Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 432 Fighting the Evil Dragon, Docking the Tail to Survive

Stop playing, we have to join hands to kill him, if Tiamat comes, we will be in trouble!

Okay, quack quack, his soul belongs to me, the demon looked at the red dragon with endless greed, as if looking at some kind of delicacy.

Jose was a little uncomfortable being looked at by the devil's eyes, and said, Five-headed dragon queen?

You don't have to worry about the arrival of the five-headed dragon for the time being. She is injured. I think she is sleeping and recovering from her injuries.

This is not a lie. When the red dragon went to the Evilscale Fortress, he learned a piece of information from the conversation with the poisonous jadeite. After the five-headed dragon returned to the Evilscale Fortress, he has not responded to the priest's prayer.

Combined with the fact that the five-headed dragon queen fought with the snake that devoured the abyss and was injured, Red Dragon speculates that the five-headed dragon queen is most likely to fall asleep due to the injury.

God-level powerhouses are very strong and will not be easily injured, but once injured, it will be more troublesome, and deep sleep is one of the most common ways to recover from injuries.

Well, he didn't lie, the demon on the chest of the evil dragon said, he has the ability to identify lies.

It's interesting, Asha Delong stepped on the black dragon's corpse on the ground, and looked at the red dragon with eyes gushing with evil energy, with great interest.

Young junior, why was that arrogant idiot in Tiamat injured?

While talking, Jose was also observing the evil dragon. The evil dragon gave him a faint sense of oppression, and its strength must be very strong, even stronger than the hundred-eyed demon.

The most direct proof is that the evil dragon repeatedly said Tiamat's real name and insulted Tiamat, and was not worried about being noticed by the five-headed dragon queen. Even today's emperors of the empire cannot do this.

As expected of an evil dragon that once touched the threshold of evil, don't be reckless, José thought in his heart, and responded, This is a long story to say.

Let's make a long story short, the profane heart stared at the red dragon viciously.

Jose didn't care either: The matter has to start from an unborn abyss plane,..., the five-headed dragon queen fought against the snake that devoured the abyss,..., the black dragon got the dragon's blood...

That's the way it is.

Wonderful, wonderful, the profane heart clapped his palms, looking at the red dragon with admiration.

You are so obedient, I am reluctant to kill you, I will give you one last chance to become my priest, and I will give you strength!

I will think about it.

After a pause, Jose shrugged: It's better to avoid it, my teammates have already arrived.

As soon as the words fell, a white light shot out from the red dragon's hand, and the white light penetrated into the demon's body on the evil dragon's chest with lightning speed.

The devil's face changed suddenly, he felt that the connection between himself and the void was broken, and the energy in the space around him was shaking.

Hashley's Phase Nails!

If you hit [Hashley's Phase Nail], unless the devil can break the space, you can't escape.

At the same time when the white light hit the demon, two powerful auras appeared in the distance, neither of which was weaker than the red dragon.

Quick! Kill him! screamed the demon.

I will tear you to shreds! The heart of blasphemy—Ashadron roared angrily, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the red dragon.

It's so fast! Jose's pupils shrank, the speed of the profane heart was so fast that [Data Vision] couldn't fully capture it, only a blurry afterimage could be seen.

The red dragon felt a bad wind hitting its heart, and before the attack came, it sensed the foul-smelling evil energy.

Fire element! Follow my orders! He mustered the energy of the fire element in his body and burst out.


The condensed fire element tide centered on the red dragon, covering the sky and covering the earth, erupting in all directions.

The fire elemental tide can't harm the evil dragon, but it slows her down, and the fire elemental also feeds back information about the enemy to its king.

Through the information fed back by the energy of the fire element, Jose formed a complete image of the profane heart in his mind and understood her actions.

Judging from the action arc, the attack on the heart is just a cover, and her real target is the eyes.

Of course, if Jose doesn't protect his heart, false moves will become real moves.

Jose crossed his arms and blocked his chest, while the dragon tail was accumulating power.

With a heavy blow on the arm, the red dragon's arm hurts. At the same time, he raised the dragon's tail and slapped the evil dragon fiercely. If the evil dragon continued to attack the red dragon's eyes, he would also be hit in the neck by the red dragon's tail.

The Blasphemy Heart had no choice but to give up the attack.

Sudden mutation!

When the two dragons wrestled, the evil energy in the demon eyes on the chest of the profane heart gushed out, turning into a miserable green ominous ray and shooting towards the heart of the red dragon.

At the moment when the fel energy changed, Jose sensed the abnormality and sensed a fatal crisis.

The distance between the two sides was too close, the red dragon only had time to tilt his head, and then felt a pain in his shoulder.

Flame Rage!

Without thinking too much, Jose activated the trump card of being approached, and the flames around him suddenly became irritable.

This feeling reminded Ashadron of the scene where the meteorite exploded just now. The only difference was that she no longer hid in the void, but took the place of the black dragon and stood on the opposite side of the red dragon.

She pulled back and blasted back, but it was too late.


There was another loud explosion, and violent flames sprayed out in all directions. The strong wind generated by the explosion separated the two dragons, and both were blown upside down, unstable.

It's just that the power of the flame rage is not as strong as that of the burning star. In addition, the evil dragon itself and the demon are both good at playing with fire, and they have not been seriously injured like a black dragon.

Both dragons flapped their wings quickly, trying to control their bodies.


Jose fell on the high mountain of the island, with his limbs deeply inserted into the rock. He turned his head to check the wound on his shoulder, and saw that the shoulder was pierced by the evil energy rays, leaving a horrible blood hole. The most important thing is the miserable green The fel energy of the wound clings to the wound, preventing it from healing.

On the other side, the blasphemous heart flew upside down in the air, managed to control its body, and immediately counterattacked.

Quack quack! Red dragon! Your self-healing ability can't save you! The demon on the evil dragon's chest taunted.

Previously, the profane heart hid in the void and observed the red dragon and the black dragon fighting. At that time, he discovered that the red dragon had a powerful self-healing ability, so he would naturally be on guard.

In the multiverse, self-healing is a powerful ability, but it is not uncommon. Common ones include trolls who are not afraid of swords, and hydras that can instantly grow their heads.

As for the god-level powerhouses, almost all of them have powerful self-healing abilities, especially true gods, who can save dying people with a single magic spell, and of course they can save themselves.

Common and powerful abilities will naturally be targeted.

The evil dragon's method for self-healing ability is evil energy. The filthy evil energy has a strong adhesion ability. When it adheres to the wound, the wounded will not be able to heal itself, and will even be polluted by evil energy after a long time.

Jose felt bad, but now was not the time to deal with the wound, the evil dragon was approaching quickly.

The red dragon finally opened the distance, so naturally he would not let the evil dragon get close easily. After all, the emperor of the empire is a powerful demigod spellcaster.

He uttered the spell quickly.

A lava shield blocked the flight path of the evil dragon, and flames boiled on the lava shield.


The evil dragon shattered the lava shield, but another flame barrier stood in front of him.

The flame barrier was hit again and shattered, turning into pure fire elemental energy and disappearing into the air.

Death! Asha Delong slapped the red dragon's head.

She hit the red dragon, but she was shocked, because she didn't feel the physical feeling of hitting the flesh, as if hitting a ball of air.

The image of the red dragon shattered and turned into foam.

Boom boom boom!

The foam condensed by the energy of the fire element exploded in a row, and the profane heart quickly covered its head with the dragon wings, and the foam exploded on the surface of the dragon wings like firecrackers.

Little harm, but highly insulting.

Blasphemy flapped its wings angrily, pushed the exploding foam away, and looked around for traces of the red dragon.

But I saw the red dragon not far away, a huge fireball was condensed in the red dragon's hand, the fireball was burning with golden flames, and the surrounding space was slightly deformed.


Jose pushed out the fireball in his hand, and the giant golden fireball shot towards the evil dragon with a long tail flame.

Heart of Blasphemy—Ashadron moved sideways, avoiding the fireball attack.

At the moment when the golden fireball passed by the evil dragon, Jose activated the mental power left inside the fireball: Explode!


The brilliant golden flame exploded, hitting the evil dragon that couldn't dodge, and the evil dragon rolled along the hillside in a panic.

After rolling a few times, she forcefully supported the ground with her limbs, and her sharp dragon claws deeply grabbed into the rock. She stabilized her body vigorously and stood up.

The evil dragon looked ashamed and glared at the red dragon.

You pissed me off! Fel flames erupted from Ashadron's body. The fel flames polluted the surrounding land. The stink of fel energy.

The evil dragon rushed up again, but Jose felt relieved.

finally come!

A huge long sword descended from the sky, and penetrated deep into the rock in front of the evil dragon. The evil dragon barely hit the sword, and the smooth blade reflected the surprised face of the evil dragon.

A giant alchemy puppet with a sci-fi feel fell from the sky. Its huge body blocked the sunlight, and most of the island was shrouded in its shadow.

It is the masterpiece of King Hasilei, the guardian spirit - Keith Barker!

Jose and the evil dragon——Ashadron is huge in the eyes of ordinary people, but in front of the huge guardian spirit, he is like a human and a small sparrow.

The evil dragon felt that he was being locked by a majestic mental force, and quickly retreated.

Keith Buck ignored the evil dragon and glanced back at Jose: It's all right.

It's okay, Jose said with a wry smile, but if you come later, I'll be in trouble.

The heart of blasphemy—Ashadron, is definitely the strongest opponent the emperor has faced so far. Whether it is speed, combat awareness, or attack ability, it is at the top level.

If it was a one-on-one fight, Jose estimated that he would only have to escape for his life.

Fortunately, he is not a loner with no background. As the inheritor of Emperor Hasilei, even though the guardian spirit and the rock of fortitude have regained their freedom, they are still willing to fight for the successor of the emperor.

As for how strong the Guardian Spirit and the Rock of Fortitude are.

You must know that when the Emperor of the Empire, Faye Saobao and Lord Baluo joined forces to clear the trial mission, there was nothing they could do with the Rock of Perseverance.

And the Guardian Spirit is stronger than the Rock of Fortitude. With the help of the guardian power of the Land of Inheritance, it was even able to face-to-face with the abominable devil Dagong who invaded the Land of Inheritance. Although he lost in the end, it was enough to show his strength.

The Guardian Spirit drew his sword and slashed at the evil dragon. Jose could only see a flash of light from the sword, and the long sword crossed a distance of thousands of meters to slash at the evil dragon's face.

The heart of blasphemy didn't dare to take it head-on, as filthy evil energy gushed out from his body, and the evil energy turned into a huge devil's claw, catching the long sword.

A fierce battle broke out between the two powerhouses.

Jose withdrew his main attention, his immediate priority was to deal with the wound on his shoulder, the pain was secondary, the key was to avoid being polluted by evil energy.

After a rough induction, the red dragon found that its [Zhu Rong's bloodline] had an effect, and the evil energy failed to infect the flesh and blood, but only adhered to the surface of the wound.

He tried dispelling the fel energy with fire, but found it too slow.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, his mental power turned into an invisible scalpel, cutting off the flesh and blood attached to the evil energy.

Even with the imperial emperor's concentration, cutting the flesh felt very painful, so he had to grit his teeth.

Half a minute later, the evil energy in the wound was cleaned up.

The self-healing ability is activated, and the wound heals instantly.

Huh~! Jose let out a long sigh of relief, without even looking at the healing wound, he turned his attention to the two sides in the fierce battle.

I saw the guardian spirit and the blasphemous heart fighting inextricably in the air, terrifying energy surged in all directions, and the surrounding space was somewhat unstable.

The guardian spirit has more attack and less defense, obviously better than the evil dragon.

If it weren't for Asha Delong and the demon in his chest to defend against the enemy together, the evil dragon would have been killed long ago. Of course, if it wasn't for the two of the evil dragon and the demon, the emperor would not have to shake people.

Jose didn't rush up directly and besiege the evil dragon with the guardian spirit, but put away O'Neill's body first, and then flapped his wings and flew to the battlefield.

Ashadron! You will pay for your actions!

Damn it! The heart of blasphemy—Asha Delong quickly glanced at the flying red dragon, feeling grief and indignation in his heart, quite a feeling of a tiger falling into the sky.

But the facts will not change because of her grief and anger, and Red Dragon will not give up its advantage in connections because of her grief and anger.

In addition, Asha Delong didn't feel that what the red dragon said was empty words.

Boom boom boom!

Behind her, there was the sound of heavy footsteps, the Rock of Fortitude moving.

During the battle, she caught a glimpse of the Rock of Fortitude and was deeply moved.

The rock of toughness was bigger than the guardian spirit, exaggeratedly, the deep sea was only at the waist of the guardian spirit, and the half of his body exposed outside was higher than the mountain peak. She had never seen such a huge creature.

Seeing the red dragon rushing up, Asha Delong knew that he should make a quick choice.

The guardian spirit is troublesome enough, if the red dragon surrounds her again and adds the rock of tenacity, she will not be able to leave even if she wants to.

Damn red dragon! I will come back to find you! Asha Delong roared in grief and anger.

No! The demon in his chest let out a more mournful roar.

The demon in [Hashley's Phase Nail] was repelled by the evil dragon's body and separated from the body, and the evil dragon disappeared instantly.

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