordered the subordinates behind him.

Getting closer, the Wolf man smelled the scent of humans in the night wind.

Godsend, they are at a disadvantage.

Hogg turned to the high-ranking Gnoll mystic at the side: Your Excellency Mosa, please investigate and see what arrangements the enemy has made.

Mossa Mosskin didn't say much, and the mouth that was so old that the fangs had fallen off uttered a low incantation, and a green eyeball appeared out of thin air, floating into the darkness of the forest.

Not long after, the high-ranking Gnoll Mystic opened his eyes and said solemnly, Commander Hogg, the enemy is very cautious. They not only arranged a dozen scattered night watchmen, but also planted some traps in the forest. Magic traps, enemies also have spellcasters.

Your Excellency Mosa, can you find a breakthrough? Hogg asked eagerly.

Sneak attack in the dark is the specialty of the wolf cavalry, and he doesn't want to give up this advantage if it is not necessary.

The high-ranking Gnoll Mystic Master shook his head: It's difficult. In the dark night, I can't guarantee that I can find all the traps, and doing so is very time-consuming and magical, and I'm afraid it won't affect the later battle.

If you can't sneak attack, you can only attack by force.

Hogg was still full of confidence. Dealing with no enemies in the dark was simply a one-sided twist. The last time he dealt with the Frostax barbarians proved this point.

With the help of the high-ranking Gnoll Mystic, Hogg formulated an attack plan, intending to surround the enemy, and attack from the west, south, and north where there are fewer traps, and the enemy's east, which is facing the triangle plain There are too many traps in the direction, and Hogg personally leads the elite guards.

If the enemy breaks down and flees from the east, hehe.

Thinking of this, Hogg couldn't help but licked his lips. He wanted to present an absolute victory to his master.

Knife out!

Quietly, the Gnolls completed the siege of the enemy, and sent professional thieves to assassinate the exposed Night Watchman, and then continued to tighten the encirclement, with arrows on the string.

In the bushes, a night guard soldier was well hidden. He saw a pair of dense green eyes emerging from the darkness, like falling into a cellar of ice, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.


And there are wargs!

The night watchman swallowed his saliva. At the same time, he smelled a bloody smell, and immediately understood that some of his companions had been eliminated by the enemy.

If you can kill your companions silently, you can also kill yourself.

He knew that both the Gnoll and the Warg had low-light vision, and the darkness had little effect on them. The only reason he was not assassinated was because of the cover of the lush bushes.

If he calls the police, his location will be exposed, and he will be attacked immediately, and he doesn't even know the enemy's location, so there is a high probability that he will die on the way back to the base camp.

The soldier struggled violently and quickly made up his mind.

Even if you don't call the police, you will die when the enemy approaches. If you call the police, you will be credited. If you die, your family will get a pension that exceeds the norm.

He imagined the terrain behind him, and roughly planned his escape route.

Enemy attack!

The moment he yelled the alarm, he jumped out of the bushes, rolled and hid behind a big tree not far from him.

Sure enough, when he just jumped up, the bush where he was hiding was shot by the arrows, and there were at least ten arrows from the sound.

He didn't have time to care about these things, he broke out and ran back with all his strength, as long as he fled back to his own camp twenty meters away, then there was a possibility of survival.


This was the sound of the trigger being pulled, and it came from less than ten meters away from him. The night watch soldier was shrouded in a boundless chill, and immediately felt a tingling pain in his temple.

It's over.

His consciousness plunged into eternal darkness.

Not far from the soldier's corpse, a Gnoll thief who emerged from stealth retracted his hand crossbow, feeling annoyed. He didn't expect that there were two night guard soldiers hiding so close, and the place was full of human beings. Taste and smell were also disturbed, so it was not detected.

Before he had time to think about it, he hung the slow-loading hand crossbow back to his waist, took off the short bow, and shot at the enemies who woke up and started to move not far away.

With so many people crowded together, there was almost no need to aim, and the enemy couldn't see him, which allowed the Gnoll to shoot boldly.

The jackals in other directions also started shooting. Although they were wolf cavalry, shooting was also one of their daily training items.

At the beginning, as Hogg planned, the enemy who was attacked had little power to fight back, and suffered heavy losses, as evidenced by the wailing of the large number of wounded.

But what happened next was beyond his expectation.

Instead of collapsing, the enemy gathered together under the command of the commander, relying on obstacles to block with shields, and let the spellcasters under layers of protection use light to illuminate the surrounding battlefield, relying on obstacles to launch a counterattack.

Hogg realized that this group of enemies was not ordinary, so he put all his energy into observing the situation of the battle.

Although the enemy started to fight back, the Gnoll still had a huge advantage. The enemy was within the range of the light spell and was in the light, while he waited for the Gnoll to be in the dark, but he could kill the enemy with energy consumption with arrows.

But unfortunately, the number of arrows carried by the Wolf man is limited.

Soon, the pot of arrows was shot empty.

All the gnolls rode on the wolf, holding military-grade steel swords, and looked at the enemy camp that was defended like a tortoise shell.

Looking up at the sky, it was the darkest moment before dawn. Hogg realized that he had to end this battle as soon as possible. The enemy's defensive battle was obviously to delay until dawn and wait for sight to recover.


The high-pitched howling of wolves full of murderous aura sounded, and the wolf soldiers and wolves responded one after another. The continuous howling of wolves merged into one piece, echoing in the Jogor Mountains in the dark night, and the enemies within the encirclement felt a boundless chill.

The howling of wolves is the horn of the general attack!

Lord Mosa! You come to deal with the enemy's spellcaster! Leave the others to me!

Understood! The high-ranking wolf-man mystic stared at the light technique emitting bright light from the enemy's head, and drove the wolf in his crotch to follow behind Hogg, and the magic energy gathered in his hands.

Holding the big ax bestowed by his master, Hogg waved lightly at the enemies in the encirclement, and a large number of gnolls gathered around drove the wolves to rush up.

PS: I have to deal with some personal matters this weekend, so the update will be delayed tomorrow, try to update before twelve o'clock.

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