Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 408: Save the Dragon Clan and Head to the Star Boundary

Moulin realized that he could not argue with the emperor about the northern kingdoms, and thought about the problem of the five-color dragon itself: Your Majesty Jose, even if the northern countries voluntarily surrender, this is not the reason for you to ask to take away my southern five-color dragon.

Over the years, the Five-Colored Dragon has slaughtered villages and destroyed cities, killing a large number of innocent lives. These damages cannot be erased by you with just a word.

Jose nodded: Yes, there are indeed such existences in the five-color dragon clan, and there are quite a few of them. But as far as I know, the five-color dragons who slaughtered villages and cities were all killed by you. The dragons are responsible for this part of the blame. I can’t care about it, and I don’t want to care about it.”

The emperor's words were extremely firm: But the dragons enslaved by the southern nobles are different. According to the empire's survey data, most of them were captured by the dragon squad and resold to the southern nobles. You must release these dragons, otherwise... …”

What else?!

Moulin stood up suddenly and stared at the red dragon coldly: Your Majesty Jose! I admit that you are strong, but don't think that I am afraid of you. Even if you can beat me, I still have a teacher!

Jose looked at Moulin without showing any signs of weakness: You can try, I don't mind fighting you south before entering the abyss.

My five-color dragon clan only has a few hundred people in Teda Nor. The worst we can do is to fight for the foundation of Teda Nor, move the star realm, and rescue the five-color dragons who have fallen into the enemy's hands!

Please don't doubt my determination! Morlin!

The eyes of the red dragon and Moulin collided in the air, causing fierce sparks.

Both sides were a little angry at this moment.

Moulin was shocked and angry. He could see from the Emperor's eyes that everything the Emperor said was true.

If the North, led by the Fusei Empire, and the South, led by the Pompeii Empire, really started to fight, then half of the race with the devil would have been lost. The emperor could give up Tydanor, but he could not give up the thousands-year-old foundation of the human race.

Even with the strong rise of the Fusei Empire, today's Tydanor is still the human race's Tydanor, and the Pompeii Empire is still the biggest beneficiary.

On the other hand, Jose didn't want to really push Mooring into a hurry.

In fact, his purpose of forcing Moolin was just to make Moorin feel his determination to rescue the five-color dragon clan. It would be no good for anyone to lose both sides.

Just accept it as soon as you see fit.

Your Excellency Morin,

You have to think clearly about the consequences of the war between the Pompeii Empire and the Fusei Empire, now that Baator Hell is eyeing Tydanor.

Jose's voice softened: On the contrary, if you agree to return my Five-Colored Dragon Tribe, I promise to restrain them. Before the competition with the devil comes to an end, I guarantee that the Five-Colored Dragon under the Fusai Empire will not take the initiative to cross the center line of the continent.

After hearing this, Moulin's expression softened a lot, and he began to think about the emperor's words.

After the Pompeii Empire became aware of the Fusai Empire's rescue work of the five-color dragon tribe, it counted the five-color dragons in the south and set up a special organization to track them to prevent the Fusai Empire from snatching the dragons.

According to the words of the Emperor of the Pompeii Empire, there are currently twenty-seven five-color dragons of all ages still in the hands of the south.

There are twelve adult dragons among them. The adult dragons were all captured in the Red Nest Battle. There are twelve immature dragons. Most of the immature dragons come from the dragon catching team, including young dragons, adolescent dragons, and young dragons.

The remaining three were special circumstances. Two were cultivated by nobles from dragon eggs and were already tied to noble families. There was also a mature dragon who was an equal contract partner of a legendary mage.

Moulin weighed the pros and cons and made a compromise: You can redeem the five-color dragon who is willing to leave. In addition, I hope you can remember your promise today and restrain your men.

As it should be, Jose breathed a sigh of relief.

Moulin made a compromise, which was the best result. After all, he did not want to go to war with the southern countries under the current situation of the enemy.

As for redeeming the five-color dragon with gold coins, the demigod Master also wanted to face shame. It was impossible to order the southern nobles to hand over the five-color dragon for nothing. This would be equivalent to announcing to the world that the Pompeii Empire was afraid of the Fusai Empire.

Just take a step back.

Jose continued: I have a condition. When I use gold coins to redeem my Five-Colored Dragon clansmen, the empire's professional team will evaluate their health. If the health is really bad, then the noble...

Don't push yourself too far! Moulin glared at each other.


The two argued for a day and a night, and finally compromised and reached an agreement.

Returning to the Fusai Empire, Jose immediately called for Yougou to make arrangements to redeem the Five-Colored Dragon Clan in the south.

The Pompeii Empire did not express its position on the Fusai Empire's action to redeem the Dragon Clan. It neither opposed nor approved of it.

In fact, it is the default.

Without the backing of the Pompeii Empire, the southern nobles were unable to be arrogant when faced with the behemoth of the Fusai Empire. They accepted the empire's conditions and handed over the Five Colored Dragon Clan.

This process has not been smooth sailing, mainly due to the Five Color Dragon Clan itself.

Not all five-colored dragons are willing to go to the Fuse Empire.

The fundamental purpose of the southern nobles imprisoning the five-color dragon clan is to peek into the long life and powerful power of the dragon clan, hoping to train the dragon clan into guardians and protect the family for a long time. Therefore, the material living conditions of the vast majority of dragons are still good, and not only have they not been harmed What kind of abuse, but he was treated as an ancestor.

It is not surprising that some dragons are addicted to the support of nobles and do not want to return to the Fusei Empire to be ordinary dragons.

The empire does not force the selection of these dragons.

In the end, twenty of the twenty-seven five-color dragons in the south were redeemed by the Fusai Empire.

While Operation Dragon Redemption was underway, three other major events occurred in Tydanor.

The first major thing is that according to the agreement between the God of Light and Justice and the Lord of Nine Hells, the devil is not allowed to stay in Tydanor before the results of the competition are known, so the devil - Mal'Ganis was recalled by the Lord of Nine Hells.

The second major event was that the Archbishop of the [Justice Church] advanced to demigod status and became the first human cleric demigod in the history of Tedanor.

The third major event was that the Fusei Empire, the Pompeii Empire, the Orc Empire, the Trading City-States, the Misty Forest, and the Windspeaker Alliance issued a joint statement announcing that the major forces in Tydanor would participate in the bloody battle of the abyss. On the other side, the Mermaid Emperor also announced The sea tribe participated in the bloody battle in the abyss.

Although the major forces announced their participation in the bloody war, in order to maintain overall stability, they concealed the devil's peek at Tydanor and the bet between the God of Light and Justice and the Lord of Nine Hells.

After all, announcing the truth of the matter will only increase the worries of the general public without having much positive effect, and it will do more harm than good.

The truth of the matter is only spread among the demigod circle and the top leaders of major forces.

In addition, thanks to the strength of the God of Light and Justice, the God of Light and Justice won the right for Tydanor to launch the signal gun to start the competition. This means that Tydanor has time to prepare, and when it is ready, it can announce the competition. start.

The Emperor of the Empire, Moulin, the Mermaid Emperor and other demigods decided together that the first day of the new year in three years would be the day when the competition would begin.

During these three years, the major forces will supplement knowledge about demons and demons, build abyss portals, and prepare for the expedition to the abyss.

In addition to their own preparations, the major forces have also established a regular communication organization, the Tedanol Alliance, to exchange information and enhance mutual trust through alliance channels.

Time flies.

More than two years have passed.

Fuse Empire, Oka City, roof of Red Castle.

Jose stood on the platform at the top of the Red Castle, looking up at the dark clouds above his head. The dark clouds were so low that they seemed to crush the mountain peaks.

Although the magical city of Oka is still a spring scene, the cold wind is howling outside the city, just like the situation the world is facing now.

It's going to snow, the Emperor muttered.

When this winter passes and on the first day of spring, the race between Tydanor and the Devil begins.

This will be an extremely cruel game. If Tydanor fails, then everyone from the dragon, human, and sea tribes will leave their homes and give up the entire world to Baator Hell.

Jose tried his best to win.

Your Majesty, the voice of the imperial prime minister, Yi Gou, came from behind.

Jose didn't look back and stared at the sky calmly: Is the portal ready?

Don't worry, your majesty, everything is ready. The portal has been built. The soldiers of the empire have also studied the knowledge of the abyss for more than two years and prepared relevant training... Yougou said a lot, and asked the empire for every detail. The emperor told.

Because he knew that the more prepared the empire was, the more at ease the emperor would be.

However, Yi Gou also knew that the secular army was not the main force in this competition, and the demigod-level powerhouse was the key to determining the outcome.

Very good, I feel relieved about your work, Jose said, very satisfied with Hegou's work, and the haze in his heart also dissipated a little.

After thinking for a moment, Jose comforted his family and at the same time comforted himself: Don't worry too much, Tydanor will not necessarily lose in this competition.

In the past two years when the major forces in Tydanor have been actively preparing, the devils have not been idle and have begun to make early arrangements. Some news has spread, exposing some of their trump cards. Among the devils in Baator Hell who were transformed from the souls of Tydanor people. , there are eight demigods.

At least eight people were exposed on the surface. No one believed that these eight people were all the devils.

On Tydanor's side, there are also a lot of demigods.

Excluding the Archbishop of the [Justice Church] who cannot participate, there are currently five people inside the plane, including Jose, the Mermaid King, the Golden Elf King, Morlin and the Orc Sword Master.

There are also some demigods outside the plane, including the mysterious teacher of Morlin, the first speaker of the Trade City-State Alliance, the Red Nest Matron, and the former elder of the Windspeaker Alliance.

Jose didn't know the situation of the Sea Clan, but he knew the situation of Morlin very well.

The Golden Elf King finally fell to the Pompeii Empire. The Golden Elf King, Moor Lin, Moor Lin's mysterious teacher, and the first-generation speaker of the Trade City-State Alliance, the Pompeii Empire had four demigods.

On the side of the Forsey Empire, Jose recruited the Orc Sword Master and the Red Nest Matron to have three demigods.

Also worth mentioning is the former elder of the Windspeaker Alliance. This demigod was born within the plane of Teldanor, so he is considered an internal member of Teldanor and does not occupy the foreign aid quota.

Jose thought he could go for it because this demigod was a dragon.

But it's not the five-color dragon clan, but the metal dragon clan.

Silver dragon among metal dragons, silver glitter - Giles.

Jose recalled the information about Giles. Giles is an ancient dragon. He is older than the Red Nest Matron. As early as when humans and orcs competed for continental hegemony, he was already a famous demigod in the continent. And he won the name Silver Flash during the war between humans and orcs.

It's just that Tydanor is too small, and the demigod is already the limit of the powerful people the plane can accommodate.

More than two thousand years ago, Giles left Tydanor and went to the star realm to find further opportunities.

Although he left Teldanor, this being's connection with Teldanor has not been interrupted, and he often pays attention to the Metal Dragon Clan and the Windspeaker Alliance.

Silver Flash was involved in the migration of the Metal Dragon Clan, and the Windspeaker Alliance's ability to maneuver among the major forces in Tydanor was also inseparable from Silver Flash's contribution.

Because he was from the dragon clan, Jose felt that he could fight for it, but he had little hope.

Judging from Silver Flash's battle to become famous, his relationship with the human race is closer.

No matter what, if a demigod's combat power is placed in the star realm, he has to fight for it.

Jose calculated the time and murmured: It's time.

Yi Gou, I'm going to the star realm to visit Silver Flash. I will definitely come back before the end of winter. You are in charge of everything in the empire for the time being.

As you command!

In exchange for the rhombus occupying the demigod spot, Jose came to the star realm.

Teleport to the star city - Wanlong City.

In Wanlong City, it seems that the city builders are related to the Dragon Clan. In fact, the city controller has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan. The owner of Wanlong City simply thinks that the name Wanlong is more domineering.

It doesn't matter, Jose is not here to visit the master of Wanlong City.

He walked out of the Wanlong City teleportation array, identified the direction, flew out of the city's protective shield, entered the dark and cold star realm, and headed for his destination.

The person the Emperor wants to visit - Silver Flash, lives in a group of meteorites not far from Wanlong City.

In fact, this is not the first time Jose has visited Silver Flash.

The last time he came, he happened to encounter Silver Flash going out and returned without success.

However, the Emperor was not a pedantic dragon. He used a bag of gems to bribe Silver Flash's followers and learned the time of Silver Flash's return.

When the time came, he took action.

The astral realm has no concept of directions such as up, down, left, and right, nor does it have time-keeping celestial phenomena such as the sun and moon.

Fortunately, this was Jose's second visit, and he was familiar with the road. After about a day of flying on the material plane, he arrived at the meteorite group where the silver glitter lived.

This is a large group of meteorites suspended in the void. Small meteorites are like dust, and large meteorites are comparable to a small continent.

The silver flash lives on the largest meteorite in the meteorite group.

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