Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 50: The Cannon Fodder Project

what's the situation?!

I don't know either, it was the subordinate who brought the letter back.

José's face fluctuated, and he remembered the day he killed the centaur on the prairie to save Ergo more than two months ago.

After rescuing Ergou, he hastily cleaned the battlefield and left. Presumably, after the two dragons entered the forest, a centaur who was chasing the missing clansman found traces of the dragon.

However, the gray-tailed centaur has been on hold for the past two months, and is now investigating the Bloodtooth Mine...

correct! Winter is approaching!

Jose found the crux of the problem-the brother of the centaur chief who was a bandit outside is back!

You continue to pay attention to the centaur's actions, and notify me immediately if there is any news.


After finishing the call, Jose lost the intention of continuing to play cards, and held his chin with three sharp corners in a contemplative state.

Seeing the red dragon's thoughtful face, Tilier and Yougou didn't dare to disturb him.

The elf girl rolled her eyes, put away the cards on the wooden pier, and trotted out of the dragon's nest after Ergou.

In the empty dragon's lair, Jose muttered to himself, It just happened that the two of them were cleaned up together...


At night, Jose left the Dragon's Nest and walked towards No. 5 living area.

Walking in the deep and slanting tunnel, he heard the sound of rushing water, which was the underground spring dug by the ancestors of the Bloodtooth kobolds.

Many years ago, the ancestors of the blood-toothed kobolds dug down the mine, and as a result, they dug underground spring water, which caused the spring water to backfill, and a large part of the mine was submerged.

As a result, it was a blessing in disguise, and the blood-toothed kobolds no longer needed to carry water from the outside to eat. Later, because too many people fetched water, the tunnel was congested, and they simply expanded to form a new living area.

Through the tunnel, Jose enters the living area of ​​No. 5 and sees the scene inside.

The living area No. 5 is like a yin and yang fish, half of it is water, and the other half is the land dug later. There are steps dug by the kobolds for the convenience of getting water, and Cassie's lair is dug on the rock wall above the water.

Jose twitched when he heard the snoring coming from the cave.

dinner's ready!

Huh...huh?! Dinner is ready again?! Inside the cave, Cassie woke up in a daze, stood up, stretched, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Eat when you wake up, sleep after eating, these days are so comfortable~ Praise to Boss Jose.

Thinking this way, he walked to the entrance of the cave, saw the red dragon on the other side, his head froze, and he immediately came to his senses.

Boss Jose?!

He spread his wings, glided in front of Jose, and greeted with a smile: Boss, why are you here?

Jose didn't answer, and looked at his little brother Bailong, who had gained some weight after not seeing him for two months.

Come on, follow me out for activities.

The red dragon walked ahead, and the white dragon followed, talking along the way.

Cassie, we're being watched by someone. It's a gray-tailed centaur. They probably discovered that we didn't wipe our butt clean when we rescued Ergou.

Speaking of business, Cassie also became serious.

Boss, what's your plan?

Since they want to fight! Then give it to them! Jose was full of confidence.

If the gray-tailed centaur really thought that a high-level fighter would be able to secure the victory, it would be a big mistake. If he was now fully armed, an ordinary master could also fight.

Sensing the confidence in his boss's words, Cassie felt inexplicably at ease.

After getting along for more than three years, he knew that his boss was very cautious and would never do anything he was not sure about.

This time, the purpose of our going out is to collect some goblin cannon fodder, Jose continued. Taste it.


Gathering cannon fodder this time, in addition to violent conquest, can also be used to lure, for example, tell the goblins that we have enough food here...

Teaching how to deceive goblins along the way, the two dragons came out of the Bloodtooth Mine,

Cassie, have you figured out the location of the Goblin tribe?

Got it.

Very well, let's move, you are west, I am east.

Then under the cover of the night sky, the two dragons flew into the sky and flew away in opposite directions.

Backed by the clouds, Jose looked down at the Mocha Peak Forest in the dark night. As the junction area between the Jogol Mountain Range and the Dark Forest, the Mocha Peak Forest area is not too large, but it is by no means small. The merged kobold territory and moss The skin gnoll territory together only accounts for one-tenth of the entire area.

Since the Kobold territory was exhausted, the ambitious Red Dragon ordered the Harpy to scour the surrounding area.

Goblin tribes, jackal tribes, other kobold tribes and even extraordinary beasts appeared one by one on the simple map drawn by the red dragon.

Now, a rainy day detection comes in handy.

Jose spotted a tribe of goblins and swooped down.

First, there was the rustling sound of the leaves being blown by the strong wind, followed by the clicking sound of some branches being broken, and finally a loud bang.

The goblin who was awakened had no time to move, and a terrifying power of a higher creature descended.

Jose smelled the fresh smell brought by the night wind, and many goblins were scared to pee. He restrained Long Wei and scanned around.

The kobolds at least had a mine to hide in, while the goblins mostly slept in the open air, with only three simple shacks made of thatch and branches.

No need to think about it, the people who can live in the huts are the high-level Goblin tribe.

Come out! The voice was hoarse and low, with a domineering tone of disobedience to orders.

In the house, a goblin opened the door and walked out tremblingly. Seeing the crimson figure in the darkness, he trembled.

We...great true dragon, brother...goblin—Nick Greenskin is at your service.

Jose looked at the talking goblin. This goblin came out of the house and had a small beer belly, which was particularly conspicuous among the thin goblins.

Compared with other goblins who were too scared by Longwei to stand up, this goblin was more courageous, not only able to stand up, but also to speak logically.

This made Jose take another look at him.

But that's all.

While Jose was observing the goblins, a few goblins obediently crawled out of the house. So far, there has been no movement in the house.

The fact that there is no movement in the house does not mean that there is no one there.

Don't obey orders! That's the end!

Jose didn't bother to care whether the goblins fainted from fright or hid on purpose, the slender tail of the dragon was accompanied by the sound of howling wind.

bang bang bang!

All the houses were smashed to pieces by the dragon's tail, and blood flowed from under the wreckage of the houses and spread around.

The goblins trembled in the night wind.

You humble goblins! Congratulations! You have been chosen by the great true dragon! You will soon become the subjects of the true dragon! Jose spread his dragon wings to make his figure look even more stalwart.

Walk to the west! Go to my country! My followers—the kobolds will accept you! There are warm tents to protect you from the cold wind! There is plenty of food to keep you from starvation!

You guys have my promise.

After speaking, Jose flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

As he ascended, he whispered in a whisper only he could hear: You gain and you lose.

PS: Book Friends Circle will hold an event with a total reward of up to 30,000 coins. For details, please pay attention to Book Friends Circle and follow-up notices.

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