Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 461: Red Dragon’s First Sinister Head

In the blink of an eye, Jose and Nahum the Lasher fought several moves, but they failed to do anything to each other.

At the same time, the Red Dragon figured out the strength of the enemy and ourselves.

As a veteran god-level strongman, Lasher is stronger, but it is not so easy to defeat the red dragon.

If the fight continues, the result will only be a loss for both sides, and it will be cheaper for the third party.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Jose used sound transmission magic to directly showdown with the Lasher: Lord Nahum, if we continue to fight, I'm afraid Cecilia will be cheaper.

When the whipper heard the name Cecilia, his body shook, and he remembered the red-clothed devil who was a diplomat in the treasury in the past. It was the devil's sudden attack that interrupted his healing process and made his injury worse. He has recuperated until now It has only recovered 70%.

Devils always seek revenge, and the whippers naturally hate the devil in red.

The Lasher was about to speak, but was interrupted by the Red Dragon using sound transmission magic.

Hush! Don't talk, Cecilia is watching us, and when we both lose, he will come out to take advantage.

Jose went on to say: The news of your hiding place was revealed to me by Cecilia.

Why should I believe you, the Lasher also communicated with the red dragon through magic voice transmission.

Having said that, the Lasher, remembering the devil that haunted the Redridge Mountains not long ago, believed most of the words of the red dragon in his heart.

The Flogger denied it with his mouth, but he used sound transmission magic in action.

Jose roughly understood what the flagger was thinking, and while fighting with the flagger, he continued to transmit voice transmission: Believe it or not, I don't need to prove anything to you.

If the red dragon had said so from the beginning, the flaggers would be furious and attack in anger.

But at this time, the Red Dragon has proved its own strength through fighting, and it does have the capital to have an equal dialogue with the whippers.

Even an abyss lord will pay attention to the words spoken by beings of the same level to a certain extent.

Seeing the whippers fall into silence, Jose said, I received information from the devil, but I stepped into the trap without hesitation, just to lure the devil in red.

Your Excellency Nahum, there is no deep hatred between you and me.

But Cecilia is different. He is our common enemy. I want to join hands with Your Excellency to lure him out and destroy him.

What do you think, Your Excellency? The red dragon stared at the whipper, trying to find some information from the face of the abyss lord.

In the past, during the Battle of the Flagger's Treasure House, the red dragon was only a demigod, and was chased and killed by the devil. The Flagger knew this information.

The Pillar of Dominion] banned all information in the treasury, and the person involved was either an employee of Tidanol or a family of devils, so the whippers knew nothing about what happened in the treasury.

In this way, normal people will naturally regard the evil-level devil as the biggest winner of the treasure house incident.

José was sure that the Flagger thought so too, and that was the main reason why he had ventured into the Hills of Misery alone to seek the Lager and the Tiger's skin.

The Red Dragon was betting that the Lasher's hatred for the Red Devil would prevail, and agreed to join forces.

It turns out that Red Dragon was right.

Although the whipper didn't speak, his attack on the red dragon was gradually weakened.

Actions speak louder than words.

Jose strikes while the iron is hot: A few days ago, I had a battle with Cecilia, and his strength is not much different from mine.

If your Excellency joins hands with me and launches a surprise attack while he is unprepared, there is a 80% certainty that he can be killed. Don't you want revenge?!


The lasher snorted coldly, but there was no previous killing intent on his body: It seems that you have already made arrangements, tell me about your plan.

A flash of joy flashed in Jose's eyes, and he said via voice transmission:


After an hour of fighting.

The violent energy storm centered on the battlefield and erupted in all directions. The terrifying energy made the space somewhat unstable.

Feel the endless pain! Nahum the Lager raised his head excitedly and roared.

Ah! The injured red dragon screamed, and the aura on his body suddenly declined.

The red dragon was seriously injured, turned around and ran away.

The floggers were in hot pursuit.

However, the red dragon has some tricks. While running away, it keeps throwing magic behind it to hinder the whippers from pursuing.

Due to the space magic of the abyss lord, the red dragon was unable to launch the teleportation to escape, so he had to cast a spell to tear the space, hoping to escape into the endless void.

Seeing that the space crack was about to take shape, the red dragon was overjoyed, and suddenly rushed into the endless void.

However, at the moment before the space rift was fully opened, a strange energy fluctuation appeared in front, and the devil in red appeared out of thin air, forming a pincer attack with the Lasher, about to launch a fatal blow to the fleeing red dragon.

A look of joy flashed in Jose's eyes, and he knew that the devil in red would not sit back and watch him run away, and would definitely jump out to stop him.

With a thought, the red dragon launched a teleportation technique and appeared behind the red devil, launching a long-planned attack.

The five fingers of the dragon claw spread out, and golden flames spewed out from the palm. The high temperature of the golden flame made the space a little unbearable, and tiny black cracks were formed.

At the same time, the red-clothed devil was right in front of him, and the lasher let out an excited laugh, and the attack originally planned for the red dragon was aimed at the red-clothed devil.


Cecilia, the devil in red, felt a deadly sense of crisis coming, and his hair stood on end. At the same time, he was shocked: Didn't the red dragon fall under the Lasher's space magic? !

The next moment, he realized that the posture of the two was premeditated.

Damn it! I was fooled! The red devil cursed in his heart, he never thought that the fooled Red Dragon Society and the abyss lord were in the same group.

After all, Red Dragon's adequate preparation played a role, causing the information gap between the two sides. The Red Dragon figured out the plan of the Red Devil with the help of the arrangement, and the Red Devil knew nothing about the Red Dragon's management here.

If the devil in red had known in advance that the red dragon had been operating here for many days, he might not have been easily fooled.

Cecilia felt resentful in her heart, but it was useless. In a hurry, she had to go all out to block the deadly trap of the Red Dragon and the Lasher.

On the other side, Jose couldn't help but feel a sense of joy when he saw that the devil in red turned his back on him and chose to attack the whippers head-on.

No one knows the power of Jin Yan better than his master. It is the extremely pure fire elemental energy, which is enough to cause fatal damage to a god-level existence.

But from the perspective of the devil in red, turning his back on the red dragon is a helpless move. After all, the whipper is stronger, and the lesser of two evils.

However, even if it is the lightest one, the light one is enough to be fatal.

Seeing that Jin Yan was about to hit the back of the red-clothed devil, even the cloth on the red-clothed devil's back began to turn yellow and curl up, which was a sign that the cloth was affected by the high temperature.

go to hell!

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

The shadow in the shadow of the red-clothed devil squirmed, and a dark human-shaped shadow emerged from the shadow, lying between the red dragon and the red-clothed devil.

It is the god-level shadow fiend Maltz Shadow of the Shadow!

The shadow of the dark sound looked at the attacking Jin Yan, his scalp became numb, and he wanted to escape, but as the servant of the red-clothed devil, his life and death depended on the red-clothed devil's thoughts, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and condense a shadow barrier with all his strength.

Jin Yan hit the shadow barrier, and the two forces collided and annihilated each other, creating a violent energy storm.

The energy of the fire element is violent and domineering. It is born with explosive properties and tends to attack frontally.

The power of shadow is more inclined to the weird side, and its best field is assassination, but its defense is much worse.

Without a sound, the shadow barrier was penetrated, and Jin Yan continued to attack the Shadow Demon.

In the past, the Shadow of Darkness would not hesitate to escape into the Shadow Realm, but this time behind him is the devil in red.

Under the order of the devil in red, the Shadow Demon did not dare to run away, so he could only use his own body as a barrier to defend his master against Jin Yan's attack.


The moment Jin Yan hit the Shadow Demon, the Shadow Demon let out an inhuman scream, the voice was extremely shrill.

As if the golden flame was sticky, it stained the Shadow Demon's body, and it couldn't be shaken off, and it got fuel, making the fire even more powerful.

This is exactly the killing move prepared by the red dragon for the devil in red.

The Bone Corrosion Golden Flame is not only powerful in killing, but also has a strong adhesive property. As long as it sticks a little, it will stick to the enemy like a gangrene, until it burns the enemy to death.

For shadow creatures made of pure energy such as shadow demons, the Bone Corrosion Jin Yan is even more powerful, turning into fine ashes in the Jin Yan like a ignited flame.

The unlucky Shadow Demon became the scapegoat of the Red Devil.

On the other side, the flogger brandished a leather whip, which condensed the law of pain that was as substantial as it was, and savagely whipped towards the head of the devil in red.

The red-clothed devil's scalp was numb, and he had a hunch that once he was hit by the whip of the whip, he might be finished.

He tried his best to squeeze out the last bit of potential, activated the magic shield, and blocked the whip attack.

But the whiplasher's long-planned attack was not so easy to block. Although the whip was blocked by the magic shield, the law of pain attached to the whip penetrated the shield and continued to attack the red-clothed devil.

It's over! The red-clothed devil turned pale.

Just before the law of pain was about to hit the devil, the pendant on the devil's neck was triggered, and a thick black smoke gushed out from the pendant, enveloping the devil in red.

The law of pain sinks into the black smoke, like a mud cow into the sea, failing to stir up even a single wave.

Nahum the Flogger felt the supreme coercion of the Lord of the Nine Hells in the black smoke, he was horrified and retreated repeatedly.

Jose also felt the energy breath of the Lord of the Nine Hells, and quickly backed away. The Lord of the Nine Hells is an existence that can stand up to the God of Light and Justice, and is a figure at the top of the real pyramid of the multiverse.

Scarlet Devil Cecilia was filled with fear and anger, because the treasure bestowed by the Lord of Nine Hells was triggered.

This pendant was a reward for his work under the Lord of the Nine Hells before the start of the competition, so this piece of equipment was not bound by the competition rules.

However, based on the achievements he had made when he first obtained the pendant, the reward for obtaining such a treasure that was personally crafted by the Lord of Nine Prisons and could block a single attack of the Godly Level was obviously much heavier.

Cecilia later realized that perhaps the Lord of the Nine Hells had already anticipated the competition, and the gift of the pendant was a preparation for the competition.

Now, he has used up the treasure bestowed by the Lord of Nine Hells, which proves his incompetence.

In Bator Hell, you can trample on all the morals and laws of the multiverse, but there is only one thing you can't do, and that is incompetence.

The Lord of Nine Prisons hates incompetent people the most.

This failure will definitely affect the status of the red-clothed devil in the heart of the Lord of Nine Prisons.

Therefore, he felt extremely uncomfortable and almost went crazy.

The devil in red was filled with black smoke. He looked resentfully at the whipper who retreated, and then turned his head to look at the red dragon who had retreated to a safe position, as if he wanted to engrave the appearance of the two into his heart.

I remember you guys! Let's wait and see!

The devil in red knew that he had nothing to do with the red dragon and the Lasher, so he tore apart the space and left without the slightest hesitation.

Jose and the Flogger looked at each other, and both saw the vigilance and hostility in each other's eyes.

The two parties originally cooperated temporarily because of the common enemy. Now that the common enemy is gone, the relationship between the two parties will naturally return to a normal state.

The red dragon didn't talk nonsense. While guarding against the abyss lord, he opened the portal and entered the portal without looking back.


Dragon City, the core castle, the exclusive office of the emperor of the empire.

Jose stepped out of the portal, stepped on the floor of the office's hexagram, and walked straight to the chair behind the desk.


He sat down on the chair and let out a long breath.

I didn't expect Cecilia to have such a hole card.

Jose thought about the rules of the competition. The rules of the competition directly restricted the God of Light and Justice and the Lord of the Nine Hells to death, and did not allow any form of help to the contestants.

Of course, the rules are only bound after the start of the competition, not before the start of the competition.

What the Red Dragon didn't know was that the God of Light and Justice had discovered the tricks of the Lord of the Nine Prisons, but when he thought of the artifacts in the Red Dragon's spiritual sea, he didn't put forward restrictions on obtaining the equipment before.

After all, it is true that the artifact of the red dragon is more powerful, and it is more beneficial for Tedanol to keep the magic equipment.

Leaving gossip aside, Jose quickly returned to normal, with the corners of his mouth curled up, obviously in a good mood.

This battle can be regarded as forcing out Cecilia's real hole card!

Tsk tsk, a god-level Shadow Demon!

I don't know how much effort and resources that Cecilia guy spent, but before he had time to play a role, he lost it in my hands.

That guy Cecilia must be very angry now! Hahaha!

The red dragon was very happy when he thought of the impotent and furious look of the devil in red who wanted to kill him but couldn't.

The fact is indeed as Jose expected.

After Cecilia fled back to the base camp, his heart was bleeding. The Shadow Demon was cultivated after spending an incomparably precious breakthrough material. As a result, the Shadow Demon died in the hands of the Red Dragon the first time he went on a mission.

The anger in the red devil's heart can be imagined, he can no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

Ahhhhh! Damn Lasher! Damn Red Dragon! There's no end to this!

Crackling! bang!

Hong Yi smashed everything in sight to pieces.

At this time, a cold air appeared in the hall out of thin air, and a figure loomed in the cold air.

What's the matter with you, my lord father?

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