Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 391 Dragon Tooth Clone, Messenger of the Windspeaker Alliance

Under Jose's gaze, the floating crimson dragon tooth changed and turned into a puddle of crimson liquid. The liquid squirmed like mercury, changing from a full dragon tooth to an irregular five-pointed star.

The five-pointed star continued to change, with scales appearing on the body, limbs, head, wings...

Not long after, a red dragon man appeared in front of the emperor.

Jose looked at the Ryuga clone. The Ryuga clone was two meters tall, with slender limbs and fine red scales all over its body. It exuded a hot aura that was exactly the same as him.

He recited the incantation quickly, giving the clone consciousness according to the inherited records.

The moment the spell was completed, the Dragon Fang clone opened its eyes, revealing its red vertical pupils.

At the same time, Jose also saw himself from another perspective. This feeling was like looking into a mirror. Two pictures appeared in his mind without any discomfort. It was very magical.

He tried to operate the Ryuga clone, which acted according to the emperor's will. It felt like having an extra limb outside the body.

However, he felt that controlling Ryuga's clone was a bit awkward, as if he had been sleeping for a long time and his body was still awake.

He understood that this was the initial discomfort in controlling Ryuga's clone. As long as he became familiar with it for a period of time, this unfamiliar feeling would disappear.

The third set of national primary school student radio gymnastics, you go!

Under Jose's gaze, Ryuga's clone began to move...

After doing a set of radio gymnastics, the unfamiliar feeling of operating the Ryuga clone was much better.

Try the fighting power of this clone, thinking in his heart, Ryuga's clone received the order.

The dragon tooth clone activated the teleportation technique and took the emperor to the training room. Without any instructions, he quickly recited the spell at the target.

Eight seconds later, a waterfall of flames poured out from the top of the room, engulfing the target.

It is the legendary magic - World-Destroying Flowing Flame.

On the side, the emperor held his chin and looked at the target that was submerged in the flames. This target was made of fallen demon metal, and its ability to resist magic was unparalleled. Even so, the fallen metal was still burned red by the World-Destroying Flow Flame.


The casting speed and magic power are very good, a step beyond the scope of legendary mage, but there is still a big gap compared to demigods.

He came to the conclusion that the Dragon Tooth Clone could defeat almost any legendary strongman, but it was not enough to face the demigods.

At this level, it is enough to handle things within Tydanor. As for the star realm, we still need to keep a low profile. We can use magic equipment to strengthen it.

With this thought in mind, Jose took out a crimson emblem. The red emblem was the ultimate legendary equipment - [Seal of the Flame Beloved].

At the beginning of obtaining the [Chapter of the Flame Beloved], this legendary magic equipment did play a big role and changed the situation of several battles. However, as he became stronger and stronger, the enemies he faced became stronger and stronger. , the effect of [Chapter of Flame Beloved] is getting lower and lower.

Now that he has become a demigod, the [Chapter of the Flame Familiar] has almost no effect, so it can be equipped just right for the Dragon Fang Clone.

Oh, wait, can the Dragon Ya clone use golden fingers? After putting the [Fire Blessing Seal] on the Dragon Ya clone, Jose noticed this problem.

The dragon tooth clone immediately bit his finger, and the palm of his other hand burned with magic flames. He then put the bitten finger into the magic flame and burned it.

Jose frowned. The wound burned by the flames actually felt pain, and there was no sign of wound healing.

Obviously, Ryuga's clone cannot rely on the power of Golden Finger.

He thought for a moment and accepted the result.

In essence, Ryuga's clone is an alchemical life created by him, just like a magic puppet made by a mage. Naturally, the magic puppet cannot borrow the power of the mage himself.

If not, then there won't be, thinking so, he broke the link between the link and Ryuga's clone.

After disconnecting the link, the Ryuga clone moved its body by itself and played with the [Fire Blessing Chapter] on its neck.

Ryuga's clone is an alchemical life. The reason why it is said to be a life, not an alchemical object, is because the clone has self-awareness, has self-awareness and the ability to grow, and even has its own emotions, joys, sorrows, and joys.

Even if Jose leaves it alone, the clone will grow on its own.

Of course, if Jose wants to take care of it, the clone must be based on the will of the main body, and the clone is the extension of the main body's will.

Hey, I'm talking about my body. I feel like I'm a little weak. Is there any way to increase my strength?

It's indeed a bit weak, Jose thought for a moment and took out the secondary artifact - [Heart of Trunoy].

Since getting this Druid Secret Treasure, he has never used it once, because this Secret Treasure overlaps with the [Phoenix Heart] and is not as good as [Phoenix Heart].

If his tone is rotten in his hand, he might as well save the life of Ryuga's clone.

Although [Heart of Trunoy] was contaminated by the power of the Demon King, it is undeniable that it is a life-saving piece of equipment. As long as you are not killed on the spot, you can survive, which is equivalent to having a second life.

The Ryuga clone also knew that this was a good thing, and was about to swallow the [Heart of Trunoy] sealed in a small glass tube and store it in the capsule structure inside the body.

Immediately afterwards, Jose brought the Ryuga clone to his treasure house.

Magic rings, robes, staffs, necklaces, bracelets, belts, pendants...

Equipped with a large number of legendary equipment and magical objects, the Dragon Fang clone is covered in jewels, blinding its eyes, and outrageous.

That's almost it, he stuffed a large amount of potions and scrolls into the Dragon Fang clone's dimensional bag, and the emperor looked satisfied.

This piece of equipment alone can kill a legendary team, and the life safety of Ryuga's clones outside is greatly guaranteed.


In the throne room, Yougou walked through the gate and walked up the nine steps. He had just received a summons from the emperor at home and rushed over immediately.

Inadvertently looking up, he was stunned for a moment when he saw the figure on the throne.

Strange, why did your Majesty change into a dragon form today?

The Red Castle is located above the Magic Tower. No one dares to sit on the throne without the emperor's permission. In addition, the dragon man does have the aura of the emperor on his body, so Gou Gou walked to the bottom of the nine steps without doubting that he was there.

The kobold bowed and said, Your Majesty.

On the throne, the dragon man said calmly: Raise your head and look at me.

Yougou was confused, but he raised his head as ordered and looked at the dragon man on the throne.

After watching for a while, he frowned slightly, feeling that His Majesty was a little strange today.

The first is the equipment on his body. Yi Gou has also been in and out of the Emperor's treasury once or twice, and recognized that many of the equipment on the Dragon Man are collections in the treasury, but the reason why the collection is a collection is because the Emperor himself is extremely powerful, and these precious Magic equipment has little effect on it.

The second is the aura on his body. You Gou can clearly feel the powerful aura on the dragon man's body.

I can feel the powerful aura of the dragon man. This is not because the emperor of the empire has become stronger. On the contrary, it has become weaker.

In the past, the aura of the emperor was like a hidden dragon in the abyss, unperceivable and unfathomable.

Of course, Yi Gou would not think that the dragon man in front of him was a fake. There was no one in the world of Tedanor who could steal treasures from the emperor's treasure house.

Your Majesty, what are you doing? Yi Gou asked hesitantly.

It's just a clone, what information can you tell?

Well, the power of the clone is very strong. I am no match for the two of you, but it is still much weaker than your main body...

Yi Gou said a lot, and Jose listened patiently, looking for the shortcomings of Longya's clone from a third-party perspective.

By the way, Your Majesty, the [Windspeaker Alliance] sent an envoy yesterday, inviting the empire to send manpower to form a joint investigation team with various countries to go to the countries along the Sea of ​​Storms to investigate the remnants of the [Necromantic Cult]. Do we agree?

Investigating [The Spiritual Sect]? Jose lowered his head and thought.

The [Spiritual Cult] is the tentacles of the King of Eternal Night in Teldanor. They fool the low-level civilians, and under the guise of salvation, they convert the undead and collude with the King of Eternal Night in an attempt to destroy Teldanor.

This organization is the enemy of the whole world and has always been the target of attack.

Especially after the King of Eternal Night disrupted the battle for [Heart of the Earth] and aroused the anger of the demigods, attacking the [Spiritual Cult] became the consensus of all the orcs, the Sea Tribe, the Fusai Empire, and the southern forces, and they paid In terms of practical actions.

Led by the [Windspeaker Alliance] and the [Justice Church], all countries provide full support and provide human, material and intelligence support.

In this way, after seven or eight years of suppression, all the tentacles of the [Spiritual Sect] that were exposed on the surface were cut off, and the rest were deeply hidden.

Jose asked: What did the [Windtalkers Alliance] find?

A big secret was indeed discovered. It seems to be related to a certain royal family, but the envoy refused to reveal the specific kingdom.

That's right, Jose said knowingly.

Although the [Windspeaker Alliance] is very large, it is a loose organization. Without substantial evidence, there is really no confidence in investigating the royal family on the territory of a certain kingdom.

But the joint investigation team composed of major forces is different. How dare the king offend all the major forces in the continent at the same time.

He offended all the major forces and went straight into the palace, grabbing the king by the collar and saying, Say it or not!

Jose made a decision in his mind and asked, Where is the [Wind Speaker Alliance] messenger?

Yougou replied: Still at the reception desk for foreign guests.

Bring him to me.


Not long after, an elf man, the messenger of the [Wind Speaker Alliance], walked in from the door.

The reason why the elf is said to be a man is because the elf's dress is not as elegant and decent as ordinary elves, but reveals full wildness.

He was wearing a leopard-print animal skin skirt, with his upper body naked, wild runes painted on his strong chest, a leaf necklace hanging around his neck, and a short wooden cane in his hand.

A master druid, and a druid of Mirkwood, Jose knew clearly.

After the death of the Moon Elf King, the Mirkwood elves defected to the empire, but not all Mirkwood elves stayed in the empire, and some went out to explore.

In recent years, the number of elves traveling out has increased sharply, especially the professional elves.

The reason for this situation is mainly because the empire provides shelter to the lineage of Mirkwood elves.

The slave-catching team cannot escape the pursuit of the jackals by land, but by sea, Prince White Dragon's marine army is not a vegetarian, and the high-level mage's use of teleportation to kidnap elves cannot be completely eliminated.

However, after the [Red Dagger] crossed half of the continent and wiped out all the mages who captured elven slaves, killing chickens to scare the monkeys, no more mages dared to come to the empire to kidnap elves.

The powerful empire is not comparable to the once half-dead dark forest, and the savage monsters are not as civilized as the elves. They only pursue the culprits. If they find out that they are capturing the residents of the empire, they will destroy them all, and the great nobles in the south will not be able to stop them. Live the dagger thrust out of the shadows.

In the past twenty years, there have been no cases of elves disappearing for no reason. Therefore, strong elves can go out without any worries.

Furthermore, behind the scenes of the powerful elves going out to explore, the empire was also behind the scenes.

The empire needs to improve its image on the mainland. The Dark Forest elves are also subjects of the empire. They have a good image and temperament and a sense of justice. They are undoubtedly the best choice to go out and improve the image of the empire.

Your people - Philion sends you his sincere greetings, His Majesty the Great Emperor, the master elf druid walked to the bottom of the nine steps and bent down to pay the highest courtesy to the red dragon on the throne.

Originally, the Mirkwood elves were initially resistant to taking refuge in a red dragon, but later they discovered that not only was their safety guaranteed by joining the empire, but their lives were happier than before. With the addition of the great elf lord, the daughter of the Moon Elf King, and the emperor of the empire, student - Tilly adjusted it, and the elves were less resistant.

Decades have passed, and the elves have witnessed the all-round growth of the empire, fully accepted the rule of the emperor, and consider themselves citizens of the empire, and are proud of it.

Rise up, my people.

Hearing the words of the red dragon, the master druid-Filion raised his head and looked aside curiously.

In the throne room, in addition to the red dragon on the throne, there was also the imperial prime minister and a strange dragon man standing at the bottom of the steps.

The Prime Minister of the Empire, Yi Gou, is well-known throughout the continent, but the strange Dragon Man has never heard of it, but the Dragon Man can stand here, even closer to the throne than the Prime Minister of the Empire, so he is obviously not an ordinary person.

The Elf Druid couldn't help but wonder about the dragon man's identity.

Filion, what news did [Windtalker Alliance] ask you to bring?

The elf druid came back to his senses and said, Your majesty, the [Windspeaker Alliance] sent me to invite the empire to send a mission to form a joint investigation team to go to the countries along the Storm Strait to investigate the [Necromantic Cult].

Jose was satisfied. Judging from the Elf Druid's words, he first regarded himself as a subject of the empire, and then as a member of the [Windspeaker Alliance].

This is the drawback of loose organizations like the [Windspeaker Alliance]. Compared to loose organizations, members are more loyal to their own forces.

Which country is being investigated? Do you have more specific information?

The elf druid hesitated for a while and quickly made a decision: All the countries along the Storm Strait are suspected. In addition, some members of the organization suspect that the countries along the Storm Strait have been corrupted by the Spiritual Cult.

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