Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 377 Return to the mysterious demiplane

Damn it! [Heart of the Earth] was actually born at this time! Jose felt depressed.

According to the available information, it is speculated that [Heart of the Earth], one of the four elemental gems, may have been conceived in the mysterious demiplane of the Northland Prairie. He originally planned to advance to Demigod, and then go and take [Heart of the Earth] with full confidence. 】Into the bag.

Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

At the critical moment when he broke through to Demigod, [Heart of the Earth] suddenly appeared, completely disrupting his arrangement.

After a moment of mental struggle, Jose decided to participate in the fight for the [Heart of the Earth]. After all, he had many opportunities to break through the demigods, but there was only one chance to fight for the [Heart of the Earth].

Today, his strength and status are far greater than before, and he has a better understanding of the four-element gems.

The four-element gem is not only a treasure, but also a natural sub-artifact that can quickly increase combat effectiveness. Especially in the plane where the four-element gem was born, the four-element gem and the plane have the same origin. Some people can mobilize dimensional elements to kill enemies, which will increase their combat effectiveness in no small way.

The next moment, Jose teleported over the northern prairie and flew towards the source of the earth element explosion.

The reason why the source of transmission is not directly transmitted is because the massive explosion of earth elements affects the stability of the surrounding space, and the risk of transmission around the element explosion point is too high.

Almost at the same time, Jose felt several powerful auras, which he was very familiar with.

The Red Nest Mistress - Savana, the Orc Sword Master - Mugaro, the Demigod Master - Morlin, the Mermaid Emperor - Situa, the Golden Elf King - Cecil, and the Red Nest Mistress His loyal servant, Wings of Havoc—Redli Raz.

In addition to Silverson, the King of Eternal Night, all the demigods and above in Tydanor arrived, and some legendary professionals also came with their own agendas.

Jose didn't care about anything else, he flapped his wings like a meteor streaking across the sky, flying straight towards the source of the earth element explosion.

Not long after, he arrived.

But he was not the first to arrive. He saw the Mermaid Emperor suspended in the air, and other demigods also arrived one after another, each releasing a powerful demigod aura.

Jose paid no attention to the others, and his eyes fell on the Mermaid Queen. Her lower body had a golden-red fish tail, and her upper body was no different from a human woman. Her face was covered with a veil and her face could not be seen clearly. There were only two pieces of golden shells attached to her body. The top of the round dome,

Revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.

Even if a large area of ​​skin is exposed, no matter who sees the Mermaid Queen at first sight, they will not feel lust, just because the Mermaid Queen has a noble aura about her, as if she was born to rule the entire world.

His eyes stayed on the mermaid emperor's veil for a moment, and Jose's eyes fell on the scepter in his hand. It had a golden-red coral body and an aquamarine gem inlaid on the top. The aquamarine gem had its own strange phenomena around it, swaying like the sea. Ripple, this is the pure magic of water element.

One of the four elemental gems - Heart of the Ocean!

Like the Emperor, all the demigods involuntarily cast their gazes on the [Heart of the Ocean] in the hands of the Mermaid Emperor, their eyes uncertain.

Everyone, including the emperor, wants to get this [Heart of the Ocean], but no one dares to take action.

In the past, when the Red Nest Matron still possessed [Heart of Flame], there was still controversy about the strongest person in Tydanor. Now, there is no suspense about the title of the strongest person in Tydanor. He is the petite Mermaid Emperor in front of him.

Fighting alone, no one is the opponent of the Mermaid Emperor. There is a lot of hope for everyone to unite. However, the major demigods have different positions, conflicts and even hatred between them. This is destined to prevent everyone from uniting.

Soon, all the demigods arrived, suspended in the air and forming a circle, looking at the earth below.

On the prairie, among the long strips of stones that seemed to be arranged randomly, there was a dark crack that was thinner than a hair. Endless earth element energy spurted out from the crack, forming a violent earth tornado on the prairie. In the yellow storm, even the clouds in the sky were dyed with a touch of earthy yellow and became depressing.

Everyone knows that this is because there is too much earth element energy in the demiplane, so much so that it explodes the demiplane, causing the elements to leak out.

Generally speaking, the proportion of elemental energy in the demiplane is constant. Only the [Heart of the Earth] can gather such a massive amount of earth elemental energy.

[Heart of the Earth] is undoubtedly inside the demiplane!

As for why the demigods gathered in a circle and stayed outside instead of entering the demiplane to seize the [Heart of the Earth].

This half of the plane is like a deflated balloon. The leak in the balloon is too small, and the gas inside spurts out.

To enter the balloon at this time, you have to go against the gushing earth element energy. This is much higher than sailing against the current. Even a strong demigod has to take a lot of risks. It is better to wait and wait for the earth element energy inside the demiplane to leak. It’s almost the same before entering it.

Although the demigods are in a circle, some tricks can be seen from the distance between them.

The Emperor of the Empire, the Orc Sword Master, and the Mermaid Emperor are all alone. Morlin and the Golden Elf King are not far apart, and the Red Nest Matron and the Wings of Catastrophe are close to each other. In addition, everyone is far away from the Mermaid Emperor, more or less. Reveal hostility towards it.

The Mermaid Emperor has obtained the [Heart of the Ocean] and is already the undisputed strongest person in the world. If she obtains the [Heart of the Earth] again and her combat power reaches a higher level, then the hope of the others to compete for the four-element gems will be lost. Smaller.

Therefore, all the powerful demigods have reached a tacit understanding. Even if they can't get the [Heart of the Earth], they can never let the Mermaid Emperor get it.

The demigods waited, waiting for the earth elemental energy leaked from the demiplane to reduce to a bearable level.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, the Red Nest Mistress used magic voice transmission to talk to the Imperial Emperor beside her. The Imperial Emperor looked a little depressed.

José, after all calculations, you haven't considered this, the Red Nest Matron said in a mocking tone, gloating about the emperor's depression and at the same time feeling lucky for her own luck.

This is indeed something to be thankful for. Originally, the Red Nest Matron would leave Tydanor soon and would have nothing to do with the four-element gems. However, [Heart of the Earth] was born at this time. Her contract with the Emperor There is no restriction on competing for the four elemental gems, so the Red Nest Mistress is qualified to compete for the [Heart of the Earth].

In fact, besides the Mermaid Emperor, the Red Nest Matron has the highest hope of winning. After all, her strength lies here, and she also has the loyal support of Wings of Havoc.

Jose responded expressionlessly: Your Majesty, please stop fighting at this time. It's better for you and me to get the [Heart of the Earth] than for others to get it. How about cooperation?

As he said that, the Emperor glanced at Moulin.

Moulin sensed that the emperor's eyes were full of wariness and hostility.

The Red Nest Mistress followed the Emperor's line of sight and saw Morlin, and immediately stopped gloating. Just as the Emperor said, she, the Emperor, and Wings of Havoc all belong to the red dragon clan. It is better for a member of the same clan to get [Heart of the Earth] than others. People, especially Moulin.

Once Morrin obtains the [Heart of the Earth] and the southern power further strengthens, then the Fusei Empire will be in big trouble, and the Red Nest Matron's hope of revenge will become even slimmer.

Okay, let's cooperate. Without much thought, the Red Nest Matron agreed to the Emperor's cooperation proposal.

As for this, no more words will be said about the two.

Even if they cooperate, there is limited cooperation between the two. They will not hold each other back when facing others. At the critical moment of fighting for the [Heart of the Earth], the two will never be soft on cooperation.

Jose glanced at everyone present. It was obvious that not only he and the Red Nest Mistress were conspiring, but other demigods were also discussing something.

Moulin's face was expressionless and could not tell anything. The Mermaid Emperor was wearing a veil and could not tell anything. The long ears of the Golden Elf King trembled from time to time. This was a natural manifestation of the body receiving magical sound transmission. The long ears of the elves must be Much more sensitive, the orc swordmaster's eyes flickered and he was struggling internally.

Time passed little by little while waiting, and soon, ten minutes passed.

In the past ten minutes, the earth element energy spewed out from the space cracks has become less and less. Now it is much weaker than at the beginning, and it is about to be able to accommodate the passage of demigods.

Demigods also have strengths and weaknesses, and the strong ones will naturally have greater endurance.

Perhaps the strongest Mermaid Emperor was able to pass through the passage, but she was locked by the auras of all the demigods and did not dare to act rashly.

Even if the Mermaid King is the strongest person in Tydanor, he cannot compete with the combat power of all other demigods and has to continue to wait.

After a few more minutes, the space cracks still spewed out earth element energy, but the flow rate had decreased too much, and it could no longer hinder the demigods.

The demigods looked at each other. No one dared to be the first to enter the demiplane. Not to mention that the internal situation of the demiplane was unknown. The mere fact that they might be attacked by others during the entry process was enough to deter everyone. act rashly.

Seeing that everyone was wary of each other, Jose suggested: Everyone, just sitting there like this is not an option. Why don't we discuss it and determine the order of entering this demiplane.

I agree, the orc swordmaster was the first to respond.

He took out a dice: How about we compare our luck and let luck decide the order.

Hmph! The Mermaid Emperor snorted coldly.

Why compare luck? The strong will be respected, and the order will be determined by strength.


The demigods were divided into two factions and started fighting. Maybe the [Heart of the Earth] was placed on the other side of the crack in space. Whoever entered first would have a greater chance of getting it. Weak ones like the Orc Sword Master hoped to use luck to determine the order of entry. , but the strong man represented by the Mermaid Emperor refused.

They argued for a while, but no one would give in.

Anyone can go in first, but you can't, Situa, the Red Nest Matron stared at the Mermaid Emperor coldly.

As the former owner of [Heart of Flame], the Red Nest Matron has been at odds with the owner of [Heart of Ocean] - the Mermaid Emperor for a long time. No one understands the power of the Mermaid Emperor better than her. If the Mermaid Emperor The first person to enter the demiplane will have much less hope of others obtaining the [Heart of the Earth].

The words of the Red Nest Mistress reminded everyone, and everyone targeted the Mermaid King.

The pupils on the Mermaid Emperor's veil were burning with anger, and she swept across the crowd coldly, and the power of the tide spread from her body in all directions.

Do you really think I'm afraid of you? Don't go too far! Otherwise, I don't mind fighting outside first!

The eyes of the powerful demigods were focused, and their bodies were burning with fighting spirit. They seemed to have reached a tacit agreement to eliminate the Mermaid Emperor first.

The battle is about to begin!

However, both sides understand that even if they fight, there will probably be no results, because it is impossible for everyone to unite sincerely.

Everyone, let me make a suggestion. Everyone takes an oath. No matter who enters first, they can't take any action at the other end. We can only take action after everyone is gathered, Jose said to break the deadlock.

The demigods looked at each other. The emperor's idea was already the best solution, and everyone was on the same starting line.

The Red Nest Mistress blew out two streams of white air from her nostrils: I agree.

His own boss agreed, so Wings of Catastrophe naturally followed and expressed his agreement.

The Golden Elf King and the Orc Sword Master then expressed their agreement, while Morlin and the Mermaid Emperor did not speak or object, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Then everyone swore an oath in the name of the God of Justice. In this way, the order of entering the demi-planes was not a big problem, and the demigods entered one after another.

Jose came to the space crack, probed his mental power into the space crack, felt the demiplane behind the space crack, and then like others, he tore a hole in the space crack and got into it.

Coming to the sub-dimension, Jose looked around.

Just like the last time I entered, the interior of the demiplane is still an earthy, desolate world.

Under the gray khaki sky, the barren land is covered with a layer of gravel and gravel. Individually differentiated rocks are exposed to the strong wind, and there is no sign of life at all.

According to the oath, after entering the plane, all the demigods stayed in place and looked around.

As a demiplane, no matter how small it is, it is not that small, and the whole world has no end in sight.

Everyone knows the location of the [Heart of the Earth], and the strong earth element energy fluctuations are more conspicuous in the eyes of the demigods than the lights in the night, but everyone is a little confused.

According to the energy induction, [Heart of the Earth] is buried deep in the demiplane of the earth.

Is it possible to dig? Havoc Wings muttered.

The crowd of demigods didn't reply. They separated on guard against each other and rushed towards the heart of the earth.

Everyone has come in, the oath is over, and whoever gets the [Heart of the Earth] flower will depend on their own abilities.

The Red Nest Matron also flew away with the Wings of Havoc, fearing that she would be left behind.

Jose's eyes were uncertain, and he fell at the back. He blessed himself with the invisibility technique, restrained his aura, and then teleported away.

Appearing again, Jose appeared in a cave deep underground. He had been here before, so he naturally left a spatial landmark.

If it weren't for the bursting tide of earth elemental energy that interfered with the stability of the space beacon and made it impossible to teleport across planes, he would have come in long ago.

But it's not too late now. Compared to others, he is closer to the [Heart of the Earth] and has an advantage.

He reached out and pushed aside the boulder blocking the entrance to the secret cave.

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