Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 386 The power of the artifact!

Jose was unwilling to hand over the [Heart of the Earth].

He squeezed the gem in his hand and felt the endless elemental energy contained in the gem. This power gave people a sense of richness and endlessness. This was the power of the earth.

I tried to mobilize this power, but the energy of the earth element was jerky and not as tame as the fire element.

Sure enough, the attributes don't match, which prevents me from exerting the true power of [Heart of the Earth].

With this thought, he gave up the idea of ​​using [Heart of the Earth] to fight.

Frontal hard steel won't work, all that's left is outsmarting.

Jose's eyes quickly scanned both sides. Driven by their common interests, the enemies of Morlin and the Red Nest Matron spontaneously united together to fight against the Mermaid Emperor who had half a foot in the abyss of God.

The two of them joined forces, and the Mermaid Emperor could not take it lightly and did not dare to act rashly.

He was keenly aware that the main focus of the Mermaid Emperor, Red Nest Matron and Moulin was not on him, but on guarding against each other.

Being underestimated made him feel a little unhappy, but the enemy's contempt was undoubtedly beneficial to his actions.

Jose's mind was racing, thinking of ways to break the situation.

Although the main focus of both sides is on the other party, once he has the slightest momentum to escape, everyone will instantly change their targets and focus their fire on the attack, and 80% of them will not be able to escape.

Not to mention Moulin's interception, the Mermaid Emperor's domain alone was a big trouble.

The Mermaid Emperor's domain covers a large area and covers the emperor. Once the emperor makes any changes, the power of the domain will instantly imprison him.

He had already experienced this force of confinement. Although it could not completely immobilize him, it also reduced his flying speed by half. Such a low speed made it impossible to escape into the magic tower defense system before both parties could react.

However, Jose is not completely without a chance. He has the last and strongest trump card, which is the artifact that resides in the spiritual sea-[The Scepter of Catastrophe].

At present, he is not strong enough. He has not been recognized by the artifact and cannot use the power of the artifact. However, he can borrow a little power from the artifact with the help of secret methods. However, the borrowed power cannot exist for a long time and can only last for three seconds.

He only has one chance.

Jose racked his brains, thinking about how to improve his escape success rate, but no matter how he calculated the success rate, it was less than 30%.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his heart and his eyes lit up.

the other side.

During the confrontation between the Mermaid Emperor and the Red Nest Matron and Morlin, she felt fear in her heart: the thing she was most worried about had happened.

All along, she has not wanted to use the power of the domain. In addition to using the domain as a trump card, she is also worried that the domain will arouse the fear of the demigods, and then be besieged by everyone.

As it turns out, her concerns were correct.

Under the pressure of the realm, the enemies of Moulin and the Rednest Matron put aside their grudges and stood on the same side.

However, she did not regret exposing the secret of her comprehension field, because the emperor was about to escape at that time. If the field interception was not used, the emperor would have entered the Fusai Empire's magic tower defense system with the [Heart of the Earth].

Once the emperor enters the scope of the magic tower defense system, no one can do anything to him, because the magic tower defense system is an alternative realm created by magic means.

The owner of the magic tower defense system is within the scope of his own territory. He can use the power of the magic tower to control the mobilization of elements within the territory, mobilize a larger range of elemental energy for combat, and even deprive the enemy of the right to use external elemental energy...

In short, when the power level is not much different, it is extremely stupid to fight against the enemy within the scope of the enemy's magic tower defense system.

In order to ensure that [Heart of the Earth] would not slip away from her hands, she did not hesitate to expose the existence of the realm.

As long as you can get the [Heart of the Earth] and have two elemental gems, the Mermaid Emperor will become an invincible existence in the plane of Tydanor. Even the other demigods combined may not be her opponent.

This battle for the four-element gems can basically be declared over in advance.

Hey, let me tell you, just when the atmosphere was tense to the extreme, the red dragon caught in the middle spoke, attracting everyone's attention at once.

Jose threw the [Heart of the Earth] in his hand, and the eyes of the demigods moved up and down along with the [Heart of the Earth], their eyes full of desire.

I have realized that I am not strong enough to keep the [Heart of the Earth], so I want to withdraw from the competition and hand over the [Heart of the Earth] to you, but...

Jose changed his words: There is only one [Heart of the Earth], but there are three of you here. Who should I give it to?

José! Of course it's for me! You can't keep it, but I can keep it! The Red Nest Matron never left [Heart of the Earth]. She was the first to speak out when she heard the Emperor's words.

It's better to give it to me than to a foreigner!


Moulin snorted coldly: You want to provoke us into fighting, and then take advantage of the troubled waters to fish in troubled waters. It's a cheap and boring trick!

All the demigods are old and mature, how could they not understand the emperor's thoughts.

However, even if they understood the emperor's thoughts, the demigods still couldn't help but want to give it a try, just in case they could make the emperor hand over the treasure with words.

The wages of avarice is death.

With the [Heart of the Earth] as a golden bait, I am not afraid that someone will not take the bait. This is a naked conspiracy.

Including Moulin, who had seen through everything, no one dared to act rashly, fearing that their actions would annoy the emperor and hand over the [Heart of the Earth] to others.

As long as you give me the [Heart of the Earth], the ocean will become a loyal ally of the Fusei Empire. Unlike Moulin, who sees everything, the Mermaid Emperor chose inducement.

In the name of Lady Storm (another name for Lady of the Sea), I assure you that the ships of the Fusei Empire can sail freely in the sea, regardless of whether it is far sea or offshore. I can even help you deal with the Pompeii Empire.

Jose was a little moved when he heard the words. He lowered his head and pondered, as if he was thinking about the Mermaid Emperor's conditions.

Moulin's face changed slightly. Even though he understood the emperor's intention of sowing discord, he was still worried that if the emperor really agreed, this would put the Pompeii Empire into an extremely disadvantageous situation.

Jose, Situya already has a [Heart of the Ocean]. If you give her the [Heart of the Earth] again, no one will be able to compete with her. By then she will be able to take the entire world into her pocket. Yes, you have to think clearly!

The Sea Tribe has no interest in land. As long as you give me the [Heart of the Earth], I promise you that I will help you deal with Moulin at the critical moment and help you unify the continent,

The Mermaid Emperor seduced: When the time comes, the Fusai Empire and our Mermaid Dynasty will sign an alliance. You will rule the land and I will rule the ocean. If you don't believe it, we can sign a contract first.

With that said, the Mermaid Emperor took out a piece of contract paper.

Jose took a look at the contract paper in the Mermaid King's hand, and it turned out to be a devil's contract paper.

To be honest, if he didn't have other plans, he would really be tempted by the Mermaid Emperor's proposal.


Moulin scolded loudly: The covenant is established on the premise that both parties have equal strength. The Mermaid Dynasty can kill you at any time. What can you do even if you become the king of land?!

Jose frowned slightly when he heard this and hesitated.

The contract will restrict my behavior. Besides, do you think that I, the mermaid clan, will go back on my word like you Pompeii people!

No matter how perfect the contract is, there are loopholes...


The Mermaid King and Moulin were tit for tat, and they had a heated argument.

On the side, the Red Nest Mistress was a little irritated and wanted to rush to snatch the [Heart of the Earth], but was restricted by the contract signed after the defeat and could not attack Jose.

Jose ignored the Red Nest Matron and observed openly and openly. On the surface, he was in a dilemma. In fact, he was observing the reactions of Morlin and the Mermaid Emperor.

He couldn't help but curse in his heart: Two old foxes!

Although the Mermaid Emperor and Moulin had a fierce quarrel, they did not relax their vigilance against the Emperor at all, and even increased their vigilance a bit, just to prevent the Emperor from suddenly escaping with the [Heart of the Earth].

However, they all got one thing wrong. The purpose of the emperor's instigating discord was not to get the two sides to fight, but to delay time.

Jose is waiting.


Well, I don't have to stay in Tedanor anyway. It doesn't matter who gets [Heart of the Earth], the one with the highest price will get it.


With the bids made by both parties, another period of time passed.

five minutes later.

Time is up!

Jose was overjoyed. He sensed that a certain auxiliary magic that had been blessed on him had disappeared. This auxiliary magic was none other than Moulin's space magic - [Ukraad's Anchor]. It was exactly [Ukraad's Anchor]. Keeping him from teleporting.

However, even if the duration of [Ukraad's Anchor] ends, the Emperor is still unable to teleport because the surrounding space is blocked.

... The Mermaid Emperor and Moulin were still arguing.

Jose interrupted the two of them: There will be no result if we continue fighting like this. I have a suggestion. You guys have a fight!

As soon as the word frame came out of his mouth, Jose suddenly attacked. He contacted the evil guest who resided in his own spiritual sea, the artifact-[The Scepter of Catastrophe].

It's time to pay the rent! Red Dragon roared in the spiritual sea, and the originally calm mental power suddenly changed dramatically, like a typhoon raging on the sea.

The emperor of the empire pushed his mental power to the extreme and absorbed power from the [Scepter of Catastrophe].

A generation of divine evil masters spent countless efforts, using the heart of a higher material plane as the main material, supplemented by a large amount of precious magic materials, to forge the artifact - [The Scepter of Catastrophe].

It is no exaggeration to say that the power contained in the [Havoc Scepter] is no less than that of the entire [Teldanor] plane. After all, it is the core of the high material plane, and Teldanor is only a medium material plane.

Jose was unable to control such a huge power, and even borrowing a small amount of it would cause him tremendous pressure.

The full fire elemental energy almost exploded the emperor's body, erupting uncontrollably in all directions, forming raging elemental fires. The flame frenzy directly pushed away the water domain laid out by the Mermaid Emperor, forming a blazing space, and left behind. Before the momentum subsided, he attacked the three demigods.

Taking advantage of the moment when the three demigods were confused, Jose suddenly flapped his wings, and flames shot out behind him, and he flew thousands of meters away like a rocket.

The Mermaid Emperor reacted quickly, activated the field, and tried to imprison the fleeing red dragon, but where it could be imprisoned, just like a roadblock could stop a small car, but it could not stop an out-of-control fully loaded truck.

Nowadays, Jose is an out-of-control truck, filled with majestic power that does not belong to him and cannot be controlled.

In the pursuit of the demigods, Jose broke through all obstacles and distanced himself in just three seconds.

The emperor felt a splitting headache and his spirit was stretched to the limit. He understood that if he continued, even if the dragon body with the self-healing ability of [Phoenix Heart] could support it, the spiritual sea would not be able to support it.

The result of the inability of the spiritual sea to support is the collapse of mental power, ranging from a decline in realm to a plant dragon without self-awareness, or even death.

He had to stop drawing the power of the [Scepter of Catastrophe]. The rocket-like fire phenomenon disappeared. The emperor directly launched the teleportation and suddenly appeared a thousand meters away.

Non-space specialized mages cannot seamlessly activate the teleportation spell, so they have to fly the rest of the way.

At this time, he was within the range of the magic tower defense system. If he flew at full strength, it would only take five seconds.

These four or five seconds are the key to deciding the outcome!

Jose desperately squeezed his own potential, flapping his wings as fast as possible and flying at full speed.

One second passes!

The second second has passed!

Moulin is catching up!

Without any warning, Morlin teleported and appeared behind the emperor. He was only six hundred meters away from the emperor. The distance of six hundred meters was not a problem for the demigod.

Moulin's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Like the Mermaid King, he never expected that the Red Dragon had a trump card and could make a comeback despite being restricted by the territory.

Fortunately, the red dragon's trump card only lasted for just three seconds, otherwise, he would have been able to escape.

With this thought in mind, Moulin went all out. As soon as he appeared, he added the [Anchor of Ukraad] to the emperor, making it impossible for him to continue teleporting, and at the same time triggered the ring on his hand.

Space magic - Dimensional Slash!

A crescent-shaped silver-white blade appeared out of thin air, and even space could not withstand its power. It formed a shocking black mark during its flight, which was the endless void exposed by the broken space.

Dimensional Slash flew towards the Emperor of the Empire rapidly.

Jose couldn't see behind him, but he also felt the extremely dangerous aura. The attack behind him must be magic that could threaten his life.

But he didn't look back and continued flying at full speed without even turning.

It wasn't that Jose was confident that he could physically withstand Moulin's attack, but that he chose to trust his subordinates and entrust his own life safety to them.

Moulin looked at the emperor who didn't look back, and felt happy. He seemed to have seen the scene when the emperor was cut in half by Dimension. The dragon's blood spread across the sky. A generation of red dragon emperors died on the spot, creating his supreme power. Prestige.

Suddenly, Moulin's eyes shrank, and he saw a lava shield, an ice shield and a thunder shield appearing out of thin air behind the red dragon.

Dimensional Slash is indeed a powerful space magic. It broke three magic shields in succession. However, after breaking the three magic shields, Dimensional Slash itself also collapsed.

It wasn't until the collapse of Dimension Slash that Moulin saw a group of people appearing on the land of the Fusai Empire in the distance.

It is the Prime Minister of the Empire - Yi Gou, as well as the harpy family members, the crazy vampire lion - Gaulji, the legendary orc warrior - Graeme Stonehammer, the White Dragon Prince - Cassie, the Grand Duke of the Green Dragon... Most of the legends of the Cypriot Empire are gathered together.

At this time, there was something wrong with the state of the legends, and they were exuding strong magical energy. This was the blessing of the magic tower defense system.

It turned out that not long ago, Jose received news from the imperial prime minister, Yi Gou, that the legends of the Fusai Empire were gathering and preparing to come to support.

But in the demigod battlefield, no matter how hard the legendary relatives try, it is of no avail. The Mermaid Emperor can deprive everyone of their spellcasting ability with a wave of his hand. He only needs to flood the surroundings of the legends with water elements so that the relatives cannot access the required elemental energy.

Therefore, Jose rejected Yougou's support and thought of another good way.

The emperor made all the legendary family members invisible, secretly came to the edge of the magic tower defense system, and controlled the tower spirit to mobilize the power of the magic tower defense system to bless everyone, greatly increasing the strength of the family members, and ordered the family members to prepare for the response at the edge of the magic tower defense system.

He fought hard for five minutes, delaying the duration of [Ukraad's Anchor], and also bought time for the family members to arrive.

Drawing on a burst of power from the [Scepter of Catastrophe] and teleporting across a thousand meters, the Emperor finally entered the ultimate casting range of his family members.

So the current scene happened.

With the support of the magic tower defense system, all the family members went all out to cast spells to cover their emperor's retreat.

The imperial prime minister, the legendary mage and the legendary dragon warlock, directly activated the ultimate trump card - dragon transformation, transforming into a red dragon, with flames surging around him.

Thunder and lightning were like silver snakes, surrounding the huge purple crow. Luna Xingyu, who transformed into the form of a storm crow, spit out thunder from her mouth, and the thunder energy as thick as a bucket tore through the sky.

White Dragon - Cassie also quickly recited a spell and used the power of ice to help the emperor and his brother escape from danger.

Even Graeme Stonehammer and the Vampire Mad Lion on the warrior side went all out, shooting a series of qi slashes to intercept Moor Lin. In addition, there was the Grand Duke of the Green Dragon, and several legendary dragons who came to seek refuge.

For the demigod Master Moulin, a single attack is nothing and can be broken with a wave of his hand, but the combined attacks of many people are not that easy to deal with.

Under the command of the Imperial Emperor, fire rain fell, thunder flashed, ice, poisonous gas... numerous attacks struck Moulin, sealing off his dodge space.

Moulin was extremely helpless and had to cast a spell to defend himself.

Taking advantage of the precious time that the family members had bought, Jose flew at full speed and plunged into the magic tower defense system, and power instantly poured into his body.

hold head high!

The passionate roar of the dragon echoed through the sky.

In the distance, the Moulin, the Red Nest Matron, and the Mermaid Emperor looked extremely ugly.

PS: After being reminded by a book friend, I found a logical loophole in the demigod quota after the death of the earth element, and the loophole has been filled in Chapter 383 (the mysterious demigod has filled the loophole).

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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