Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter Forty Arrival

After the telephony ended, José felt quite upset, this was the first time a family member had to play tricks.

After thinking for a moment, he was relieved.

It is normal for a businessman to seek profit, and the wild boar businessman is not a low-ranking dragon descendant who worships a dragon, nor is he a harpy who wants to make money for him. He became a follower more because of the situation.

However, this incident also reminded him that the family contract is not brainwashing. It can largely guarantee that the family members will not betray, but it cannot guarantee that they will serve themselves wholeheartedly.

In order to prevent the dependents from fooling around, it is necessary to rely on the combination of the reward mechanism and the punishment mechanism, combining hardness and softness, so as to form an upward atmosphere within the dependents and maximize the personal value of the dependents.

Jose gradually had an idea.


three days later.

Under the escort of the high-altitude reconnaissance of the harpies, the wild boar merchants led the reorganized caravan safely through the triangle plain and entered the Mordo peak forest. A single strong wild boar pushed a wooden unicycle and lined up in a long line Shuttle through the forest, the heavy wheels pressed a wheel mark in the soft forest.

At the front of the line, the wild boar merchant——Hulk looked back at the wheelbarrow convoy carrying grain, and then at the seven tauren blacksmiths who were twice the size of the wild boar. Satisfied, he turned to the dog head who was ordered to lead the way people.

Mr. Ergou, these wheelbarrows are filled with high-quality barley that I bought specially, as a gift to the Lord... Your Excellency, the Wild Boar suddenly remembered that Jose had confessed that his existence should not be exposed, and quickly changed his words.

This batch of food is enough for a hundred kobolds to survive the winter safely. Can it make up for the food gap of your tribe?

Hehe, You Gou continued walking without even looking back.

If in the past, so much food was enough to make him ecstatic and grateful to the wild boar merchant, but now... it's just very little.

With this in mind, Ergou felt endless reverence and gratitude to Jose, because all these changes were brought about by the red dragon.

Thanks to Mr. Hulk for his kindness, the Bloodtooth Tribe has no shortage of food.

After a pause, he thought that the wild boar merchant was kind after all: However, we don't have barley here, and the master must like it very much.

The wild boar was deeply suspicious of the kobold's words.

You must know that although the prairie is primitive, there are still commercial activities anyway. The natives of the prairie exchange special products such as animal furs for human food. Although they also starve in winter, it is still rare to starve to death.

The Mirkwood is a truly primitive place. Dangerous extraordinary beasts, savage indigenous tribes, and complex natural environment make most businessmen shy away from the jungle.

Every winter, there are many monsters who freeze to death or starve to death in the forest. In severe cases, wars will even break out. Regardless of the outcome, there will always be something to cook in the pots of both sides after the war.

Is this kobold bragging?

Hulk took a sneak peek, and saw the kobold's calm appearance, which didn't seem like bragging, so he couldn't help frowning.

He felt a little bad, the gift he brought seemed not as precious as he had imagined.

The reason why he took the trouble to prepare these gifts was because he knew that he had offended his master last time, and felt uneasy about this meeting, for fear of being punished, so he tried his best to please Jose.

He looked back at the middle of the line. There was a distinctive wheelbarrow in the middle of the line. The difference did not refer to the wheelbarrow itself, but the goods on the wheel. Unlike other sacks containing grain, this wheelbarrow contained a big box.

Seeing the wooden box, Hulk has more confidence.

No red dragon would dislike this special product from the depths of the Mirkwood.

Under the leadership of Ergou, the wild boar and his party came to the Bloodtooth Mine, and came to the expanded cave.

Given that quilboar cannot see in the dark,

You Gou ordered people to place a brazier at intervals on the wall. In the flickering light of the fire, the wild boar caravan pushed a wheelbarrow into the Bloodtooth Mine.

Smelling a strange fragrance, the wild boar Hulk sniffled: It smells so good! What kind of oil is in this brazier? Why have I never smelled it?

As expected of a well-informed businessman, this is pine oil, and we haven't used it for long.

Pine oil? the wild boar merchant was puzzled, he had never heard of the term pine oil: What is pine oil? Is it a new crop?

Emmm..., it's hard for me to answer your question, I can only tell you that these changes were brought about by that existence.

I see.

All the strange things are connected with the red dragon, so it is easy to accept.

All the way to the No. 1 living area, the goods were left behind, and the accompanying wild boar caravan members accepted the hospitality of the kobolds, while the wild boar merchants and tauren blacksmiths followed Ergou to go deeper into the mine.

Through deep, dark tunnels, the team came to Living Area Four.

Across an impenetrable magical barrier, Hulk heard the battle roar of the soldiers training, and saw hundreds of kobold warriors fighting each other with wrapped weapons in the vast cavern.

Not practice! It's a real fight!

The first-time guests frowned at the sight of a kobold being hit on the mouth by an opponent's whistling wooden club, spitting out bloody broken teeth.

Blood now! It's better than dying on the battlefield!


You! Didn't you eat? Hit hard!


An unbelievably strong kobold wandered around the training ground, and when he found someone lazy, he whipped him over.

Seeing their brothers passing by with guests, the two brothers nodded slightly as a greeting.

Passing through the training ground of ordinary soldiers, the guests saw a team of kobold soldiers who were obviously stronger than ordinary soldiers, and the sound of the weapons whizzing through the air made the scalp tingle.

They are all official fighters!

There... there are nearly twenty people here!

I didn't expect this kobold tribe to be so powerful! No wonder they have to hire us!

The tauren blacksmiths whispered to each other.

The shock in Hulk's heart was even greater, and his assessment of the bloodtooth kobold's strength was directly raised by a large level.

As a businessman who has traveled far and wide, Hulk is well-informed and understands the prerequisites for the large-scale birth of soldiers, enough food to eat with his belly open, preferably meat.

In this era when a considerable part of the common people did not have enough to eat, only the ruling forces in a certain area could meet this condition, and the kobolds lived on gathering and hunting, so where did they get so much food? !

After walking for a long time, the team came to the No. 8 living area. They were even more stunned when they saw kobold servants feeding the petrified lizards in the fence with bright red meat.

You know, the petrified lizard is comparable to a mid-level fighter as an adult, and has the bug talent magic of petrified light. If the blood tooth kobold can tame it, then a few years later, the blood tooth tribe will no longer be invincible in the triangle plain.

Stepping into the tunnel leading to the No. 9 living area, everyone smelled a scorching sulfur breath. For some reason, the burly and majestic Tauren blacksmith apprentice-Bi felt uneasy and his heart beat faster, as if a mouse smelled the smell of a cat .

Master Heble, I have a bad feeling.


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