Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 61 It's time to show cruelty!

The centaurs and elves that came out?!

Jose felt a little puzzled. Although the Mordo Peak Forest was next to the Mirkwood, the Mirkwood was a large primeval forest with a wide area, comparable to a medium-sized human kingdom, and the elves were few in number, and their living area was limited to the core of the forest.

In addition, there are many extraordinary beasts in the forest, so few people leave the living area too far.

Could it be...

Jose thought of a possibility, observing the clothes of two elves, a man and a woman.

Among them, the female elf is holding a wooden staff with ear-to-ear, vines with light blue flowers wrapped around the wooden staff, wearing a long emerald green dress on the lower body, and two green leaves covering the upper body, such a natural dress, Druid undoubtedly .

The male elf is wearing brown and green standard leather armor, holding a longbow in his hand, carrying a quiver on his back, and two scimitars hanging on his belt around his waist. His running posture over obstacles is light and vigorous, looking like It's the elf ranger.

The combination of druid and ranger is very likely to be Tilly's teacher and brother.

Jose's thoughts were like lightning.

Now, the two elves have discovered that there is already a possibility of leaking information and posing a threat to their own safety. It is best to solve them together with Master Yu Geng.

However, it seems impossible!

Even a master alone can't kill alone, let alone a high-level druid and high-level troops.

Huh, there is no other way, it's time to show cruelty.

Jose flicked his wings and flew over the two elves, making a villainous laugh.

Whoa! Look! What I found! Another two delicious elves!

Delicious sprites!

again? !

Could it be...

Wells and Anna trembled, and an ominous premonition rose in their hearts.

Dragon! What did you just say?!

I say delicious elf! As he said, a fireball fell from the sky and struck Wells through the gaps in the leaves.


The elf ranger rolled around on the ground, avoiding the center of the explosion, and the flying soil sprayed him all over, but at this moment he didn't care about it, and with the last hope in his heart, he leaned against the big tree and his lips trembled.

You have eaten elves, when did it happen?!

Why, do you want to try it too! Jose smacked his mouth, pretending to have endless aftertaste: Delicious elf virgin, exuding the fragrance of plants, tender and delicious, delicious and juicy.

Oh~, that's right.

The red dragon shuttled back and forth over the forest, as if thinking of something: Before I was roasted and eaten, the little guy yelled that her brother who served in the patrol service would come to rescue her, couldn't it be you?! Her What is the name of the star of hope...


It's Wells~.

His name was called out from the mouth of the evil dragon, and Wells' brain went blank, accompanied by heartbreaking heartbreak, hot blood gushed out and his eyes were congested.

I'm going to kill you! Wells, who fell into a semi-mad state, rushed out of the cover of the big tree, drew his bow and shot towards the sky.

Jose returned the fireball technique. He thought that the elf druid was helping the ranger to block the attack, but he didn't expect a halfling thief to jump out from the shadows. The halfling thief threw the elf ranger down, and the two rolled to avoid explode.

At the same time, vines with spikes grew out of the treetops out of thin air, like twisting poisonous snakes entangled with the red dragon gliding back and forth.

Although Jose turned off [Phoenix Heart], [Data Visualization] was still on, and a dragon's breath swallowed the dancing vines, and ignited the big tree from which the vines grew.

Through the burning tree, he saw a pair of firm, hateful eyes, it was an elf druid.

Beside the druid, the centaur girl guarded her old friend with a shield, staring at the red dragon in the sky expressionlessly.

Dragon! You will pay for your actions!

Really! Are you trying to pinch my teeth with your flesh! Little man! Gahahahahaha! The extremely arrogant laughter echoed in the forest.

By the way! See that human being who escaped just now! He sold the elf to me! But you saved him! Isn't it funny!

I won't play with you anymore! If you want revenge, follow me! José flapped his wings and chased Master Yu Geng in the direction of escape.

Soon, Jose caught up to the escaped Master Yugen, but he did not stop, but continued to fly forward.

The appearance of the elves increased the number of targets he had to deal with, and the situation was beyond his control. In order not to abandon the foundation of the Bloodtooth Mine, he needed a strong partner.

It's just that his partner will bite back after he's done.

Not long after, he heard the sound of fighting and killing in the distance. It was centaurs and gnolls and wolf cavalry fighting fiercely in the jungle.

There were only forty or fifty wolf cavalry, and there were hundreds of centaurs. The form was one-sided. Unlike the usual situation, the victory did not go to the side with more people.

On the one hand, all the wolf cavalry were elite, and on the other hand, there was a high-level wolf man mystic who was good at buff magic.

These were all told to him by the harpies in the clouds.

Jose flew straight to the battlefield, with the dragon's breath brewing in his throat, and when he was about to slide through the air of the centaur, he spewed flames.

Starting from the opened dragon's mouth, the cone-shaped dragon's breath rushed to the forest below, ignited the crown of the tree, and rushed to the centaur on the forest floor along the gap of the trunk.


The centaur ignited by the dragon flames let out a heart-piercing scream, and the wolf under the gnoll's crotch smelled the smell of meat, and its eyes turned green.

After going back and forth twice, the centaur completely collapsed.

As for why he wanted to help the Gnoll, on the one hand, the centaur was an enemy, and on the other hand, he felt that potential allies were hidden among the Gnoll.

The professional dragon hunting team found signs of the existence of young dragons around the mosskin gnolls. They thought it was José who had gone too far. But Jose never cheated around the mosside gnolls. There is only one explanation, and that is the mosses. There really is a dragon hidden in the leather gnoll tribe.

Living in the forest, he didn't jump out directly when the enemy attacked, but hid in the dark to observe the situation, and looked for opportunities to kill the enemy's most difficult high-level mage.

If nothing else, the master behind the mosskin gnoll tribe is a green dragon.

He couldn't help but think of the ogres and extraordinary beasts from a few days ago, which probably were also created by the green dragon.

Jose hovered above the forest and shouted at the team of gnolls.

Son of Poison Fire! Leave the hunt and kill centaur to the subordinates! We have more troublesome things to do! (Note: The flame of the green dragon is a green poisonous fire, so it is called the Son of Poison Fire. Zi does not only refer to men )


The gnoll continued to hunt down the centaur.

Our opponent is a group of professional dragon hunters! They were hired by a human businessman! Centaurs are just their pawns! The dragon hunters have been defeated by me! I can't solve their leader alone! And there are The elves are messing in!

Jose clarified the powerful relationship: So, if you don't want to move! You must cooperate with me!

At this time, on the back of the wolf, an inconspicuous wolf man changed. His body suddenly swelled and deformed, turning into a giant dragon wearing emerald green scales.

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