Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 414: The Devil’s Plan, Jose’s Counterattack

The scorching wind blew across the dark red earth, blowing the spiky plants, whether they were vines or ferns, all had spiky thorns.

In a fern with relatively few spikes, a thin little devil struggled to pull out the spikes on the surface of the leaves, stuffed the leaves into his mouth, bit off the tough plant fibers with his fangs, and swallowed them. .

Even with the devil's powerful stomach, the bitter taste was a bit too much to bear, and he couldn't help but grin.

It is true that all demons eat meat, but some weak demons cannot hunt, so in order to survive, they can only eat grass.

While the little devil was eating, he would poke his head out of the grass from time to time, alert to the surrounding disturbances.

In the eyes of those powerful demons, there is no difference between weak demons and demonized beasts. They are all edible prey.

While wary of hunters, the little devil looks for slightly tender food.

In fact, there were some plants without spikes around the little devil, but the little devil spent a lot of effort to deal with the spikes and did not want to eat these plants that looked extremely delicious.

In the abyss, the only edible plants are those with spikes and scary-looking plants. Plants without spikes should be kept as far away as possible, because most of them are poisonous and even bait for carnivorous plants. .

The little devil looked around while eating.

Suddenly, he felt like the world was spinning: Huh? Why is there a little headless devil with no head here?

It wasn't until he felt severe pain in his neck that he realized that the headless corpse was his own.

Shadow Guard - Turt easily killed the little demon blocking the way and continued to move forward. The task given to him by the red dragon master was to investigate the sudden appearance of traces of the demon.

Finally, he entered the target area and saw the battlefield reported by the gnoll scouts.

This energy is indeed the trace left by the legendary devil, but this devil's aura is a bit strange, Stewart frowned slightly.

This demonic aura seems to be much weaker. What's going on?

As Dragon Tooth Guards personally cultivated by the Emperor of the Empire, each Dragon Tooth Guard will receive corresponding supporting training after birth. Ordinary Dragon Tooth Guards receive warrior training, arcane guards receive mage training, and shadow guards receive thief training.

Only after passing the training,

Only then would the Dragon Tooth Soldiers be transferred to the Imperial Emperor's side, ready to be dispatched.

As the leader of the Shadow Guards, Turt entered the legend ahead of his companions, and was kept by the Emperor's side, following him all the way to the abyss.

He dropped to his knees to investigate and track down the devil.

On the other side, the legendary demon-Mirandal is hidden in a cave thousands of meters away from the battlefield.

He had just finished communicating with his demigod devil boss, and was observing his surroundings through the monitoring eyes left outside out of boredom.

Why haven't you come yet? Then the red dragon didn't take this matter seriously, right? If he didn't take the bait... huh?!

Something's wrong! The monitoring eye saw the plants on the ground shaking slightly, but there was no wind at this time.


The next moment, the monitoring eye shattered and the picture ended.

The last picture sent back by the Monitoring Rock was empty.

The legendary devil was horrified in his heart: What a powerful invisibility technique. He actually doesn't reveal his body when attacking!

Outside, Turt pierced the equally invisible Eye of Observation with a dagger. As a user of shadow energy, he was extremely sensitive to similar energy, and he discovered the Eye of Observation as soon as he got close.

Got you!

Dragon City, in the core castle.

Jose said to the air in front of him: Let him run away?

It's because my subordinates are incompetent, the permanently invisible Stewart's voice was full of self-blame.

He actually messed up the first mission assigned by the Emperor of the Empire.

Jose frowned slightly. He directly read the Dragon Tooth Soldier's memory through other people's stories, which was not as intuitive as seeing it with his own eyes.

Soon, the red dragon frowned.

It's not your fault. The legendary devil is not mediocre. What's more, the other party discovered you first.

Just be careful next time, Jose waved his hand.

Thank you, Master, for your kindness, said Tuart, retreating to a corner of the room.

Jose sat on the chair, thoughts flying in his mind.

Judging from what happened to Turt, the devil was well prepared. Needless to say, the devil had already started to take action.

At present, the enemy is in darkness and we are in the clear, and we are at a disadvantage.

How many devils are there?

Who is the leader?

What's the plan?

Where is their headquarters?

Know nothing about any of this.

The only solution now is to cover up the water with the help of soldiers, Jose murmured to himself.

No matter what, when running Longteng City, it is always right to not give the enemy any opportunities to take advantage of it.

I don't believe you dare to attack Longteng City at the risk of being liquidated by the Alliance of Gods.

The Devil and the Alliance of Gods are nominally fighting against the Devil's allies. Although there is a lot of dirty work in private, it is all private. On the surface, the Devil will never dare to attack the cities under the Alliance of Gods. Otherwise, the Nine Hells will No one can protect the perpetrator.

Therefore, Longteng City is safe.

With this thought, Jose felt a lot more at ease, and he made up his mind not to leave Longteng City unless necessary.

After thinking about it, the red dragon decided to tell the Mermaid Emperor and Moulin that the devil was targeting him. After all, the three were in the same camp. If their companions were successfully attacked by the devil, the pressure on the red dragon would be even greater.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just as the news was delivered, there was a knock on the door.

Come in.

The bodyguard of the Dragon Tooth Soldier walked in: Your Majesty, the Lord of Qiyao City has sent an envoy. Do you want to meet him?

Qiyao City is the city closest to Longteng City. It belongs to the Alliance of Gods and is also located at the forefront of the border with the demon territory.

Just a few days after Red Dragon took control of Longteng City, the Lord of Qiyao City sent an envoy, naturally to get to know his new neighbor.

It just so happens that Jose also wants to have a good relationship with his neighbors.

Although neighbors cannot be counted on at critical moments, it is beneficial to have a good relationship with them on weekdays.

Let the envoy from Qiyao City come in.

After a while, the messenger from Qiyao City came to Jose's study.

Jose observed with great interest the envoy from Qiyao City in front of him. The envoy from Qiyao City was a humanoid creature he had never seen before. He had violet-like purple skin, purple hair, and seven golden dots on his forehead. In addition, he had There is no difference in appearance from humans.

He is a Qiyao man, and the seven golden dots on his forehead are the source of his name. The Qiyao people control Qiyao City and name the city after their own race.

Among the information obtained by Black Blood City, there is an introduction to Qiyao City.

The Lord of Qiyao City——Terina, Terina is a rare semi-spiritual sorcerer. Their race is very talented in spiritual power. In addition, the intelligence specifically mentioned that Terina is also a well-known person. Great beauty.

The envoy of Qiyao City is also a woman. She bowed to the dragon man behind the desk: Good day, your Excellency, the Lord of Longteng City, I bring the goodwill of the Lord of Qiyao City, Terina, and wish you and your The city triumphs in the abyss.

Jose nodded: I feel the kindness of Qiyao City. Please tell Her Excellency Terina that I also wish her spirit to live on forever.

Hearing this, the envoy from Qiyao City suddenly felt a little more favorable to Red Dragon.

Qiyao people are very talented in spiritual power. The spirit lasts forever may still be a curse to other tribes, but it is a beautiful blessing to Qiyao people.

Her mission on this trip is to observe Longteng City. The results of her observations will directly determine the future relationship between Longteng City and Qiyao City, whether they will make friends with each other or stay away from each other forever.

Originally, she didn't have high expectations for this monster city.

Now it seems that although the city lord of Longteng City is a red dragon with a reputation for evil, his behavior is very different from ordinary red dragons. The entire city is well-organized, and it is not as chaotic as the evil dragon's territory. .

I will convey your complete blessing to His Highness...

Jose detected a message from the title of the messenger. The lord of Qiyao City, Terina, seemed to be a princess of Qiyao plane.

... Both sides spoke official words of goodwill.

It was a good start, both parties were interested in making good friends, and the conversation was very pleasant.

After chatting for a while, the envoy from Qiyao City resigned.

The meeting with the Red Dragon was only to confirm the good attitude between the two parties. If they wanted to cooperate in detail, they had to talk to the Qiyao City Consul appointed by the Red Dragon.


Time passes day by day.


In Longteng City, in Jose's study, the Emperor was holding a remote meeting with the Mermaid Emperor and Moulin.

In the competition with the devil, participating in bloody battlefields and gaining military merits are one of the ways to gain points. None of the three major forces have given up on this way.

The Red Dragon occupied Longteng City, and the Mermaid Emperor also occupied a frontline city. On the Moulin side, the Pompeii Empire occupied a city on the bloody battlefield a long time ago, but it was not a frontline city.

Mooring did not occupy the new frontline city, but chose to stay in the city of his old friend.

..., that's what happened, the Mermaid Emperor finished.

The atmosphere in the room was a bit depressing. Like the Emperor, the Mermaid Emperor was also plotted by the devil.

Compared to the harassment and spying on the Red Dragon's side, the Mermaid Emperor's side was even more dangerous. The devil didn't know how to attract a demigod devil.

The demigod demon is targeting the Mermaid King and causing trouble around the city.

The devil originally planned to use the demigod demon to lure the Mermaid Emperor out of the city to besiege and kill him. However, after receiving the notice from the emperor, the Mermaid Emperor kept an eye on it and brought his companions with him, causing the devil's conspiracy to go bankrupt.

Although the devil's action failed, this incident also reminded the three of them: the devil is the devil, and exploiting contract loopholes is their strength, and it is impossible to act honestly and in accordance with the rules.

But this time, the loophole in Devil Diamond's contract is that the competition has not officially started, and the rule that players are not allowed to attack each other has not yet taken effect.

Even if the rules are in effect, the devil can still kill with a borrowed knife, like the devil this time.

The Mermaid King broke the silence: Everyone, I am the one who is attacked this time, but if we don't fight back, they will get worse, and you may be the one attacked next time.

I also want to fight back, but I can't find the target.

Jose was quite helpless: The devil is also targeting me. These days, my men have surrounded and killed several of the devil's spies, but what's the use? Losing these spies is nothing to the devil.

After saying that, the red dragon and the mermaid emperor looked at Moulin.

The Fusai Empire and the Mermaid Dynasty both intervened in the abyss recently, but the Pompeii Empire behind Moulin was different.

Since the beginning of Philip the Great, the Pompeii Empire has been in bloody battles for more than two thousand years, with various relationships complicated.

At this time, only the Pompeii Empire could wrestle with the devil on the news.

The Mermaid King said: Morlin, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. At this time, you can't hide your secrets.

This is natural. After all, I don't want to give up Tydanor to the devil.

Moulin continued: Then, taking this opportunity, I will share some information with you.

Last time, news came from the abyss that there were eight demigods among the demons transformed by Tydanor's soul. Now, according to the latest investigation results, there are eleven demigods.

Their identities are:

Mal'Ganis, a member of the Lord of the Nine Hells' personal guard, has lived in Baator Hell all year round and followed the Lord of the Nine Hells. He is now missing.

Addie Caroline,...


Bagre, the lord of the devil city Bagruto, has been sitting in Bagruto for many years. According to rumors, he killed a demigod some time ago.


After the introduction of the eleven demigod demons, Moulin continued: I don't know if it's those demons who are plotting against you, but it must be one of these guys. As long as you have the chance, you can all take revenge. Even if you are wrong, you can still do it. It doesn’t matter, does it?”


The three exchanged some information they had collected and ended the exchange.

In the study, Jose took out the map of the bloody battlefield and searched for the location of the devil's city in the devil's territory.

Not all of the eleven demigod devils are city lords, but seven of them are city lords.

Jose circled the cities of the seven devil city lords with a red pen and felt a little entangled: Who should I deal with?

“Let’s deal with whoever is easy to deal with.”

However, Red Dragon lacks understanding of the seven devil cities, so it must collect relevant intelligence before taking action.

The Fusei Empire has little knowledge in the Abyss, and even if Jose wants to collect information about the devil, he has no way to do so.

As for the information that can be sold with money in Black Blood City, this information is all cheap, not to mention that it can be sold with money, so the devil himself can also buy it with money. With the devil's cunning, he must be prepared for this. Maybe that information was deliberately spread by the devil himself.

Jose thought for a while, except for France, the rhombus, he really didn't have many demigod friends in the Abyss.

The rhombus has the most dealings with demons, but doesn't know much about them.

By the way, he thought of a person, the Lord of Qiyao City - Terina.

Although there is no strong friendship between Red Dragon and Telina, at present, Longteng City and Qiyao City are showing goodwill to each other.

If we just inquire about some information, I think there is still hope.

Jose immediately sprang into action.

PS: At the end of the month and the beginning of the month, please give me a monthly ticket.

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