Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 239 You are here

Half a year has passed.

In the past six months, Jose has lived a very fulfilling life. He studies magic on weekdays, manages the kingdom's business development in his spare time, pays attention to the development of the situation on the mainland while actively making plans, and lays the foundation for the future of the Kingdom of Forsythe.

One day, in the throne hall of the Red Castle, the red dragon was lying on the throne on the nine steps, and the prime minister of the kingdom——Yu Gou reported from below.

Master, according to the information collected in the past six months, the second and sixth princes of Norn Principality are the most promising, and they are still working hard...

Jose listened quietly, gently lifting his fingers from time to time, and then lightly lowering them to tap on the throne below him, making a thud-thump-thump sound, while rapidly processing all the information reported by the family members in his mind.

At this stage, the Fusai Kingdom seems to be developing vigorously, but it is actually a bit embarrassing. The future development of the kingdom is restricted by the geographical environment, and a way must be found to break through.

To the north of the Kingdom of Fussey is the dangerous land of the continent - the Great Glacier, to the east is the sphere of influence of Sunsail Port, and to the west is the complicated situation of the Barbarian Holy City, the Mother of Cold Waves, the Kingdom of Dana and the Kingdom of Odyssey.

Needless to say, the north and the east, there are too many participants in this muddy water in the west, and the forces are intricate. Jose does not want to participate, and the rest is only the south.

The Norn Principality, one of the four northern countries, can be reached in the south by crossing the Mirk Forest. If the Norn Principality can be opened, then the third road between the civilized world and the prairie will be opened. Come to a big development opportunity.

The biggest obstacle to winning the Principality of Norn is the original vested interests—the Northland Witch Council. The Forsyth Kingdom and the Northland Witch Council are incompatible. Snatch the fat.

Jose could almost expect the fierce resistance of the Northland Witch Council. He has already found out that most of the power of the Northland Witch Council exists in the coastal kingdom—Via Kingdom.

If the Red Dragon wins the Principality of Norn, it will cut off the connection between the Northland Witch Council and the Kingdom of Dana and Odyssey, and directly seize three-quarters of the Northland Witch Council's territory, which is almost equivalent to condemning the Northland The death penalty for the Council of Witches.

However, for the Kingdom of Fusai, the Principality of Norn is a strategic location that has to be won, so this is destined to be a fierce game that determines the survival of the two major forces.

At this stage, the Northland Witch Council has a certain strength advantage and a conservative advantage, and the Red Dragon knows the truth that the dragon has no long-term concerns, but must have near-term worries. Information about Duke En's royal family, waiting for the right time to intervene.

Now the time is ripe. Half a year ago, after the Grand Duke of Norn announced the eldest prince as the crown prince, he has been observing the remaining princes and looking for potential support objects. Now he is about to make a choice between the second prince and the sixth prince of the Norn Principality.

Second prince, his mother is an aristocrat of the Central Kingdom, and was originally a strong candidate for the throne, but later his mother's natal family had an accident, and he has no support since then. On the surface, he was shocked and had already given up the throne, but from his observations, he He has never given up, has been practicing hard, trying to compete for the throne of the king by stepping into a legendary warrior, and at the same time, he has used the reception as a cover to make friends with many military nobles...

Er Gou continued to introduce: The sixth prince, whose mother is the daughter of a great nobleman in the Odyssey Kingdom, originally competed with the eldest prince for the throne, and the fight was evenly matched, but later he fell behind because the eldest prince's mother wooed the Northland Witch Council. Now they are being suppressed, but because they are concerned about the reaction of the Odyssey Kingdom, the eldest prince's lineage does not dare to beat the sixth prince's lineage to death, they still have a certain power base...

After listening to a wonderful drama about the royal family's succession, José's thoughts were like lightning. After comprehensive consideration, he was more inclined to support the second prince.

On the one hand, the second prince of Norn Principality is helpless,

If the Fusai Kingdom suddenly offered an olive branch to help it seize the throne, he would most likely accept it, and the attention was not high, so it was convenient for the Red Dragon to act behind the scenes.

On the other hand, Red Dragon feels that the second prince himself is more worthy of investment than the sixth prince. It can be seen from his self-willed depravity that he is forbearing; Good military nobles can see his strategy.

Let's tentatively decide on the second prince. Pay close attention to his every move and look for opportunities to contact him.

Yes! Ergo bowed and exited the throne hall, disappearing at the entrance of the throne hall.

Jose disappeared directly on the throne, and returned to the magic tower to continue studying magic. In fact, he didn't care much about the second prince who had never been masked.

The Norn Principality must be won, but supporting the second prince is not a must. If he has the strength of the Red Nest Mistress, he can just call the door and get everything done.

In the final analysis, one's own strength is the foundation of everything, and strategies are just icing on the cake.

Of course, icing on the cake is not important, but something is better than nothing.


Norn Principality, Redstone Territory in the north.

The Redstone Territory is a baronial land located in the extreme north of the Norn Principality. There are many red stones in the territory. The land is barren and sparsely populated. It is also close to the Mirkwood. It is often harassed by the extraordinary beasts in the Mirkwood. It can be said that It is the worst territory of Norn Principality.

And the owner of this territory is His Royal Highness, the noble prince of Norn Principality, the second prince—Belden.

Three years ago, after an accident occurred at the grandfather's house and his mother died of extreme illness, the second prince, Belden, with the acquiescence of King Norn, was jointly driven to this place by his good brothers by his good brothers.

As everyone wished, the former strong contender for the Norn throne has fallen. In the first period of time when he came to the Redstone Territory, Belden, who was severely hit, did not develop the territory. He took up some vices, such as attending various masquerade parties.

After three years, King Norn completely gave up on him, and the other princes gradually relaxed their vigilance and no longer regarded him as a competitor.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that Belden's depravity is just a disguise, pretending to paralyze the vigilance of good brothers, so as to avoid being targeted or even assassinated. In fact, he secretly practiced desperately to improve his own strength.

In the castle secret room flickering with candles, Belden, the second prince of Norn Principality, finished his day of practice, sweating heavily, walked out of the secret room and came to the bathroom panting heavily.

He got into the warm water tub prepared by his personal maid in advance, let the warm water of the right temperature just under his chin, and leaned on the tub to enjoy the rare relaxing time, his thoughts diverged.

He has been exiled to this ruthless Redstone leader for three years. With his unremitting penance, his strength has reached the level of a high-level fighter. He has made great progress, but he is still far away from his goal—a legendary fighter.

As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he can see very clearly that only by becoming a legendary professional can he have a chance to seize the throne.

His own strength is the foundation of everything. Only with strength can he be qualified to negotiate terms with his father, and persuade the Northland Witch Council to give up support for the eldest prince and support himself instead. After all, a legendary warrior and a master For a super mage, whoever is more valuable will be judged.

This is the most effective way for him to ascend to the throne, and only on the throne can he have the strength to pursue the truth about his mother who died strangely.

Oh, it's not easy to say, but fortunately, the father can still stay on the throne for a while, and I still have a chance... He said to himself to comfort himself, numb himself, and encourage himself, and he can only do this to ensure that he does not collapse , Do not despair.

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door, and Belden woke up suddenly and turned his head: Who!

Your Highness, it's me, a gentle female voice came from outside the door. It was one of the only two people he could trust. She grew up with her and voluntarily exiled her personal maid—Xue Li.

Belden secretly relaxed a little: Shirley, what's the matter?

That's how it is. Lord Alexandra came to the castle and said he had something urgent to see you.

The high-ranking warrior——Alex is precisely another person Belden can trust completely besides his personal maid. His mother's guardian knight is now his guardian knight and the chief garrison of the Redstone collar.

Go and tell Alex Knight first, I'll be right there.


Knight Alex's visit at this time must be something important. Belden dried himself hastily, put on his clothes and hurried to the castle hall.

His castle is so poor that he can't even use magic lamps, so he can only use candles for lighting. The candles flicker in the breeze, and the projections are reflected on the walls of the castle like poor ghosts with teeth and claws.

Uncle Alex, what's the matter?

Alex's face was serious: Your Highness, news came from Orion on the edge of the Mirkwood. There was a riot of supernatural beasts in the Mirkwood. The supernatural beasts went crazy. They left their original territory and spread to the outskirts of the forest. The villages on the edge of the Mirkwood suffered an unprecedented situation The threats of the villagers are frightened, and they are begging for your help.

Belden's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, relying on the mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to drink water, the red stone territory is barren, and can only eat the adjacent dark forest.

In fact, the villages around Mirkwood are his most important source of tax revenue, accounting for 60% of the total annual tax revenue, and the population accounts for 70% of the territory's population.

In general, the villages around Mirkwood are very important and cannot be missed.

Uncle Alex, what do you think about this?

Your Highness, the riot of supernatural beasts in the dark forest can generally be divided into two situations. One is that the number of supernatural beasts exceeds the limit of the environment, and the supernatural beasts spontaneously migrate outward. Beasts are forced to migrate by the influence of more powerful supernatural beasts.

Alex Knight went on to say: The first case can basically be ruled out. The last time the supernatural beasts were saturated was four years ago, and it didn't reach saturation so quickly again, so I'm more inclined to the second case.

Well, I think so too, but no matter what, we have to solve this matter, the sooner the better.

Belden said solemnly: Knight Alex, gather the elite soldiers, we will ride to Jumu Village tonight to understand the situation, and enter the forest the next day.

Yes! Alex gave a military salute and retreated.

Soon, in the rising moonlight, a group of heavily armed troops stepped on the moonlight, holding torches, and left the castle along the path.

When I came to Jumu Village, the villagers didn’t know what to ask. The unknown future cast a shadow over everyone’s actions tomorrow, but it was not without good news. Judging from the scope of the riot of extraordinary beasts, the scope of this riot of extraordinary beasts Not big, that is to say, the source of the riot is probably not very strong.

Two high-ranking fighters work together, they should be able to deal with it, Belden thought, and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after leaving the horses in the village, Belden led the soldiers into the forest to find the truth about the extraordinary beast riot.

Two high-ranking soldiers sit in town, and many well-equipped elite soldiers join hands. They can indeed walk sideways around the edge of the dark forest. After killing the three extraordinary beasts blocking the way, everyone's confidence is greatly increased.

Gradually, everyone felt that something was wrong. It had been a long time since they slaughtered the last extraordinary beast. They hadn't found anything along the way, and even the buzzing insects had stopped.

Everyone be careful, we may be close to the source of the problem, Belden held a sword in his hand, and looked around vigilantly. This dark forest seemed to be like a man-eating beast, looking cold, terrifying, and creepy.

This is not the most worrying thing, he always feels that something is staring at him, but he can't find anything.

On the open space a hundred miles away from the prince's team, Jose opened the invisibility barrier, and just quietly stepped on the ground paved with leaves and other decaying matter, silently observing the second prince and his party.

Under the cover of magic, the second prince and his party didn't find anything about the red giant beast not far away, and they were still vigilantly groping forward.

This is the power of the advanced extraordinary race!

Just leaking a little breath can cause a wild animal riot, which is the result of his suppression of himself. If he bursts out with all his breath, it will not be as simple as an extraordinary wild beast riot, but a beast tide that can be called a natural disaster.

Jose stayed where he was, and the second prince and his party continued on their way.

As he walked, Belden suddenly found that a soldier beside him had disappeared. He didn't even notice how the soldier disappeared, and he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Uncle Alex... His voice was trembling, and when he tilted his head, he was horrified to find that Alex was gone.

Seeing Belden retreat in horror, Jose stopped teasing him, and expanded the range of the invisibility barrier to cover Belden in.

Suddenly, Belden found a stalwart red dragon suddenly appeared in the empty forest in front of him. The red dragon's height almost broke through the forest, and the vertical golden dragon eyes just looked at him quietly, As if he was here in the first place.

His eyes widened suddenly, his heart beat faster, and his blood pressure soared. At the same time, he also saw his companions who had disappeared before. The ordinary soldiers were lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, while the high-level fighters stood there under pressure, with stiff movements and trembling slightly. But he couldn't move.

In fact, these soldiers were fainted by themselves, while the high-ranking fighters were suppressed by the red dragon's release of Longwei.

Belden raised his head mechanically, and looked into the eyes of the red dragon unconsciously. For some reason, an extremely ridiculous idea was born in his mind, as if what he was facing was a wise man, rather than a terrifying extraordinary dragon generally.

You're here, Jose said lightly.

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