Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 205 The Counterattack of the Church of Salvation

, the Red Dragon Emperor

Soon, the five of them discussed and realized that the current situation was beyond their control, so they reached an agreement to report to the high priest.

Although an agreement was reached, everyone was still a little apprehensive. After all, admitting failure is a very painful thing. In the cult forces that are strictly hierarchical and do not allow failure, the losers will pay a painful price.

The man in black gritted his teeth: Master Clayton, please report to the high priest before the situation is too bad.

The four of them cast their eyes on the silent black-robed man at the end of the long table, watching him silently, waiting for the person in charge of the operation here to speak.


After waiting for a while, the man in black robe named Clayton said in a hoarse and dry voice: Later, everyone will blame that bastard Malphite.

The other four people nodded in unison. This is not wronged to Moffitt. This time, for the operation against the Triangle Plain, the high-level and above are the high-level. There were originally eight people in the high-level, one master and seven high-level masters. The overall situation, the rest of the people were scattered everywhere, and Malphite was in charge of the preparations for Thorn City, but he accidentally moved too much, which attracted the attention of Thorn City officials.

It's okay to attract the attention of the official, but it also attracted the attention of [Red Dagger]. When I started it, I didn't expect that there was a high-level ranger hidden in the tree...

The accumulation of a series of accidental factors caused Malphite's inevitable failure, and also implicated the other two high-ranking companions.

The master-level evil god priest named Clayton carefully took out a crystal ball from his arms and placed the crystal ball on the table.

This crystal ball is not the usual kind of transparent crystal ball. There is a gray smoke in the crystal ball. The gray smoke is still flowing, and it is shining with a strange pale light under the candlelight. .

A low and hoarse incantation sounded, and the crystal ball gradually reacted. The gray smoke in it floated out one by one, and gathered in the air to form a head image. The head image stared at the five people in the tent with indifferent eyes.

The five people were apprehensive, they all bent down and said respectfully: Master High Priest.

Say, the voice was cold and hoarse.

My lord, the matter is like this...

After some explanations, the high priest of [Salvation Church] finally understood what everyone meant. Seeing that the mission of the five people was about to fail, they looked for a way to remedy it.

A bunch of trash!

First, he scolded everyone, making them silent, and then the high priest changed his voice: However, you are not hopeless. You didn't contact me after the situation was irreversible. I will give you one last chance. , put their hands on the crystal ball...


Moduo Peak Forest, the top of Oka City, inside the Red Castle.

In stark contrast to the furious and desperate enemy, Jose was enjoying the food carefully prepared by the halfling chef, while listening to Van Cleef's report on the results of the strike against the [Church of Salvation].

Master, in the past week, we have discovered two large [Salvation Church] gathering points, wiped out a total of 32 cultists, eliminated 225 flesh and blood puppets, and seized...

Facts have proved that it is a wise decision to bring in [Justice Church], [Justice Church] is simply the nemesis of all kinds of evil churches, and understands most of the methods and behavior styles of evil churches, which makes the action against evil churches smooth.

And [Windtalker Alliance] also played a positive role, which is the icing on the cake.

After the record report was completed, Van Cleef looked up at the red dragon who was feasting on the dining table.

Master, the cultists inside the Triangle Plain have been cleaned up,

After discussing with the two guests, I decided to investigate the wider grassland beyond the Triangle Plain. After these days of intelligence collection, we have obtained a lot of information about suspicious places...

While listening to his subordinates talking about the battle, Jose tore off a three-meter-long moose thigh and gnawed it like a chicken leg. The precious spices on the moose from the islands in the southern seas stimulated the taste buds, and the mouth secreted saliva, chewing slowly .

Swallowing the food in his mouth, he also came up with the answer to the question he was thinking about.

According to intelligence, the enemy's main force is still outside the triangle plain, and the deterrence of the magic tower is not enough to cover there. The enemies you face may not just be cultists. Be careful in everything, and notify me in time of any changes.

Understood, VanCleef nodded.

Jose changed his words: However, with the [Justice Church] participating this time, there is no need to worry about the [Northern Witch Council] stabbing me in the back.

Just in case, I still have to bring an army, emmm...

Jose thought to himself, among the master fighters under his command, the jackal - Hogg Riverpaw guards the ground all year round, guarding against the invasion of mobile emerald forces; the kobold - Soda Bloodtooth is in charge of the defense of Oka City, the capital needs to be strengthened. Graeme True Fragrance is responsible for maintaining the safety of trade routes and deterring robbers on the grassland; Udi Stone Fang is in charge of Thorn City, and the Triangle Plain also needs strong guards; Those who are not suitable to be the commander; the kobold-Hasa Bloodclaw is in charge of the defense of the Mordo Peak Forest, and he can't go away either.

After thinking about it, he decided to let Graeme Stonehammer put aside the work of maintaining the trade roads, because the orc wolf cavalry was very suitable for galloping on the grassland.

With a thought, he notified the orc family and assigned tasks.

Graeme will lead a thousand elite wolf cavalry to wait for you at the vanguard outpost on the border. You will reconcile with him and take joint action.

Van Cleef's face brightened. Needless to say, the orc chief Graeme Stonehammer is the most powerful fighter under the Red Dragon. The army hunted down the grassland robbers.

The orc wolf cavalry under Graeme is also a powerful force. Thanks to the rich educational resources of professionals in the Mordo Peak Forest, nearly half of the wolf cavalry are professionals, and the Red Dragon also deliberately added the word elite. Not all are professionals, but most are.

Coupled with his [Red Dagger], [Justice Church] and [Windtalker Alliance] two major allies, chasing and killing [Salvation Church] is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

After eating the food, Jose wiped his paws with a silk napkin, and said calmly: Modo Peak Forest will open soon, I don't want to hear news of mass casualties, well, let's go down.


The wolf man and the thief retreated, and Jose also got up and left the restaurant, and went to the Magic Tower library to start reading in his spare time, reading mage handbooks, travel notes, archaeological investigations, and so on.

With the development of power to the point where it is now, most of the troubles don't need him to take action himself. He only needs to sit in the rear and command, and let the family members or the army go to kill the enemy.


Three days later, on the northern prairie.

An orc wolf cavalry galloped on the grassland riding a snow-white wolf. He was fully armed and well-equipped. He wore a traditional orc horn helmet on his head and high-quality leather armor made of yak leather. With a whip and a machete, and a bow and arrow and quiver on his back, his sharp eyes like a lone wolf scanned the lush grass up to his knees, exuding a heroic aura from his whole body.

Yamo White Wolf, this is his name, a junior soldier who has just passed the wolf cavalry examination.

Thanks to the open policy implemented by the Red Dragon, the indigenous clans of the grassland can also pass the trial of the wolf cavalry and join the wolf cavalry team led by the Stonehammer orcs. Yamo White Wolf is the beneficiary of this policy and has become a A full citizen of the Kingdom of Forsyth.

His biggest dream is to pull the entire White Wolf Tribe into the Forsey Kingdom, so as to prevent the tribe from being precarious on the grassland. It is very difficult to realize this dream and requires a lot of military exploits.

Therefore, in this operation to track down the cult, he was very active and always fought on the front line.

This time, the task he received was to detect a suspicious indigenous orc tribe called the Sawblade Tribe.

According to information, the Sawblade tribe was originally a medium-sized orc tribe with a population of seven to eight hundred people at its peak, but this tribe is not far from the Triangle Plain. The prosperity of the Triangle Plain has formed a huge siphon effect on the grassland natives. People left one after another, and the Sawblade tribe quickly declined, and now there are only one or two hundred people left.

From a distance, Yamo White Wolf saw the tent on the grassland in the distance, and knew that he was getting close to the destination. He pinched the wolf's belly and signaled the wolf under his crotch to slow down.

The warg raised since childhood understood the meaning of its master, and trotted forward at a slow speed, while the orc knight stared at the peaceful sawblade tribe.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning, and the sun was shining. It was a good time for herdsmen to graze cattle and sheep. However, the Sawblade tribe was silent. Not to mention the orcs, they didn't even see a cow or sheep.

Something happened to the tribe.

Yamo Bailang narrowed his eyes slightly, his face became serious, and he cheered up.

Gradually, he smelled the stench that came with the wind. It was the smell of dead bodies that were not properly buried and exposed to the air after death.

The distance was getting closer, the smell became more and more obvious, and the speed of the wolf cavalry was getting slower and slower. Judging from the strong smell of the corpse, he judged that there might be no living people in the Sawblade Tribe.

Not long after, he came around the Sawblade Tribe and saw the orc corpses scattered among the tents, as well as the corpses of cattle and sheep.

Not only are there no living people, there are no living things.

Although brave enough to join the battle, Yamo White Wolf is not reckless. On the contrary, he is very cautious. He never takes risks easily when he is not sure, and this time is no exception.

He did not go directly into the tribe to check the situation, but kept a safe distance of 20 meters, and slowly moved around the sawblade tribe on his horse. Blackened blood.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can receive them. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. the public

These people have been dead for at least two days.

He wasn't sure if the murderer had left, and he wasn't sure if there were any backhands left in the tribe, leaving out-of-control flesh and blood puppets to plot against the pursuers. It was not uncommon for this kind of situation to happen.

Snowball, aww twice.

The wolf under his crotch understood, raised his head and let out two wolf howls of Aww.

Flesh puppets have no intelligence. If they are not controlled by cultists, they will act when they hear the sound. Therefore, making a sound is an effective way to determine whether there are flesh puppets in ambush.

However, the Sawblade Horde remained silent.

Yamo White Wolf felt relieved. Cultists are also human beings, and they can't bear to stay in such a stinky environment for a long time. In addition, he found no signs of new activities. After a comprehensive assessment, he decided to enter the tribe and look for the tribe's massacred people. clue.

After all, there is not a slight difference in the amount of military merit between going back to do business like this, and going back to do business after figuring out the cause of the massacre.

He got off the warg, and walked cautiously towards the gate of the tribe with the warg, walked to the nearest corpse, and looked down.

The body of this large orc fell to the ground with its back facing the gate of the tribe. There was a wound the size of a bowl on its back. The wound exposed thick bones, and the corpse was rotting and gave off an unpleasant stench.

Died by magic shot from behind, enemies attack from within the tribe.

Yamo White Wolf made a judgment in his heart and turned the body over again. He found that the strong orc also had wounds on the front.

He once resisted, but there was no hope of victory, so he could only choose to escape, but unfortunately he still couldn't escape.

Taking another look at the strong arms of the corpse, he judged that the corpse was not weak and its status in the tribe was not low.

According to the training results of the wolf cavalry, Yamo White Wolf excavated the information conveyed by the corpse to the maximum extent, and then looked up at the silent orc tribe. The corpses in the tribe were scattered all over the place, including orcs, cattle and sheep, and several wolves.

He judged the location of the chaos from the orientation of the orc corpses, and finally identified the tents in the center of the tribe. The source of the chaos was the most promising place to find out the cause.

Without further hesitation, he led the Warg towards the target tent, keeping an eye on the surroundings in order to avoid enemies suddenly popping out of the tent.

The journey was uneventful, but what he didn't notice was that at the gate of the tribe, the corpse of a strong orc who had died for a long time suddenly opened his eyes, and in the empty eyeballs, ominous ice-blue energy filled the eyeballs.

The corpse sat up straight from the ground mechanically, and slowly turned its head to look in the direction the wolf cavalry was walking. At this time, the wolf cavalry just entered a target tent, and only the curtains that were pulled were left to swing.

Entering the tent, Yamo White Wolf immediately noticed the skinny orc corpse in the corner. Judging from the appearance of the corpse, this skinny orc was a shaman from the Sawblade Tribe. Full of anger and disbelief.

In the end what happened?

Yamo White Wolf had sharp eyes and saw a book on the waist of the old shaman. It was not a magic book, but an ordinary notebook imported from the south.

Since the rise of Moduo Peak Forest, the red dragon forces have maintained the law and order of the commercial roads, and the business cost from Yangfan Port to the middle of the prairie has dropped again and again. Coupled with the competition from the Dulong Pass controlled by the Kingdom of Dana and the Kingdom of Odyssey, commodity prices The price also fell, so that the grassland natives could also buy cheap goods.

Of course, the low price is only compared to before, and the business activities in the middle of the prairie are still huge profits.

When ~.

After taking the notebook, Yamo White Wolf was about to open it, when he suddenly heard the sound of stepping on iron from outside, he and the warg were startled, and hurried to the tent door.

He suddenly lifted the curtain of the tent, the hair on his back stood on end, and his scalp was numb.

At some point, the body of the strong orc at the gate of the tribe came to the center of the tribe. At this moment, he was dragging his feet and moving slowly, staring at him with empty, dead blue eyes.

Not only that, but other corpses in the tribe also began to recover, their palms fumbled wildly on the ground, and even corpses that recovered quickly struggled to sit up.

Without exception, these decomposing corpses have a pair of terrible blue eyes.

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