Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 401: Goblin Lord, what a talent!

Boss Jose, are you going to Blackstone Island?

Bailong's eyes shone: Great, I've long been unhappy with those goblins!

Huh? Jose was surprised. He didn't understand how the goblins on Blackstone Island provoked Cassie: What's going on?

Those profiteers! How dare you steal the imperial caravan's gold coins! Speaking of this matter, Cassie blew out two angry white puffs of air from his nostrils.

The thing is like this, three months ago...

The general story of what happened was just as Bai Long said. The goblins on Blackstone Island were obsessed with it and set their sights on the imperial caravan. However, the consequences were not many each time, and the merchants never complained to the officials.

However, three months ago, the matter reached Bailong's ears, and Bailong ordered his subordinates to investigate.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

The goblins implemented the same strategy against all the caravans that passed through the Black Sea. They created clever names and tried every means to take advantage of them.

Although it is not a lot of money each time, it is not a small amount when accumulated over time.

You know, many caravans in the Fusai Empire have official backgrounds. Even if they don't have official backgrounds, they still have to pay taxes to the officials.

The goblins cheated the empire's caravans, indirectly reducing the empire's tax revenue.

There have always been dragons who robbed, so there was no reason why the dragon was being robbed. How could Cassie not be angry?

The money was stolen from us?! That's okay! Jose was also angry.

He originally planned to have a good talk with the goblin lord of Blackstone Island and obtain the information he wanted by purchasing it. But now it seems that he must teach those goblins a harsh lesson.

Let's go! Go and settle the accounts with the goblins!

Okay! Cassie stepped into the teleportation circle formed around the red dragon.

The brilliant purple magic light shone, and the two dragons disappeared.

Black Sea.

The sea was calm and the sky was cloudless. Two huge figures, one red and one white, appeared out of thin air. They were the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Prince who had left the Magic Tower.

Jose glanced around and saw a huge, blurry island in the distance.

We found the direction of Blackstone Island, let's go!

The red dragon took the lead and flew towards Blackstone Island, followed closely by the white dragon.

Blackstone Island became more and more clear in the sight of the two dragons, and Jose glanced at this famous goblin capital.

Blackstone Island is a large island. In the center of the island is a towering volcano with a snowy tip. The volcanic lava erupts to form a large amount of obsidian. The entire mountain is black. This mountain is also called Blackstone Mountain, and the name of Blackstone Island comes from this. Come.

The goblins used the power of magic to control the volcano so that it would no longer erupt. They built cities around the volcano and cultivated thousands of miles of fertile soil formed by volcanic ash, making the entire Blackstone Island a paradise for goblins.

Relying on the base camp of Blackstone Island, the goblin clan vigorously developed the shipbuilding industry, built a powerful ocean fleet, and became the overlord of the Black Sea.

Whether it is a pirate who licks blood with his knife or an ocean-going merchant ship riding the wind and waves, as long as he makes a living on the Black Sea, he will inevitably deal with goblins and fawn over goblins to some extent. Goblins can be said to take both black and white.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the goblins dare to put their dirty hands into the pockets of the empire and seize food from the dragon's mouth.

However, this time, the goblins of Blackstone Island made the wrong calculation.

hold head high!

The emperor of the empire let out an angry dragon roar. The dragon roar was like thunder, exploding in the sky, and the reverberations were trembling.

Since the two dragons did not hide their figures and the sky was cloudless, the goblins on Blackstone Island discovered the approaching dragons in advance and organized manpower to defend them.

The well-equipped goblin soldiers climbed onto the city tower with bows, arrows and crossbows in hand. The black muzzles of the cannons on the city tower were pointed at the sky. There were huge crossbows on top of some buildings in the city. The crossbows were also fully drawn, with crossbows shining with cold light. The serrated arrows are pointed in the direction of the two dragons in the sky, and can be launched immediately upon the command of the commander.

At the same time, the goblin warriors took off on their flying mounts and did not take the initiative to launch an attack. Instead, they flapped their wings and hovered not far above the city, within the support range of the ground troops.

The goblin mages gathered in the square and formed a specific formation around the strong ones. At first glance, they looked like a group of well-trained mages who could perform collective spellcasting and greatly increase the power of magic.

Yes, goblins use magic. Over the years, goblins have also been assimilated by the mainland's mainstream civilization-magic civilization.

High in the sky, Jose and Cassie fluttered their wings and looked at the goblin city below as they launched their defenses in a decent manner. This made the two dragons couldn't help but look at the goblins.

I didn't expect that these goblins still have a chance.

What's even more surprising is what's behind, a huge red magic barrier spreads out from the volcano, like an upside-down glass bowl, covering the entire goblin city.

Perhaps the magic barrier gave the goblins a sense of security. A sharp voice with obvious goblin characteristics sounded from the volcano: Ah~! Dragon in the sky! Listen! You have broken into the great goblin lord-Kirog territory, I give you thirty seconds to leave, otherwise I won’t be polite!”

Also, don't think about robbing the villages and towns outside Blackstone Island!

I am very good friends with the great Five-Colored Dragon leader, His Majesty the Emperor of the Fusai Empire. If you dare to do this, he will not let you go!

In the sky, Cassie had a strange expression on her face, trying not to laugh out loud.

The goblins of Emotion did not recognize the identities of their two dragons, and only regarded them as evil dragons who came to fight the autumn wind. The key was that they pretended to be friends of the emperor and were caught by the person involved.

In fact, it’s not the goblins’ fault. Just like being face-blind to foreigners, in the eyes of outsiders, red dragons are all the same. Only scholars or mages who have a certain understanding of the dragon family can tell the age of a dragon from its horns and other details. , identity and other information.

Jose raised his eyebrows. He was dissatisfied with the goblin using his name to scare people: Really? The great goblin lord, Mr. Kilog, I don't remember having you as a friend!

Huh?! Huh?! Wow?! the goblin's exaggerated cry came out.

The goblins in the city also broke out into a strong commotion. They didn't expect that the coming dragon was actually the leader of the five-color dragons of Tydanor, the Lord of Ashes, the Northern Overlord, and the emperor of the Fuse Empire who stood at the top of the food chain of Tydanor.

You...who are you...His Majesty Jose?! The goblin lord's voice was trembling.

But he quickly calmed down and carefully observed the red dragon in the sky. Only then did he realize that the red dragon in the sky seemed much larger than the ordinary red dragon.

The distance is too far, so in the eyes of the goblin lord, the red dragon in the sky is very small, so the judgment was wrong.

There is only one red dragon of this size in Tydanor.

That is the emperor of the Fusai Empire!

The goblin's heart trembled and his scalp felt numb, but he was also the leader of a force. He quickly calmed down and said enthusiastically: Oh, His Majesty Jose, what kind of wind brought you here? You are far away... …”

You haven't answered my question yet. When did we make friends? Well! Jose interrupted the goblin's conversation with a dangerous tone.


The goblin laughed a few times, and then said: Your Majesty, don't we often have dinner together?

Huh? Jose was a little confused. He had never had dinner with a goblin, so how could he use the term frequently.

Although you eat at your home and I eat at mine, we eat at the same time and in the same world. I often raise a glass to the north to invite you... The goblin's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke.




You are a fucking talent!

Jose no longer wanted to tangle with the goblin lord: Little thing! You are challenging my patience! Do you think your ridiculous magic can save your life?!

With that said, the red dragon waved his hand, and the dimensional anchor blocked the space around Blackstone Island, and the teleportation magic became invalid.

Then use the dragon claw to aim at Black Stone Island, and a huge suction force bursts out from the red dragon's palm. The fire element between heaven and earth gathers towards the red dragon's palm, forming an elemental trend visible to the naked eye. The magic barrier covering Black Stone Mountain quickly fades in color. .

While the Goblin Lord was speaking, Jose had already figured out the Goblin's trump card.

The cannons and crossbows on the city wall, the powerful goblins riding flying mounts, and the goblin mage group were not noticed by the emperor.

Only the magic barrier covering the entire Blackstone Mountain is still worth seeing.

The goblin's magic enchantment is similar to his hanging magic tower, except that the energy source of the hanging magic is the core of the earth, while the energy source of the goblin's magic enchantment is the active volcano - Blackstone Mountain.

I don’t know what means the goblins used to prevent the volcano from erupting, but also used the volcanic energy for their own use.

With the protection of this magic barrier, no matter how many legendary strong men come, the goblins will have the confidence to fight against them.

Unfortunately, they met the Emperor of the Empire.

As the [Emperor of Yan], the supreme master of the fire element, the fire element energy extracted from the volcano not only cannot protect the goblins, but will become a powerful weapon for the emperor to deal with the goblins.

As long as Jose thinks about it, he can make the volcano erupt and destroy the entire Black Rock Island.

Of course, he would not do this. His main purpose of coming to Blackstone Island was to ask for news, and secondly to teach the goblins a lesson and get back the gold coins that had been stolen by the goblins.

The magic barrier dissipated silently, and all the fire elemental energy ran into the hands of the emperor, turning into a burning fireball bigger than Blackstone Mountain, as if another sun appeared in the sky.

In the goblin city, the goblin lords were unable to stop it and watched in despair as all this happened.

What was even more shocking and despairing was that the black stone volcano, the energy source of the magic circle under his feet, began to cool down.

He originally thought that with the combination of volcanic energy and magic enchantment, even if the demigods came in person, the Blackstone Island goblins would have certain negotiating capital.

At this moment, it seems that his idea is so naive and ridiculous.

Your Majesty Jose! Don't be impulsive! We are friends of the empire! We have value! The goblin lord was convinced, completely convinced.

I have to accept it.

At this time, as long as the emperor's hand shakes and the fireball falls, Blackstone Island can be blown into a sinkhole, and the space around Blackstone Island is blocked. No goblin on Blackstone Island can escape, and goblin civilization is cut off.

After hearing value once, Jose raised his eyebrows and threw the fireball in his hand into the sky.

After flying for a period of time, the giant fireball exploded at high altitude, and the flames filled the entire sky. The reverberation of the boom explosion lasted for a long time, strong winds blew between the sky and the earth, and the sea water stirred up waves.

You're right, you still have value.

Hearing the emperor's voice, the goblin lord Kilog, who was so surprised by the fireball explosion, reacted.

From the emperor's words, he learned that the emperor's visit had a purpose, and it was precisely because of this that the fireball flew into the sky.

If the goblin clan is worthless...

As soon as he thought of this, cold sweat broke out on Kilog's forehead.

In the sky, Jose saw a goblin running out of a mansion halfway up Blackstone Mountain. This goblin completely did not conform to the world's image of a thin goblin. It was as fat as a pig, wore a luxurious cheetah fur cape, and held a hand. The finger holding the gemstone scepter is covered with rings of various colors.

Your Majesty the Great Emperor! You are truly the greatest dragon in the world! I have imagined meeting you countless times! I have imagined your majestic figure! But at this moment when I actually saw your true body, I realized what I imagined My strength is so meager that I cannot imagine even one tenth of your majesty...

...My admiration for you is like the sea, and like the endless stars in the sky...

Amidst the flattery of the goblin lord, the emperor descended from the sky.

After glancing at the spitting goblin, Jose became more and more determined in his previous thoughts: This guy is a talent.

He wanted to see where the limits of this talent were: Go on, praise me.

When the goblin lord Kilog heard this, he became more and more excited and eloquent: Great Your Majesty, every scale on your body dazzles me, more dazzling than the most precious gems in the world... Even if you are the most humble person, Your servant is also the glory of my life...

Three hours later.

The goblin lord still flattered without gasping for breath. The key is that the flattery was never the same from beginning to end. Jose was defeated: Talent, you win.

He waved his paws: Okay, okay, let's stop here this time.

The red dragon went straight to the point: Kirog, do your goblin clan still retain records about the dark areas of the lost continent?

Lost continent? Ancient homeland?

Kilog thought for a while, clapped his hands, and showed a flattering smile: Yes! Yes! As long as it is what your Majesty wants, even if it means going to the mountain of knives or the sea of ​​fire, I will try my best to get it for you.

Then go get it.

As you command! The goblin lord waved to a close aide and told him to get what the emperor wanted.

The goblin lord frowned slightly and said cautiously: However, Your Majesty, this ancient homeland is a long time ago after all, and the map may not be accurate...

As long as you know the approximate direction.

After a while, a goblin guard trotted over and delivered a roll of animal skin to the goblin lord.

Jose took the roll of animal skin respectfully handed over by the goblin lord. This roll of animal skin seemed to be the skin of a legendary beast. It was very large and ancient.

After unfolding it, it was indeed the map of the underdark area of ​​the Lost Continent that he wanted.

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