Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 420 Soldiers approach the city, bloody battle against demons

Marching overnight, the Dragon City army followed the Red Dragon Emperor's plan and appeared outside Uk City at dawn.

The whole army advances! The commander of the Dragon City army, the wolf man - Hogg River Claw, pointed his ax at the sky obliquely.

Aside, the strong ogre horn sounded, took off the horn from his waist, put the horn to his mouth, puffed up his cheeks and raised his head to blow.


The boundless horn sounded on the land of the abyss, and the sound was full of rhythm. The rhythm of this sound was the command of the army.

According to the instructions of the horn, the army of Longteng City stood in a row with the big ogre shield holding a three-person high shield, aiming the shield covered with spikes at Uk City, and marched forward in neat steps, as if A steel barrier.

Behind the ogre shield wall are spearmen holding specially-made long spears. Each of these carefully selected soldiers has high-level strength. , [Bright Blessing], [Sturdy] three spells.

Large shields and spears are the formation of the Fussey Empire to clean up miscellaneous fish.

Uke city side.

It wasn't until the Dragon City army appeared three kilometers away from the city and heard the screams of the slain demons that the demon defenders in the city reacted. The news reached the sleeping lord of Uk City—Singla Polluter. middle.

Singla teleported to appear on the city wall in an instant. At this time, the Dragon City army had already formed a shield wall and continued to move forward.

In the city of Uk, the chaotic low-level demons howled excitedly and frantically, rushing towards the city gate and rushing out of the city like a flood breaking through the gate.

The vast majority of low-level demons lack sufficient self-control, and are easily overwhelmed by the blood above them, so the current situation will appear. The low-level demons are like moths scrambling to die, rushing towards the army of Longteng City.

Archers! Get ready!

The drums are beating!

The archers at the rear moved in unison, raised their bows and arrows, put the arrows on the strings, pinched the arrow feathers with their fingertips, pulled the bows, and the arrows pointed obliquely at the sky in front of them, and a chilling atmosphere filled the air.


Whoosh whoosh!

Dense arrows flew over the heads of the front row army,

Swipe a parabola to put the end of the bridge of death on the head of the demonic frenzy.

The screams of the demons rang together, and a fault appeared in the frenzy of demons, and the demons in the rear and the demons in the front row were separated.

The chaotic low-level demons were not only not afraid, but stimulated by the screams and the smell of blood, they became more excited and violent.

The demon army in the front row shouted frantically and accelerated their charge.

On the opposite side of the charging demon frenzy, the ogre burly man shouldered the shield, one foot forward, one foot back against the ground, feet against each other, ready to take the impact.

The next moment, the front row of the charging demon roared frantically. He hit the shield covered with spikes and was pierced by the sharp spikes. The demon behind was still rushing forward, smashing his companion's body Nail into the spikes.

One wave after another, one wave higher than the other.

The demon army stepped on the bodies of their companions in the front row and jumped to the back of the shield wall, but was stabbed by a specially made long spear, and their intestines were pierced in the air.

Even if a small number of demons are lucky enough to cross the shield wall, they will be quickly killed by the spearmen of the second and third factions.

The combination of the ogre's large shield hand and the specially made extended spear is like a professional demon slaughter factory, harvesting the lives of demons in rows, and the corpses in front of the shield wall are piled higher and higher.

A minute later, the height of the corpse was almost higher than the shield wall. The demon stepped on his companion's corpse and charged, and the shield wall lost its original defensive function.

woo woo woo~.

The Boundless Horn sounded again, this time an order to back off.

The professionally trained soldiers retreated steadily, leaving the wall of demon corpses in place, retreated ten meters away, and once again turned into a demon slaughter assembly line.

Repeatedly, the amount of the demon army is consumed bit by bit.

Of course, in a chaotic battlefield where the situation changes rapidly, no one can achieve perfection. Occasionally, soldiers in the front row are injured and demons break into the army.

Once such a situation occurs, there will be special strongmen to take action to extinguish the signs of defeat in time, and the injured soldiers will also be replaced and sent to the rear to receive treatment from the priest.

Jose glanced at the demon battlefield below, and stopped paying attention, because he knew that these low-level demons could not pose a threat to the elite army of the Forsyth Empire. After all, the soldiers had received professional training against demons before they went to the battlefield. What's more, there is an emergency strong team.

The real threat is still in Uke City.

The red dragon cast its eyes on the city wall of Uk, where a group of demons who were obviously taller and more ferocious than the lower demons were surrounding a strong demon with a green flame burning on his shoulders.

The lord of Uk City——Singla Polluter!

Singra the Defiler, a demigod demon skilled in profane magic.

He looks like a large, strong barbarian, with a pair of sinuous demon horns on his forehead, and a dry and cracked green skin. The most striking thing is the flames on his shoulders, which are like two burning weapons. The torches add some heroic and mysterious atmosphere to Singhra.

Singora Defiler doesn't have a solid track record, but José doesn't take it lightly.

The lion needs all its strength to fight the rabbit, not to mention the opponent is a demigod demon, he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Will not underestimate, but will not be overly nervous, this is derived from self-confidence in one's own strength.

The Red Dragon had no doubt that he was about to defeat the Polluter and win, but he couldn't guarantee the victory of the army commanded by Hogg Riverpaw.

He glanced at the demon next to the polluter, a look of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

The number of legendary demons around the polluter is a bit beyond Red Dragon's expectation. There are twenty-three legendary demons discovered so far, and there are four to five hundred masters. There are still some strong demons in the city, so the demons The actual number of the strong is even greater.

This kind of strength, even in the bloody battlefield where the strong are like clouds, is at the upper middle level.

In this battle, the army may suffer a lot of losses, Jose's eyes flashed with hesitation, and then he became firm.

If the imperial army has been hiding under the dragon's wings and has not experienced the tempering of a real bloody battle, how can it grow into an iron-blooded warrior galloping on the battlefield of bloody battles!

The red dragon made up his mind that in this battle, only the demigods and above will not be involved in the battle, and the rest depends on the imperial army itself.

At this time, the commander of the army - Hogg River Claw also saw clearly the internal situation of Urk City through the vision of [Eagle Eye].

Inside Uk City, a demon army completely different from the lower demons is roaring violently, like beasts locked in a cage. These demons are obviously taller, stronger, and more disciplined.

The point is not to be stronger, but to be more disciplined.

Abyssal demons are standard chaotic evil creatures. Whether it is a newborn abyss worm or an abyss lord as strong as a god, they are all chaotic and evil in nature.

It's just that powerful demons can better control their own behavior, and the difference from low-level demons is like a lion who knows how to endure and a crazy lemming.

Of course, there are no absolutes. Among the demons, there are many high-level demons who are crazy, and there are also low-level demons who are rational, but it is very rare for low-level demons to be rational.

The core combat power of a demon city is composed of these demons who can control their own behavior.

Generally speaking, the combat power of an elite army of demons is ten times that of a swarm of elementary demons.

Master Cassie, please take care of me later, Hogg communicated with the White Dragon Prince through a mage. He knew that the giant dragon army led by the White Dragon Prince had a sharp weapon in his hands - [Howl of the Empire].

A volley of [Howl of the Empire] came down, and even the demigods and demons could only avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

Easy to say, easy to say, if you can't hold on, I will help you, but, Bai Long changed his words: Hogg, the situation is so bad that I need to use [Howl of the Empire] to support you, then His Majesty will treat you very well. Disappointed.

If things really come to that point, I will apologize to His Majesty, Hogg responded lightly.

After speaking, the tall wolf man riding on the back of the wolf looked around at the familiar faces.

In Jackal's heart, the red dragon is the first of course, and the second is these warriors who get along day and night. He doesn't want to see his soldiers die, especially when they don't have to die.

The situation on the battlefield did not allow the Gnoll to be distracted, and he quickly focused his attention on the front row again.

The ogre's great shield has retreated eight times, that is to say, the corpses of the demons have been piled up in front of the army eight times. Rao, with the inhuman strength of the ogre, it is also possible to go through such a high-intensity battle. Feel a little overwhelmed.

However, fortunately, the lowly demon army was almost exhausted.

On the battlefield, corpses of demons piled up everywhere, and the smelly blood of demons stained the ground red, and the blood gathered in low-lying places to form small ponds.

Seeing this scene, Singlar Defiler on the city wall didn't feel bad.

Like many biomes, the society of abyssal demons is also in the shape of a pyramid. The most indispensable thing is the low-level demons who have no self-control ability. Even if all the low-level demons are dead, send people to the wilderness to replenish them. up.

It is precisely because of this that the low-level demon suicide charge has become a regular program on the abyssal battlefield.

After the lesser demons consume the enemy's stamina, it's time for the elite demons who can carry out orders.

Kill them! Warriors of Urk! We will drink the blood of our enemies!

Singlar Defiler roared, Go!

Roar! The demon army roared excitedly, unable to control the killing desire in their hearts anymore, they rushed out of the city in a swarm.

If there is any difference between these elite demons and low-level demons, then the difference is that elite demons wait for the order of the demon lord before charging, and other than that, they run faster than low-level demons.

As for order, formation, coordination... these are almost impossible for the abyssal demons.

Elite demons have self-control ability, which is also compared to irrational low-level demons.

In fact, the only commands that elite demons can understand and obey are Chong and Withdraw. However, even if the demons have a city, they will basically not defend it, but will rush out to fight the enemy in a swarm.

Even if there is no army to speak of, elite demons are extremely dangerous opponents by virtue of the powerful physical talents of the demon clan and vicious demon magic.

Whether it is the quality of individual soldiers or the number of troops, the Forsyth Empire's army is at a disadvantage.

Hogg also understood that his own advantage lies in the discipline of orders and prohibitions, and the cooperation between various arms.

Mage group! Prepare large-scale war magic!

Archers! Arrow coverage!

Priest! Bless the warriors with buff magic!

Harpy! Take to the skies! Prepare to fight flying demons!

... One order after another was conveyed.

Instead of just pressing the ogre shield, the elite demon army was dispatched, and the gears of the imperial army's war machine also started to rotate.

The first ones to rush forward were demons with the ability to fly, such as little demons, fear demons, big demons, succubi, bat demons... The flapping demon wings blocked the gloomy sun's sunlight.

Even in the abyss, flying is a rare ability. Flying demons have powerful mobility that ordinary demons cannot match. Therefore, most demon lords will gather flying demons in their territories and assign special personnel to manage them for their own use. .

The same is true for the Forsyth Empire. Among ordinary citizens, the Harpy enjoys the most-favored national treatment, does not engage in production, and the empire arranges work, lowers the requirements of the army, gives priority to admission, and so on.

Among the sub-dragon group, the flying biped wyvern also enjoys the best treatment.

All this is because they can fly and can cope with special situations that land creatures cannot handle.

Facing the densely packed flying demons, thousands of Wyverns, led by their leader, rushed up with dragon chant full of fighting intent.

On the back of the wyvern, the mage knights wearing goggles quickly uttered spells, all kinds of magic blasted out, and the magic collided with the filthy magic of the flying demon in the air, exploding brilliant fireworks.

Wyvern knights deal with powerful flying demons, while small and medium-sized miscellaneous fish such as imps and fear demons are dealt with by harpies.

The harpies of the Fussey Empire either use special crossbow bolts or special claw hooks tied to the eagle claws, giving full play to the advantages of small size and agility to seize the opportunity to kill demons.

In the air battlefield, the wounded and the dead fall from time to time.

On the ground, the Forsyth Empire army and elite demons also fought.

The ogre warrior was wrapped in enchanted armor, roaring and waving the standard mace in his hand, smashing the head of the demon in front of him.

Gnoll warriors wore leather armor, rode a wolf as swiftly as the wind between the battlefields, and harvested the lives of demons with their swords.

Demons are not easy to deal with.

The lava demon spit out flames, and the flames penetrated into the interior along the gaps in the armor, burning the ogre warrior until he let out inhuman screams.

Ignoring the wolf's bite, the tall Terror grabbed the Gnoll's arms with a wild laugh and tore him in half. He himself was pierced through the back of the head by the flying ice arrow and fell to the ground to die.

In the battlefield movement of fighting and screaming, the Red Dragon Emperor and the polluter looked at each other coldly.

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