Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 374: The General Trend of the World

North of Tydanor, Fusei Empire, Mordor Peaks, Oka City, Red Keep.

Jose sat high on the throne. In the throne hall stood a crowd of imperial ministers. Everyone was smiling because just an hour ago, the emperor defeated the Red Nest Matron and laid the foundation for the empire's northern hegemony. .

Ahem~, Jose coughed twice, interrupting the continuous praise from the family members.

Glancing at the throne hall where the needle could be heard suddenly falling, he felt satisfied: Okay, everyone is here.

Everyone already knows what happened, and I won't repeat it. What I want to say is that it's not time to enjoy the victory yet.

And the purpose of me convening everyone is to listen to everyone's ideas, brainstorm ideas, and choose a path that is most beneficial to the Fusei Empire.

The Empire currently faces two problems.

Jose continued: The first problem is to digest and accept the Red Nest forces.

It is a foregone conclusion that the Red Nest Matron will leave Teldanor. We will digest the monster army and civilians under the Red Nest. By the way, let me tell you some good news. The Red Nest Matron agrees to cooperate with the empire's actions so that the empire can successfully take over the Red Nest monsters.

Although with the cooperation of the Red Nest Mistress, the Red Nest monsters are ignorant and barbaric. How to turn them into qualified empire residents is the problem we are facing now. Do you have any good ideas?

Soda Bloodfang was the first to stand up: Your Majesty, I have a doubt.

Jose looked at the elder who had followed him for the first time. Soda Bloodtooth had not always been known for his wits, but since he was brainstorming ideas, he would definitely not stop his family members from talking. He used his eyes to signal his family members to continue speaking.

Soda Bloodfang then asked: My question is that the Red Nest Matron was defeated by His Majesty and was driven out of Tydanor. I am a little worried that she pretended to agree to His Majesty and secretly obstructed the empire's actions.

Everyone can rest assured. I don't believe in Savannah's dragon quality either, but I believe in her greed for gold.

Jose continued: In exchange for the cooperation of the Red Nest Mistress, I promised tens of millions of gold coins. She will never be sorry for the gold coins.

I see.


All the ministers suddenly realized,

Using tens of millions of gold coins in exchange for the cooperation of the Red Nest Mistress is definitely a good deal for the Fusai Empire. Otherwise, the Red Nest Mistress will smash the Red Nest family property to pieces before leaving, and the Fusai Empire will face a huge crisis. Ten million gold coins is a big problem.

The throne hall fell silent, and all the ministers were thinking about countermeasures. It was not an easy task to completely assimilate the people of another force, and it might cause big problems if not done well.

After a long silence, the Prime Minister of the Empire - Yougou Bloodtusk was the first to speak: Your Majesty, actually, I don't think it is difficult to digest the people of the Red Nest.

The fundamental reason why the Red Nest monsters surrendered to the Red Nest Mistress is that the Red Nest Mistress is powerful and can provide shelter for the monsters. Now that Your Majesty has shown your power and defeated the Red Nest Mistress, the hearts of the Red Nest monsters will naturally turn to her. Fusei Empire.”

The kobold then analyzed: What's more, over the years, the living standards of the Fusai Empire and the Red Nest have been significantly different. I dare not say 80%, but at least half of the residents of the Red Nest are eager to become subjects of the empire.

So in terms of people's hearts, Your Majesty doesn't have to worry. We just need to accept the residents of the Red Nest according to the empire's standards for accepting foreigners to join the Monster Clan and slowly digest it. It's nothing more than a lot more people in the Red Nest.

Jose nodded, generally agreeing with the kobold's method.

The wild boar minister, Hulk Shiya, stood up: I agree with the prime minister's approach, but I have two points to add.

First point, when taking over the Red Nest, send troops to take over important production resources such as large farms and weapons factories, register important resources such as mines, and maintain order in the town.

The second point is that the foreign clans and the people of the Red Nest cannot be compared. The difference in size between the two is really too big. If the foreign clans are like a bowl of rice, then the Red Nest is like a pot of rice. Everyone knows that rice You have to eat it one bite at a time. If you eat too much at once, you will starve to death.

Digesting too many Red Nest monsters at once. These monsters are unruly and wild. They will cause huge social problems to the empire and give the empire's enemies an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Jose looked at the wild boar man with interest. What the wild boar man said was exactly what he was worried about.

Encouraged by the emperor's eyes, Hulk Shiya was shocked: I propose that the monster people of the Red Nest be digested in stages.

We can divide the residents of the Red Nest into three groups. One is those who are eager to join the empire and their behavior conforms to the standards of the empire's subjects; the other is those who are eager to join the empire but do not meet the standards of the empire's subjects; the third is the hopeless type. This The category includes people who do not want to join the empire, or whose thoughts are too chaotic to integrate into the life of the empire.

The first type of monsters can be directly given imperial citizenship and included in the empire's promotion system. The second type of monsters remains to be seen and depends on the situation. Forcibly absorbing the third type of monsters will only cause trouble to the empire, so we might as well expel them directly.

Bang bang bang!

On the throne, Jose clapped his hands and applauded Hulk: Not bad, not bad.

In fact, Jose had also considered what Hulk said, just to test his subordinates. After all, the strength of a force is not only the strength of the leader, but also the growth of the subordinates.

Hulk, the glorious task of digesting the Red Nest forces is entrusted to you. You and Yi Gou will discuss the specific implementation plan.

Thank you for your majesty's trust! The wild boar man bowed deeply: I will definitely live up to your majesty's expectations!

Yeah, Jose nodded, satisfied.

In the foreseeable future, after the Fusai Empire digests the Red Nest forces, its strength will take a leap forward and it will completely become a giant force dominating the North.

His Majesty.

Jackal Hog Riverclaw stood up: The internal problems of the Red Nest have been solved, but the external problems are still there. How can those southern forces sit back and watch the empire digest the Red Nest forces.

Jose said: This is exactly the second question I was talking about.

Twenty years ago, the protector of the Pompeii Empire, Morlin, agreed with me and determined the three-legged situation of Tedanor. Now, the three-legged situation has been broken by my own hands. Next, the continent of Tedanor is at a crossroads to choose its destiny. The right to choose lies in the hands of the empire and the southern forces.

In the battle an hour ago, the Fusai Empire won and the Red Nest was completely defeated. This was definitely beyond the expectations of all the forces in Tedanor.

According to the speculations of all parties, in the battle between the Fusai Empire and the Red Nest, even if one side loses, the other side will not be completely unable to resist. Even the Red Nest Mistress thinks so.

Taking advantage of the psychology of all the forces, Jose took the situation by surprise and personally brought the battle between the two dragons in the North to an end, catching all parties off guard so that many forces were not prepared to deal with this change.

The Red Nest Mistress has been eliminated, the Orc Empire is half-dead, the Evernight King dare not expose himself to the sun, and the Mermaid Dynasty is not interested in land affairs. On the face of it, only the Fusei Empire and the Southern Group are left in the Tedanor continent. A big force.

The three-legged confrontation was broken, and the next step was the two-legged struggle for hegemony.

Regardless of the wishes of the rulers on both sides, the two major forces will become opponents. This is a competition for future development rights and a struggle for living space. It is a manifestation of the collective will of the two major forces.

Unless one of the two major forces completely surrenders, even Jose and Moulin will be unable to change the hostile situation.

It is impossible for the Fusai Empire to surrender to the southern forces, and vice versa, so there is only one way left in the future.

It is only a matter of time before the conflict between us and the South breaks out. The current situation is that the empire is still in the stage of rapid development and it is not suitable to start a war immediately. At least it must wait until the Red Nest forces are completely digested before they can have the confidence to challenge the South. The choice lies with the Southern forces. , should we start the war immediately, or should we wait for a period of time, a few years, ten years, or a hundred years before starting the war.

Jose frowned slightly: If I were the decision-maker of the southern forces, I would never wait for the empire to develop before starting a war. Instead, I would kill the threat as soon as possible.

I suddenly launched an attack to defeat the Red Nest Matron. This was unexpected by the southern forces. They are not ready yet, but they will be ready sooner or later. Then it will be a war.

We must prepare for the worst in advance!

After saying that, Jose stopped making a sound and fell into deep thought like many of the kingdom's ministers.

In the throne room, everyone was silent for a long time.

Yougou broke the silence: Your Majesty, as you just said, the empire is still in the stage of rapid development and it is not suitable to start a war immediately. The choice lies in the hands of the southern forces. What we have to do now is to try our best to gain time for development and delay the arrival of war. , and digest the Red Nest forces as soon as possible.

I have a proposal to divide the southern power.

Jose looked up at Yougou and motioned for him to continue speaking.

Your Majesty, the southern forces are a large power group, with the Pompeii Empire as the main one, followed by the trading city-states and the misty forest, and then the major kingdoms in the south.

Let's not mention the major kingdoms for now. Compared with the three major forces of the Pompeii Empire, the Misty Forest and the Trade City-State, they are too weak to be worth mentioning. The Pompeii Empire, the Trade City-state and the Misty Forest are not monolithic. They have their own differences. To appeal for interests, my proposal is to divide the three major forces.

Yougou then said: Among the three major forces, the Misty Forest is the most divided.

If the history books I read are correct, the alliance between the Misty Forest and the Pompeii Empire was due to the pressure from the Red Nest moving south. Now that the Red Nest Matron has been eliminated, the foundation of the alliance between the Misty Forest and the Pompeii Empire has been shaken.

In fact, if it works properly, we can even win the Misty Forest to our side. Your Majesty, don't forget, the Moon Elves are now members of the Empire.

Jose nodded and agreed with Hegou's words: Yes, although the Moon Elf lineage and the Golden Elf lineage cannot be dealt with, they are both Elf lineages. Even if they cannot win over the Misty Forest, they can at least win over the Misty Forest. The forest remains neutral, neither helping the other.”

Yougou continued: As for the trading city-states, this is a bit troublesome. They are both human beings, so they naturally side with the Pompeii Empire. However, merchants value profits. If your majesty is willing, you can give up part of your commercial interests to negotiate with the trading city-states. Come and fight for the neutrality of the trading city-states.”

Jose pondered for a moment and shook his head: The main market of the trading city-state is the south, which is the territory of the Pompeii Empire. If we lure the trading city-state with benefits comparable to those of the southern market, the empire will definitely be damaged and its foundation will be affected. This is just drinking poison to quench thirst and is not advisable.

The plan was rejected by the emperor, but Yougou was not discouraged and continued: In the end, only the Orc Empire and the dwarves of the Sunset Mountains are left.

The dwarves and the elves of the Misty Forest allied themselves with the Pompeii Empire under pressure from the Red Nest Matron. It is not difficult to convince them.

As for the Orc Empire, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. The Orc Empire and us are natural allies.

Jose nodded: The situation between the major forces has been sorted out, but external forces are external forces after all, and the most fundamental thing is to be strong yourself.

Hearing the words of the red dragon, the wild boar Hulk Stonetooth had beads of sweat on his forehead and his heart was heavy. Only then did he understand the weight of the burden on his shoulders. The progress of digesting the red nest can affect the outcome of the battle. Yes, this is related to the life and death of the Fusay Empire.

Everyone! Jose's loud voice attracted everyone's attention from the throne.

The Red Nest is just a small trouble, and bigger difficulties are waiting for us. You must do your best to strengthen the empire. Only in this way can we overcome the difficulties.

Luna Starfeather!

Luna Xingyu, who transformed into a star elf, immediately stood up: Your Majesty!

Let your harpies keep an eye on the changes in the southern army. If you find any signs of enemy attack, inform Hog Riverclaw immediately.

As you command!

Jose turned to the gnoll, Hog Riverclaw. The gnoll had always been a powerful warrior under his command and had made countless contributions to the empire. This time the problem would naturally fall on the gnoll's shoulders.

Hog Riverclaw, you are solely responsible for guarding the borders of the empire. No matter who it is, which force, or which country, if anyone dares to extend their hands or feet to the empire, I will cut them off immediately! No one will be spared!

Listening to the murderous words of the red dragon, the jackal felt his blood surge up and showed a cruel smile: Your Majesty! The jackal clan will live up to its mission!

very good.

Jose turned to the orc - Graeme Stonehammer: Graeme, you take your orcs to sit in the Red Nest and maintain order. In extraordinary times, those who resist will be killed without mercy!

The orcs obey your will! Your Majesty!

Yi Gou! You are responsible for overseeing the overall situation! I have more important things to do!

As you command!

Cassie, it's up to you to convince those captured Red Nest Dragons to serve the Empire!

I will definitely entertain them well.

... Jose made a series of arrangements. All ministers had their own tasks, and he also had his own tasks.

That is to break through to demigod!

Breaking through to become a demigod was not a day's work and could not be interrupted. He had one more thing to do before he could break through in seclusion.

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