Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 159: The Enemy Appears

Under the dark sky of the Underdark, on the lush vegetation, the caveman Naduo followed the kobold army all the way.

Recalling the experience of these three days, he felt like a dream.

Three days ago, when he was out collecting berries, he unfortunately met the Kou Tao Yuren, and was captured and made a slave, and then became a sacrifice to the evil god.

Looking at the dagger raised high by the murloc priest, he thought his life was about to end, but he killed a mixed team of kobolds, gnolls and ogres, and then learned that his tribe had taken refuge in a certain powerful dragon .

Originally, the kobold team planned to send away the rescued cavemen, but they found a lot of pearls when they collected the loot from the Kou Tao murloc tribe, so they planned to go home, so the lucky cavemen were taken along with them.

Grab and grab. Wa hahaha……

There was a busy and reckless laugh from the ogre ahead. Nado looked up at the shoulder of the talking and laughing ogre. On the broad shoulder of the ogre lay a giant three-meter-long beast with bright red blood. It flows down the slender tail and drips on the ground.

Crypt ghost wolf!

This terrible and supernatural beast capable of destroying caveman villages died just like that!

He couldn't help swallowing, recalling the scene when the kobold warrior shot and killed the crypt wolf.

At that time, before everyone could react, the strong kobold pulled out the spear behind his back without warning, and the spear was covered with translucent energy and shot towards the darkness in the distance.

Immediately there was a painful cry of a beast, and everyone found a crypt wolf nailed to the ground by a spear in the grass more than a hundred meters away.

Since then, Naduo has a clearer understanding of the strength of this team, and at the same time, he can't help being curious about the mysterious dragon that the kobolds call their master.

To subdue such a terrifying powerhouse, the dragon must be very strong...

The caveman's barren brain unfolds infinite reverie.

Going all the way, two hours later, the team saw a tribe of rotten toe cavemen.

A small hill near the rock face, and the crypt on the side of the hill is the home of the Rottentoe troglodytes.

At this time, the caveman's homeland is somewhat different from the peaceful appearance in the past. A large number of kobolds, gnolls and a small number of ogres appeared outside the tribe.


The vigilant warg immediately spotted the approaching team and let out a welcoming wolf howl.

After returning to the temporary base in the Underdark region, Soda left the team alone and went into the requisitioned caveman's cave.

Speaking of which, the living habits of the cavemen are somewhat similar to the kobolds. They both like to dig mountains and dig holes. However, the kobolds are to find mineral veins, and the cavemen are mainly to avoid predators in the Underdark.

Passing through the deep crypt, Suo Da saw the red-robed kobold behind the wooden table: Brother, I'm back.

The double-material high-ranking mage——Er Gou raised his head and nodded his head at his returning brother: Did you find anything?

We went all the way to the west, two hours' walk, and came across a freshwater lake. There was a Kuo-toa tribe beside the lake. However, we have almost killed this group of Kuo-toas...

While Suo Da said, Er Gou wrote and drew on the sheepskin scroll with a quill pen.

With the dim light of the oil lamp, Suo Da watched his younger brother draw the location of the lake on the parchment, and marked the general terrain along the way, giving his own opinions from time to time.

It didn't take long for the results of this outing to be explored to be recorded on a parchment scroll.

That's right, the kobolds are drawing a map of the Underdark region here, which is the order of the red dragon.

According to the instructions of the red dragon, every time the kobolds enter a dark region, the first step is to explore the dark region, eliminate threats on the territory, and draw a corresponding map.

These maps will be brought back by the copied party and handed over to the Red Dragon for review.

Thinking that the map would be presented to the master, Er Gou drew it very carefully. After drawing it, he picked up the map and discussed with his brother to check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

While chatting, the kobold brothers brought up the progress of the Underdark Region.

Ergou looked at the large blank area on the parchment scroll: According to Harpy's observations, this Underdark is a medium-sized Underdark. We have already explored one-third of the area. It won't be long before the master's territory The territory will expand again.”

Regret flashed in Suo Da's eyes: Unfortunately, if the big bats in the Underdark were not too dangerous and the harpies were too weak, otherwise, it would be so troublesome to let the harpies take on the surveying and mapping tasks directly.

Thinking about it the other way around, our kobolds just got this function.

This is actually...

厺厽 厺厽. ……………………………

Mordo Peak Forest, Molten Heart.

Boom boom boom!

Jose stood by the lava lake and experimented with fire magic. The violent magic exploded on the surface of the lava lake, and the rumbling noise echoed in the underground space.

Behind the red dragon, a kobold wearing red armor walked out of the nine-ring spiral staircase, stopped in front of the exit, and dared not go forward. Those seven or eight-meter-long salamanders were no joke.

Right in front of the nine-ring spiral staircase, seventy or eighty salamanders stared at the kobold at the exit, with their forked tongues protruding from their mouths from time to time. As long as he dared to take a step forward, petrification rays and flame rays would shoot out instantly.

Come here, the red dragon head didn't return.

With the red dragon's permission, the kobold guards continued to move forward, carefully passing through the gap between the salamanders, and walked behind the red dragon, holding the three parchments in their hands.

Master, this is something sent back by Master Ergou.

淘戅书戅网戅. The invisible magic hand picked up the three sheepskin scrolls in the kobold's hand, and the sheepskin scrolls flew to the red dragon and slowly unfolded them.

This scene has happened many times, because the red dragon ordered the kobolds to report the situation every other month, regardless of whether they had gained or not.

Unrolling the parchment, Jose saw the familiar handwriting of the kobold family.

To the great master, the exploration of H003 Underdark has been completed. This Underdark is a medium-sized Underdark, with many springs and lakes, and has extremely high development value... A total of 124 extraordinary beasts in the crypt have been cleared. Destroy the two stone-fronted monster tribes and harvest the spoils... I hereby present a map.

We are currently exploring the Underdark Area H004. The Underdark Area H004 also has water sources and has extremely high development value. We found a tribe of cavemen. The cavemen are honored to be the children of the real dragon and have sworn allegiance...

Not long after, Jose read the report of his family members, and then looked at the map of the Underdark area numbered H003, and kept the map in his heart, especially the entrance location of the Underdark area H003 connecting to other Underdark areas.

Grab and grab. The dark area extends in all directions, it is very necessary to remember the tunnels connecting each space to avoid getting lost.

After the red dragon read the map, the three sheepskin scrolls were rolled up out of thin air and flew back to the kobold guards again.

The kobold personal guard retreated obediently with the parchment scrolls. Next, he will classify and archive these parchment scrolls as a basis for future development of the Underdark territory.

淘戅戅. After this episode, Jose continued his magic practice, because he understood that his own strength is the foundation of everything.


Spring goes to autumn, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, the most talked about thing by the monster residents of Modo Peak Forest is the new city under construction. The city wall of the new city still under construction surrounds the entire mountain, covering a huge area.

No need to guess, this new city will definitely be an important city in the future.

In addition, what the vast majority of monster residents do not know is that in the Underdark region, which goes deep into the ground, the monster army marches forward all the way, extending the number of the Underdark region to H007.

Of course, the exploration of the Underdark is not all smooth sailing. The kobolds have encountered many difficulties, such as the indigenous tribes of the Underdark who dominate a region, the Kou Tao murlocs who use the lakes to fight guerrillas, and the powerful and extraordinary beasts that are beyond the reach of the army.

These roadblocks were leveled one by one.

In the face of the indigenous tribes in the dark region that dominate the region, Ergou gathers superior forces, the kobold army is the main force, the goblin cannon fodder is the vanguard, and the gnolls, ogres, and harpies cooperate to destroy them.

In order to deal with the kuo-tao murlocs who fled into the lake and jumped out from time to time to wreak havoc, Ergou specially reported to the red dragon and borrowed an army of murlocs from the white dragon, Cassie.

One time, the Kou Tao murloc tribe was located on a small island in the center of the lake, and Bailong personally dispatched to wipe it out.

The powerful and extraordinary beasts beyond the scope of the army's handling were dealt with by the red dragon himself. These extraordinary beasts either surrendered or were killed.

It is not the goal to conquer the Underdark region and kill the native monsters and extraordinary beasts in it, but to develop the Underdark region and make it a source of power to support the development of forces.

Jose planned the associated actions.

Among the seven underdark areas from H001 to H007, three have water sources, which are suitable for the survival of monster residents and can be directly developed.

Externally, the Red Dragon sent an army of monsters to build outposts to block the exits of the Underdark. Internally, the army of monsters dispatched to hunt and kill dangerous creatures in the Underdark.

After clearing out the dangerous creatures in the Underdark, the great immigration began.

The explosive growth of monster residents in the Mordo Peak Forest has entered the Underdark region in large numbers, building towns, reclaiming farmland, and exploring mineral veins...

There are only three underdark areas that can be directly developed, and there are four other underdark areas that are not suitable for living creatures due to various factors, the most important of which is the lack of water.

Jose did not abandon these barren lands either.

He introduced water sources by digging wells and draining water from other dark areas, and hired druids from allies of the elves to transform the original environment and make it usable land.

However, the name of the forbidden place for adventure in the Underdark is not for nothing. Finally, one day, the exploring team ran into trouble.

On the dark ground of the Underdark, the wolf-man thief—Tamug bent his waist and walked cautiously towards the direction of the blood.

厺厽 厺厽. A day ago, a mid-level kobold warrior led a team of fifty people to go out to explore, but they never returned.

The leader of the kobolds who was in command felt that something was wrong, and sent the middle-level wolf-man thief, Tamug, to search in the direction the team was leaving, and thus the current scene occurred.

Tamug raised his head and sniffed, smelling the smell of blood in the wind.

The jackals have a keen sense of smell and can easily distinguish odor molecules in the air, and distinguishing the smell of blood is a compulsory course for all jackals.

The smell of kobold blood, mixed with a small amount of the same race.

Tamug made a judgment with a heavy heart.

The team was killed!

He didn't know who the murderer who killed his own team was. After all, this is a completely unfamiliar Underdark region, and extraordinary beasts and crypt natives may be the murderers.

No matter what, the enemy is very strong, otherwise a regular army team led by mid-level fighters would not be able to escape without even a messenger.

To make matters worse, he was not sure whether the murderer had left, if not, his life would be in danger if he went rashly.

However, Tamug is a qualified thief and has received strict investigative training.

He calmed down quickly, and cautiously approached the source of the blood, while looking around, trying to find clues.

However, until he clearly smelled blood, he still didn't find anything.

Tamug moved gently to part the grass, looking through the gap to the open space in the distance.

There are many corpses strewn about in the open space in the distance, and these corpses are exactly his target—the missing team.

He frowned slightly, observing calmly.

The body is intact, there is no trace of bite, it was not done by wild animals.

It wasn't done by wild animals, and the corpse is bleeding out, so it can only be killed by a sharp weapon, and only intelligent creatures can use weapons

Tamug made a preliminary judgment in his mind and stayed motionless in the grass, observing with his eyes and sniffing his nose.

After a while, he was sure that no enemy remained here, walked out of the grass, and strode towards the scene of the incident.

Approaching the scene, he turned the nearest kobold body over and saw the horrific gash in the kobold's throat, which was the cause of the kobold's death.

After pawing at the wound, Tamuge's heart became more and more heavy.

The wounds are smooth, which means that the enemy's weapons are very sharp. Only highly civilized intelligent creatures have sharp weapons, such as drow elves and gray dwarves, which are much more difficult to deal with than ordinary crypt natives.

The Gnoll thief checked the other corpses and found that the wounds on all the corpses were very smooth, confirming that the attackers were intelligent creatures with a certain degree of civilization.

In the shallow dark region, the most common intelligent creatures are drow and duergar. A considerable part of duergar's usual weapon is a hammer, and none of the corpses here were killed by a hammer.

Drow! Tamug muttered to himself.

Counting the corpses around the battlefield, he found that there were significantly fewer corpses.

After searching for a while, he found the direction in which the enemy retreated, and the footprints of his companions appeared in this direction.

Our people have been captured!

Without the slightest nostalgia, Tamuge turned around and left, walking quickly towards the stronghold. He wanted to go back and report the terrible accident to the chief.

If there is a drow city in the direction of the enemy's retreat, even his chief has no right to deal with this matter. He must report this matter to a higher level, and finally report it to the Red Dragon, and the great real dragon will decide this matter.

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