Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 218: Unexpected News

On the throne in the beam of light, Jose lay on his side, with his dragon claws supporting his cheeks, and took eight or nine watermelons with the hands of a mage, and put them into his mouth, crushing and swallowing the watermelons with his sharp teeth.

While tasting the sweetness of the fruit, his thoughts were like electricity, thinking about the underground kingdom.

After passing the siege crisis and moving to Oka City, he transferred all his gold coins, magic books and other wealth to the safer Magic Tower, leaving only some dangerous items that were not suitable for transferring to the Magic Tower.

In view of the decrease in wealth, Molten Core's defensive strength has also decreased a lot, and most of the elite guards have followed to Oka City.

Emmm..., it is indeed a weak point, and the guard should be strengthened.

With this in mind, he notified Hogg, the leader of the gnolls guarding Darkmoon City, to order the gnolls to strengthen their security, expand the scope of investigation, restrict population circulation, increase guards, and so on.

After filling the last loophole in the Underground Kingdom, Jose felt that the defense of the Forsythe Kingdom was perfect.

Then you can sit and wait for the enemy to show their feet...

He was about to teleport into the magic tower, but at this time a guard came in at the gate of the throne hall, who was the kobold guard at the gate of the Red Castle.

These kobold guards are all members of the personal guard brought out by the red dragon from the ground. They are impeccable in terms of loyalty and strength. The intermediate level is the entry standard, and the captain level is a high-level powerhouse. will not enter the palace.

The kobold guards wearing standard armor walked under the throne and bowed respectfully: Your Majesty, there is a mage outside the door who claims to be the envoy of Yangfan Port. He wants to see you.


With a thought in Jose's mind, an invisible magic eyeball appeared in the air outside the palace gate without a sound.

The Eye of Mystery.

The magic eye is condescending, and saw two hundred meters below the mountain, a city wall separated the palace and the villa area on the mountainside, and at the entrance of the city wall, a mage wearing a red-backed gold-patterned robe was standing there quietly. waiting.

The moment he was stared at by the eyeballs, the mage felt something was wrong, frowned and looked up, but he didn't find the secret eye cast by the red dragon.

What a sharp intuition, Jose said, looking at the mage with interest.

You know, this is Oka City, and the underground of Oka City is the magic tower of the red dragon. There is a bonus for casting spells within the influence range of one's own magic tower, which makes the magic fluctuations more secretive.

And this mage can actually feel being watched, which is enough to show his strength.

Even if this person is not a legend, he is not far from a legend.

Thinking of this, Jose said lightly, Ask him to come in.

Obey! The kobold guard retreated again.

Under the attention of the Eye of Mystery, the Kobold guarded out of the throne hall, walked across the huge platform in front, walked down the steps on the edge of the platform, walked to the palace wall above the villa area, and shouted.

The red-robed golden-striped sorcerer who was stopped at the door was released. Under the leadership of the kobold guards, Adelaide climbed up the stairs.

Stepping on the stairs made of special obsidian, Adelaide looked at the scenery in the palace with great interest and observed the pattern.

As a palace built on the top of the mountain, the pattern can be roughly divided into two parts, one is the main body of the palace built on the top of the mountain, and the other is the part between the top of the mountain and the city wall of the palace.

As the power center of the Fusai Kingdom, it was built on the top of the mountain. The area of ​​the platform on the top of the mountain is limited. If a part of the limited space is reserved as a garden, it will be a bit crowded.

Therefore, when the green dragon, Olivia, simply used the entire mountain top to build the main body of the Red Castle, and left the garden between the mountain top and the palace wall.

In the Kingdom Garden, the green dragon, who is proficient in botany, planted a large number of precious varieties of flowers, and invited the best garden designer in the dark jungle to shape the garden, making the palace garden unique and wonderful, full of artistic atmosphere.

Coupled with the magic support of the magic tower, this creates a scene where all kinds of exotic flowers and plants bloom in the garden in the winter.

Adelaide couldn't help sighing in his heart, lamenting the mighty power of the Red Dragon's underground magic tower. Even though the magic tower has abundant energy, the energy can't be wasted in vain. These magic energies are often locked in the element pool and are only used when the mage needs them. will call.

As for Orka City, the Red Dragon directly used the magic tower as a climate regulator, wasting a lot of elemental energy to adjust the climate of the entire Orka City.

As the eldest disciple of the legendary mage-Gumas Eternal Burning Sun, Adelaide has seen similar scenes, but those are all top cities in the south. Yangfan Port didn't dare to be so extravagant.

Seeing the ostentation in the garden, Odelaide couldn't help but look forward to the upcoming meeting, looking forward to solving the mystery in his heart.

So far, the top forces in the entire continent have been investigating, guessing, and guessing how the Red Dragon successfully built such a miraculous magic tower under the condition of technological blockade.

Walking to the top of the stairs, Adelaide stepped onto the platform in front of the Red Fort, and couldn't help swallowing at the huge crystal red obsidian stone pillars. Only by standing close can he feel the majesty of the Red Fort most intuitively. In front of the giant stone pillars, human beings are like ants.

Walking into the entrance of the huge throne hall, he saw the throne hall with stone pillars at both ends. At the end of the stone pillar corridor, a stalwart red dragon was sitting on the throne on the nine steps.

The beams of light from the dome shone on the red dragon, coating the red dragon with a layer of golden brilliance, majestic and somewhat sacred.

As expected of a dragon that built a kingdom!

After all, he was a disciple of a legendary mage with a lot of experience. Adelaide quickly settled his mind and strode towards the red dragon with confidence in his steps.

Looking at the middle-aged mage striding forward, Jose nodded approvingly. He is neither humble nor overbearing, and powerful. He deserves to be the successor of Yangfan Port.

In Taidanuoer, the relationship between mages and students is very close. Many mages have a premonition that when the end is approaching, they leave most of their wealth to their disciples, not their descendants, because the disciples are the successors of the teacher's mage's path, and the disciples entrust The inheritance hope of the mage school.

Coupled with the fact that Gemas Eternal Sunburn has no heirs, the status of Adelaide, the eldest disciple in Yangfan Port is even more undisputed. In connection with the strength of Yangfan Port, treat him as a prince Not too much.

Walking under the steps of the throne, Adelaide bowed and said, I salute you, Your Majesty the King.

Even though he is the successor of a famous legendary mage in the mainland, and his own strength is infinitely close to the legend, Adelaide still dare not trust the red dragon at all.

After all, the red dragon on the throne in front of you is the leader of the overlord force in the middle of the northern prairie, the founder of the heterogeneous kingdom, the first and only one in the history of Tydanor that is not a legend, but is still treated as a true legend. The Red Dragon is bound to be recorded in the annals of history.

Regarding the humility of the visitor, Jose nodded: Master Adelaide, the Forsa Kingdom welcomes you.


After a few words of politeness and creating a good atmosphere for the conversation, Adelaide went straight to the point and proposed the purpose of the early visit: Your Majesty, this visit is mainly for two things.

The first thing, the teacher asked me to tell you that Abel left the South yesterday, and a few days ago, Abel had contact with a certain congressman.

As soon as Adelaide opened his mouth, there was heavy news, Jose's eyelids twitched, and his heart froze.

Dragon Executioner, Legendary Juggernaut——Able, Able became famous in the Red Nest War decades ago. He single-handedly killed four adult dragons, three mature dragons, and one old dragon, and severely wounded one He set the highest record of allied forces killing dragons, so he won the title of Dragon Executioner, and because Abel was a sword master, he was also known as Dragon Slaying Sword Master.

For such a mortal enemy, Jose naturally knew something about it.

The reason why Abel was able to slay so many dragons had a lot to do with the sword in his hand besides the strength of his own special profession.

The name of his sword is a dragon-slaying weapon. The history of dragon-slaying weapons in Tedanore can be traced back to the second era. The master blacksmith forged the dragon-slaying weapon.

The dragon-slaying weapon is designed for the giant dragon family. It can be said to be the nemesis of the giant dragon family. It can form a coercion similar to the dragon's power on the dragon, and can imprison the dead soul of the slain dragon, so as to strengthen the power of the weapon and also That is to say, the more dragons died under the dragon-slaying weapon, the stronger the power of the dragon-slaying weapon.

But precisely because of the feature of imprisoning the dead soul of the dragon, the dragon-slaying weapon was hated by all the dragons, which further triggered disputes between the dragon and the elves, and finally even attracted the attention of the major dragon gods and elf gods.

After some unknown process, the dragon god and the elf god reached an agreement, and the matter was finally resolved peacefully.

The giant dragon clan gave up their dominance on the mainland, and the elf clan promised never to manufacture dragon-slaying weapons, and to erase related crafts and destroy existing dragon-slaying weapons under the supervision of the dragon clan.

But there are always some exceptions. Some elves secretly hid the dragon-slaying weapons out of fear of the comeback of the giant dragon and the onset of collection addiction, and became the fish that slipped through the net in the era of great destruction. It was dug out from the ruins and continued to be used.

Abel found it from the ancient ruins, and relying on this sword, he became famous in the Battle of the Red Nest.

Jose suppressed the shock and anger in his heart, and sincerely said to Adelaide: Tell Lord Eternal Burning Sun for me, thank him for the information, otherwise, I will most likely be kept in the dark and dive into the enemy's trap .”

It must be brought.

Adelaide showed a smile on his face, and continued: The second thing, Your Majesty, there is more room for cooperation between Sunsail Port and Forsai Kingdom, and the teacher hopes to find a time to talk to you alone.

I'm so happy, Jose agreed without thinking.

On the one hand, Eternal Sunburn provided information and took the initiative to show kindness, and he had to reciprocate.

On the other hand, He and He are the overlords in the central and eastern parts of the prairie respectively, and they are important neighbors to each other. How to deal with competition and cooperation is very important, so it is necessary to meet Eternal Burning Sun.

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then Jose raised his head and said, Well, after the founding ceremony is over, I will send someone to Yangfan Port to contact His Excellency Eternal Burning Sun, and then discuss the time and place of the meeting.


He looked up at the red dragon on the throne. Adelaide opened his mouth, looking a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Jose took the initiative to ask: Is there anything else, Master?

Cough cough cough.

Seeing that the Red Dragon took the initiative to ask a question, Adelaide coughed twice: That's right, Your Majesty, please forgive my curiosity.

He pointed down at the floor of the Throne Hall, and continued: Excuse me, I'm really curious, how did you build such a powerful magic tower under the strict blockade of the outside world.

After a pause, he added: Actually, not only I am curious, but my teacher is also very curious. If possible, please satisfy my curiosity, Your Majesty.


Jose smiled, and said to the guests who were nervously watching him: Actually, it's okay to tell you. No one in Tadanoll can copy this method except me.

However, before answering your question, please answer my question first. You should have collected my previous data. Through research data, especially combat data, what have you found?

Cough cough.

Adelaide coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment. What Red Dragon said was the truth. Yangfan Port had indeed deliberately collected information about Red Dragon, including information on life, affairs, battles and other aspects.

In fact, not only Yangfan Port, but other forces on the mainland are also doing the same. Of course, the Red Dragon must also secretly collect information from all parties.

It is already an unwritten rule to collect information from major forces.

Although it is common sense and can be done, it is a bit uncomfortable to say it in person.

Adelaide thought for a while, and said: Through our research on you, we judge that you should be in the lawful neutral camp. According to the standard of the red dragon, your camp has deviated greatly. Of course, this is very important to, and even the entire The mainland is a good thing.

First, he praised the Red Dragon a little, and then he said: In addition, we also noticed that every time you fight, you will emit flames from your body. Power, somewhat similar to the one in the legend.

As he spoke, he looked up at the red dragon's expression.

But the result disappointed him, and the red dragon was expressionless.

Good, Jose nodded.

It is indeed as you said, but it is not, but a natural ability of mine, this ability can bring me fire immunity, real fire immunity.

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