Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 388: The Idea of ​​the Imperial Emperor: Harmony of All Races

The money-grubbing character of the Red Nest Mistress was so controlled by the Emperor that she didn't have much room for bargaining. After the Emperor made some concessions, the deal went smoothly.

Yougou got the information the emperor wanted from the Red Nest Matron, completed his mission, and returned to Tedanor.

In the living area of ​​the hanging magic tower, Jose was leaning on his own chair, holding a six-sided crystal in his hand.

This is a memory crystal. The Red Nest Matron did not have the time to tell the kobolds the knowledge stored in her mind. She simply sealed the relevant information into the memory crystal and asked the kobolds to bring it back.

The emperor slowly opened his eyes, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes: So that's it, this deal is not a loss.

The memory crystal given by the Red Nest Matron contains two parts of knowledge, one part is about elemental gems, and the rest is about the dragon tooth soldiers.

Regarding the elemental gems, the Red Nest Matron told the information she knew, and gave the emperor a suggestion to learn from the Mermaid Emperor and make [Heart of the Earth] into a piece of equipment, and also informed a person affiliated with the Dragon Worship Cult. Demigod level alchemist master.

Naturally, Jose would not hand over [Heart of the Earth] to the hands of the Dragon Worship Cult, but the advice of the Red Nest Matron coincided with his.

After all, he specializes in the fire element, and the earth attribute [Heart of the Earth] is really not suitable for direct use.

The other thing is the Dragon Tooth Soldiers. As for the Dragon Tooth Soldiers, the Red Nest Mistress gave him a big surprise.

Dragon Tooth Soldiers were invented by giant dragons in ancient times and were used to guard nests. However, the role of Dragon Tooth Soldiers is not limited to guarding nests, but also has other uses.

The Dragon Tooth Soldier inheritance given by the Red Nest Mistress records three types of Dragon Tooth Soldiers with special functions. One is the Shadow Guard, the other is the Secret Guard, and the third is the Dragon Tooth Clone.

Let’s talk about the Shadow Guard first.

Shadow Guards are a special breed of Dragon Tooth Soldiers that are different from ordinary Dragon Tooth Soldiers. As the name suggests, they master the power of shadows. As the secret sentry of the Dragon's Nest, they work together with ordinary Dragon Tooth Soldiers to guard the safety of the Dragon's Nest.

Jose also thought of the other uses of the Shadow Guards, such as being sent out to carry out assassinations, spying on intelligence and other special tasks, which just made up for the shortcomings of the high-level thieves in the Forsey Empire. The [Red Dagger] was really stretched by Van Cleef alone.

Let’s talk about the secret guard.

Ordinary dragon tooth soldiers are good at close combat.

The arcane guards are good at casting spells, and their strength and intelligence are much higher than ordinary dragon tooth soldiers. The arcane guards often serve as the middle and high-level managers of the dragon nest. Of course, the strength of the arcane guards is directly proportional to the cost.

The final Ryuga clone is even more remarkable.

In ancient times, the sages of the dragon clan envied the incarnation of the gods and made dragon tooth clones imitating the gods' incarnations. The biggest role of the dragon tooth clones is to act as a dragon when it is inconvenient for the dragon to go out, or when the destination is extremely dangerous and needs to explore the way. The owner's consciousness container travels instead of the dragon's body.

In Jose's eyes, the Dragon Tooth Clone is no longer a simple Dragon Tooth Soldier, but a powerful ability similar to an external incarnation, and possesses very powerful combat effectiveness.

The first thing Jose looked at was the Ryuga clone.

Now that he has entered the realm of demigods, it is not as convenient as before to leave the Tydanor plane. He was originally troubled by this, but the Dragon Fang clone just solved this problem for him.

The dragon tooth clone is powerful in combat and can also accommodate the dragon's consciousness. The production process is also extremely complicated.

First of all, in terms of material selection, Dragon Tooth Clone is much better than other Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

The main material of the dragon tooth clone must be the main fang separated from the giant dragon, plus the essence and blood of the giant heart, and a large amount of precious magic materials must be invested.

Jose looked at the method of refining Dragon Teeth Clone and then put it aside. It was not that he lacked materials or that he did not currently have the ability to refine Dragon Teeth Clone, but that he had a lot of more important things to do.

He had just broken through to Demigod, and this was the stage of rapid improvement in strength.

The newly opened inheritance of [Emperor Yan] and the newly obtained golden finger - [Zhu Rong Bloodline] must be familiar with as soon as possible and transform them into real combat power. As for auxiliary methods such as Dragon Fang Clone, they must be postponed temporarily. .

Thinking of the new inheritance of Emperor Yan, Jose's heart felt hot, and he couldn't help but look forward to breaking through the ancient dragon in the future and obtaining a new Legacy of Dragon.

Nowadays, he is only a demigod with a breakthrough in the mage profession. The dragon body is still at the legendary level. The powerful power of the demigod master feeds back into his physical body. He feels that he is getting stronger all the time.

In the past, he was still doubtful about whether he could break through the ancient dragon. Now he is full of confidence. It is only a matter of time before the dragon level breaks through the ancient dragon.

When the dragon breaks through to the ancient dragon stage, he will be equivalent to the fusion of Morling and the Red Nest Matron. This is not as simple as one plus one, but one plus one equals three, or even equals four, equals five, At that time, even if the Mermaid King was trying to comprehend the realm head-on, he would not be weak at all.


A year has passed.

A lot of big things happened in Tedanore during this year.

First, the Fusai Empire annexed the Red Nest and became the sole overlord of the north of Tydanor. The three-legged situation was immediately broken and turned into a two-legged struggle for hegemony.

The two top leaders, Moulin and the Imperial Emperor, did not express their stance, and the legendary combat forces of both sides also maintained a temporary peace. In the absence of high-level combat forces from both sides, the secular army was the key factor in determining the outcome of the battle.

Before the Red Nest Matron left Tydanor, she attacked a large number of southern power strongholds, causing the southern power's military strength in the northern part of the continent to completely collapse, and the central and southern parts of the continent also needed time to recover.

This gave the Fusai Empire a relatively safe environment.

The imperial prime minister did not waste the great situation specially planned by the imperial emperor, and quickly expanded the empire's influence to the central part of the continent. For this reason, a large number of fierce diplomatic disputes broke out with the southern forces.

At the diplomatic and commercial level, the southern forces led by the Fusei Empire and the Pompeii Empire launched a fierce confrontation. The conflicts became open and incompatible.

But on some levels, the two sides maintain communication and even cooperate, and fighting the undead is a rare thing they have in common.

Under the coordination of the [Justice Church] and using the [Windspeaker Alliance] as a bridge, the two overlords of Tydanor, the Fusei Empire and the Pompeii Empire, cooperated and shared intelligence, and the goal of the cooperation was to combat the remnants of the Eternal Night King. The undead force on the mainland - the Spiritual Sect.

At the beginning, the major forces followed the clues based on the intelligence they had obtained and eliminated many of the Theosophical sect's minions.

However, as the investigation deepened, the resistance increased.

This is related to the development environment chosen by the Theosophical sect.

For a long time, the Spiritual Cult has developed secretly in the countries along the Sea of ​​Storms.

Most of the countries along the Sea of ​​Storms are poor, with corrupt bureaucracies, and the people suffer and have little discernment. It is precisely because of these characteristics that the Theosophical Cult provides small favors and draws nutrients from the bottom of the countries along the Sea of ​​Storms.

There are also a considerable number of fallen nobles who have joined the Spiritual Sect. They hide among the crowd and inform the Spiritual Sect, which greatly hinders the arrest work.

After the King of Eternal Night left Tydanor, the Necromantic Cult cut off its minions and chose to shrink completely and go into hiding. This brought the attack on the Necromantic Cult to a near standstill.


Another four years passed.

After an absence of five years, the ministers of the Fusai Empire once again heard the imperial emperor's summons, and they all went to the imperial capital Red Castle and came to the throne hall.

Seeing the red dragon sitting high on the throne, the imperial ministers did not feel any pressure, as if the person sitting there was not the terrifying red dragon, but an ordinary person.

Upon noticing this change, the ministers could not help but lower their heads in humility.

The people who can stand here are either meritorious ministers who have surrendered to the emperor early, have been in high positions for a long time, and are well-informed, or they are outstanding people who have fought their way out of thousands of people. They are not fools and will not think that the emperor The loss of power in one's body is a sign of declining strength.

On the contrary, this is a manifestation of the emperor's perfect control of his body's aura and not letting any energy leak out.

Your Majesty is powerful again! the imperial ministers thought.

Just as the ministers thought, it took Jose five full years to finally digest the inheritance of the demigod level of [Emperor Yan] and master the power that skyrocketed after the breakthrough.

Today is different from the past. Now that he has returned to the past when he was fighting for the [Heart of the Earth], he will definitely not be in such a mess.

Jose sat high on the nine steps, bathed in the golden beam of light, and glanced at the ministers: Okay, everyone is here.

Yi Gou, please report what happened in the past few years.

I obey, Your Majesty, the imperial prime minister, Yi Gou, bowed.

He had sorted out his thoughts before he came and said directly: Your Majesty, in the past few years, in accordance with your Majesty's instructions, I have held high the banner of peaceful coexistence of all races, fought against the racist ideas of the southern forces, and set off a wave of ideological thinking on the mainland. The craze...


Listening to Hegou's story, Jose felt satisfied and couldn't help but nod.

As early as after conquering the Norn Principality, Jose had taken precautions and thought about how to conquer more human kingdoms.

The first step in conquering the human kingdom is the ideological barrier. Submitting to a foreign race. Even if the kings don't say it, they must feel uncomfortable in their hearts, especially when the human race is still the overlord of Tydanor.

In order to solve this problem, Jose came up with an idea and proposed the concept of unity among all races.

The core idea of ​​this concept is: all living beings are equal and all races are united.

That is, everyone in the intelligent race is equal, coexisting peacefully, and building a beautiful homeland together.

In order to promote this concept, Jose made many groundbreaking moves, including three main points. First, he completely abolished the tribal system and allowed all races to mix. Second, he established an academy system so that students of all races received equal education. Competition under relatively fair rules, and third, opening schools to non-imperial citizens.

1. Completely abolish the tribal system.

At the very beginning, all the major monster races existed on the continent in the form of tribes. This group-style lifestyle allowed the races to survive and continue.

However, under the civilized form of the empire, the tribal system has a huge drawback, which is that the same tribe forms cliques. The strong can obtain more resources for the tribe, while the weak cannot obtain resources, so that the strong will always Strong, but the weak cannot stand up.

In addition to the Matthew effect, the tribal situation is not conducive to the internal stability of the empire. Taking the tribe as a unit, the major forces compete with each other, which is an extremely unstable factor.

Therefore, as early as the early days of the establishment of the Fusei Kingdom, Jose had the consciousness to gradually weaken the tribal system and allow the major races to mix. Finally, in the early days of the establishment of the empire, everyone adapted to the new way of life, and all races coexisted peacefully. At the same time, it provided favorable support for Jose to promote the idea of ​​unity among all races across the continent.

2. Establish a college system.

The establishment of the academy system and the abolition of the tribal system were promoted together, and people were appointed on their merits. This greatly promoted the development of all walks of life in the Fusai Empire and reflected the superiority of the system of unity among all races.

3. Allow non-imperial citizens to enroll in school.

This was announced to the entire continent only after the establishment of the Fusai Empire.

In the past, higher education institutions in various countries on the mainland were hiding among themselves for fear that their opponents would learn from them. Not to mention accepting foreign students, even their own citizens had to undergo strict screening before they could enroll.

The Fusei Empire broke this convention. Whether they are elves or dwarves, humans or orcs, or even underground drows, as long as their talents meet the standards, they pass the character test and entrance examination, and they pay tuition, they can enter the Fusei Empire. Continuing his studies at the Cypriot Imperial School.

This seems fair, but it is not.

Because the poor cannot afford travel or tuition fees, most of the students who can come to the Fusai Empire to study are from well-off families and have a certain degree of family influence.

These people receive imperial education, whether they stay to contribute to the empire or return to their original country, it will be of great benefit to the empire.

The idea of ​​​​the unity of all races is ubiquitous in the empire. Those who study within the empire will accept the bombing brainwashing of this idea whether they are willing or not. After these students return, they will be the natural spreaders of the idea of ​​​​the unity of all races, and thus Impact on their families.

The students who can come to the empire to study are the elites of various countries. They have a certain say in their respective forces and can influence the decisions of those in power.

Nowadays, the influence of the Fusai Empire can be smoothly promoted on the mainland and extends to the central part of the continent. The overseas students who returned from the empire have contributed a lot.

Now, the [Windspeaker Alliance] has made it clear that it supports the concept of unity among all races in the empire.

Yougou continued: There were even discussions within the southern forces, but they were quickly suppressed.

Hearing this, the red dragon on the throne showed no expression.

It was an unexpected surprise to get the support of [Windtalker Alliance].

In fact, whether it is the unity of all races of the Fusai Empire or the supremacy of the human race of the Pompeii Empire, they are essentially false and are driven by interests.

The Fusai Empire promotes the unity of all races so that all countries can peacefully accept the empire's rule.

The Pompeii Empire launched Human Supremacy in order to gather strength to fight against the aggressively expanding Fusei Empire.

Only strength is the foundation of everything!

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