Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 410: Bloody Battlefield, Black Blood City

When the old silver dragon heard this, he couldn't help but frown slightly: Sir Jose, I agree with what you said. However, I am a life-and-death friend with the founding emperor of Pompeii, but it is not easy for me to join the Fusei Empire.

Jose nodded in understanding, recalling the information about the founding emperor of the Pompeii Empire in his mind.

In the history of Tydanor, a total of four demigods have been born in the human race. The founding emperor of the Pompeii Empire, Philip the Great, is one of them. At the same time, Philip the Great is also the only one of the four human demigods who has fallen.

That was a major event that shocked the entire Tydanor, and there are relevant records in the Red Dragon's Dragon Heritage.

After the Pompeii Empire led the human race to defeat the orcs, they seized the hegemony of the continent. Their overall national power continued to rise, and their ambitions also expanded.

In the 300th year after the end of the Orc War, Emperor Philip the Great personally led the Legion of Dawn on an expedition into the abyss in order to develop the Pompeii Empire into a large interdimensional force.

At the beginning, the Legion of Dawn made great achievements on the battlefield of bloody battles. It made friends with forces from all over the world who also participated in the bloody battles, exchanged their knowledge and skills, and continued to inject vitality into the empire.

Later, in a fierce battle, the Pompeii Empire was tricked by the alliance forces. Emperor Philip the Great died in the battle, and the Dawn Legion was almost destroyed.

It was precisely because of this painful lesson that the Pompeii Empire recognized the reality. Tydanor was only a medium-sized material plane, and its strength was completely insufficient among all the worlds, so it gave up its external expansion.

So, Senior Giles, will you participate in this battle? Jose looked into the eyes of the old silver dragon.


The old silver dragon frowned deeper, pondered for a moment, and sighed helplessly: Well, as a dragon born in Tydanor, how can I ignore the plane catastrophe? I will definitely participate.

When Jose saw this, he understood that Old Yinlong preferred the Pompeii Empire and felt a little helpless.

Although they were both dragons, he had no social contact with the old Silver Dragon. They were like a yellow man and a strange white man. After all, they were not as close as the old Silver Dragon and the Pompeii Empire.

It was a matter of love to help the Fusai Empire, but it was a duty not to help. The red dragon couldn't blame the old silver dragon for anything.

Thoughts were flying in his mind.

Since the old Silver Dragon has made up his mind not to help the Fusai Empire, he cannot let the Pompeii Empire add another powerful help.

Senior Giles,

You also know the bet that I, Morlin, and Situa made in front of that being, and you also understand the significance of this bet to our five-color dragon clan.

After a pause, Jose said sincerely: Senior, I don't want to embarrass you.

He continued: I have a suggestion. Senior, you might as well maintain a neutral position and not help either one between the Fusei Empire and the Pompeii Empire, but help both.

The old silver dragon looked at the red dragon: What do you mean?

“Senior’s purpose in going to the abyss is to help Tydanor, right?”

It's natural.

That's right, Jose then asked, If the Pompeii Empire wanted to hunt down a powerful demon and lacked manpower, would Senior go?

Yes, Old Silver Dragon said thoughtfully.

Then the Fusai Empire wants to hunt down a powerful demon, but it also lacks manpower. Are you willing to help, senior?

The old silver dragon took a deep look at the emperor: Well, you convinced me that for the sake of Tedanor and because we are both dragons, I will not choose sides between the Fusei Empire and the Pompeii Empire.

Jose breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the old silver dragon misses the old friendship and is unwilling to help the Fusei Empire deal with the Pompeii Empire, then it is the best outcome for the old silver dragon to help neither one nor both.

At least when it comes to slaying powerful demons, the Fusai Empire can have one more help.


Jose and Old Yinlong chatted for a long time, during which the servants served food and drink, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

The emperor's purpose had been achieved and he took his leave.

Saying goodbye to the old Silver Dragon, Jose chatted with Albert for a while before teleporting away.


Tedanor, Modo Peak Forest.

Jose flapped his wings and flew above the clouds, looking down at the land below.

In the vast sea of ​​trees, there is a strange mountain peak. This mountain peak is cut in the middle, and the fracture is flat like a large square. A spectacular huge portal stands in the square.

The portal is made of special obsidian processed by magic, black with red, like a gem solidified by blood. On both sides of the door are two dragon-man statues standing with swords, and on the top is a red dragon spreading its wings, majestic and atmosphere.

This is the giant interdimensional portal prepared by the Fusai Empire for the expedition into the abyss.

In order to build this giant interdimensional portal, the Fusai Empire used legendary dragons, elite mages, and skilled craftsmen from the entire empire to work for two full years before the construction was completed.

Jose fell from the clouds and landed in front of the portal.

Even the emperor of the empire seemed small in front of this magnificent building. Ten red dragons crossing the portal side by side did not seem crowded.

He looked at the portal.

At this time, the portal has not been activated yet, and the door is empty.

In three months, this portal will be activated. At that time, the expedition warriors of the Fusai Empire will pass through the stairs, continuously enter the portal, and step into the famous meat grinder battlefield of the multiverse.

As the emperor, Jose must enter the abyss first before the soldiers, and go to the front line of the vampire battlefield to find a suitable place to station.

Of course, the search for a suitable location started three years ago.

Jose's trip this time was just to choose one of several alternative locations and occupy the location in advance to prevent any unexpected events.

Nigou, Cassie.

Your Majesty, aside, the Imperial Prime Minister and the White Dragon Prince responded in unison.

After I go to the abyss, it will be up to you, Yougou, to decide the affairs of the empire.


Jose turned to Bai Long again: Cassie, you should manage the dragon army well and urge the dragons not to slack off in their training. The bloody battlefield is not trivial. Even if I am not careful, my life will be in danger.

Don't worry, boss, if anyone is lazy, I will give him a good beating, Cassie grinned.

Today's White Dragon possesses the special profession of [Ice Demon Guard], coupled with White Dragon's own combat power and luxurious equipment, only a few legendary dragons in the Dragon Legion can compete, and the other dragons are completely insufficient. look.

Several legendary dragons have received instructions from the emperor and will not have trouble with the white dragon. Therefore, the white dragon can really control the entire dragon army with one dragon.

... Jose explained some more things.

After making sure there was nothing missing, he chanted the spell quickly.

As the spell progressed, a massive amount of magic power poured out from the void, forming an unprecedentedly complex teleportation magic around the red dragon.

There are two magic arrays above the red dragon's head and two at its feet. There are a large number of spiral rune chains connecting the two magic arrays. The entire magic array is constantly rotating around the red dragon.

A minute later, the magic circle burst into brilliant purple light, and the red dragon disappeared in the dazzling teleportation light.

Jose regained his sight again, and the first thing that caught his eye was a sun setting in the west.

Unlike the normal sun, this sun is dim and its light has a faint ominous red color, which is the color of blood.

Its name is Dark Sun.

When the sun sets over the mountains, the blood moon will replace it, covering the earth with a layer of blood.

This is the first level of the Bottomless Abyss, which is the legendary battlefield of bloody battles.

Here, the gods, demons, and devils representing all the heavens and worlds are engaged in an eternal fight. The blood soaks the land over and over again, turning the land into a black-red color like blood solidified.

However, even if it is a bloody battlefield, not all places are battlefields.

Jose's current position is behind the forces of the gods, a relatively safe position.

The bloody battle battlefield is huge, unbelievably big, much larger than the giant material plane. The gods, devils, and demons each occupy their own territory.

Red Dragon once looked at the map. The demons occupied about half of the territory of the bloody battlefield, the gods occupied 40% of the territory, and the devils occupied the last 10%. There was a long border between the three forces. On the border were military forces one after another. fortress.

Jose walked off the teleportation platform, getting smaller with every step he took, and finally transformed into a draconian form and merged into the crowd.

The red dragon transforms into a dragon-like form. This scene attracts attention, but it will not attract long-term attention, because in this black blood city, most of the existences are aliens in the eyes of intelligent creatures.

Black Blood City, Star Boundary Force - an absolutely neutral city established by the Black Blood Alliance. Except for demons, any creature can freely enter and exit the Black Blood City and conduct transactions in the city, provided that it abides by the rules set by the Black Blood Alliance. .

Jose walked on the streets and encountered all kinds of creatures, common humans, orcs, elves, rare mind flayers, various extraordinary beasts, and even a devil.

Everyone was in a hurry and rarely talked to each other. Even if they did talk, they would whisper in the alley, and soundproof barriers would be carefully set up.

As the red dragon walked, he observed the city.

The walls of the buildings in Black Blood City are thick, and except for the main roads, there are narrow blocks. There are shooting holes in the buildings on both sides of the streets. It is a typical fortress-type city built for war.

In other words, all the cities in the bloody battlefield are fortress-type cities, because the border with the devil is not static. When the frontline city falls, the next-level city automatically becomes the new frontline.

Jose watched for a while, the novelty wore off, and he recalled the geographical information of Black Blood City in his mind. Black Blood City is not far from the Devil's Border, separated by two cities.

In addition, Black Blood City is also the center of a dozen fortresses within a radius.

When it comes to this, we have to talk about the internal situation of the gods' forces, as well as the star power behind the Black Blood City - the Black Blood Alliance.

First, the internal situation of the gods’ forces.

The forces of the gods are not monolithic. There are many factions. They can be roughly divided into justice-side gods, neutral gods, evil-side gods, and non-god forces. Each force occupies a territory. There is me among you, and there is you among me. The situation is very complicated. .

Regardless of justice or evil, all major forces come to the abyss. Naturally, it is not just to deal with the devil, but more for profit.

The abyss has a special environment and is rich in all kinds of magic materials. Abyss ores, magic plants, and materials from demons are all precious resources. As long as they are transported out of the abyss, there will be no need to worry about buyers, and huge profits will definitely be made.

Eat as much food as your stomach has. If you eat too much, you will be stuffed to death.

As much strength as you have, you will get as much benefit as you want. If you take too much, you will be beaten.

In addition, demons are not vegetarians. Killing demons and external creatures can please the will of the abyss and become stronger.

If there is no strong protection, the violent demon will seize the opportunity and tear it to pieces.

In the bloody battlefield, legendary demons are not uncommon. Only demigods are qualified to talk about self-protection. Therefore, demigods are the minimum strength threshold for owning a fortress in the bloody battlefield.

Because of the above, the forces of the gods formed such a pattern on the battlefield of bloody battles: small fortresses occupied by demigods surrounded large fortresses occupied by powerful deities, and fortresses occupied by powerful deities surrounded by stronger ones.

Let’s talk about the Black Blood Alliance.

The Black Blood Alliance is an alliance composed of twenty-one star cities. There are three evil-level powerhouses in the alliance who are equivalent to weak divine power. The three evil-level powerhouses take turns to guard the Black Blood City.

Black Blood City has a god-level powerhouse stationed there, so it has naturally become the center of the surrounding fortresses.

Jose also had his own reasons for choosing to come to Black Blood City.

He wants to have a city of his own on the bloody battlefield, where he can hunt demons and gain military merit.

If you want to own a city of your own in the bloody battlefield, there are three ways:

The first is to find a piece of land and build the city yourself. This method is expensive and time-consuming, and the emperor will not consider it.

The second is to attack the devil's city and make the devil's city your own. This method is too risky, and the devil's city is too scummy. A lot of resources still need to be invested in building the city.

The third is to find an ownerless city where the city lord encounters an accident. Just like the fall of Emperor Philip of the Pompeii Empire, a demigod city lord occasionally falls on the battlefield of bloody battles. The city naturally needs another demigod to take charge. This method can be used as a method. It's fine, but the disadvantage is that the demigod monk has more rice and less rice.

And Black Blood City has just such an opportunity.

From the mouth of the Orangutan, Jose learned a secret news. Recently, a demigod city lord on the front line of Black Blood City died during an expedition. The news has not yet spread on a large scale.

It was for that city that Jose came. He wanted to occupy the city before the news spread widely.

However, cities in the abyss cannot be occupied casually, especially the cities on the front line.

If you don't know the situation of the demon you are facing, you won't know how you died.

It was precisely because of this that he came to Black Blood City first, planning to find out the surrounding situation from the intelligence dealers in Black Blood City.

After asking the guards maintaining security in Black Blood City, Jose came to a place in the city that specialized in selling information.

There are no shops specializing in selling intelligence in Black Blood City, because the lucrative business of intelligence is monopolized by Black Blood City officials.

The red dragon came to the center of the city, and a huge castle came into view.

This castle has a strong astral style. There are two fully armed guards standing at the door. Behind the guards are well-trained waiters and maids. The waiters and maids are responsible for receiving customers.

It is indeed a city built by the forces of the star realm, Jose sighed secretly and walked towards the city gate, while releasing a hint of the aura of a powerful demigod.

Suddenly a maid came over with a smile.

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