Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 26 Victory

After defeating the opponent, Jose immediately supported the fiercely fighting Ergou, and took over his opponent, and Ergou turned around and used long-range magic to support his brother who was struggling to resist.

The overall situation is settled!

Even the strong male petrified lizard was no match for Jose, let alone the weaker female lizard. The three dragon fighting styles were used in turn, one pounce, two bites and three slaps.

After killing the enemy, Jose did not go into battle again, but watched the kobolds deal with the basilisk.

On the one hand, he wanted to understand the combat effectiveness of the new servants, on the other hand, he was the boss, not a nanny, and let them settle the matters that the subordinates could solve.

Turning his gaze to the battlefield, the kobolds surrounded the petrified lizards, raised their spears as if to stab them but did not move, and made an annoying barking sound from their mouths.

This is the kobold's strategy for hunting large creatures. Surround without attacking, use noise to interfere with the enemy's judgment, and then stab the spear in his hand when it shows a flaw, consume the enemy bit by bit, and finally achieve the goal of winning at the lowest cost .

And their opponent, the extraordinary beast—the petrified lizard has a huge body and strong limbs. The only weakness is its lack of physical flexibility.

But the stone skin technique makes up for this shortcoming very well. Putting a layer of stone skin on the lizard skin is like putting a layer of plate armor on top of leather armor. Even a relatively soft belly cannot be pierced by a kobold. .

The only one who had any hope of hurting the basilisk was the leader of the kobolds, Suoda, and Suoda had never made a move. He was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a fatal blow.

Obviously, the petrified lizard also noticed this unusual and strong kobold, and was always on guard against him, but it was the ergo in the distance that attracted its most attention.

There is no other reason, it is because Ergou is a spellcaster.

For thousands of years, wild animals have remembered a truth from painful lessons again and again, that is, be careful of spellcasters, otherwise they will repeat the tragedies of their predecessors.

The sound of dog barking echoed in the cave, and no one did anything, but the murderous intent was strong. This was a contest of patience!

The kobolds were the first to lose patience, and one of the kobolds couldn't bear it anymore and launched a surprise attack from the rear. His target was the chrysanthemum, one of the few places on the petrified lizard that was not covered by the stoneskin technique.

Sensing the bad wind coming from the sensitive part, the chrysanthemum of the petrified lizard tightened its grip, swung its tail and slapped the daring assailant until he vomited blood and flew backwards, smashing into the tent not far away and making no movement.

His sacrifice was not worthless, Suo Da quietly walked around the side of the petrified lizard, and stabbed out the spear in his hand that was blessed with the sharpness technique by his younger brother.


The petrified lizard couldn't dodge in time and was injured. A blood hole appeared on the side of its snow-white abdomen, and bright red blood remained along the belly.

The pain made the petrified lizard furious, and was about to launch a counterattack, but found an afterimage flying from the other side, which was a small fireball aimed at its eyes, and quickly turned its head to dodge.

The small fireball exploded on the petrified lizard's neck, leaving a black mark the size of a basketball.

Under the cover of the tribe's harassment, the kobold brothers took turns to add wounds to the petrified lizard. The two noticed Jose who was watching, intending to show themselves in front of their master.

The corner of Jose's mouth curled up into a chuckle. Despite the huge disparity in strength, the performance of the two brothers was indeed wonderful.

The pain accumulated little by little, the blood flow took away the physical strength, the scarred petrified lizard gasped heavily, bloodshot eyes spread in the gray pupils, its attacks became more and more irrational, everyone foresees the coming victory .


Suddenly, the basilisk in the encirclement turned around abruptly regardless of the stabbing spear, knocked away the kobolds along the way, and ran towards the nest.

Jose was stunned, seeing madness in the scarlet pupils of the petrified lizard, and its goal was the snow-white lizard eggs lying in the nest.

It wants to destroy the eggs it has laid!

Desperate mother tries to kill her own baby

lest they fall into the hands of the enemy.

This is admirable, but it's a pity that Jose needs these lizard eggs. The small lizards will have good combat power when they hatch and grow up, which can just make up for the lack of high-end combat power of the kobold tribe.

With a sudden force on his hind legs, he jumped up, and his body crossed a parabola and slammed into the running petrified lizard.


The petrified lizard was knocked to the ground, with its belly facing the sky, and the sharp dragon claws inserted into the body from the wound on the abdomen, squeezed the tibia apart, pinched the still beating heart, and held it tightly.


As if the balloon exploded suddenly, the beating heart was crushed, and the petrified lizard fell limply to the ground, its eyes gradually lost their luster, as if they were covered with dust and became dull.

The Kobold brothers lowered their heads and dared not look at Jose.

Forget it, it's not your fault, the petrified lizard is indeed beyond your capabilities. Jose shook the blood from his claws, and through this battle, he also saw the specific strength of the two brothers.

According to the standard of human strength, the kobold brothers belong to the elementary level, while the petrified lizard and Jose belong to the middle level.

Of course, even the same level of strength may vary greatly, because the level is a large range, for example, 60 points and 100 points are both qualified, and 100 points is undoubtedly much stronger.

Suoda, come here.

Soda walked in front of Jose and lowered his head.

I see your bravery, and I bestow upon you the honor of being the servant of the dragon.

Suoda raised his head in disbelief, he was so surprised that he couldn't believe his ears, but after a while he realized that bravery was just an excuse, and the master's real purpose was to completely control the bloodtooth kobold tribe.

But he never thought of betrayal. There are many benefits to being a dragonborn, so he is also willing to accept it.

Suo Da knelt on one knee: Thank you for your kindness, Master, the Bloodtooth Tribe is willing to be the sharp edge in your hands!

good, very good.

Not long after, Soda received the same treatment as his younger brother.

After the transformation of the dragon veins, he looked like he was fished out of the water, but his face couldn't hide his joy. The power of the dragon veins surged in his body. The benefits of this advanced bloodline are not only in the moment, but also in the process of growth. He will reap more benefits, at the very least, and the most realistic point, the lifespan of the dragonborn is much longer than that of the kobolds.

While Jose made a contract with his brother, Ego had already started the aftermath work: arranging manpower to treat the wounded; sending people to notify the tribe members in the temporary camp to go home; sending people to check the situation of the tribal food warehouse.

There were only petrified lizard corpses and lizard eggs. He didn't dare to dispose of them without authorization. When the contract was completed, he walked over: Master, what should we do with the corpses of these petrified lizards?

Jose glanced at his spoils. The extraordinary beasts are full of treasures, and the eyeballs of petrified lizards are the main material for making magic items—the eyes of petrification. Unfortunately, there is no professional storage container and no relevant channels to sell them.

Of course, even if there is a channel, he doesn't plan to buy it. There is no need to risk dealing with intelligent creatures for a little money, which will increase the risk of exposure.

Stew one to reward the soldiers, and cut off the meat of the remaining two, air-dried to make food reserves, and lizard skin to make leather armor. By the way, send some people to widen the entrance so that my partners can come in.


Jose went to the lizard nest again and counted the white lizard eggs in the nest. There were thirteen eggs in total.

Ask two people to guard the lizard eggs, and don't allow anyone to get close, you dog, take me to my new home.

my pleasure.

PS: I have seen this coming, so I voted and gave the character a thumbs up, quality triple.

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