Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 237: The Fire Attendant

Jose was happily busy, while waiting for the end of the huge transcription work, he searched for wild sub-dragon species that caught his eye, and with the help of the orc ally, Munch Yanhowl, sent the sub-dragon back to Tedanor, and the green Long and Bailong receive.

On the way to collect sub-dragon species, Red Dragon has been paying attention to the living conditions of the native dragons on the Oroba plane. The native dragons live a good life and have almost no natural enemies.

There are gains and losses, and the red dragon is obviously aware that on average, the giant dragon of the Oroba plane is weaker than the giant dragon of the Tidanore plane, which is related to the level of the two planes.

The Tedanore plane is a medium material plane, and the energy concentration of elements is higher than that of the Auroba plane, which is an elementary material plane, which makes the Tedanore dragon stronger.

In the same way, the average level of dragons on the high material plane and the giant material plane is better than that on the medium material plane. This is why many dragons will leave their original plane when their strength reaches a certain stage, and go to the astral world or higher levels. face reasons.

Half a month later, all kinds of knowledge obtained from the Alliance of Kingdoms were transcribed, and a large number of books were packed in nearly three hundred dimensional bags. The orc emperor handed over the dimensional bag to the red dragon and gave an extra gift from the orcs.

Your Excellency Jose, this cooperation is over, may our friendship last forever.

The friendship we fought side by side this time, I will always remember...

Both parties intend to make friends, the atmosphere of the conversation is naturally very pleasant, and the host and guest enjoy themselves.

After the grand farewell banquet, Jose left the plane of Oroba in the farewell of the orc clan, and disappeared in the illuminated teleportation array.

In Taidanol, Northland, Mordo Peak Forest, and the magic tower in the depths of the Red Castle, the figure of the red dragon appeared out of nowhere from the teleportation array.

Phew! It's finally over!

After more than a month, the trip to the Oroba plane was full of rewards, and there were two biggest gains.

One is the sub-dragon species sent back first, the most of which are Wyverns, and Wyverns account for half of the total. The other side is other dragon species, such as the claw-dancing dragon that is good at speed, and the ground-walking dragon that is good at defense. , the dragon turtle that lives underwater...

The male and female ratios of various dragon species are balanced, and all have a certain number of dragon mouths, which is enough for these sub-dragon species to thrive in Tidanore and avoid inbreeding.

The second is the magic knowledge collected by the Alliance of Kingdoms over the years. Even though the plane of Oroba is a primary material plane, it can maintain the position of the second plane. The magic knowledge of the Alliance of Kingdoms naturally has many merits. This part of the magic The knowledge is enough for the red dragon to lay a solid foundation and grow to the level of a legendary mage.

Not only the red dragon, most of the magic knowledge gained this time is low-end knowledge. Although the red dragon itself is not useful, it can enrich the professional system of the Kingdom of Forsyth and establish an independent set of knowledge based on this. And a complete magical ecosystem.

Nothing can be perfect, the Kingdom Alliance's low, middle and high knowledge system has been obtained, but the top part has been taken away by the remnants of the Kingdom.

However, the Beastman Emperor gave him a big surprise, giving him an additional set of warrior knowledge system, including a set of precious warrior special professions.

Jose checked the introduction, and it is considered to be the bottom of the special profession, a little worse than the ratio, but the threshold is low, which is very suitable for the red dragon family.

After all, it is a special occupation with ice attribute, and the red dragon family members are all fire attributes due to the dragon veins. What is more valuable than the attributes is that the materials required for the occupation are relatively easy to collect, and the Tidanol plane can basically be assembled, which is convenient for promotion.

Of course, the threshold for entry is not low, only the master level can be worthy of entry, and only the legendary fighters have the opportunity to be proficient.

Anyway, this favor is owed, Jose thought of the good of the Oropa Empire, and stored the scroll recording his occupation in the treasury.

deal with the most precious,

The rest is a large number of books, he does not intend to do it himself, but informs Ergou to bring someone to the magic tower.

Not long after, the prime minister of the kingdom, Ergo Bloodtooth, brought the group of mages to the magic tower. All the mages saluted the majestic red dragon and said respectfully, Your Majesty.

Jose nodded, and took out a lot of dimensional bags: These dimensional bags store a lot of knowledge, which is the foundation for the rise of my Forsythe kingdom. You guys sorted the books and stored them in each library of the magic tower.

After speaking, many dimensional bags automatically flew in front of the mages, and the mages caught them.

After taking the dimensional bag, they looked at the large number of books stored in the dimensional bag. All the mages were extremely shocked. They looked at the red dragon adoringly, wondering where the things came from.

Only Ergou is relatively calm. He has long seen the miracles created by the red dragon.

Although everyone was curious, they didn't dare to ask. After the red dragon waved his hand, they all went down, only Yougou was ordered to stay.

Jose's tone was not slow, and he said calmly and calmly: Ego, what happened during the month or so since I left?

Er Gou respectfully said: Your Majesty, everything in the kingdom is normal, but something happened around the kingdom. The barbarians and the mother of the cold wave are fighting again.

What's so strange, aren't they fighting every day?

The feud between the legendary white dragon and the mother of the cold wave - Kemlina and the barbarians has long been known in the mainland. The three legends of the barbarians never leave the holy city - Andorhal, just to guard against the legendary white dragon. There have always been wars between large and small regional hegemons.

To sum up, as the red dragon said, it is normal for the barbarian and the mother of the cold wave to fight.

It's different this time, the fight was fierce, and that's not the most important thing.

Er Gou continued: There are rumors that the Dragon Worship Cult and the Northland Witch appeared on the battlefield.

Dragon Worship? Witches of the Northland? Jose frowned.

The Mother of Frost Wave and the Dragon Worship Sect are deeply involved. It is not surprising that the Dragon Worship Sect helps the Mother of the Frost Wave. However, the Witches of the Northland and the barbarians are naturally at odds, so it is unreasonable for the Witches of the Northland to help the barbarians.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, not to mention what the monster is, but if the witches and the barbarians get close, it must be a major event that will affect the power structure of the entire Northland, and the red dragon can't help but ignore it.

Tell me in detail, have you noticed the energy fluctuations of the legendary battle?

That's what makes me wonder.

Er Gou frowned and said: Not only did we not detect any abnormal magic fluctuations, but the fierce battle that was originally fought stopped for a while because of the appearance of the Northland Witch and the Dragon Worshiping Cult.

Jose raised his brows, his thoughts were like lightning, the energy fluctuations in the battle between the legends could not be concealed, and could be easily detected, but the Kingdom of Fersai did not find it, so it meant that the Dragon Cult and the Witch of the Northland did not fight.

Contact Mirkwood to confirm the authenticity of the news...

After communicating for a while, the barbarian and the witch turned the topic, and Ergou continued: Your Majesty, there is news from the Principality of Norn that you ordered to pay attention to. Just three days ago, the Grand Duke of Norn officially announced that the eldest prince will be crown prince.

How are the other princes doing?

It's all calm, like resigning to fate.

Hmph! Jose snorted coldly.

It's just a good cover-up for the time being. I don't believe that those princes don't have the desire to become kings. Continue to monitor closely and report to me immediately if you find anything.

After a pause, Jose said: If the witches of the Northland really come together with the barbarians, then we can't let them live too peacefully.



After communicating for a while, Ergo went to direct the work of sorting out the magic books, and another family member was recruited. It was Ergo's elder brother, one of Jose's original servants, Soda Bloodtooth.

The down-and-out kobold chief whose homeland was taken away by a little petrified lizard in the past is now a general of a country, with tens of thousands of professional soldiers under him, and his personal strength has reached the level of a master.

Your Majesty, Suoda Bloodtooth bowed and saluted with a submissive gesture.

He deeply understands that everything he has now depends on the red dragon, and his own destiny is bound to the Kingdom of Forsythe. At the same time, he has always felt lucky and grateful for meeting the red dragon.

What order did you summon me?

A good thing, a big good thing, Jose responded lightly to the family's question, his eyes calming the kobold in front of him.

Among the Big Three Kobolds, Ergo Bloodtooth is a think-tank mage, Hasa Bloodclaw is a battle madman, and Suoda Bloodtooth is well-regarded, with no obvious shortcomings, and due to his long-term position as the Kobold Councilor The chief, Soda Bloodtooth is relatively stable and has good abilities. He is the best candidate to serve as the guard officer of Oka City.

Of course, Jose called him this time not because of Hasa Bloodclaw's advantages, but simply because he was closer and more convenient.

I called you here this time because there is a reward for you, but this reward has certain risks. Do you want to continue?

It's up to His Majesty to decide.

very good.

Satisfied, Jose nodded and continued, The reward I'm giving you this time is a chance to find a job in a special job, but I just got this job too. There are certain risks involved in the job hunting process. Would you like it?

Suo Da was overjoyed, he automatically ignored the second half of Hong Long's sentence, and raised his head to look at Hong Long in surprise.

As for special professions, he naturally understands that special professions are further developed on the basis of ordinary professions, and higher-level professions created by research are stronger than ordinary professions and have various magical features.

In fact, he once had the opportunity to work for a special profession - Ice Demon Guard, but because the fire attribute of the red dragon family conflicted with the ice attribute of the ice demon guard, he was not suitable for the job, so he had to give up.

Now that Red Dragon proposed another opportunity to find a job as a special professional, it must not be the Ice Demon Guard.

Your Majesty! I am willing! Don't say it is you, Your Majesty! Even if it is someone else, no matter how risky it is, I will give it a try...

The Red Dragon Families cannot take up the post of the Ice Demon Guard, but there are many fighters in the Forsey Kingdom, and there are always a few lucky ones who succeed in taking up the post, and then their strength soars, and they can fight against many strong men of the same level with one.

The benefits of being a special professional are seen by all the family members, and they are in danger of being caught up by the younger generation. Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand Suoda Bloodclaw's desire for a special professional. He looked at the red man excitedly. Long, his eyes were full of longing.

Very good, let me introduce to you first, the name of this special profession, the fire attendant profession is not strong, but the advantage is that it is very suitable for my dependents, and the difficulty of finding a job is relatively low. The most difficult and the first level is With the blessing of the strong fire element, I can do it.

After a pause, Jose continued: The risk I mentioned earlier is here, and it's my first contact with it, which means you are the first guinea pig to be tested.

Your Majesty, don't talk about taking a little risk, even if I risk my life, I will give it a try, so don't hesitate any longer.

Okay, but...

Jose changed his voice: Don't worry, even though it's the first contact, even if it fails, I'm sure to save your life.

Thank you for your protection, Your Majesty.


After explaining some precautions and asking Suoda to look over the scroll of the fire attendant, Jose took him to the core area of ​​the mage tower.

As soon as he came to the core of the magic tower, Suo Da felt that the temperature had risen a lot, and the air was filled with a faint red color. This was the red color of the flame, and it was the manifestation of the energy of the fire element being so strong that it could be seen with the naked eye.

The environment here is good and can achieve the best blessing effect. You should prepare first, calm down, and let me know when you are ready.

Okay, Your Majesty, after finishing speaking, Soda walked to a corner of the room and sat down.

Jose looked at Suo Da with his eyes closed, and had to say that he was very lucky to be his family member.

Ordinary people want to take office, they must first prepare a large number of sacrifices, and after the sacrifices are prepared, they will hold a sacrifice. The fire element boss who is looking for a reason to bless, the appetite of the fire element boss is not small.

As for the family members of the Red Dragon, the Red Dragon can bless it itself, which saves a lot of expenses. Not only that, but the Red Dragon can further upgrade the blessing after it grows up, which can be called a one-stop service for sales and after-sales.

Of course, taking office is equivalent to binding yourself to the Blesser, but it doesn't matter that the dependents are deeply bound to the dragon master.

After a few minutes.

Soda Bloodtooth stood up from the ground and walked up to the red dragon: Your Majesty, I'm ready.

Let's get started, just stand still.

As soon as the words fell, Jose turned on the magic tower and mobilized a large amount of fire element energy to concentrate in this room. The concentration of fire element in the room became higher and higher, and the red in the air became more and more vivid.

When the energy concentration of the fire element reaches the standard, the red dragon has to be opened, and the violent elemental fire emerges from the gap between the scales, and he becomes a semi-elemental form.

All this is to achieve the best blessing effect.

The mantra in his mouth was uttered quickly, and the energy of the fire element in the air was operating according to some mysterious law. The complex and mysterious magic circle loomed beside the red dragon, and the sound of the ancient and vast mantra became more and more ethereal, not like the voice of an ordinary dragon.

Finally, when the last byte of the spell was over, a large number of fire elements in the room gathered towards the kobolds.

Everything went well, a dragon-shaped imprint appeared in the center of Suoda Bloodtooth's forehead, as if tattooed on it.

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