Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 464 Massacre! Devil's Shame!

Lagerforth the Gluttonous!

The Glutton's territory is bordered by the Dragon Alliance. Jose has naturally investigated the information of the Glutton, and he obtained the detailed information from the Alliance of Gods with points, including all the information on the Glutton from legend to abomination.

It has to be said that Gluttony is very lucky, and he can be called the son of the devil's version.

When the glutton advanced into the legend, he received the blessing of the abyss, his body mutated, and he gained the talent of becoming stronger by devouring food.

Later, he took refuge in a god-level abyss lord, and under the protection of the abyss lord, he grew up to the level of a demigod safely.

But the real rise of the gluttons was three thousand years ago, in the great battle that shocked the entire multiverse.

At that time, the two abyss lords attacked each other for unknown reasons.

The fight between the abyss lords is no longer news, but to the extent of that battle, many eternal beings have never seen it.

The two abyss lords devoted all their troops to fighting on the eternal battlefield, and both died in the end.

But the glutton survived, not only survived, but also devoured all the demon corpses including the two abyss lords, broke through the abomination in one fell swoop, and replaced his own boss as the new abyss lord.

Jose stared at the sand table with uncertain eyesight.

For an abyss lord who is in good condition, and a veteran abyss lord who has been a god for three thousand years, even if his strength increases greatly, there is no absolute certainty of victory.

Because of this, before deciding to attack, Red Dragon visited Black Blood City in advance, and obtained the support of the god-level powerhouse stationed in Black Blood City.

Frederick, my army is about to arrive. Order the whole city to prepare food and reward the army.

The red dragon turned around: Before going out, the soldiers need a carnival.

As you order, Master Jose, the Lord of Feiyu City bowed.


The bloody sun gradually slanted westward, and the afterglow shone on the land of the abyss.

Jose stood on the wall of the core castle of Feiyu City, overlooking the city under the afterglow of the setting sun. The afterglow of the setting sun covered the gray and white city wall with a layer of blood.

The city was bustling with activity, the smell of fine wine and food wafted in the air, and the laughter of the soldiers of the Forsyth Empire was everywhere.

Soldiers gathered around the fire to drink and eat meat, and two ogres were fighting with each other. A large group of people surrounded them. The crowd was divided into two factions to cheer for their favorite players.

Gradually, the competition turned into a brawl, with ogres, trolls, tauren and other big men wrestling with each other with their fists.

Jose watched the chaotic fighting scene in the city with great interest, without any intention of stopping it.

Fists are the way for the fighters of the Forsyth Empire to exchange feelings. If you have a hearty fight, not only will the two sides not form hatred, but the relationship will be enhanced through mutual recognition.

Your Majesty, Ergou's respectful voice came from behind the red dragon.

The red dragon head didn't return either: What's the matter?

Your Excellency, the Lord of Feiyu City, set up a banquet and invited you to attend the banquet.

Thank Frederick for me and tell him I just want to be alone for a while now.

As ordered, Ergou retreated again.

Jose stood in the cold wind, looking at the abyss land in the distance, as if he wanted to take this endless abyss into his eyes.

Demon, devil, damn it!


Boom boom boom!

Behind the battlefield, the engineers of Burning Wings manipulated the cannons and poured artillery fire at the demon city in the distance.

A large number of shells converged into a barrage, so densely packed that one's scalp tingles.

The shells fell into the demon city, exploded in the city, and ignited a cloud of small mushrooms.

The demon's simple house collapsed in the explosion, and even the unlucky demon was affected by the bomb and was knocked into the air by the powerful impact, vomiting blood in the air and flying upside down, and the blood in his mouth was even mixed with internal organ fragments.

It's good to have a whole body left, but the demon at the center of the explosion was blown to pieces with broken limbs and arms.


A gigantic, tortoise-like legendary demon that walks upright roars in anger,

Rampage in the city, everything along the way, whether it is a building or a low-level demon, is knocked down and trampled into the dirt by the hill-like body of the legendary demon.

Suddenly, a cannonball fell from the sky and just hit the legendary demon.

The legendary demon reacted in time, turned around and faced the cannonball with its hard carapace, and a huge shield made of magical energy emerged on the surface of the carapace.


The bomb hit the shield, stirring up a large amount of dust, and the entire legendary demon was shrouded in dust.

The movement of the giant drove the airflow, and the legendary demon rushed out of the smoke without any damage.

But just after rushing out of the smoke, a brilliant energy cannon hit the tortoise demon head-on. The violent energy tore the demon's body apart, and even the hard tortoise shell was shattered into slag.

Hahaha! The third one! A hundred hits! In the distant sky, a blue dragon looked at the legendary demon that turned into a rain of blood, put away the Howl of the Empire] in his hand, and showed off to the red dragon companion beside him.

Hey man! You hit two out of three and I hit them all. I win!

Cut! Don't get complacent too early! We are more than who kills the legendary demons! We are not more accurate! As he said, the red dragon swooped towards the demon city in the distance, and the huge dragon shadow enveloped the imperial army running below. .

On the ground, the imperial army fought like demons.

A master-level ogre warrior was wearing a full body of heavy armor, activated the defensive magic on the armor, waved the mace in his hand, and launched a whirlwind in the demon army, stirring up a bloody storm, leaving behind a lot of flesh and blood fragments.

However, the ogre rushed too deep, and at the end of the whirlwind, one of them was suddenly hit by a berserker, lost its balance and fell to the ground, and was immediately overwhelmed by a large number of demons.

Captain! Seeing this scene, the kobold mage from behind took off the magic scroll on his belt without any hesitation, and quickly shook the scroll away.

The magic impact of the master magic ego!

Ergo's magic impact is a master-level magic researched by the prime minister of the empire, Ergou, based on the warrior's shock wave skills. It can use magic impact to wipe out enemies in a wide range.

A light blue magical energy erupted forward from the scroll, knocking away the demons along the way.

Under the calculations of the kobold mage, the magic impact happened to knock the demon flying on the ogre.

The ogre struggled to stand up, but it was too big to stand up for a while. There were so many demons around, and the ogre was about to be overwhelmed by demons again.

The Gnoll archer grabbed the magic arrows in the quiver behind his back, put six arrows on the bowstring, and pointed the flashing cold arrows at the demons around the ogre, aiming with one eye.


The moment it left the bowstring, faint blue magic runes lit up on the flickering arrow, and the arrow was immediately covered with a layer of blue light.

There are many types of magic arrows produced by the Fossey Empire specifically for sharpshooters. There are many types of magic arrows, such as explosive arrows with area damage, and ice arrows that are extremely lethal to demons. The armor-piercing arrow of the attacker.

Under special circumstances, armor-piercing arrows can also be used as group attack skills.

Six armor-piercing arrows pierced through the demons along the way, and each arrow passed through the bodies of at least five demons.

Non-fatal injuries were not enough to kill the demon, but the sharp pain caused by the arrow piercing slowed down the demon's actions, bought precious time for the ogre, and finally stood up.

Meanwhile, the kobold mage's spell completes.

Four ice shields appeared around the ogre, protecting the ogre.

Kill! The ogre opened its mouth wide and roared angrily.

He grabbed the jumping humanoid demon, grabbed the demon's upper body with one hand, and grabbed the demon's two legs with the other hand, and pulled it hard.

Under the tremendous force of the ogre, the humanoid demon was torn in half, and the viscera in the abdominal cavity scattered all over the floor.

Roar! The ogre let out a wild roar, and smashed the two demon bodies in its hands towards the attacking demon group.

He picked up the mace on the ground and continued to fight.

The fighters of the Fussey Empire are well-equipped, well-trained, brave in combat, and scientifically equipped with tactics. Even the demon army cannot resist.

Soon, the demon army in front of the city wall was killed and their morale collapsed.

Brothers! The devil is dead! Go!

On the back of the three-story-high ground dragon, the ogre shaman beat the war drum and sounded the horn of the general attack.

For the glory of the Forsyth Empire!

For Your Majesty!

For Tedanol!


The imperial warriors roared and charged towards the city wall, the torrent of steel crushing and smashing the demons along the way.

A ground dragon in heavy armor rushed to the front, like a warship moving on the ground, rushing towards the gate of the demon city.


The ground dragon smashed the demon's crude city gate to pieces, and from the gate hole, it let out a wild roar to the demon in the city.

Faster than the ground dragon is the Dancing Claw Dragon. The Dancing Claw Dragon is smaller in size and quick in movement. Under the manipulation of the knight on its back, it walks along the gap created by the artillery fire in the city, tramples on rocks, and leaps and bounds a few times. Cross over the city wall and rush into the interior of the demon city.


The Dancing Claw Dragon ran past a demon, and at the same time, a cold light flashed past.

Before the demon could run a few steps, his head fell off his neck, and the blood spurted wildly.

Before the body had time to fall down, the dragon knight who danced claws pierced the heart again.

The soldiers who can control the Dancing Claw Dragon are all the elites of the empire, and they themselves have extremely strong combat effectiveness. With the assistance of the crotch sub-dragon, their combat effectiveness has been further improved.

The claw-dancing dragon knights turned into death scythes, swung their double blades, and harvested the remaining demons in the city. Wherever they went, the demons fell like wheat.

After the whole battle, the ace mage group of the imperial army only started, unfolding a magic barrier to block the demon's magic, and spent the rest of the time playing soy sauce.

In front of the imperial army, an ordinary demon city is really too weak.

The only thing worth seeing is the demon lord of this city, the demigod demon fire eater.

In the sky, with the assistance of the four legendary dragons, the White Dragon Prince Cassie is besieging the Fire Eater.

Whether it is the white dragon or the four legendary dragons, they all fought bravely and fought hard against the demigods and demons.

It's not that they are confident in their own strength and are not afraid of death, but that they are very confident in the strength of the emperor of the empire.

Imperial Emperor Jose was high in the sky, looking down on the battlefield below.

With the emperor here, the four legendary dragons naturally have nothing to worry about, and they will attack with all their strength to hone their fighting skills.

Although the emperor of the empire didn't make a move, just standing there caused great psychological pressure on the demigod demon.

Coupled with the desperate attacks of the white dragon and the four legendary demons, the fire eater gradually fell below.

Fire can overcome ice, but if ice is strong enough, it can also overcome fire.

The time for White Dragon to take office as the Son of Winter] is short, but the profession itself cannot stand up to its own strength. Fire Eater is getting weaker and weaker, and the hope of escape is getting slimmer and slimmer.

Let's die together! Finally, the Fire Eater fell into desperation, launching a self-destruct in order to take away an enemy or two.

Not good! Withdraw quickly! Bai Long exclaimed.

However, it was too late to retreat at this time, the reddish black skin of the fire eater cracked, and red lights shot out from the cracks, and the berserk energy slanted out from its body, and rushed towards the surrounding dragons that had no time to evacuate.

Just when the violent explosion energy was about to hit everyone, the red dragon in the higher sky made a move.

The red dragon did not see any movement, and the fire elemental energy of the explosion collectively turned around ninety degrees and rushed towards the sky.

The Emperor of Yan] activates the authority, and the energy of the fire element is under control.

Of course, there is a limit to the energy of the fire element that can be controlled by the power of Emperor Yan, but the fire element produced by the self-explosion of a small demigod demon is far from the limit that the red dragon can control.

The energy of the fire element was concentrated in Jose's outstretched dragon claws, as docile as a tamed cat.

The red dragon opened its mouth and swallowed the fire elemental energy produced by the demigod demon's self-explosion in one gulp. The red dragon's throat and stomach lit up, and the red dragon finally disappeared in the heart.

When Bailong and other dragons saw this scene, they couldn't help showing horror and admiration.

They knew that the gap between themselves and the red dragon was huge, but they didn't expect it to be so big.

The demigod self-explosion, which is fatal to the white dragon and other dragons, is a trick that can be easily broken by the red dragon, just like catching a ping pong ball thrown by a naughty child.

Jose looked down at the white dragon: Cassie, remember the lesson this time, don't underestimate any enemy.

Understood, boss, Bai Long swallowed.

The red dragon stopped talking. He knew the character of the white dragon. Although he was not extremely smart, he was still a little wise. The white dragon also had a very good quality, that is, he could remember the lessons and turn them into experience , to avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Below, the battle in the demon city also ended, and the imperial army sent wolf cavalry to search for possible surviving demons in the ruins.

Seeing this, Hogg Riverpaw, the commander of the army, used magic to amplify his voice and gave orders: Clean up the battlefield! Rest for an hour!

Dragon Legion! Charge the Howl of the Empire!


After the war, the work was carried out in an orderly manner. The wolf cavalry strangled the surviving demons, the ogres prepared to go to the battlefield, and collected the corpses of the demons, while the dragon army flew around the mages and took out the howling of the empire, which exhausted its energy. ], let the mages help replenish energy.

This is just the first demon city, and fierce battles are waiting for them.

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