Red Dragon Emperor

Chapter 156 Who do you support?

Hey yo! Hey yo!

Accompanied by the sound of rhythmic hey, the ogre swung its axe, one after another struck the gap in the tree trunk, and sawdust flew across the gap.


The tree trunk that had been cut off with a large gap made a tooth-sickness creaking sound, and the big tree that was hugged by two people was slowly tilting. Seeing this, Luge, the ogre logger, quickly stepped aside, stood in a safe position, and pestered Holding the axe, he watched the big tree fall down the mountain with satisfaction. grab grab


The collapsed tree hit the ground with a loud bang, and the leafy treetops vibrated back and forth, sweeping up a large number of fallen leaves.

Hahaha! Luge chopped down another one! The ogre's voice was reckless, and his tone was full of pride and satisfaction.


On the side, a big tree felled by another ogre slowly tilted, fell to the slope, and hit the fallen tree at the bottom of the mountain.

The same scene is still happening around, and there are countless ogres cutting trees.

They are clearing the grounds for the construction of a new city, a task the Red Dragon personally entrusted to the Third Legion of Ogres.

For the task assigned by the Red Dragon himself, from the head of the ogre army to the ordinary ogre soldiers, they all attach great importance to it and work hard for it.

These powerful creatures not only can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but also are good at doing physical work such as logging. In just three days, they cut down one-third of the trees on the entire mountain.

After cutting down a dozen trees in a row, the ogre——Luke felt a little tired, put the ax aside, and sat on the rough stump to rest.

He looked at the felled trees at the foot of the mountain. The trees were like fish scales, connected end to end, layer by layer from the mountainside to the foot of the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain far away from the ogre logging team, goblins, jackals and other monsters are using saws, axes and other tools to divide and process the trees felled by the ogres into wood.

It is said that these logs will become the materials for building the city.

Luke doesn't know whether the wood will become a construction material, he only knows that the remaining wood scraps will become fuel for cooking.

Luke! Do you want some water? A thick voice sounded from behind.

Luke turned his head and saw a wild boar carrying a kettle. The wild boar was standing not far away looking at him with a large ladle in his hand.

Of course! Luke! Thirsty! The ogre couldn't wait to greet him, took the big ladle in the wild boar's hand, took a ladle of water from the kettle, rolled his head up at his Adam's apple, and poured clear spring water down his throat into his stomach middle.

Ah~! After pouring five ladles of water in a row, the ogre let out a satisfied exclamation: Praise the great real dragon!

Praise the great real dragon! The wild boar also sighed.

For the master of this land, the great dragon - Francisco Trinidad José, the monster dwellers fear and respect at the same time.

Respect the power of the real dragon, respect what it has done for Mordo Peak Forest, establish order, and rationally divide labor according to racial advantages, so that all monster races live and work in peace and enjoy a completely different happy life than before.

Returning the ladle to the wild boar who delivered the water, Luke felt that he had recovered a lot. He grabbed the ax that was leaning on the side and continued his logging task.

Hey yo! Hey yo!

Amidst the sound of logging, the big trees slowly collapsed.

The construction site of the new city is in full swing.

While construction is in full swing on the ground, deep underground is a dark area that does not see sunlight all year round.

In the stone wall, excellent kobold diggers are struggling to swing the mining pick, and the mining pick hits the hard rock, and sparks flash from time to time in the darkness.

However, compared to the relaxed and pleasant construction site on the surface,

The atmosphere here is much more solemn.

The kobold diggers were all working silently, and the gravel movers carried away the excavated rocks in silence. They did not speak to each other, and they all frowned, and looked worriedly at the stone wall in the direction of excavation from time to time.

On the other side of the stone wall, there was also the sound of digging, which was caused by the other digging team.

Beyond the stone wall, the red dragon stared at the tunnel where the kobold gravel movers came in and out, expressionless and solemn.厺厽 Vertex Novel Network

Behind the red dragon, an army of ogres and gnolls stood in a neat square formation, holding weapons tightly in their hands, ready to fight.

After leaving the Underdark, the Red Dragon purposely left Hogg Riverpaw and an army of tens of thousands of monsters, and asked Hogg to lead the army to guard the Underdark.

At the same time, the jackal wolf cavalry patrolled the border, patrolling constantly, in case of a surprise attack by the black dragon forces.

During a patrol, the jackals found a faint sound of digging coming from this side of the stone wall, and concluded that someone was trying to dig a passage on the other side of the stone wall.

However, the direction of the sound was not from the direction of the black dragon, but from the site of the poisonous emerald, Sabrina Campbell Isabelle.

In this regard, Hogg immediately notified the Red Dragon.

The Red Dragon attached great importance to the news and rushed to the scene immediately.

After some deliberation, Jose decided to take the initiative and called in the kobold excavation team to dig with the diggers on the side of the green dragon, so the current scene came about.

A kobold wearing a red robe hurried out of the tunnel, walked quickly to the red dragon, and bowed: Master, the explosive barrel has been buried, and the detonator has been set.

Well, Jose nodded slightly, and said lightly, Let's go back to the team.

Yes! Ergou stood behind the red dragon.

Jose looked at the deep tunnel, with a sharp flash in his eyes.

Isabel, Isabel, don't let me down.

Poison Emerald——Sabrina Campbell Isabelle, one of the only two legendary priests in the plane of Tidanore after the five-headed dragon, an old legendary green dragon, and the grandmother of the dragon...

She has a long list of titles on her body. If the mistress of the red nest hadn't stepped into the ancient dragon stage and became a demigod powerhouse, otherwise, her prestige might not be as good as the poisonous emerald.

For such a legendary dragon, Jose can't be too cautious.

Half a day later, the tunnel was dug through, and the diggers on both sides dropped their picks and hurriedly retreated.

As the owner of this place, Jose couldn't back down, he walked into the tunnel alone, and walked deep into the tunnel.

Stepping on the gravel and slag, Jose put all his energy into it, turned it on, his muscles were loosened on the outside and tightened on the inside, ready to deal with sudden battles at any time.

All the way without incident, Jose walked to the middle of the passage.

In the center of the tunnel is a hole the size of a human head. Through the hole, you can see the other side of the tunnel, and the other side is also a deep passage paved with gravel. grab grab

Under the blessing of the opponent, Jose found that the knock marks on the stone wall of the opponent's passage were not neat, and there were many cracks. He judged that the pickaxe used by the kobolds of the green dragon force was not as good as his own.

Observing the other party's civilization level is just incidental, and Jose's main energy is still on the elf who is walking towards him.

It was a female elf wearing an emerald green robe. She had a fair face, a tall figure, her steps were neither fast nor slow, and she looked arrogant.

With just one glance, Jose saw what the female elf's appearance was hiding—a green dragon.

Soon, the two sides walked to the center of the tunnel.

Jose smashed the stone wall with one punch, expanded the passage, and looked at the approaching elves through the smoke.

The elf walked up to the red dragon, raised his chin slightly, and said proudly, Follow me, grandma—Master Isabelle wants to see you.

Looking at the contemptuous look on the green dragon's face, Jose felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but this discomfort did not affect his thinking, his brain was running fast.

This is a test!

Looking at the arrogant appearance of this green dragon, it seems that he is completely ignorant of his own strength.

That is to say, she did not participate in the last war, nor did she hear about her deeds.

Will there be no other dragons around the legendary dragon? Why not send an informed dragon?

The answer is obvious, the legendary priest is testing, using the arrogance of his fellow clan to test his attitude and patience.

In fact, Jose guessed right.

The green dragon——Yavis looked at the young red dragon in front of her. She just woke up from a deep sleep, and she received an order from her grandmother to come here to supervise the excavation of the tunnel, and invited the owner on the other side of the tunnel, a red dragon. Long went to the Green Forest as a guest.

Before seeing the red dragon, she thought she was going to notify a strong red dragon.厺厽 Variety literature 厺厽

In the end...she was disappointed, the other party was only a young red dragon.

If she hadn't remembered Grandma's confession, she would have even thought of skipping the invitation process, and directly grabbed the red dragon and brought it back to the green forest.


Seeing the red dragon looking at herself with a strange look, Yavis was quite impatient: Hurry up! Little red bastard! Don't keep grandma waiting too long!


Jose's tone was agitated, and he asked back: Why do you invite me, so I must go?!

Yavis was taken aback for a moment, she even suspected that she had heard wrong just now.

A young red dragon actually has the courage to reject himself, to reject the invitation of the legendary dragon—Poison Emerald? !

Where did he get his confidence? !

Doesn't he know what the name Isabelle stands for? !

Arrogant, shallow-sighted little red bastard!

Yavis felt a little angry, her lips began to turn into a dragon, she bared her teeth and looked at the red dragon: Perhaps, I should teach you how to respect the strong!

That's what I want to say too!

As soon as the words were finished, it exploded with all its strength, and the raging elemental fire emerged from the scales of the red dragon, surging in the narrow tunnel, and instantly enveloped the green dragon that had just grown up.

This... what is this?!

The green dragon who had just transformed into a dragon didn't have the slightest defense. She was caught in the elemental fire, and she was stunned. She screamed in panic, and she felt her whole body was burning, and the pain was unbearable.

Testing? Ridiculous! A hostage sent to the door!

At the same time, a dragon claw protruded from the flames, and the dragon claw grabbed the green dragon's neck.

Immediately, Yavis felt an irresistible force coming down her neck, she was pulled by the force and fell to the ground, and then was pressed down hard by the dragon's claws.

She wanted to struggle and resist, but at the moment of resisting, the dragon's claws tightened, making it difficult for her to breathe.

After receiving the warning, Yavis immediately dared not move, feeling terrified. Variety Arts Literature

At the same time as the red dragon started, there was a surprised and angry dragon chant from behind the green dragon. The dragon chant contained breathtaking power, it was the dragon chant of a legendary dragon.

Accompanied by the dragon's chant came the overwhelming Longwei, and the Longwei ruthlessly pressed down on the red dragon who was stepping on the green dragon's neck.

Jose directly ignored Longwei. Even if he was worse than the legendary dragon, he was not much worse. If the poisonous jadeite wanted to use Longwei to put pressure on him, it would be a big mistake.

He stared at the green dragon flying fast in the distance, with a triumphant smile on his face, he guessed right, the Poisonous Jadeite was following behind.

Poison Emerald——Isabelle came to the entrance of the tunnel, shrunk her size and stepped into the tunnel. Her face was livid, she did not hide her anger at all, and at the same time, she was afraid.


Originally, he wanted to send his subordinates to test the Red Dragon's tolerance, lead him to his territory, and then completely control the conversation.

But she never expected that the Red Dragon would be so decisive, he would do it as soon as he said it, without any sympathy, and he immediately controlled his own personnel, making himself useless.

Poison Emerald stared at the red dragon, with anger burning in his eyes: Little guy! You'd better let her go!

What if I say 'no'! Jose didn't show any weakness, and stared back.

Seeing Honglong's attitude, Liudu Jade felt very angry.

As the legendary priest of the five-headed dragon queen, even the mistress of the Red Nest respects her, and she has been treated like this before.

She laughed back in anger: Little guy! Maybe I should teach you! How to respect the strong!

Can you change to a new trick? This guy said the same thing just now, Jose said disapprovingly, and smiled, while shaking the green dragon that was strangled by him.

Seeing that hard things won't work, Liudu Jade changed her strategy and put on a peaceful expression: Little guy, don't worry, I have no malicious intentions, and besides, as the priest of His Majesty the Dragon Queen, how could I hurt our five-color dragon clan, especially Even if you don’t believe in me, you are a five-color dragon with unlimited potential, you still have to believe in His Majesty the Dragon Queen.”

Jose twitched his lips in disdain: Dear Grandmother of the Dragon, don't tell me that you enshrine the statue of His Majesty the Dragon Queen in your lair.

Poisonous Jade choked, and couldn't find any words to refute for a while.

Even the most sincere dragon queen priests would not enshrine the statue of Tiamat in the dragon's lair, because the dragon is used to sleeping on his wealth, and they are worried about enshrining the statue in the dragon's lair. The queen of the first dragon will peek at her wealth.

See, how can you ask other dragons to trust Tiamat even if you are wary of Tiamat yourself.

That's probably what Red Dragon means.

Isabelle Yam, you are a senior dragon, but don't treat me like a child! Why don't you open the skylight and speak out.

Jose stared at the green dragon who gradually regained his composure, and said, Tell me, why did you take the initiative to open the tunnel?

In order to subdue you~, work for me! Naturally, these words cannot be uttered.

Isabelle looked expressionless, and glanced at the stone wall of the channel on the side of the red dragon. She felt the elemental fluctuations buried in the stone wall.

That's the smell of the fire element!

This little guy is too cautious

Okay, now that things have come to this point, I'll just say it straight, me, Isaac, Wing of Havoc, the three of us, who do you support?

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