Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 436 Crisis! King of the Star Spirits!

In addition, there is not only one treasure in the secret treasure house.

The mermaid emperor said in a tone full of temptation: You two, the treasure house of an abyss lord, such opportunities are not many!

Jose and Merlin looked at each other, and they both saw the heartbeat in each other's eyes.

It is normal to have a heartbeat. After all, it is the treasure house of an abyss lord who is comparable to a god. There are collections in the treasure house that are helpful for advanced gods, so other treasures are not far behind.

Your Majesty Xituya, we need to go back and investigate to confirm the authenticity of your news, Moorlin said with a serious face.

Such a big event may be slaughtered if you don't pay attention. I have to be cautious.

That's right, what Your Excellency Merlin said is also what I want to say, Jose said, staring at the Mermaid King.

His Majesty Xituya, after we confirm the authenticity of the news, we will act immediately. Now, please disclose some relevant information.

Okay, the Mermaid Emperor was unambiguous, and directly took out the confidentiality contract that had been prepared.

Looking at the contract that had already been drawn up, the Mermaid Emperor had already expected such a scene.

Jose and Moore checked the contract, found no problems, and signed their names.

The contract took effect, and the mermaid emperor revealed the news.

After Red Dragon and Moorlin got the news, they immediately dispatched their personnel to verify the authenticity of the news.

A few hours later, the investigation news came back one after another, verifying the mermaid emperor's statement. The place mentioned by the mermaid emperor is very likely to be the secret treasure house of the whippers.

So far, the cooperation intention has reached an agreement, and the rest is the specific details of the cooperation and the subsequent distribution of benefits.


The three quarreled for two hours, compromised with each other, and finally reached an agreement.


The eighty-first floor of the bottomless abyss - hills of misery.

The endless low mountains cover the field of vision, the mountains are black red, the land is cracked and smelly, like dried blood, there is very little vegetation on the land, and the only vegetation is distorted by the power of the abyss, like ghost hands with teeth and claws.

Jose, Merlin, and the Mermaid Emperor flew 10,000 meters away in the sky,

Using magic to hide his figure and aura, he stared at an inconspicuous hill diagonally below.

Among the rolling low mountains, this small hill is inconspicuous, and no one will take a look at it when flying through the air.

But just under such an ordinary hill, there is hidden the treasure of the god-level abyss lord.

The mermaid emperor pointed to the low hill below: You two, look, the entrance to the treasure house is the small cave at the bottom of the mountain. This small cave looks inconspicuous, like the cave of an ordinary beast, but in fact there is a universe inside.

The entrance of this cave is small, but the interior is large, slanting down into the depths of the earth.

In the first half of the cave, there is a group of low-level demons. These low-level demons are specially arranged by the whippers to cover the subordinates of the treasure house. Their leader is a master-level berserker. His strength is low and there is nothing to worry about.

But these demons must not be disturbed, because there are demigod demon guards deep in the cave, and the difficulty of the problem lies in these three demigod demon guards.

If the demigod demon guards are alarmed, they will activate the defense mechanism of the treasure house. As for the defense mechanism of the treasure house, I don't know, but we definitely don't want to see it activated.

The Mermaid Emperor then introduced: After entering the cave for a kilometer, we will come across a corner, guarded behind the corner is the first demigod demon, a demigod beholder, the race of beholders is extremely perceptive, and has the ability to see through. The ability to be invisible.

We have to kill the demigod beholder silently, and then quickly withdraw the core of the treasure house.

Jose asked, What race is the demon guarding the core treasure house?

The mermaid emperor shook his head: I only know that there are three demigod demons, and one of them is a beholder. I don't know about the others.

I don't know? Moore asked suspiciously, Then how did you know that there are three demigods in the treasury.

These demigods also need food. Every six months, the Floggers will send people to deliver the food.

Mermaid Emperor: Some time ago, the Lasher Palace was in turmoil, and many subordinate demons escaped. My people caught the food delivery demon and learned the news about the treasure house from him.

But the delivery demon can't go deep into the treasury. The strongest he saw was the demigod beholder. As for why I'm sure there are two other demigod demons in the treasury.

That's because the devil's food is also divided into levels. The higher the level, the better the food. Every time the food delivery devil delivers demigod food for three people, that's why we came to the conclusion that there are three demigod demons in the treasury. .”

Jose nodded in agreement. His strength has reached the level of a demigod. He can go without food for a long time and absorb elemental energy to maintain his life, but he still feels hungry. The feeling of being hungry is not good.

Unless a pure elemental demigod, otherwise, generally no demigod would refuse to eat.

Therefore, giving three demigod meals to three people over the years can basically confirm that there are three demon demigods in the treasury.

In addition, at this point, Jose finally understood why the mermaid emperor insisted on looking for himself and Morin.

In such a situation where the way forward is unclear and one needs to act in secret, a large number of people becomes a disadvantage, and only a small number of people can improve the chance of success.

Also, two, I stepped on it in advance. There is a magic device inside this treasure house that confines teleportation. Be careful later.

Understood. x2

Okay, let's start! Saying that, the mermaid emperor took the lead and fell down.

The three maintained their invisibility and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Before entering the cave, Jose smelled a pungent stench, the smell of feces mixed with carrion, which was a good thing done by the lower demons.

The Red Dragon couldn't help admiring the Lasher's mind, letting a group of low-level demons guard the first gate of the treasure house seemed to lower the style of the treasure house, but in fact it was a very clever arrangement.

Who would have thought that a cave occupied by lowly demons would be the secret treasure house of an abyss lord!

If he hadn't known the situation in advance, even if Jose found this cave, he wouldn't waste time on a group of low-level demons, and would probably just leave.

The three demigods sneaked in, and the scattered low-level demons didn't notice anything.

Soon, the three approached the corner that the Mermaid King said, and the demigod beholder was hiding behind the corner, and the red dragon could already smell the ominous smell from the demigod beholder.

Jose, Merlin, and the Mermaid King stopped at the same time, not daring to make the slightest movement.

The Bottomless Abyss Beholder Clan, like the Barlow Balrog, is an iconic demon race.

The shape of the beholder is like a giant eyeball with many tentacles, and each tentacle has a small eyeball at the end. Apart from the eyes, the beholder only has an exaggerated mouth.

In addition, the beholder family is not only powerful in vision, but also has tyrannical mental power, spellcasting ability, and excellent perception.

It can be said that apart from being slightly weaker in hand-to-hand combat, the Beholder family has almost no weaknesses.

Fortunately, before the actions of the three demigods, there were related plans.

Jose, Mermaid King, and Merlin made eye contact.




Action! Even though it is the first time for the three to cooperate, they cooperate tacitly, like teammates who have been together for many years.

The mermaid emperor propped up the magic barrier immediately, and the magic barrier instantly expanded to include the beholder. This magic barrier can isolate all magic fluctuations, and at the same time convey all normal illusions to the outside world.

At the same time, Jose, who had been accumulating energy for a long time, suddenly kicked the ground, turned into an afterimage and rushed out, rushing towards the direction of the beholder.

Moore uttered the spell quickly, and followed closely behind the red dragon.


During the charge, flames burst out from the red dragon's body, and the flames burned to the ceiling of the cave.

【Phoenix Heart】Open!

[The Emperor of Yan's Status] is on!

Adjusting his state to the best, Jose rushed across the corner, turned his head but didn't see the beholder, because his vision was filled with miserable green rays of fel energy.

Facing the terrifying fel energy rays, the red dragon ignored it and even accelerated its charge.

At the moment before the evil energy ray was about to hit the red dragon, the space in front of the red dragon rippled, and the evil energy ray sank into the ripples and disappeared. It is unknown where it was transferred by Moorlin's space magic.

After the fel ray disappeared, José finally saw the true face of the beholder.

Thirty or forty tentacles dance around the giant eyeball like crazy snakes, with blue-red blood vessels exposed on the tentacles, and small eyes at the end of the tentacles, which are ferocious and terrifying.

However, it was the beholder who was terrified at this time, because the appearance of the three demigods was so sudden that it couldn't react for a while, and only had time to instinctively shoot out its natural ability-fel energy rays.

Jose didn't give the beholder a second chance to attack, he rushed forward, the scorching heat made the beholder back again and again.

Among the abyssal demon group, the beholder's fire resistance ability is at the bottom, and its hand-to-hand ability is slightly weaker, which is why the red dragon is the main attacker.

The beholder waved its tentacles, and the tentacles frantically whipped towards the red dragon, but instead of hurting the red dragon, it hurt itself. The tentacles with exposed blood vessels were burned in the scorching heat, causing a lot of blisters to pop out, causing the beholder to be so painful howling.

The red dragon is like a piece of red-hot iron, which cannot be touched.

The beholder clan lacked in hand-to-hand combat ability, and the moment it was approached by the red dragon, its tragic fate was already doomed.

Jose grabbed the beholder's attacking tentacles, pulled the beholder towards him with sudden force, and then pierced the beholder's big Kaziran eyes with the burning dragon claws.


The dragon claws inserted into the beholder's big eyeball, and the beholder's bubbling, scalded tentacles lashed towards the red dragon. Before reaching the red dragon, the tentacles limply fell down, and the burst of fire elemental energy destroyed the demigod's eyes from the inside. The body of the demon.

Under the joint calculation of the three top demigods, the beholder had no power to resist, and fell into the hands of the red dragon.

Sensing the disappearance of the beholder, Morin quietly dissipated the magic he had prepared in his hands. The main attacker was strong enough, so he didn't need to make a move as a spare.

The mermaid emperor walked over quickly, turning the corner just in time to see the red dragon remove the beholder's corpse from its claws.

You two, I won't have any information after that, so please be careful.

Red Dragon and Moore nodded.

The mermaid emperor also stopped talking, and stretched out his slender hand to the red dragon, with the palm up, making a request.

Jose directly pulled a handful of charred tentacles from the beholder's corpse, and handed them to the mermaid emperor: Is that enough?

A little is enough, the Mermaid Emperor took the tentacles, and quickly said the spell in his mouth.

After a while, a brand new beholder appeared in front of the two.

From the outside, there is no difference between this fake beholder and the genuine beholder. In essence, the fake beholder is just a paper tiger with no fighting power and can only imitate the aura of the genuine beholder.

Okay, this beholder image can buy us some time.

The mermaid emperor sorted out the magical energy that was rioted due to the battle, and then untied the magic barrier.

The three demigods continued to descend, along the stairs, and marched deep into the earth.

For some reason, Jose was inexplicably flustered and had an ominous premonition.

Meanwhile, the outside world.

The devil—Malganis appeared in the sky out of nowhere, with a gloomy face, looking at the treasure house below.

The air around Malganis twisted, and the assassin-type demigod—Leonard Heartless appeared out of thin air.

Leonard Unintentionally lowered his eyebrows and said pleasantly: Master Malganis, your grand plan has succeeded. I witnessed those three idiots step into the trap with my own eyes.

When Malganis heard this, the corner of his mouth curled up into a twisted and crazy smile, and he murmured: The fish is hooked~.

Quack quack! This competition can be declared over in advance! Malganis couldn't suppress his excitement, trembling all over his body.

With excitement, Mal'Ganis sent a rallying message.

Silently, a dozen or so devils appeared around Malganis, and each devil exuded the aura of a strong man, and they were all powerful devils at the demigod level.

Thirteen demigods and devils were assembled, but all the devils did not move at all, but stopped in place and waited quietly, with submissive expressions, as if they were ready to meet some important person.

After a while, a devil in a scarlet robe appeared without a sound, even the surrounding air was not disturbed.

But the demons held their breath and bowed to the new demon.

Salute to you! Your Majesty Cecilia! As strong as Malganis, he had to lower his proud head in front of the devil in red.

From an angle that the red-clothed devil could not see, Malganis' eyes were full of jealousy, and the strong jealousy seemed to overflow from his eyes, but his mouth spoke insincere words like all the devils.

You will surely become the Lord of the Ten Hells! Take control of Tidanor again!

The devil in red - Cecilia, he used to have another identity, the father of the King of Eternal Night, the king of the elves of the Tedanore star, the man who stood at the pinnacle of power in the world of Tedanore.

Before he was born, Cecilia ruled the elven subjects of Teldanore, and after he fell into a devil, he also ruled the devil line of Teldanore.

Especially not long ago, after Cecilia stepped into the gods, no one can shake his position.

Let's go, take the treasure here, and take a look at the people in my hometown by the way, the red-clothed devil took the lead and fell to the treasure house below.

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