Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 412 New achievement unlocked, Lord Jose

You should be grateful.

Yes, Lord Dragon.

Kadi forced a smile and said: The wealth in Duanxia City belongs to you, and we will not take away any of it.

The legendary warrior had misunderstood. Jose had no intention of looting Duanxia City's wealth, but he would not take the initiative to expose this misunderstanding.

Speechless for a moment.

There was a dead silence on the city wall, and the soldiers were still digesting the news revealed by the red dragon: their city lord was dead.

These warriors, who were still fighting bloody battles against demons dozens of times their own, were crushed by this bad news, as if their backbone had been ripped away. Their faces were gray, and their eyes were full of confusion about the future.

Another Philip the Great-style tragedy, Jose sighed in his heart.

However, everyone's tragedy was not caused by him. Everyone who lost the powerful demigod could not defend Duanxia City. In addition, the red dragon had just saved the city from the devil and also saved everyone's lives. Therefore, he Take it all in with peace of mind.

You'll have plenty of time to grieve after you're gone, Jose said, gazing at the legendary warrior.

Now, you have to tell me everything about Duanxia City, especially the magic circle situation in the city.

The fortresses on the bloody battlefield are naturally no ordinary buildings. Each fortress consumes countless precious resources and is equipped with a large magic circle. It integrates early warning, reconnaissance, defense, and attack functions. It is equivalent to adding all talent points to combat-related functions. magic tower.

It can be said that if you have control over the fortress formation, you have control over the entire fortress.

After all, he is a legendary warrior with a strong will. Cady was the first to break free from confusion. Hearing the words of the red dragon, he replied: Sorry... I'm sorry, Lord Dragon. My duty is only to guard the city wall and monitor the situation of the magic circle in the fortress. Nothing.

The red dragon frowned slightly.

The legendary warrior quickly continued: Before the war started, the Shadowless Demon Scythe used some method to evade the detection of the demon detection barrier, sneaked into the core castle of Duanxia City, paralyzed the function of the magic circle, and protected the magic circle. All the mages were also slaughtered, otherwise Duanxia City would not have fallen so easily.

At this point, Cady was still frightened, but also extremely happy: If it weren't for that terrible demon who wanted to see us die in despair, we might not be able to support your arrival.

I see,

José nodded suddenly.

In that case, then go about your business.

After saying that, the red dragon turned into a dragon-man form and entered the core castle of Duanxia City.

Through the castle gate, walking through the courtyard, he entered the main body of the castle.

There was no need to think that Jose walked towards the place with the strongest magical energy. The place with the strongest magical energy was the basement of the castle.

Soon, he found the entrance to the basement and entered the stairs leading down.

Perhaps it was because the Shadowless Demon Scythe had destroyed all the protective settings, but the red dragon arrived at the basement of the castle without any hindrance.

What came into view were the corpses of mages from all over the place. Their throats were cut and their hearts were stabbed. Each one of them was fatal with one blow, and many of them were assassinated without realizing it. Their faces still had the same smile they had when they were alive.

This is the power of a top assassin, Jose sighed in his mind, casting his gaze towards the center of the room.

Crystals are scattered above the complex magic array embedded on the ground. The broken crystal is the control core of the magic array in Duanxia City.

He quickly walked to the top of the magic circle, bent down and reached out to touch the ground, carefully feeling the internal structure of the magic circle.

Perhaps the Shadowless Demon Scythe did not expect that a demigod would suddenly come to Duanxia City and completely destroy the magic array, only shattering the control core.

Jose was delighted: I'm really lucky. The magic circle and elemental pool are still intact. This saves me a lot of effort.

The emperor made a decision not to look at other places, so Duanxia City was chosen as the abyss stronghold of the Fusai Empire.

Jose is a man of action. After making a decision, he immediately takes action, chanting mantras quickly.

After a burst of brilliant teleportation, a group of people appeared in the basement. The leader was a goblin riding on the neck of an ogre. This goblin had a distinctive red mohawk hairstyle and a huge mohawk. The hairstyle does not match his thin body, and he looks very happy.

The goblin's name is Bulger Hurricane. He is the chief alchemist of the Empire's magic research institution, Burning Wings, and is also the top alchemist in Tydanor.

Ah~, is this the abyss? Bulger Hurricane sighed in a penetrating drake voice, while looking around curiously.

Seeing the dragon man standing aside and feeling the familiar aura on the dragon man's body, the Goblin stood up from the ogre's neck and saluted: Oh~, Your Majesty, I am very happy to see you. .”

Nice to meet you too, Grandmaster Bulger, Jose nodded in response. He always treated national treasure-level craftsmen like Bulger Hurricane with courtesy and was more tolerant.

Grandmaster Bulger, there is no time for small talk.

The red dragon continued: This city has been severely damaged. Except for the core castle, all other urban areas have been destroyed by demons. I want you to find out the magic circle situation in this city as soon as possible.

As you command! My Majesty!

Bulger Hurricane made a military salute and turned to look at the disciples and disciples beside him: Did you hear that? You lazy fools! His Majesty asked us to work!

It's now!

let's move!

Yes! Teacher! the goblins responded loudly.

Among the goblins, there is the only non-goblin. She is an elf, to be precise, the legendary green dragon who took the form of an elf - Grace.

Grace, like the goblins, was prepared in Tydanor in advance, waiting for the emperor's call at any time. Her mission was to ensure the safety of the goblin alchemists.

Although the alchemists are not weak in strength, they are not specialized combatants after all, so it is more appropriate to be protected by strong people.

The emperor and Grace looked at each other: Grace, it's up to you to summon people to control the situation in Duanxia City and clean out the remaining demons.

After a pause, Jose added: By the way, there are still some current city lords and adventurers outside, so don't embarrass them.

As you wish, Your Majesty.

The legendary green dragon bowed in salute and stepped back before the goblins.

It didn't take long for the outside to become lively.

Jose did not go out. He believed that the legendary green dragon could control the situation, and what he had to do was more important than controlling the dilapidated Duanxia City, which was to figure out the situation of the magic circle in Duanxia City and repair the control core.

He devoted himself to the inspection of the magic circle.

Below the core castle of Duanxia City, it can be divided into two levels.

The underground floor is the magic circle control room where Jose is located.

The second underground floor is the foundation of Duanxia City - the source of magic power. The entire Duanxia City is built on a magic node. The city builders built an elemental pool above the magic node. The function of the elemental pool is to sort out the chaotic magic energy. Convert magical energy into usable energy and store it.

The control room and the element pool are linked by a magic circle, and the magic circle is controlled by the control core.

The situation faced by Duanxia City is that the control core is gone, just like a car without its cab, and the entire car is paralyzed.

Fortunately, the car's engine and powertrain were not broken.

After checking the elemental pool and the magic circle, Jose has a clear understanding of the situation of both. There is room for improvement in both, but the most important thing at the moment is to repair the control core and restore the entire city to operation.

The Shadowless Demon Scythe completely shattered the control core. Instead of repairing the broken core, it was better to replace it with a new one.

It didn't take long for the Imperial Prime Minister - You Gou to transfer the control core to the Imperial Emperor.

The red dragon cleaned up the magic circle, installed a new control core, and connected the interface between the magic link and the control core.

The large, crystal clear crystal ball automatically floated into the air and slowly rotated. The surrounding conditions of Duanxia City were reflected on the crystal ball.


Jose checked the control core for a while and made sure it was correct: Array spirit, start self-examination.

Array spirit received, an emotionless mechanical voice sounded from the crystal ball. The crystal ball lit up with a faint light, and a wave of magic power spread out.

Starting self-test.


The element pool is being detected. The element pool is intact.

The magic power transmission system is being tested. The magic power transmission system is damaged. Check the extent of the damage.

Fifty percent of the magic power transmission system is damaged. At the same time, the magic array diagram of Duanxia City appeared in the air.

The magic array of the fortress-type city in the bloody battlefield is naturally not simple. The entire magic array is centered on the core castle and extends in all directions, covering the entire underground of Duanxia City. The farthest end extends to the city wall, connecting the entire city as one.

Jose took a look at the damage marked in eye-catching red. The damage was concentrated on the city wall. This was normal. The city wall of Duanxia City was almost completely destroyed.

In addition to the city walls, there are also several areas of damage and damage inside the city, but they are not serious.

Fortunately, except for the city wall, it will be restored soon, Red Dragon rejoiced in his heart. At the same time, he notified Bulger Hurricane of the location of the damage and asked the Goblin Alchemist Master to lead people to repair it.

Warning! Warning! Suddenly, the formation spirit in the control core issued a warning.

It has been detected that a strong person is approaching from 60,000 meters away from the north! A strong person is approaching!

At the same time that the formation spirit issued a warning, Jose also felt the aura of the powerful demigod. This aura of the powerful demigod was unabashed and even actively emitted, flying quickly towards Duanxia City.

The red dragon raised his eyebrows. North was the direction of the Alliance of Gods.

The emperor counted the time and murmured: It's indeed time.

When the demonic army of the Shadowless Demon Scythe was attacking the city, they used magic to seal off the space and the news, making it impossible for the people in Duanxia City to escape or communicate with the outside world.

After the red dragon drove away the demon, everyone got in touch with the outside world and reported the situation in Duanxia City.

So, the outside demigods arrived.

They came here after being rescued in Duanxia City. The idea of ​​​​the visitor is self-evident: they want to see what advantages they can take advantage of.

It's not that Jose is maliciously speculating on others, but that there are too many fortresses on the bloody battlefield, and there are many demigod battles for control of the city.

Money moves people's hearts.

Although it is dangerous to control the city at the forefront of the bloody battle, the benefits are also obvious.

The source of benefits consists of three parts:

1. The taxes for adventurers entering the city and the commercial benefits generated from operating the city itself are just like Black Blood City.

2. Natural resources around the city, abyss specialty minerals, magic plants, etc. These are all hot commodities, so you don’t have to worry about sellers.

3. Demon corpses harvested from fighting demons. Demons are also extraordinary creatures. Their bodies are as valuable as extraordinary beasts, or even more valuable.

In addition, in order to encourage the demigods of the multiverse to charge at the forefront, the Alliance of Gods has exempted frontier cities on the border with demons from taxes. Not only is it tax-free, but it will also issue a large subsidy every hundred years.

The risks and benefits of the bloody battle in the frontline city are directly proportional, so it is not surprising that the demigods are fighting for it.

Jose glanced at the figure on the crystal ball. The figure was moving so fast that he could only see a blurry shadow, but he could vaguely tell it was a demigod mage holding a staff.

It's a pity that you arrived a step too late. If you had arrived before the control core was repaired, you might have caused some trouble for me.

Of course, there may also be people who come with a warm heart and come to help, but there are too few such people.

With a thought in his mind, Jose manipulated the control core to release the magic barrier. The translucent magic barrier enveloped Duanxia City like an upside-down glass bowl.

At the same time, his momentum exploded.

The powerful spiritual pressure of Longwei and the demigod Master spread out together. Everyone in Duanxia City was shocked, and their heartbeats slowed down for half a beat. They felt the pressure sweeping across the sky like a tsunami, and they were secretly grateful for the pressure in their hearts. The pressure is not directed at you.

At the same time, the demigod master who was approaching quickly braked to a stop. He looked at the magic barrier with a solemn expression and felt bitter in his heart.

Not to mention the magic barrier in Duanxia City, judging from this momentum alone, the opponent is no weaker than himself.

Robbery is out of the question.

After several changes in his eyes, the demigod Master chose to give up, turned around and flew away.

After the demigod master, several more waves of people came, but everyone gave up.

In order to prevent vicious competition for frontier cities within the forces of the Alliance of Gods, there is a rule that cannot rob one's own city. If violated, the consequences will be very serious. They will be treated as degenerates who have taken refuge in the devil, and will be hunted and wanted.

Of course, based on the current situation in Duanxia City, Red Dragon is only completing the de facto occupation, but is not the master of the city.

Therefore, Jose's top priority is to obtain recognition from the Alliance of Gods and become the true master of Duanxia City.

For Jose, it is not difficult to obtain recognition. He only needs to contact the relevant personnel of the Alliance of Gods through magic, inform him of the situation in Duanxia City, and show his strength.

Things went very smoothly.

After getting in touch with the Alliance of Gods, Jose was recognized and became the new city lord of Duanxia City, replacing the previous city lord who had fallen.

City Lord Jose, each City Lord has the authority to change the name of the city once when registering. Could you please exercise your authority?

Exercise, the name Duanxia City is too bad.

Jose thought for a while: Let's call it Longteng City.

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