Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 261 The Curse of Proliferation


Jose stood up from the chair with a serious face, walked towards the head of the undead who was still biting on the floor, and noticed a faint smell of sulfur, his already deep face turned darker.

It's actually the curse of Sleeping Abyss!

In an instant, the thoughts in the Red Dragon's mind were like lightning. This place is far away from the Red Nest Crypt guarded by the four legendary dragons, even more than the distance from the Red Nest Crypt to the Kingdom of Forsyth.

Could it be that the Red Nest Crypt has fallen? !

For a moment, he dispelled this idea. Not long ago, he had read the trade report with the legendary green dragon—Poisonous Emerald, and Darkmoon City did not notice any abnormality. The explanation is that the curse of Mianyuan broke through the defense line without anyone noticing and spread to the outside world.

[Data Visualization] Taking a look at the dead head of a highly decayed caveman, Jose made a judgment in his mind, and judged that the owner of the head died at least three months ago.

Damn it! The curse of Sleeping Abyss was not spread recently!

The heads and teeth of the undead on the ground collided loudly. Jose frowned and walked back and forth in the hall, his brain running rapidly, thinking about where the curse of Sleeping Abyss leaked from.

After a while, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: The deep dark area.

The underdark area guarded by the four legendary dragons is the shallow underdark area, while the underdark area where the Termod spider is located is the deep underdark area. According to the current situation, the shallow underdark area is no problem.

Could it be that the curse of Sleeping Abyss bypassed the defenses of the four legendary dragons from the ground and spread here?!

When he thought of this, Jose couldn't help but feel terrified. If it is as he imagined, then God knows how far the Curse of Sleeping Abyss has spread in the deep dark regions and how much power it has accumulated.

Could it be that the enemy facing the four legendary Termode demon spiders is the army of undead formed by the curse of Sleeping Abyss?!

In an instant, he figured everything out.

It's no wonder that the Termod spiders that invaded the Blackrock Mine retreated, because their lair was threatened!

It's no wonder that when the battle started, there was only one Termod spider fighting, and the other three were on the other side of the spiderweb forest to guard against more terrifying enemies!

No wonder [Red Dagger] only heard the battle sounds of the spider clan, because ordinary undead don't make roars!


All mysteries are answered, but José would prefer not to know the terrible news if he could.

If the curse of Sleeping Abyss really spread here from the Red Nest, then the Deep Underdark at this moment is no different from hell. There are a large number of legendary beasts inhabiting the Deep Underdark. If these legendary beasts are infected with the Sleeping Abyss Curse...

He shuddered involuntarily, and didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

No! The situation here has far exceeded my handling limit. I must tell this news to the civilized world, to [Justice Church].

In an instant, he made a decision. It was not difficult to make a decision. If the day when the curse of Sleeping Abyss really broke out, the first unlucky one would be Beidi. 】 Don't want to be alone.

After all, the undead are the enemies of life with the goal of destroying all life. They don't distinguish between good and bad, wild beasts or intelligent creatures. As long as they are alive, they are the targets of the undead's massacre.

However, before telling the outside world, I must produce strong evidence.

Before collecting evidence...

Jose looked at the jackal who was still waiting in the hall: Church, right?

Seeing the question from the red dragon, the jackal replied excitedly: Yes, Your Majesty, Church is my name.

You have made great contributions this time, and your contributions this time are worthy of a family contract.

As he said that, Jose took out a scale that fell off during the growth process from the dimensional bag: Are you willing to integrate your life into the steel walls of the Kingdom of Fersai, and live and die with the Kingdom?

Church froze in disbelief at first, then reacted, kneeling on one knee in surprise,

He said firmly: Great Your Majesty! It is my great honor to serve the kingdom! Even if the price is my life!

very good.

Jose took a few seconds to cast the spell, blending the scales into Church's forehead, and began the dragon vein transformation.

Glancing at the gnoll who was enduring the pain, the red dragon turned to the gray dwarf ally beside him, with a serious expression on his face: Your Excellency Moraine, the situation may be more serious than we imagined, I will go there personally, and I will take all the team away. Come back and guard the Blackrock Mine with Steelbeard.

Seeing the serious expression on the red dragon's face, Moraine Steelbeard understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately agreed.

Without waiting for the transformation of the dragon veins of the new family member to be completed, Jose strode towards the door. When he passed by the dead head of the caveman, the dead head ignited without fire and quickly turned into a handful of ashes.

All the way out of Steelbeard Fort and through the Blackstone Mine, Jose came to the deep dark area where the Termod Spider was, and directly notified the members of [Red Dagger] to evacuate.

Give [Red Dagger] members half an hour to evacuate...

Jose maintained the form of the dragon man, looking solemnly at the forest covered with spider webs in the distance, and flapped his wings to fly into the sky.

The dragon form is not as fast as the dragon form. After the blessing of flying, the speed has increased a bit, reaching the normal flying speed. In this low dark area, this is already the best way.

He quickly flew over the spider web forest. Even in the sky, there were many spider webs in the spider web forest.

The mere spider webs naturally couldn't trouble Jose. While he was flying, the spider webs within a hundred meters around him automatically burned. This is a simple use of the burning ember domain.


The spiders in the forest are not blind, and the red dragon swaggering in the air can't hide it from them. For a while, the spider web forest is full of threatening hissing sounds.

Four legendary pressures soared into the sky, and four Termode spiders climbed up the treetops from the forest, and ran along with the red dragon, neighing angrily.

Glancing at the four legendary termode spiders from the corner of his vision, Jose saw the unlucky guy who lost two front legs, and saw the last termode spider, which was one of the four. The largest among them should be the leader of the Spiderweb Forest.

Hey! It's still an old friend! He recognized at a glance that the leader of the Termod spider was the guardian beast summoned by the legendary priest of the drow many years ago.

It's a pity that the red dragon didn't come to reminisce about the old days. He turned on the [data-based vision] to fly in the air, avoiding the silk-spinning attacks of the four legendary spiders while flying.

The red dragon's flying speed is fast, coupled with the assistance of [data-based vision], which makes him look like a slippery loach. The four Temode spiders have no way to hold the red dragon in the air, and let out an incompetent roar.

Passing through the spider web forest in the pursuit of a large number of spiders, the red dragon came to the other side of the spider web forest, in the same direction as when it came, and the edge of the spider web forest on the other side is also a barren plain, but this barren plain has become a battlefield. A battleground between the spiders of the Web Forest and the hordes of the undead.

Looking up from the sky, the barren plain is covered with mutilated corpses, including various spiders in the spider web forest, but more corpses of other races. Animal-like creatures such as wolves and dark lizards are chilling.

No matter what kind of creature it is, without exception, the corpses are incomplete, and most of them have broken heads. This is because those whose heads are not broken will be awakened by the curse of Sleeping Abyss. They gnaw on the corpses around them.

The most worrying thing still happened.

Jose's face sank like water, and he raised his eyes to look at the other side of the battlefield, where a large number of undead wandered on the distant land.

After the red dragon flew out of the spider web forest, the four legendary Termod spiders stopped chasing, and the red dragon also stopped in the air eight or eight hundred meters away from the undead.

He didn't intend to get close to the undead. For these undead to fight against the four Temod spiders, there must be high-level undead of the legendary level.

Jose took out a crystal clear crystal from the dimension bag. The crystal is called memory crystal, which can save magic images.

No accident happened, he successfully recorded the undead scene with the memory crystal, and then teleported away directly.

Once again regaining his sight, Jose had already returned to the Magic Tower, without any rest, he used magic means to contact Sunsail Port non-stop, and connected the legendary mage—Gumas Eternal Sun.

The half-length image of Gemas Eternal Burning Sun appeared in front of the red dragon, with a polite smile on his face, he looked up and down the red dragon, and said: Your Majesty Jose, long time no see, your strength has improved a lot. !

I'll talk about these things later. I have terrible news for you.

No matter how Gemas reacted, Jose's face sank like water, he took out the memory crystal, activated the memory crystal, and showed the picture of the undead to the legendary mage.

Seeing the human and animal undead wandering around in the memory crystal screen, Gemas Eternal Sunshine's eyes shrank, and he couldn't calm down for a moment: This...this is?!

That's right, it's exactly what you think it is.

Taking a deep breath, Jose paused and said, Mian...yuan...curse...curse!

Gemas Eternal Sunshine pulled his face down instantly, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot. As a high-ranking trade city-state, he had also participated in the war against the Red Nest, and had seen the power of the Sleeping Abyss curse.

So far, he has not seen a curse that is more destructive than the Curse of Sleeping Abyss, and is extremely contagious. After being deeply infected, even a legendary priest cannot heal it. Humans and animals will be infected and become new infectious agents.

After all, it was the legendary Mages who had seen the storm, Gumas quickly calmed down, staring at the red dragon: Your Majesty Jose! What's going on?!

It's a long story, so I'll make it short. Here's the thing...

After notifying Gemas Eternal Sun and letting him contact the trade city-state and the Windtalker Alliance, Jose followed suit and notified the elf allies of [Church of Justice] and [Dark Forest].

The news of the spread of the Curse of Sleeping Abyss is like a nuclear bomb, and it spreads wildly among the large forces on the Tidanor continent. There are black and white, the foggy forest, the orc empire, and even the mermaid dynasty in the distant endless sea. Got the news.

As a result, an emergency magic conference was launched, and because of the original news, the red dragon was also invited.

After receiving the news from the trading city-state, Jose sent his projection into a mysterious space according to a specific method in the magic tower.

This mysterious space is indoors. I can't see the situation outside, and I don't know the exact location inside. I can only see the situation inside. This is a large conference room.

In the center of the meeting room is a circular table with eight seats around the circular table. Around the circular table is a circle of seats arranged in a gradient from low to high, and the seats are far apart.

When the red dragon entered, the surrounding seats were empty, and seven of the eight seats around the circular table were occupied.

Jose glanced at it, and there was no surprise. They were all representatives of large forces with demigod forces. They represented the Pompeii Empire, the Trade City Alliance, the Misty Forest, the Mirkwood, the Orc Empire, the Mermaid Dynasty, and the Windtalkers Alliance.

Jose couldn't help but look at the representative of the Pompeii Empire. The representative of the Pompeii Empire was Moorelin who had a relationship with both sides. Moorelin was also the only demigod among all the people present. The rest of the forces were representatives of legends. The representative of the Mirk Forest is Lyfia, the elf princess, and the rest of the red dragons have never seen it.

At this time, a non-glare white light lit up on the eighth seat, and a female priest in a gold-rimmed white robe appeared on the seat.

After the female clergymen appeared, they glanced around first, and then bowed to Morin who was sitting on the seat. Morin smiled back and motioned for the new lady to sit down.

Everyone was seated, and as the only demigod, Moorelin naturally took over the leadership and said, Okay, girl You Lidan from the Justice Church has also arrived, and everyone is here.

The purpose of our gathering this time is to discuss the leak of the Curse of Sleeping Abyss, the threat it brings to the Tidanor continent, and how to deal with it. Everyone knows the seriousness of the Curse of Sleeping Abyss.

After finishing speaking, Morin looked at Jose, the only spectator on the sidelines.

The King of Forsythe Kingdom was the first to discover the leak of the Sleeping Abyss Curse, and he will introduce the details to you next.

In the face of many large-scale forces, Jose was not stage-frightened. After everyone's eyes were on him, he said directly: Things are not optimistic.

As he said that, he directly played the memory crystal, and while everyone was watching, he explained: This memory crystal records a scene in a deep dark area. These undead are fighting with the spider group that has four legendary Termod spiders. Let’s go to war, at present, the spider side is on the defensive.”

Everyone's face became serious when they heard the words, and they were able to attack the spider group with four legends, which meant that the undead also had corresponding legendary powers.

That's not the worst part.

After a pause, Jose said in a deep voice: The most frightening thing is that the deep dark area here is far away from the Red Nest Crypt. That is to say, what we are seeing now is most likely just the tip of the iceberg of the spread of the curse of Sleeping Abyss.

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