Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 253: Figures in the Fog (12)

The teleportation circle is more complicated than the teleportation within the plane, but it can't meet the standard of cross-boundary teleportation. The high probability is a demiplane, Jose muttered to himself, his eyes glistening.

Demiplanes are small planes attached to the Material Plane, like small bubbles attached to large bubbles, and the Material Plane has more or less demiplanes.

Generally speaking, due to the small size of the demi-plane, the difficulty of transforming the plane is relatively low. After the transformation is completed, the demi-plane can provide a stable and secret rear, and because of the unique environment different from the main material plane, Some rare specialties can grow in the demiplane.

Because of various benefits, the demiplane is welcomed by all forces. The number of demiplanes is one of the criteria to measure the background of the power. He never expected to find a demiplane here.

Even if no treasure was found inside, the operation was rewarding, because the demiplane itself is a priceless treasure.

He said to the subordinates of the wild boar: The news here must not be disclosed to anyone, including your family.

Yes! Your Majesty! Hearing the serious tone of the red dragon, the wild boar priest quickly agreed.

After pondering for a moment, Jose decided to take the wild boar priest into the half-plane. After all, this half-plane was left by a legendary wild boar, and the place where the wild boar priest might also be used inside the plane.

You enter the magic circle with me.

As ordered.

Jose and the wild boar priests launched the teleportation array together, and disappeared into the stone formation. After the teleportation array was used, the magic circle on the ground quickly disappeared, and the surrounding boulders also shifted slightly under the influence of strange forces. .

On the other side, after passing through the short space tunnel, the red dragon and the wild boar regained their sight again, checked the surroundings curiously after confirming that there was no danger around them.

This is a khaki world, the sky is as gray as a sandstorm, the land is barren, the rocks and soil are exposed in the air, and a gust of wind blows, flying sand and rocks.

The wild boar felt unwell, and Jose quickly blessed him with a master magic—environmental endurance.

With the help of magic, the wild boar priest calmed down and let out a long sigh of relief: Your Majesty, this demiplane seems lifeless.

Jose nodded. As far as he could see, there wasn't even a blade of grass on the ground, so there was no life there.

However, most of the unmodified demiplanes are like this, the elements are chaotic...

Wait, elemental!

The red dragon was startled, felt the surrounding elements, and he was surprised to find that the earth element in the air accounted for an astonishing eighty percent.

You know, on the plane of normal matter, the four major elements of water, fire, earth, and air are balanced, each accounting for about 23 percent, and rare elements such as ice, thunder, light, and dark elements account for the rest. eight percent.

The environment of demiplane elements is special, and element imbalance is very common, but no matter how the elements are unbalanced, one of the four elements will not account for more than one-third of the total elements.

But here, the proportion of earth elements has reached an astonishing 80% or more. This is not something that can be described as an elemental imbalance, but an elemental collapse.

It's so strange! The elements are out of balance to such an extent, this demiplane should have collapsed long ago! Jose looked around solemnly, and all he saw was a desert.

The element ratio of this plane is seriously unreasonable, but there is no sign of collapse, but the space is stable. This demiplane must have its special features.

Your Majesty, there are man-made marks on this rock, the wild boar priest pointed to the rock where the two stepped on.


After the wild boar priest reminded him, José, who was dark under the lamp, noticed the stone below him. It was a big stone, big enough for a red dragon to roll on it. There are traces of man-made damage.

He noticed the traces below the chaotic marks. The person who destroyed the traces seemed to want to cover up something: There used to be words on this stone, which may have been left by the legendary wild boar who made the treasure map, but it was destroyed artificially. Someone first We step.

The red dragon frowned, the font was completely destroyed and could not provide any clues.

The wild boar priest said, I'll look around and see if I can find any clues.

No need, the search efficiency between you and me is too low.

Jose looked up at the sky, and with a thought in his mind, his eyes suddenly lifted up, looking down at the earth from a high altitude.


From a high-altitude perspective, the ground was clear at a glance, and he quickly noticed a cave eight thousand meters ahead. Other than that, there was nothing unusual around.


Jose grabbed the wild boar priest, flapped his wings and flew towards the cave. Within a few minutes, he reached the sky above the cave and landed firmly on the open space in front of the cave.

One dragon and one wild boar looked at the cave in front of them. The entrance of this cave was so big that the red dragon would not feel narrow when entering it.

Standing in front of the crypt, the red dragon felt that the energy concentration of the earth element in the burrow was higher than that of the outside world, and couldn't help feeling incredible. At the same time, he also understood that the strangeness of this demiplane might be hidden deep in the burrow here.

Go, Jose walked in without hesitation, the wild boar priest blessed himself with dark vision, and followed behind the king.

Without talking all the way, one dragon and one wild boar walked down the slanting passage. The lower the distance, the higher the energy concentration of the earth element. Even the priest of the wild boar, who is not very sensitive to elements, noticed the strangeness. place.

Huh? Jose found a shining crystal emerging from the rock wall, which exudes the fragrance of a drunken dragon.


The dragon's claws pierced into the rock wall, grabbed the crystal and the surrounding rocks, and he saw the complete appearance of the crystal when he opened the rock.

It turned out to be a topaz.

The topaz is of good quality. Jose directly puts the gem into the dimensional bag and proceeds forward. Looking left and right on the way forward, he can see earthy yellow crystals on the rock wall from time to time. The further down he goes, the higher the probability of finding it.

A lot of topaz! The wild boar priest couldn't help but marvel, the passage seemed like a topaz mine.

Jose was even more surprised, because he found that the topaz here is of high quality, even the ruby ​​deep in the earth of the Fire Elemental Plane cannot compare.

As a giant dragon, Fusai Kingdom is currently financially strained, so he naturally picked all the way and gained a lot.

Time passed little by little in the happy time of picking up money. Jose still pierced his nails into the rock wall and took out a topaz the size of a baby's fist as before. He put the topaz in the dimensional bag and continued to move forward, but an accident happened The distance from the rock wall where a ruby ​​was dug out by the red dragon trembled, and the surrounding crypts trembled.

Stand back! Something is about to come out of the rock wall!

One dragon and one wild boar looked nervously at the trembling rock wall, the rocks fell crashing down, and a big hand made of rock stretched out from the rock wall.

The intruder, the sentence was thick and slow, each word stopped.

Elemental language, earth element, the knowledgeable and legendary Master Faye judged the race of the arm owner in an instant.

The energy of the earth element here is so rich that it is comparable to the plane of the earth element, so it is not surprising that the earth element is born.

Jose grabbed the arm of the earth element sticking out of the rock wall, and pulled it hard, the rubble fell down, and the earth element was pulled out by the red dragon.

Before he could make any movement, the red dragon's claw pierced through the center of his chest, and the dragon's claw protruded from behind, holding a khaki spar in his hand, which was the elemental core of the earth element.

The elemental core is to elemental creatures what the heart is to human beings, and the body of the earth elemental instantly turns into a pile of rubble.

Jose put the elemental core into the dimension bag. The elemental core is a treasure that is more precious than gems of the same size. Gemstones have the functions of elemental cores, but not vice versa.

The earth element that appeared unexpectedly was easily resolved, but at the same time it reminded the red dragon that this plane is not without living creatures.

Going down, the red dragon has to be more careful. When picking topaz, it must first explore the rock wall with mental strength, and then pick it with the smallest movement after confirming its safety, so as not to disturb the earth element sleeping deep in the earth.

This demiplane is so rich in energy of earth elements, comparable to the plane of earth elements. The high-level earth elements just now are definitely not the limit. It is very likely that there are legendary-level earth element elders, or even demigod-level earth element lords.

Going down all the way, turning several turns, the eyes are wide open.

Wow! Looking at the scene in front of them, both Jose and the wild boar priest couldn't help but open their mouths in amazement.

This is a huge underground cavity. Clusters of khaki crystals hang upside down above the cavity. The clusters emit faint light, illuminating the uneven ground. On the ground, earth elements whose bodies are composed of huge rocks are sleeping, and Individual earth elements are moving slowly, magnificent and beautiful.

Jose looked at the many earth elementals vigilantly. At a glance, the total number of wandering earth elementals and sleeping earth elementals was no less than one hundred. He even saw an earth elemental that was much larger than ordinary earth elementals. The ground is like a hill.

Elder Earth Element!

The strength division of elemental creatures is very simple. There is no special level division under legend. Legendary level elements are elemental elders, demigods are elemental lords, and true god level earth elementals above demigods. This group is not in the entire multiverse. The nameless people all have their own titles.

The wild boar man was still a little shorter, and he couldn't see the legendary earth element as far as the red dragon, but he could see something nearby: Your Majesty, there are words on the stone wall.

Jose turned his head when he heard the words, and saw the writing on the stone wall at the corner. The writing here was exactly the writing of the wild boar man, which was exactly the same as the writing on the animal skin scroll, obviously left by the same person.

The red dragon read: The pillar of the earth, the element...

Fuck! Jose couldn't help cursing in his heart, because the key information on the stone wall was deliberately erased, the technique was exactly the same as the scratches on the stone when he entered the plane, obviously it was also done by the same person.

Don't let me know who you are!

However, fortunately, the cover-up marks on the stone wall here are not as thorough as those at the entrance, and the Red Dragon can still extract certain information from the remaining text.

The meaning of the message is probably that a legendary wild boar shaman accidentally discovered this half-plane, and there is a treasure deep in the half-plane, but he did not have the strength to take the treasure even if he died, so he left a message, hoping that future generations can complete it His last wish was to take away the treasures and revitalize the wild boar clan.

In order to help future generations better fulfill his last wish, he left behind his years of experience and lessons in exploring the demiplane, but this part of the information was deliberately erased.

There is no previous experience to learn from, and Jose does not want to give up, so he has to explore on his own.

He pondered for a moment, then turned to the wild boar priest: Duheng Shiya, this place is too dangerous for you, you go back to the Red Castle first, and I will reward you as my follower when I come back.

After receiving the red dragon's promise, the wild boar priest named Du Heng was excited: Obey! Your Majesty!

The red dragon nodded: Remember, the information of this half-plane is not allowed to be disclosed to anyone, even a single word. This is related to the future of the Forsey Kingdom.


Jose took the wild boar priest all the way back, and when the distance was far enough, he cast a spell to teleport the wild boar back, and then he had to act alone.

He returned alone, and uttered a vague spell from his mouth, bless himself with the magic of concealing breath, and concealed his figure, rubbed the wall and carefully walked around the sleeping earth element to the depths of the space.

This huge underground void can't be seen at a glance, and there are many corners, everything is worth exploring

Walking on thin ice all the way, the red dragon explored the underground space, not even taking the high-quality topaz nearby, he didn't want to wake up these earth elements.

In this environment where the energy concentration of the earth element is as high as 90%, the combat effectiveness of the earth element will be greatly improved, just like the Hydra in the water, in case the earth element is awakened...

Jose couldn't help feeling chills in his heart, shook his head, and drove the beautiful picture of being hunted out of his mind.

Fortunately, the legendary Faye is powerful, and the bad thing that woke up the earth element did not happen, and he has been exploring.

Gradually, Red Dragon mastered the law of this huge underground space. He found that the energy of the earth element in the west is higher than that in the east, and the more it went west, he felt that he had found the right direction.

In fact it is true.

All the way to the west, he found that the strength of the earth elements along the way was getting stronger and stronger, and there was even a situation where three legendary earth element elders got together.

Good guy.

Saying Good guy to himself, he carefully avoided the three legendary earth elementals and continued on his way.

The energy concentration of the earth element was getting higher and higher. At the end, Jose found that there were top-quality topaz all over the place. These topaz were like stones on the ground. to pick up.

Overcoming the greed in his heart with great perseverance, he headed deeper into the cave.

He had a hunch that he was getting closer to the core of this demiplane, and the answer to the mystery was about to be revealed.

The energy of the earth element in the air became more and more dense, until it turned into a light yellow mist, which added more mysterious atmosphere to the underground space here.

Jose was walking forward in the mist. Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he saw a figure appearing in the mist in the distance.

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