Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 255: Gallic Lion

Damn reptile! You've angered me! Jose let out a roar, and activated [Phoenix Heart], a layer of flames ignited on his body.

Different from the raging flames of the past, the flames now stick to the scales in a thin layer, like a veil of flames, adding a lot of mystery to the red dragon.

If someone stands in front of the red dragon, they can also find that the sun-shaped golden area on the chest of the red dragon has become larger, covering more than half of the chest cavity. In addition, there is also an imperceptible faint golden yellow between the scales, which is the extreme temperature in the body. high expression.

Not only is it good-looking, but the red dragon is more semi-elemental, and its control over the fire element is also stronger. Even the most common explosive fire technique has greatly increased its power.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying flame magic exploded into one piece, immediately increasing the pressure on the Hydra. I couldn't lift my head under the pressure of the flames.

Damn it! It's really too strong! Hydra - Udra insisted.

His strategy was correct, choosing a position as close to the battlefield as possible, which made the red dragon dare not go all out, lest the magic spread to the orc army on the battlefield.

The commander of the orc army also realized that he and others had become a burden for the red dragon, so he quickly organized the transfer to the forest far away from the river.

Jose stared at the Hydra coldly, with murderous intent in his heart. He noticed that the Volga River tributary where the Hydra was located was not deep, only tens of meters long, and some places were even clearer.

this is a good chance!

In the face of the terrifying magic of the red dragon, such a river can't provide much protection. If he hadn't been afraid of the orc army, he would have cast all his spells to kill the Hydra.

On the other side, Hydra also knew that he was in a deep danger, and waited silently, waiting for his teammates to take their positions.

On the fierce battlefield, what no one noticed was that in the river not far away, a giant python was approaching silently.

Hydra - Udra fought against the Red Dragon, so he naturally understood that he and the Blood Lion together might be able to protect themselves against the Red Dragon, but he was definitely not the opponent of the Red Dragon, so it also persuaded the third extraordinary Beast, a Shadro python whose territory is also around the Red Dragon trade road.

Unlike the hydra and the blood lion, the Shadro python has no subordinates or groups. It is a lone ranger-type extraordinary beast lord, and a legendary extraordinary beast lord who is very good at ambushes.

Not only that, one-on-one, the Shadro Python is stronger than the Hydra and the Blood Lion, which is due to the super talent of the Shadro Python family.

It is precisely because of the great strength of the Shadro Python that it became the backhand of the Three Legendary Lords Anti-Red Dragon Alliance. In order to cover this ultimate move, Udra did not hesitate to expose himself as a cover.

The red dragon was so focused on hunting the hydra, it didn't notice the danger approaching, and everything seemed to be happening according to Udra's script.

A giant python with a body length of 30 meters and a thick tubing came ashore silently. It was so big, but it didn't make a sound, and no one noticed it. It wrapped around a big tree and was covered by dense branches and leaves. The snake head popped out, and the snake pupils stared coldly at the red dragon whose back was facing him in the air.

With strong muscles accumulating strength, the Shadro python is like a compressed spring, with the snake's head aimed at the red dragon.


It moved, and its huge body turned into an afterimage and flew across the sky rapidly, at the same time its natural ability was activated.

The moment the whistling sound sounded, Jose sensed the sneak attack coming from behind, and was about to flap his wings to take off, but was hit by a khaki-yellow light, and his body sank immediately. You can't even fly.

Gravity?! Jose was horrified.

Before he had time to see who the attacker was, his body was tightly strangled, and it continued to be tightened, the air in his chest was squeezed out, and he fell from the air.

Until he fell, he saw the giant snake head stretched out in front of him, saw the earth-colored snake eyes with no emotion at all, saw the attacker's face clearly, and was horrified in his heart: Shadro Python?!

The Shadro Python is one of the few extraordinary races in the Taidanor continent that can rival the giant dragons.

Famous for their speed and strength, they travel silently, swiftly like the wind, and have strong muscles. Even if a giant dragon is entangled by them, it is difficult to break free, and because they are born with earth-type spell-like abilities, this makes up for the last of the Sandro python. A short board - defense.

It can be said that among the group of extraordinary beasts, there are very few extraordinary beasts that are as balanced as the Shadlow python, which can be called a perfect extraordinary race.

At the same time, the Shadro python entangled the red dragon was also uncomfortable. It didn't expect the flame temperature on the red dragon's body to be so high. It was cooked, and with such a momentum, it was burned to death by the flames before the red dragon was strangled to death.

The Shadro python endured the pain. One-on-one it is indeed not the opponent of the red dragon, but it is not fighting alone.

On the other side, the Hydra——Udra saw that his companion had controlled the red dragon, and the giant python coiled dragon fell from the sky. He was ecstatic in his heart, and rushed out of the river with a flick of his tail, crushing the big trees along the way. .

The nine heads of the hydra open their mouths to reveal sharp fangs. The fangs of the hydra family are hollow, and when they bite the prey, they can inject the venom stored in the poison sac into the prey.

Jose was entangled by the giant Shadro python, and fell from the air. The wind whistled past his ears, and the python on his body became tighter and tighter, squeezing the air in his lungs. Without air, instinctive exhalation became impossible. completed action.

His heart beat faster, the ground was getting closer and closer, and the hydra approached with its teeth and claws. Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

[Intelligent Brain] Running at full capacity, Jose's mind was full of thoughts, and he analyzed the current situation.

The entanglement of the Shadro python cannot break free in a short time, and the fangs of the hydra pose a great threat. On the other side, the white dragon and the orc family members are far away from each other, and they cannot provide timely support, and the ordinary orc army can't count on it.

I can't help it! You idiots! How dare you take my scruples as a means of threatening me! Thinking this way in his heart, Jose ignored the tighter and tighter Shadro python and stared at Jiu who was approaching with ecstasy. The lizard's gaze was cold, without any emotion, as if looking at a dead object.

Being stared at by the red dragon like this, the hydra - Udra felt very uncomfortable, but for a while he didn't know why the red dragon was so calm, and he would not let go of this hard-won opportunity.

Udra accelerated with all his strength, directly crushed the trees along the way, and rushed towards the red dragon's landing point.

He is well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the red dragon. The advantage is its strong spellcasting ability. Compared with the spellcasting ability, the body of the dragon family is much weaker, not as huge as the hydra.

If it is approached by the two legendary extraordinary beasts, the red dragon will undoubtedly lose.

The moment he was about to hit the ground, Jose activated his final hole card, a mysterious red box in his body opened, and the magic sealed in the box was released.

The moment the magic was released, streaks of golden light emerged from the gaps between the red dragon's scales, and terrifying flame tides erupted from the dragon's body, like an erupting volcano.

Legendary magic - world-destroying flames!

The Sandro python wrapped around the red dragon was the first to be hit. The soil magic of the Sandro python family is not enough to look at in front of the legendary magic, especially it is still at the center of the legendary magic explosion.

Before it could make any movements, the Shadro python was washed away by the fierce elemental fire, its outer skin was scorched, and its internal organs were also burned, and it was a whimper.

After penetrating the scorched Shadro python, the flames continued to erupt, and the surrounding trees instantly turned into ashes, sweeping the surroundings.

The hydra just bumped into it, its eyes widened in horror, and it had no time to escape. It had to bless itself with water-type defensive magic, praying that it could withstand this wave of attacks.

The turbulent fire frenzy struck, submerging the Hydra, and the water defense magic on its body was pierced by the legendary fire magic in an instant, as if it was made of paper.


The severe pain stimulated the hydra, and the nine heads screamed to the sky, and the resentment in their hearts was overwhelming: I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!

No matter how unwilling you are, in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile.

The skin of the hydra was scorched, and the flesh and blood were exposed to the fierce flames. Then the bones, internal organs, and the unwilling and angry pupils lost their luster. It fell heavily to the ground and was further burned by the flames.

When releasing the magic, Jose tried his best to lead the Mieshiliuyan to the sky, and the flames soared into the sky.

The fierce flames soaring into the sky shocked the Blood Clan Lion, Graeme Stonehammer and White Dragon who were in the fierce battle. The three stopped their hands together by coincidence, and looked at the soaring flames in shock. The flames seemed to be born out of thin air without any warning.

Wahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! The blood lion laughed wildly. Under this level of magical attack, even the red dragon could not survive, let alone the Hydra and the Sandro python.

Hahahahaha! It's a good man! They all died together! It's cheap for me! Wahahahaha!

On the side, Bailong and the orc couldn't help but look sideways, with expressions of caring for the mentally retarded.

In fact, one dragon and one orc also know that this is not to blame for the blood clan mad lion. Although normal red dragons have strong resistance to fire magic, they are not immune to fire. It is common sense that they will die under the attack of legendary fire magic.

However, the white dragon knew that his boss was a monster beyond common sense, and the red dragon was free from fire.

The blood lions noticed the abnormality of one dragon and one orc, and they didn't panic at all, as if the death of the red dragon was none of their business, they couldn't help but feel a little flustered in their hearts, they didn't know what the problem was.

Hey! You two...

Just as he was speaking, the peak period of the outbreak of the Mieshiliuyan passed, and the flames gradually dimmed, allowing the outside world to see some outlines in the flames. On the field where everything was burned, a black shadow was pulling something from his body.

Due to the light of the fire, he couldn't see the shadow clearly, but he could guess that it was the instigator of the flame—the red dragon.

In the flames, Jose stood upright, using both dragon claws, pulling the Shadro python that was still tightly wound even after death.

It would not be easy to tear apart a normal snake corpse, but the Shadro python was scorched by the legendary magic. The red dragon tore off the snake body without much effort, threw it aside, moved forward, and stepped on it. A leg of the hydra's charred body stepped out of the flames.

This legendary level of fire could not help but not hurt the red dragon, but burned all the dust on his body surface, and the red scales were as clean as washing.

Seeing the red dragon coming out of the flames, the blood clan wild lion flapped its wings suddenly, turned around and ran away while the white dragon and the orcs were not paying attention.

Don't run! White Dragon—Cassie yelled.

Jose would not allow it to escape, and he flapped his wings suddenly into the air and chased after it.

The speed of the giant dragon was much faster than that of the Blood Clan Lion. After a while, the Blood Clan Lion was overtaken and surrounded by two dragons, one red and one white.

The Blood Clan Lion looked at the two dragons that were approaching. The White Dragon still had a smirk on his face and cracked his knuckles. He swallowed his saliva and gave up struggling: Don't fight! I surrender!

The speed of the opponent's surrender was so fast that Bai Long, who wanted to beat him up, let out a depressed breath with a look of contempt on his face.


A legendary and extraordinary fighter was willing to surrender, and Jose naturally accepted it with pleasure: Surrender is fine, but you have to sign a contract as a punishment for your defeat. This contract will unilaterally guarantee the rights of the Kingdom of Fersai.

Boss, if you want me to say, you can directly contract as a slave!

The words of the white dragon angered the Blood Clan Wild Lion, it roared loudly: The Wild Lion will never be a slave!

Ann, for a legendary powerhouse, we still have to maintain basic respect, such as making meritorious service and reducing part-time jobs, oh no, it's the cooperation deadline...


After some friendly bargaining, the two parties reached an agreement with the blood-clan lion's nose bruised and face swollen.

After obtaining the consent of the contracting party, Jose took out a devil's contract that was obtained with a lot of money, took out a brush and started to write, the pen was as fast as flying.

Soon, a labor contract with no wages, only board and lodging, and a 1,000-year term was written, and the degree of oppression was enough to make all the capitalists in the world cry bitterly.


Jose said, Sign this contract, and we will accept your surrender.

On the side, Bailong cracked his knuckles again, the threat was beyond words.

The blood lion shuddered, took the contract, signed his name, and pressed his paw prints.

After signing the unequal treaty, the Blood Clan Lion no longer had the previous arrogance, and was dejected.

Following the two dragons, they returned to the main battlefield.

When the group returned, Graeme was presiding over the cleaning of the battlefield, organizing manpower to deal with the corpses of extraordinary beasts, and treating the wounded.

A considerable number of orcs were affected by the legendary magic - Mieshiliuyan, but thanks to the Red Dragon's best efforts to lead Mieshiliuyan to the sky, most of the orcs passed out due to dehydration, and they can still be rescued .

The white dragon used ice magic to cool down the wounded, the blood lions organized the fleeing beasts, and the red dragon gathered the corpses of the Hydra and the Sandro python.

Extraordinary beasts are full of treasures. Even if the corpse is burned out of shape by legendary magic, some valuable materials can still be harvested.

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